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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by deedee

  1. Thank you so much for the kind words. How are you doing so far on this journey?

  2. deedee

    Linda - 182 lb (65lb loss)

    Oh, my goodness...you are gorgeous!!!!! What a transformation. You should be so proud. Congratulations on your success!
  3. deedee


    Lot's of people wonder about the hair loss. Yes, I'm losing my hair and thought I'd share some pictures of the process. But I'd rather lose my hair and get a wig rather than stay unhealthy the rest of my life.
  4. deedee

    Surgery in 2 days!

    Chandra, Welcome! Your post made me smile, it seems like your head is in the right place for this change and I am so HAPPY for your upcoming surgery date. I can't wait to hear more from you and follow along with your post-op journey.
  5. deedee

    two concerns.

    You are doing great with your weight loss. I too noticed my face, chest, and feet were the first areas to lose inches. I definitely have the spare tire still that Tiffy was talking about, but good thing it is getting smaller. I feel for me that exercise has been the key for helping to reshape my lower body and of course you are still too early out to begin that. Even now when my measurements and weight stay pretty much the same, I still am finding clothes fit me better or I can get into a new size. I think this is to do with the reshaping of my lower half from exercising. About the food, can you talk with your surgeon/nutritionist? I know mine actually kept me longer on certain stages than told to me pre-op because of an extensive hernia repair he wanted to make sure healed as well. Maybe yours might move you a little quicker through stages based on your recovery (full liquids aren't quite as bad as clear)? I know it's hard, but I'd try to follow what they say as best as possible. Good luck!
  6. I'm in sort of the same boat as Chancie. My support group is 1.5 hours away, but I'm really feeling like I need to start attending as I near my goal weight. It also sucks that the meetings are on Monday evenings and that is when my tap class is. I'm so glad you found your meeting to be so beneficial...I think it might inspire me to find one closer or miss a class and attend the next one.
  7. deedee

    Looking for support

    Welcome! I'm so happy you found this group of really supportive people. I've found both support and encouragement when sharing frustrations and successes, I know you will too. Congratulations on your upcoming date, you are off to a fantastic start already!
  8. I'm not sure what is wrong with the ticker then. Make sure you copying and pasting what is written in the box below the words bbcode.

  9. deedee

    My mother...

    My mom was not in favor of me having weight loss surgery. She encouraged me to try Jenny Craig AGAIN or look at the serotonin plus diet (even offered to pay for them). Although she did not like my decision, she always supported ME 100%. She sat with my husband during surgery, came to see me each day in the hospital, and came by my house during my recovery to bring me whatever I wanted. Well, over the last few weeks, she has made some interesting comments regarding my clothing purchases. When we went shopping for my birthday I found a lot of clearance Lands End clothing at Sears that was 75-80%. I really wanted to buy some size 8's for next summer, but she said I'd never be that size, that I NEEDED to stop at 12 if I managed to get there. I was having such a pleasant day and was wearing 14-16 at the time, I just didn't want to make a big deal over it. Last weekend we went out together and I was talking about how I ordered a size 10 Lilly dress (since I now fit my size 14 one I've had for a couple of years) because it was such a great deal. She got really upset that I was continuing to spend money on clothes and said, "And how long do you think you'll be that size? Like 6 months?" insinuating that I couldn't possibly maintain a lower weight. I accused her of being unsupportive and left it at that. Yesterday I stopped by to pick something up and she decided she wanted to explain that she does support me, she's just worried that I will lose too much and start to look sickly like my anorexic aunt (one of her sisters). What?!? I weigh 174 lbs. I am at the top of the overweight bmi range. It was good we had the conversation. I think we both understand each better, but I am still just annoyed. I feel like part of her just doesn't want me to set my sights too high and fail (I've been through this before because I am so goal oriented and she worries). I just wish I could be at the end of this journey so that all of this was behind me. Oh, well...it will all be okay, just needed to get this off my chest.
  10. deedee

    Stressed out... !

    Never fear, that is exactly what happened to me during my second week post-op and I had lost 20 lbs. since surgery. For 11 days I did not lose a single pound (actually started fluctuating up and down 2 pounds). Finally on day 12, I dropped a pound and haven't had a stall that long since (normally stall for 4-6 days: knock on wood). I am now down 53 lbs. since surgery (69 lbs. since pre-op diet) at 3 1/2 months post-op, so not the fastest weight loss, but I'm very happy with the results. Oh, I also was not able to get all my protein in each day at that point, but worked really hard to get in as much as possible. I hope this puts your mind at ease a little. Good luck on your journey!
  11. Welcome Kiwigal, Being nervous is a very normal feeling. I was set for the band and then started to read about the sleeve and debated between the two for about a week, but am so happy I ended up choosing the sleeve. It has been really successful for me. Two things that helped me beat the head hunger (not completely though) were to start seeing a therapist to talk about my food addictions and start to recognize and admit the emotions I was having and the way I reacted to those emotions with food. The second thing, and maybe more important, was that I lost most food cravings for the first three months post-op. Food was not an enjoyable experience anymore (like pre-op)...I did mourn it when I set out to eat something and realize that I was only going to get a couple of bites in. These months really helped me learn to put food into perspective in my overall life. Now, over the last week I actually had my first craving for something sweet. I had a bite sized candy bar that was hanging on my banister from Halloween, but I only had one. I did not feel guilty and have not touched the bag again because I don't feel like it. I feel over the next few months I will really have my willpower and self control challenged, but I know that with the help of this wonderful tool, I will be fine.
  12. deedee

    The Big Leap!

