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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gamyj

  1. i am from th US and my personal focus is not to give up any one food group. my goal is to be a HEALTHY person. i really think carbs are just as important as all other food groups HOWEVER they should be complex carbs made without over processing. if u eat white bread it will make ur glycemic index shoot up, if u eat whole grains it will not. its all about becoming healthy. it makes me crazy to read that people are eating hardly anything yet what they do eat is crap and they can't understand why they feel so lousy. its really sad to me. good luck all and good health! amy
  2. gamyj

    I've failed at Lap Band

    don't be sad, be angry enough to find out why this isn't working!! i wonder if u have had a slipped band, or maybe theres some sort of defect with the band NOT you! you need to be an advocate for yourself. March into that surgeons office( call for an appointment heehee) and have him/her figure out what is wrong. this is a tool to help u, not to make u sick. be strong and feel free to send me a message! amy
  3. i have just been banded on march 20th. i had reflux problems before surg and my gasroentoligist recommended that i get the band done. i take prilocet twice a day and its been fine since yesterday. I got a bad cold with lots of coughing, and i think that is making my reflux bad due to the fact that i am healing. from what i understand, as long as ur band isn't too tight u shouldn't have a problem. i just think im still swollen, and once that goes away so will the problem. good luck, amy
  4. hi my name is amy and i was wondering what part od Mass u are from? how long have u been banded?

    i was banded on march 20th and so far so good! :)talk to u soon,


  5. how about the marvolous march melters? sounds sexy lol
  6. My name is amy and i am just starting my journey with the band. i have only been banded a week now. i just wanted to say congratulations and seeing people like u suceed gives me hope for myself. thanks and congrats! ammy
  7. i was told to use stool softners and let me tell u they worked beatutifully! i feel much better now since going poop!
  8. gamyj

    bored with liquid

    LMAO u guys are so funny! i totally know what ur going through. i am on day 6 and i found myself sniffing pancakes that were on the counter. this is hell!! good luck all!! amy
  9. gamyj

    Food on the brain!!

    i am starving!!! i am 6 days out and would kill for anything other than liquids. Tomorrow i get to eat 1/2 cup mashed potatoes, and i don't think ive ever been so excited for mashed potatoes lol. i feel ur pain!! amy
  10. hi i was banded on the same day!!! how r u feeling? im a little bit sore, but the big pain is gone. i just starving though!!! good luck! amy
  11. gamyj

    one more day

    well all tomorrow is my big day, the day I get banded. it has been a long time coming and it's the beginning of my new life. It was not an easy decision for me to come to. I think everyone wants to do it the traditional way. Unfortunatly i tried many times and failed many times, and I really feel this is my only way out of my obeseaty and my crappy health. If any of you are reading this and haven't made ur decision as to whether or not this is the right thing to do for u, just know that whatever u decide go with ur heart and ur gut. I know i am making the right decision. I did my homework and this was and is my answer.
  12. gamyj

    one more day

    well all tomorrow is my big day, the day I get banded. it has been a long time coming and it's the beginning of my new life. It was not an easy decision for me to come to. I think everyone wants to do it the traditional way. Unfortunatly i tried many times and failed many times, and I really feel this is my only way out of my obeseaty and my crappy health. If any of you are reading this and haven't made ur decision as to whether or not this is the right thing to do for u, just know that whatever u decide go with ur heart and ur gut. I know i am making the right decision. I did my homework and this was and is my answer.
  13. gamyj

