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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Jacqbult reacted to TeacherMommy in Pre-op diet, arghhhh.   
    Sorry for the mistypes... My two year old was trying to help... Hahaha
  2. Like
    Jacqbult reacted to Mrs. Reid in Looking for a " Dear God let me get approved" Pal   
    I know what you're talking about. My BMI is 39.7 and I have hypertension, high cholesterol, pre-diabetes and arthritis. I believe that will be enough for me to get approved...but you never know. Just trying to stay positive. I have my first visit with the nutritionist this Friday....and the journey begins.....
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    Jacqbult got a reaction from Jordan861 in secret surgery: what else can you tell someone if they ask?   
    Staycation is enough I think. When people start to ask about your weight loss you can tell the truth just not the WHOLE truth, and say you are on low calorie low carb diet which is true. Your life your business!
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    Jacqbult reacted to PlzCoolerMe in Ability to drink alcohol post-op, your experiences?   
    I'm curious about the gin and tonic (as that was one of my main pre-op drinks.) I would think the tonic Water would have a ton of carbonation? Glad to hear it doesn't affect you that much. I hope it's the same for me.
    A month out and just experimented with alcohol for the first time this past weekend. We had a tailgate event with a bunch of friends. Over a period of 5 hours, I had 3 drinks. I had a glass of red wine with dinner, a screwdriver, and a Moscow Mule after.
    I was a little worried about the Moscow Mule since there is a little Ginger Beer in there. However, it went down fine. I drank all of the drinks very slow compared to how I drank pre-op. I might have had a little buzz after the screwdriver, but, nothing major. Overall, I was very glad to see that I could socialize like normal and not have the alcohol majorily affect me.
    However, I will say that I had been losing around 1.5 lbs every other day prior to drinking. And I was same weight for 2 days after. It definitely affects the weight-loss part.
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    Jacqbult reacted to LipstickLady in Embarrassed to ask but.....   
    My doc's words were that he "didn't operate down there" so he didn't care. Ha!
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    Jacqbult reacted to RJ'S/beginning in Embarrassed to ask but.....   
    At least 10 months. Oh yes I forgot I was a mess. lol
    Glad all the rest of you had fun early on....
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    Jacqbult reacted to RickM in Embarrassed to ask but.....   
    From what I have seen, the general consensus of hospital nurses is that you at least wait until you get home - they really don't want to have to deal with that!
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    Jacqbult reacted to jessdawn37 in Embarrassed to ask but.....   
    It's usually the last thing on my mind with or without surgery lol but my man always has it on his mind
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    Jacqbult reacted to finediva in Embarrassed to ask but.....   
    I believe it's an individual thing. I had a drain for 10 days and was quite sore on my right side. *That* was the very last thing on my mind!
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    Jacqbult reacted to Stephanie Kandace in Looking for a " Dear God let me get approved" Pal   
    Hey guys, I am also waiting...I finally got all my clearances done and scheduled to have my endoscopy in the morning then on Tuesday I have my final consult with the surgeon and they submit everything to the insurance, and to be honest, i am feeling so optimistic about it, I just know that the insurance will approve it and the doctors office said it could take 3-6 weeks. I can't wait to start this new life, good luck to all of you, and I'm sure the approvals will come falling out 1 by 1. many insurance companies would rather pay for this one shot than have to pay for medications and surgeries for a lifetime.
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    Jacqbult reacted to shellyd88 in Looking for a " Dear God let me get approved" Pal   
    Hi ok I was wondering about that because I have a boss that will not want to be inconvenienced in any way lol and amen to the good will pile lol can't wait to go to reg stores again have to say I miss chocolate tho they have me on south beach diet
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    Jacqbult reacted to HaddocksEyes in What is everyone NOT going to miss after sleeve?   
    I don't miss being a slave to food. I don't miss the cravings and the need to pile a ton of food on my plate.
    I don't miss the huge portions I used to eat.
    This has been the best thing ever for me. Even though I am losing slowly, I am so happy with my decision.
    GOOD LUCK!!!
