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LAP-BAND Patients
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About flowermom

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/13/1967

About Me

  • Biography
    was a very active mom until MS took me down ~ but as long as I am able to get up every day, and put a smile on that's what counts !!
  • Gender
  • Interests
    being with my family
  • Occupation
    disability - MS ~
  • City
    Near Ottawa
  • State
  1. Happy 45th Birthday flowermom!

  2. flowermom

    First Timer Here! 3 Weeks Since Surgery...

    stories like yours gives me hope and excitment for mysurgery in Feb !! The scaredness and unsuredness of what the future holds for me, you give me the realiziation that it IS possible and it will be o.k.. HECK ALL your stories !!! I can't thank you enough for helping me before I start , holding my hand along the way !!! thanks and CONGRATS LESLIE !!!
  3. flowermom

    Ready ~ I Think !

    I am told that I have a surgery date for Feb, ! I am worried about me meds ,,,,, I have MS and take about 22-24 pills daily ...... also due to Trigeminal Neuralgia ..... I also take injections , but that can be controlled, I just won't do it around that site. The pills are my worry, BIG TIME ! Today is Friday since Monday I have been off ALL POP, ALL CHCOLATE , snacks cookies etc. !! and not eating after 7 ! wgich is HUGE for me!!! Not that I plannrf it ..... It just started .... and not that it is a new year's resolution ?? I dunno I saw on my friends F/B that she was doing it and I thought I would give it a whirl ! hummm who knew ?? let's see what I am down on Monday !!! I do know I am going down though ,,,,,,, I can feel it ..... I'll keep you posted !!!
  4. flowermom

    2 Week Bander

    good for you !!! giving us all a positive step to look forward to !!! yay !
  5. flowermom

    Pre-op Day 4: What's This I Feel?

    good luck to you !!! I will be following you closely ...due to the fact that I am going for My band in Feb. ! so you are my MENTOR !!! YAY ! Good Luck My friend ! xo
  6. thanks a lot for the tip ! I have a 19,18 and 14 year BOYS ~ dah just like them to say something like that ! so thank you in advance ! I am going in Feb ! NERVOUS ! I have told my good friend, kids husband and mom .. and I think 2 out of 5 sisters ,,,, nervous because I have MS and I still have to take medication nd I will have to break up the pills I think .. There is a bit of language thing between my hospital and myself ao I am trying to get as much info as I can by myself !! Thanks !! good luck girls !!
  7. Happy 45th Birthday flowermom!

  8. flowermom

    The fill has kicked in!

    Hi , I also have three teenagers ...preoccupied ! I am going for my first appointment tomorrow morning, but driving today becasue it is 4 hours away and the app. is at 8am ! I am very nervous ! I have MS and it has become a medical reason as well.... I have found this site and it has given me such great hopes that this CAN happen for me ! you are so inspiring ..Thanks for your story .... Flowermom~
  9. Hi, I'm off to my First appointment 4 hours away ! Very nervous!... but I have been reading your stories and that has helped me A LOT ! Thanks ! I let you know tomorrow ! ~ Flowermom~
  10. Thanks yeah two days i'm still in pain but I dont want to be for too much longer. I wish you all the luck in the world it felt like to took forever to get to my surgery date but when it happened all if came so fast. I just hope I loose weight!

  11. I am going for my first appointment on April 7th ...I just got my call today... and I found this site,and your name, I am so impressed with you, I hope your journey goes well, I want to help myself, my husband and my boys , YOU LOOK GREAT ! TWO days ago and you are up and going ?? WOW !

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