    things i hate about being fat

    Hi all amy here again, Im going to be banded in 4 days and i thought to keep myself and others focused on why we are going through this journey, id write some of the things i hate most about being fat. Please feel free to add things!! I HATE BEING FAT BECAUSE.... 1. my underware constantly rolls under my belly (unless of course im wearing grannie panties) 2. tying my shoe is a pain in the ass 3. going up the stairs should NOT be that much work. 4. Fat people clothes are UGLY... why do they think because we're fat we must be blind or have terrible taste and insist on being without style. 5.can't run and play with my kids for more than 5 minutes. 6. back to the clothes...not all fat women are tall with big boobs...im 5' tall and only have a b cup... finding clothes are a chore! 7. THE BEACH/BATHING SUITS need i say more about that??!! 8. my shorts always rise up in the thighs... oh so pretty. 9. CHAFFING!!!!! 10.ignorant people asking when your due... oh that one really hurt! 11. the dreaded muffin top (mine is more like an entire cake lol) 12. fitting into a tight booth ( not the most enjoyable dineing experience) those are just a few.... I'd love to hear your hates!!! amy
  14. gamyj

    things i hate about being fat

    LOL those are great ones. I can especially relate to the sausage arms!! and i haven't crossed my legs in years! the effort it takes to hoist my leg upon the other leg is not worthit, plus when u groan while hoisting people stare!!!
  15. gamyj

    looking for friends and support

    it is all nerves, and to top it all off I woke up this morning(3 days before surg) and both my kids have colds. So now my focus is to try and stay healthy for the next 3 days... im totally freaking out, i really am... im sanitizing like a crazy woman, but i guess if i get sick it'll be postponed and boy i will be really depressed. say alittle prayer for me that i stay healthy!!! a fill will totally do the trick to get u back on track, you'll do great, the weight will fall of you!!
  16. gamyj

    looking for friends and support

    Hi all, my name is amy and i am getting my band on friday march 20th. I am pretty nervous, but feel like it'll be ok. i am really looking for friends on this site who can hopefully be there for support and to bounce things off of. please feel free to drop me a line! thanks amy
  17. gamyj

    things i hate about being fat

    Hi all amy here again, Im going to be banded in 4 days and i thought to keep myself and others focused on why we are going through this journey, id write some of the things i hate most about being fat. Please feel free to add things!! I HATE BEING FAT BECAUSE.... 1. my underware constantly rolls under my belly (unless of course im wearing grannie panties) 2. tying my shoe is a pain in the ass 3. going up the stairs should NOT be that much work. 4. Fat people clothes are UGLY... why do they think because we're fat we must be blind or have terrible taste and insist on being without style. 5.can't run and play with my kids for more than 5 minutes. 6. back to the clothes...not all fat women are tall with big boobs...im 5' tall and only have a b cup... finding clothes are a chore! 7. THE BEACH/BATHING SUITS need i say more about that??!! 8. my shorts always rise up in the thighs... oh so pretty. 9. CHAFFING!!!!! 10.ignorant people asking when your due... oh that one really hurt! 11. the dreaded muffin top (mine is more like an entire cake lol) 12. fitting into a tight booth ( not the most enjoyable dineing experience) those are just a few.... I'd love to hear your hates!!! amy
  18. thanks for the support, id like to talk more.

  19. gamyj

    looking for friends and support

    hi i was sticking to the diet for about a week. I was thinking the same way u are, and then I slipped and ate stuff that i probably shouln't have, and then it all became clear why i need the band... its easy to stay on track for a week, but its the long term that we are all striving for. without the band there has not been and never will be a long term. amy
  20. gamyj

    New at this!!!!

    I totally know how your feeling.... Im getting banded on friday (march 20th) very nervouse, but i know Im making the right decision, and so are u. Id love to keep in contact, we can go through it together! '
  21. gamyj

    looking for friends and support

    Hi all, my name is amy and i am getting my band on friday march 20th. I am pretty nervous, but feel like it'll be ok. i am really looking for friends on this site who can hopefully be there for support and to bounce things off of. please feel free to drop me a line! thanks amy
  22. gamyj

    It's countdown time

    good luck, i will be banded on friday... maybe we can compare notes together!!! i'll let u know how mine goes!
  23. ten days out of surg and lost 9 lbs!

  24. hi thanks for the info... where can u buy the liquidcell? i can't wait to start this journey!!!! i have started my preop diet today... 2 weeks to go!
  25. hi can someone tell me how to get protein in while on a clear liquid diet? i will be banded on the 20th and i want to make sure i get some protein in.

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