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    Jacqbult reacted to Chrystee in What is everyone NOT going to miss after sleeve?   
    Accidentally bumping my toddler over with my butt! HAH.
    I really don't have any other things.. except hopefully not feeling so out of place.. although I really don't. I'm pretty active and everything already. I don't really sweat that bad, cause I work out anyway.. but sweat doesn't always go away!
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    Jacqbult reacted to stephaniegencs in What is everyone NOT going to miss after sleeve?   
    There is not one thing I would miss...not one single thing.
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    Jacqbult reacted to joyful0402 in What is everyone NOT going to miss after sleeve?   
    I agree, I won't miss all of the above either.
    -I won't miss the "fat dimples" in my extra chin , that also are enhanced by dark shadows when pictures are taken of me in daylight...
    -won't miss laying on beach in south florida, trying to tan my big tummy by pulling my fat girls bathing suit top up to the bra and scaring small children when I do so ????
    -won't miss only having 1- 2 positions available during "intimate moments" with hubby...
    - won't miss moving stomach out of way to shave legs n such...
    - I do miss wearing cute heels to work, and want to fit cute fall boots that zip all the way up my calves...
    List goes on!
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    Jacqbult reacted to NavyMom2006 in What is everyone NOT going to miss after sleeve?   
    I won't miss all of the things you have all listed above - especially the risk of diabetes and heart disease, which run in the family.
    What I'm greatly looking forward to is
    - being able to cross my legs!
    - being able to run around with my grand kids!!
    - being able to buy clothes off the rack in ANY store!
    - being able to wear dresses shorter than maxi length because I'm no longer ashamed of my fat thighs and calves!
    - buying a great pair of boots (or two) and zipping them up over my calves!
    - being happy with that person in the mirror!
    I'm certain there will be a hundred more moving forward. :0)
  17. Like
    Jacqbult reacted to farfalla_8 in How much would I lose   
    Hi Guys,
    I do have have a health history that made me a candidate for surgery, but I don't want to go into detail because it makes me feel worried and mostly sad when I talk about it.....
    thank you @@JamieLogical this website is really helpful.....
  18. Like
    Jacqbult reacted to May Kelley in Height, Weight, And Size Poll   
    Just went shopping over the weekend. I'm now a size 2/4 pants! Craaazzy!!
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    Jacqbult reacted to waneta35 in Can't believe I'm at the hospital   
    I still believe it's a dream that I'm at this hospital about to have my surgery. My process hasn't been a long one from my initial decision to insurance approval. I look forward to a healthy life ahead of me. I weighed myself when I left home I was 289.4 and when I weighed at the hospital I was 2lbs heavier. After they got my urine I asked to get back on scale and I was a pound lighter. Hey I will take that, every little pound counts!!
  20. Like
    Jacqbult got a reaction from NavyMom2006 in What is everyone NOT going to miss after sleeve?   
    I will not MISS!
    Chaffing ~ thighs and upper arms
    Heaving myself out of a chair
    Bending over to tie my shoe only to be stopped 6inches away by my stomach
    The 4 different sizes of fat clothes that stuff my closet
    Laying in bed looking at my stomach and thinking that must be the blanket bunched up, only to find out is all me when I go to poke the blanket down.
    Being a contortionist to keep myself "clean" (sorry, but true and we all know it! LOL)
    Disappointment in my husbands eyes.
    Being to tired to keep up with my children
    Not having my picture taken
    The list goes on and on!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Like
    Jacqbult got a reaction from NavyMom2006 in What is everyone NOT going to miss after sleeve?   
    I will not MISS!
    Chaffing ~ thighs and upper arms
    Heaving myself out of a chair
    Bending over to tie my shoe only to be stopped 6inches away by my stomach
    The 4 different sizes of fat clothes that stuff my closet
    Laying in bed looking at my stomach and thinking that must be the blanket bunched up, only to find out is all me when I go to poke the blanket down.
    Being a contortionist to keep myself "clean" (sorry, but true and we all know it! LOL)
    Disappointment in my husbands eyes.
