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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by TwilightLover83

  1. The bodybugg is definately something i plan looking harder into once I get back to work. I got laid off in October due to Job Elimination, sucky.

    How many calories do you typically consume daily? How bout the protein? My dr said I should be now between 800-1000 calories a day if I dont have a job that requires me to be active. But I gotta get my butt in gear, its coming off alot slower now. I think partially, I"m home alot & the head hunger kicks in & I want to munch & graze on everything! :(


    My BC (I use the nuvaring) I love it. But it seems my periods are wacky now also. Starting early, starting late, having it hold on for longer than normal. Ive thought about just doing the shot, but that can decrease bone density, so I'm not a fan of that.


    What'd you think of "Remember me?" I thought it was slow. Then, he dies in 9-11. WTH?! The ending made me cranky. Edward doesn't die in 9-11, are you kidding me?! Are you in Peoria this weekend? You should get ahold of :)

  2. I'm currently living in Pekin, have been for about 4 years now.


    I dont really notice my band being tighter during that time of the month. However, I do notice HORRIBLE cramps now. Maybe I need my BC adjusted, but wow. My band tends to be tighter in the mornings. I can't even think about eatting when I first wake up.


    My hair was super duper thick prior to surgery also. I had to have mine thinned out too. I think I take the biotin just because I dont want it to get too thin ya know? It's still fairly thick.


    How do you like the bodybugg? How much does something like that cost? Don't you have to pay a monthly due on it also? Or am I totally off on that? haha. Right now, I dont use any online trackers for calories, I do have alittle dietminder & exercise journal though. It's pretty neat. But Id love to have a bodybugg. I love the biggest loser I tune in every Tuesday night (it about killed me when the olympics were on) :)


    Well I gtg, heading to see "remember me." ttyl!

  3. Do you drink protein supplements at all? Being a year out I'm getting bored with the ones I know & use. If so, what kinds of drinks/powders do you use?

  4. I take a Prenatal vitamin twice a day, I think it's just a CVS brand. I take prenatal hoping it will help more with my nails & hair (so far it's working). I also take Biotin daily for skin/nails/hair the kind ya get at Wally world. The calcium I take is Citrate (i think). Def let me know which of those BA vitamins are tolerable, lol. At one of our first classes we had to attend pre-op they had their rep there and they sent us samples in the mail- i think it had chocolate, lemon, & watermelon...i can't stomach them!!! I may still have em if you are interested in them, let me know. My number is 2644526 if ya ever wanna chat/text. The chest cold is still trying to hold on. Hey where ya going in Florida? I went to South Beach & Keywest last summer, LOVED it! Talk to ya soon!

  5. Amber-


    Thanks for the link to Megan's website. Wow- she takes awesome pictures. Congrats on the non-plus size jeans!! That's a milestone in it's own! I've personally never been a person who loves to shop, but I'm starting to get there. Now that I'm no longer in the "plus" section though, I feel lost in the other departments. I'm sure I'll get used to it. haha. Funny how doctors love to give you horse pills even after you kindly remind them about your band. I just go with liquid antibiotics 1st thing if I can now. Glad you are feeling better, strep sucks.


    Take care-


  6. Hey girly-


    How is everything going for ya? I have a nasty cold right now :(. First time being sick since being banded, wow.

    I made to the onderland world! I weigh less now than I did at my highschool freshman physical by like 33 pounds! Crazy huh? I've been heavy my whole life. I'm no longer in the women sizes! YaY! I can actually fit into a size 16 Misses (jeans), I got my first pair of Levi's! Too bad they are already saggy in the booty.

    I wouldn't mind doing the professional picture thing once I hit my goal weight (I still have a alittle ways to go). Do you think Megan would possibly do mine?


    Take care-




    P.S. I wish I had a the lifesize thing of Edward! I can't wait til New Moon comes out on DVD & Eclipse hits the theater this summer!!!!!

  7. Thank you :) I'm sure you will do terrific, just keep focused!

  8. 45 pounds is a great loss! Just remember atleast you haven't gained! I've been bad about my water intake. I read that if you are just midly dehydrated it can slow your metabolism down by 3%! You would think that would help me drink drink drink. lol

  9. So what gym do you belong too? I belong to Parkside Athletics in Pekin, could always use a workout buddy. I feel like an idiot sometimes trying to figure out how to adjust and properly work the weight equipment. :) Ive been taking pictures every month. You said it, amazing the difference. My face is so skinny, lol. No more chubby cheeks!


    Lets see, I was a jean size of like 28 (snug) and now i'm a 16 (or a 18 in Skinny Leg Jeans I just purchased from Old Navy today). Shopping is seriously like a part time job, but i like it! I buy a pair of jeans and 2 weeks later if that, im ready for a new size just about. Top size I was wearing a 3XL or 30/32 and now i'm in a 1XL or a 18/20 (depends on the brand, ya know).


    Yep Jeff & I dated waaaay back when, you have a twin don't you?


    Have a great New Years!



  10. Hey Amber-


    I was banded 3/30/09 by Dr Rossi at Peoria Surgical. Yep went to good old EP, graduated in 2001. I didn't really get an explanation, I got an ER visit the night of the Port surgery though, haha. That's a different story though. I was told by my doctor that it happens to about 1 in 10 people, could be exercise, etc. He moved mine closer to the surface (which I dont think I like). Hope you had a great holiday!



  11. I just wanted to stop by and say Hi Band twin. I'm totally jealous of you and you look awesome! Have a great christmas!

  12. Hey long time no talk. How are ya?

  13. Hey Amber-

    How ya doing since the port flip? Mine flipped 8/20/09. Who's your surgeon? Mine is Rossi. Oh and Merry Christmas! :)



  14. Hey the surgery went fine, but he snuck 2cc in on me, and i had decided i was gonna wait on the fill. So after being discharged, i felt "stuck" all day. Ended up in the ER, for them to COMPLETELY unfill me! I felt instant relief. But alot of trauma to that port in a day. It's been swollen, red, & hard! So i go back to see him tomorrow to check it. Wish me luck that there is nothing more wrong. :)

  15. Hey there..no pain with the flipped port. I didn't have any idea, except he poked me alot and couldn't get it :(. Maybe the job thing is for the best, growth opportunity? I hope. :) Keep me in your thoughts on Thursday!

  16. So how ya doing? I went in for my second fill 8/10 to be told my port has flipped & I need to have surgery on 8/20. Plus I got told the same day my job is being eliminated & i have 45-60 days. So it was just the best monday! Hope all is well with you. :)

  17. As of right now, I don't have my 2nd fill scheduled. I do see my surgeon on July 14th, so check up on my weight-loss etc. So we will see if I decide I need one. :)

  18. Everything is just peachy here... have you had a 2nd fill yet?

  19. totally! I just really dont like Kristen Stewart too much as an actress. What are your thoughts on her?

  20. I can't wait til New Moon!!! :)

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