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Everything posted by deedee

  1. I just wanted to say that I understand. I went through similar feelings and even though it doesn't help you now, they eventually passed. Vent here, this is a great place to get support. I wish you luck on your journey, it WILL get better!
  2. Congratulations! I think this is one of the best gifts you could have given yourself. This is a wonderful place to learn while you wait and once you return. Good luck!
  3. Congratulations!!! I bet you look super hot in those jeans.
  4. Just wanted to say congratulations on your decision and your date! I was super excited and nervous leading up to my surgery date too. Good luck and I hope you find someone who will be there around the same time.
  5. deedee

    Overweight....at last!

    Yay Linda! You are doing terrific. Happy surgiversary, what a wonderful day!
  6. deedee

    New Here :)

    Thanks for the update. You are definitely in my thoughts and prayers.
  7. Happy 3 month surgiversary! It is still a little unreal to me that we've made it this far. You are doing such a fabulous job, keep up the good work!

  8. deedee

    First day

    Excellent job...30 minutes on the treadmill is a great start! It will definitely get easier the more you go and once you learn how all the machines work, I still get very confused, but I only go occasionally as my husband's guest. Maybe you can work something out with Caysen regarding the bus? He could ride it a couple of days a week, but the others you will take him...OR you can just pull mom rank :-) Either way, good luck and good job!
  9. Congratulations on your weight loss AND maintenance! I really appreciate hearing from those much further out. I'd love to hear more about your weight loss journey (did you follow a low carb diet?) if you ever want to post more. Thanks for sharing.
  10. deedee

    NSV at Old Navy!

    Congratulations Linda! You are doing wonderfully.
  11. deedee

    Lacking motivation

    Yay!!!!!! That sounds like such a great program, I wish we had a Y around here. I'm thinking about adding in 2 days per week of personal training at a studio that would be on my way home from work, but it is so ridiculously expensive, so I don't know. How wonderful you have all that right there at the gym. Having new exercise clothes is such a great feeling, although I've only been wearing mine for the last couple of days to lounge and sleep in. Have fun tomorrow morning!
  12. deedee

    New Here :)

    I'm so sorry. I'll be hoping that they can help you out tomorrow, it will make surgery go so much better if you are as healthy as you can be going in. It's sort of good news that they are willing to keep your date for the 10th. Keep us posted. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.
  13. deedee

    Lacking motivation

    Tiff, Did you sign up at the Y??? Classes are totally the way I prefer to exercise. I actually miss it when I'm not able to go...today I had to come home from work and I really still want to go to tap, but I know I'll never hear the end of it from my husband because I'm still hacking quite a bit. It's great to have an accountability partner, I've done that with my best friend in WA for some things and it really helps. So glad your function went well. Did you take any new pictures? Congratulations to being so close to goal.
  14. deedee

    Down 60 pounds today

    CONGRATULATIONS! I eat out a lot with husband and friends, but really try make good choices. I decided that although I want to lose weight as fast as I can (I'm so impatient where this is concerned), I also want to do it in a way I can maintain for the rest of my life and going out is a huge part of that. My only advice is to try to plan as much as possible. On the cruise you can probably still do a protein shake (if you're using those) each day, maybe salad for lunch, and then let yourself have fun at dinner? I'm sure you will be fine and even a lot less pounds by then. Good luck!
  15. deedee

    New to sleeve

    Congratulations on your surgery and good luck on your recovery!
  16. deedee

    A little carb overload this weekend

    When I got home from work on Friday I was a little warm and had a sore throat and cough. I ended up having to cancel my Halloween plans and have spent most of the day today resting and napping. Luckily I never developed a true fever, but my cough has gotten worse and I have a stuffy nose, so I guess I have a head cold. The problem...this weekend I had a couple of planned things and I was not going to worry about my carb intake (not have candy, but I was going to have tortillas and bread). Even though I had to cancel plans, I still let myself overindulge a bit with the carbs. I had a lot of teriyaki turkey jerky, probably 7 oz. over the weekend (I didn't even weigh it), which I usually limit to 1 oz per day. I had 1/4 of a subway sandwich and actually ate the bottom half of the bread (I usually eat a bite or two of the bread, but I just left the entire bottom on). I also had 2 orange cream bars. Basically I just ate like crap. I know that I will get back on track tomorrow, but I needed to get this off my chest now. On a positive note, I managed to get my exercise in both Friday and Saturday. I'm also planning to fill out my application to try out as a Jazzercise instructor this coming week. There is a tryout in February and one in June. I was going to wait until June because I wanted to be in great physical shape, but talking with my instructor this weekend, I think I may shoot for the Feb. one. This would mean that I would need to add a little more exercise into my weekly routine. Saturday was also a great day (besides being sick). After exercising, I went to Old Navy and Ann Taylor Loft and bought new exercise clothes. (I was so sick of having to hold my XL pants up when I was working out or tap dancing.) I bought 2 large pants and 3 size mediums, and they all fit! I also bought 2 size large tank tops. I was so excited. I also broke out of my mini-stall. This morning I weighed in at 175, but I'm sure I'll be up some weight over the next couple of days once this weekend's eating catches up with me, oh well.
  17. deedee

    Carbonated drinks?

    I was told by my nutritionist that some people feel that carbonation can stretch out our stomachs, but that there was not any research to confirm or deny this. She said to be on the safe side, I should just avoid them. I plan to definitely avoid until I get to goal and then maybe do a little more research into it. Sorry, no great answer for you, but thought I'd share what I was told.
  18. My surgeon did not require a strict pre-op diet for me. My surgeon looks at each person's individual situation and prescribes pre-op diets based on need. (I was a lower bmi, so I guess he wasn't too concerned with my liver.) I was told at my first nutrition meeting to follow an Atkins like diet until my surgery and I did for the month before surgery and managed to loose 16 pounds. I had to do two days of clear liquids directly before my surgery to help clean me out.
  19. deedee


    Good luck Jenn on your pre-op diet this week. It will be over before you know it and you will be sleeved and on your way to a healthier you.
  20. Hello Carol, you must be so excited that your surgery is tomorrow. I know I've found so much useful information here both pre- and post- op. You can also read some of the blogs on this site for personal information and feelings regarding this procedure. Good luck! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.
  21. Congratulations Stoongal! What a terrific way to start the week.

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