    Being to tired to keep up with my children
    Not having my picture taken
    The list goes on and on!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Like
    Jacqbult got a reaction from Stephanie Kandace in Looking for a " Dear God let me get approved" Pal   
    I think the approval is good for a while b/c some people can't get in to surgery that quick. But you could call the INS and ask. I got my 6 mo consultation and am seeing the PSY on the 30th.
    I was thinking yesterday about having the surgery yesterday and it dawned on me.......my battle of almost 20 yrs will finally be over.....and I will no longer be depressed over how I look. That is going to be HUGE! I am afraid to get excited b/c I am not approved yet. But won't it be wonderful to throw all those clothes in the Good Will pile?!!!
  23. Like
    Jacqbult reacted to Kindle in Positive for Nicotine   
    I stopped cold turkey 3 months before my surgery. I also stopped drinking just before my preop (and I was a cocktail every night/dozens weekends kind of gal). I went to Mexico, so there were no restrictions/testing from my surgeon, but the fear of complications from poor healing was enough for me. I looked at my surgery as a package deal...I had to succeed both mentally and physically to have the best chance at getting through everything as safely as possible. To me the not smoking and not drinking and not cheating on the pre and post op diet were just as important as the surgery itself.
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    Jacqbult reacted to LipstickLady in Some unexpected NSVs have me LOLing in public. You?   
    So yesterday I was at the grocery and I grabbed a hand basket thinking I was only getting a few things. A few turned into a bunch and my basket was quite heavy about halfway through the market. I hefted my basket up onto my hip (which used to be quite ample) and it slid right down my leg. Hmmm.... I tried again. And again. I seriously couldn't figure out WHY my basket didn't rest comfortably on my side like it always has. It took about 3 minutes of pondering this phenomenon before I realized I no longer have big wide cushiony hips on which to rest whatever it is I might need to carry. I seriously chortled with glee startling the produce man. HA!

    Last week I had a girls' weekend away with my besties. We loaded up the luggage cart with all our stuff and I took my usual place behind the cart as the one who is designated to push it through the lobby. (I'm the only one who can be trusted not to mow innocent people down.) I couldn't budge it. I pushed and I heaved and I shoved that cart and it wouldn't move. I pulled it with all my might. Nope. One hundred plus pounds less of me wasn't going to move it no matter how hard I tried. So bizarre.
    The ocean was another weird experience for me. I was a lifeguard growing up, both ocean and pool. I am a swimmer and I was even at my fattest. This summer was my first summer in 20+ years "thin". I was tossed around like a rag doll, totally off balance, barely able to gain footing because there is so much less of me. Oh, and I no longer float like I used to. In fact, I sink like a stone unless I give it a whole lotta effort. SO SO not what I'm used to.

    I love the NSVs like fitting in a theater seat with my purse next to me, shopping in any store, passing by people in narrow aisles without rubbing them with my butt, etc. but some of these off the wall things really throw me off guard and it takes me a while to figure out what the heck is going on.

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    Jacqbult reacted to BellaLuce4 in Not having support from partner   
    Boy, you came to the right group to ask that question and get honest answers. Lol
    I'm married 28 yrs n it's been 1 heck of a roller coaster! I know my partner sometimes better than myself, so I choose not to tell him anything until I was approved and in my 2 week pre op liquid diet.
    Sad, yes, but necessary because when you live with passive aggressive or insecure partners, you have to be your own advocate.
    (you must read the thread, "I want to throat punch my husband" just substitute husband for partner n you will see it not so uncommon. ) I already know there r issues there.
    I agree with everyone, you need to do what is right for you when it is right for you. In the meantime, be strong in yourself and your decision to take care of yourself and let your partner know that up front. A week ago my husband was buying eggplant parm heroes for dinner for me while I'm on pre op liquid diet and not being supportive at all, questioning my decision and not agreeing with it...n last night he laid in bed with me and read through my entire folder and helped me put together a shopping list for my post op 4 weeks. Give her time to adjust and you just keep holding firm, she might just surprise you!
    If not, you have a wealth of support here with people that know u r doing the right thing ????
    Good luck????

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