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LAP-BAND Patients
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About MyDreamsWillComeTrue

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 06/16/1984

About Me

  • Occupation
    Childcare Teacher
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  1. Happy 29th Birthday MyDreamsWillComeTrue!

  2. MyDreamsWillComeTrue

    Feeling UGH

    I have been banded since Feb 2010, and the time is flying and so is the weight loss. I have lost 26.7kgs since mid Feb and am feeling pretty good, but not as good as i thought i would. I have more energy, sleeping better, life feels good, but i can be down on myself sometimes, i look in the mirror and think oh wow the back fat is gone, this has shrunk this that and the other, and then i begin to pick on myself ugh look at those arms, look at this look at that, UGH. There is alot going at the moment, i am getting married in 8 weeks, which i have found stressful, not within myself, but more money wise and having everything done in time. I believe i have caused myself to fall into a bit of a hole at the moment, i was feeling light headed and wobbly on my feet, so after a few days of this i went to the doctor and she thinks i have migraines, so some drugs and a few days off hopefully i will feel alot better. I am concerned i haven't been eating enough of the right foods, i think my band is at the filling i need. But i know i haven't been eating enough fruit and vegies, i feel like i have been cheating myself of good food, so its time i pulled the finger out and got cracking on the good food. Sometimes it's easier to eat crap, as it goes down alot easier then good solid food. I am going to have a look at the CSIRO book, and follow the food pyamid. I'll be back with my progress. Cheers
  3. Thanks for the compliment on my photos. I do totally feel like a different person. More energy than a teenager at my old age of 54. Wishing you the best!

  4. MyDreamsWillComeTrue

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    I am loving this topic, and would like to take this opportunity to thank the person who created it! :tt1: I am super excited about my surgery and everyone else's for that matter. It seems i am one of the last to have my surgery in Feb as i get banded Friday 26th which makes me more impatient but it's great as i will be able to learn from everyone else's experience. I can't believe how fast this time has come around! I have waited a year for this, and it's nearly here!!! Woop Woop :eek: I have red all the other Feb posts and a couple of them stick in my mind, mostly and it's a laugh but so true, that one person said they struggled to wipe their bum! I had to laugh but maybe in shame as i hear you there! There are so many things i won't miss the list is endless!!! Some would be: Being restricted to shopping in the fat shops. Being short of my breath after a simple task Taking an hour to go anywhere because i get changed 5 times because everything is either to small or makes me look like a tent! I could make a topic about this it would be interesting to see what people wrote.... 4 weeks on Monday till i meet with my surgeon to start shakes! Excited!!!!!!!!!!!! Bring it on!!!!!!!!! 4 weeks left of food freedom! :eek:
  5. MyDreamsWillComeTrue

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    #1. Surgery date: Friday feb 26th #2. State you live in: Australia #3. Doctor/Surgery Center: #4. Insurance or self pay: Private health care, $2,500 #5. Age and height: 25 and 165cm #6. Current weight and goal weight: 116kgs : 65kgs #7. What was your deciding factor for having this surgery: What wasn't really??!! #7. Do you have the support of family and friends: Have kept it very quiet, only partner,mother,sister and 2 close mates know. #8. Concerns and questions: I think i know a bit. From friends having this done. .......................and anything else you would like to add! : Yep i cant wait, 8 weeks until i start the shakes, 10 weeks till surgery. :willy_nilly:
  6. found you by accident, saw elcee was from ballarat and got excited, then realised i'd stumbled on you! hahaha

  7. Hey...thanks for the compliment on my b/4 and after photos. I feel WONDERFUL.

    As far as the comment on the big kitchen...that is only a third of it...I LOVE to cook and bake and designed my kitchen a few years ago to accomodate a little bit of everything.

    Wishing you a great lap band life!

  8. MyDreamsWillComeTrue

    Newbie from Melbourne, Being banded Sept 4th

    I had to have a giggle at your post here, as i see it's not the 27th of October but yet you have weighed yourself, i wouldn't be able to help myself.
  9. MyDreamsWillComeTrue

    Newbie from Melbourne, Being banded Sept 4th

    Wow that is a great weight loss result, congratulations you must be so proud of yourself.
  10. MyDreamsWillComeTrue

    Can my goals be achieved?

    I completely understand what you are saying, and I know i should start now and get a head start, i would be happy even if i lost 5 kilos from now until feb, i even joined jenny craig but it just got to expensive so i gave it up. I want to lose weight before the surgery but in my head i just keep thinking, it's okay i'm having lapband surgery soon.... I know i shouldn't think like that but i can't get passed it.
  11. MyDreamsWillComeTrue

    Can my goals be achieved?

    If i could lose 1-2 kilos a week on my own i wouldn't need lap band would I?!!!!
  12. Hi there, I live in Warrnambool and my Doc is Dr Gan

  13. MyDreamsWillComeTrue

    Can my goals be achieved?

    I live in Australia, I am booked for surgery on feb 26th next year. I have been reading books, following blogs and this web site as i learn and prepare for my lap band. I am getting married in Nov next year and was a little concerned of how much weight i could lose by then, so i decided to do a goal list as follows: FRI 26th FEB: Operation Day (hoping to be 105kgs on day of surgery after losing about 5kgs on pre-op diet) 4 WEEKS LATER ON FRI 26TH MARCH: Goal = 100kgs= 5KG Loss 1.3KG Loss a week needed to achieve this. 5 WEEKS LATER ON FRI 30TH APRIL: Goal= 95kgs= 5kg loss, 1kg a week needed to achieve this. 6 WEEKS LATER ON FRI 11th JUNE: Goal= 90kgs= 5kg loss, .9kgs a week needed to achieve this. (just before my b'day :thumbup:) 7 WEEKS LATER ON FRI 30TH JULY: Goal= 85kgs= 5kg loss, .7kgs a week needed to achieve this. 4 WEEKS LATER ON FRI 27TH AUGUST: Goal= 82kgs= 3kg loss, .8kg a week needed to achieve this. 4 WEEKS LATER ON FRI 24TH SEPTEMBER: Goal= 79kgs= 3kg loss, .8kg a week needed to achieve this. 5 WEEKS LATER ON FRI 29TH OCTOBER: Goal= 75kgs= 4kg loss, .8kg a week needed to achieve this. 3 WEEKS LATER ON FRI 19TH NOVEMBER (THE DAY BEFORE OUR WEDDING :tt1:): Goal= 72kgs= 3kg loss, 1kg a week needed to achieve this. MY FINAL GOAL IS 65 KGS.... I AM JUST WONDERING WHAT YOU THINK? DO YOU THINK I CAN MEET THESE? HAVE I AIMED TOO HIGH/ NOT HIGH ENOUGH? ESPECIALLY AS MOST OF YOU HAVE BEEN THERE :tt2: THANKS
  14. So therefore is that 12.5kgs in about 20n days? Because that seems like a lot of weight to lose in such a short time!???? That would be equal to at least two dress sizes? That's amazing.:seeya:
  15. I have 2 husky babies if you want them!!!! lol...... they sure are stubborn! Take care! Ruth

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