    Woohoo! The 23rd is right around the corner. Good luck and keep us posted.
  13. deedee

    *Newbie* here!

    Welcome to VST! Congratulations on making a decision to become a healthier person. Good luck on the rest of your pre-op journey, I'm sure you'll do great through the holidays, your sleeve won't let you have the choice.
  14. deedee

    My OUT OF CONTROL moment

    Going to Red Robin and getting a milkshake, drinking it all plus what was left in the silver cup, then eating my entire chicken sandwich and basket of fries, and then ordering a free refill of fries. I will never forget this meal...I was trying to comfort myself after receiving devastating news. I'm so happy not to be in that place anymore, I LOVE my sleeve (and my therapist:-).
  15. deedee

    highest weight

    Excellent job Cajun!!! 1/3 of the weight gone is amazing at 7 weeks, you should be very proud. Good luck on the last 2/3, you'll be at goal before you know it!
  16. deedee

    Working toward my goals

    Well, had my movement screening today and should find out by Tuesday how I did. It could go either way, but I realized that I still have a long, long way to go to be in great aerobic health. I need to get stronger. I have to wait until Monday to call the personal training studio, but am very excited to get started there if the schedule works.
  17. deedee

    Working toward my goals

    Tomorrow morning I will go to a movement screening to see if I am able to try out to be a Jazzercise instructor in February. I'm very excited, but also nervous. I am still not in the best of shape and I need to definitely work on strengthening my core as well as all other areas, but we'll see what they say. To become an instructor has been my fitness goal. I'm considering signing up for personal training for 6 weeks to see if that helps me build strength and drop the last 22 pounds. The training studio is on my way home from work after I get out of the city and would be twice a week sessions with a personal trainer. I'm going to call after I find out how I do tomorrow and maybe schedule a fitness evaluation. On a completely different note, this morning I weighed in at 169.5 lbs. I'm out of the 170's, yay! So I'm still trekking towards my weight loss goal, although things are slowing down.
  18. deedee

    It zipped...NSV

    Bug's mom-you will be in regular sizes before you know it!
  19. Tonight I decided to kick off my weekend with a good closet clean out (it's such an exciting life I lead :-). My closet has shrunk so much since I started losing weight, all my clothes actually fit into one closet. I decided I would try on everything in there and came to a size 10 dress I ordered on clearance last month. IT ZIPPED all the way up!!!! I couldn't believe it. I am ecstatic! SIZE 10. Full disclosure: it is tight and my bulges show, but it feels comfortable. Also, the size 10 shirt I ordered is still too tight to wear, but I know I'll get there some day. I posted a picture in my album, but I'll have my husband take some full body shots later this weekend once I'm in all my under armor gear.
  20. deedee

    It zipped...NSV

    ReadytoMaintain- I basically fit 12's & 14's depending on cut, material, and style of the garment. Sizes vary greatly, but I don't mind trying on clothes, so that's okay with me. I'm still having trouble convincing myself that this weight will not come back as soon as I'm done losing it like every other time. So far I've gotten rid of 24's through 16's. I think I might have to hold onto my 14's for a while, once I'm out of that size, until I can get my head around it or find someone in need (that always makes it easier). Congratulations on your loss so far, it won't be long before you're posting about your size 10's zipping up!
  21. deedee

    It zipped...NSV

    Vegas- It's great not having to shop in the woman's section, you look so great now, you'll be smokin' hot at a 12! I don't think I could look anorexic, but I revised my goal higher because I know that I don't want to look deflated all over like I do in my chest and butt:-)
  22. deedee

    It zipped...NSV

    Oh Tiff-you are so way past a 16. I bet you'll be shocked with how small you go with your new clothes...I can't wait to hear all about your NSV's after tomorrow's trip. You are doing such a great job and will be at goal in no time and then have to buy even smaller clothes. Itstime-I have never been in a 10 in my whole life. By the time I left the girl's husky clothes, I remember going right to a woman's 14. There might have been sizes between there, but I was in upper elementary/middle school and honestly don't remember this size. I know I was a 16 by my freshman year in HS, got to a 12/14 my sophomore year and then back to 16 and so on. I also know this must be a 10 that runs super large, but hey, I'll take it.
  23. Sorry, try this link...the one below seems to go to the new ticker I created.


    Weight Loss - Diet Ticker

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
