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Status Updates posted by Tiffykins

  1. Any weight loss surgery is going to let you cheat it. None of them stop you from putting bad foods in your mouth. That part of weight loss is all on us and our mind. I literally have zero issue eating half a bag of cheetos, but I don't because that would make me gain. Any one of us can suck down a 3000 calorie milkshake, but you have to be willing to not do it. There are healthier options, you just have to be willing to make the right choice.



    Remember, they operate on our stomachs, not our heads, so all the head hunger and bad habits are ours to break. The sleeve simply makes it a bit easier.

  2. Calcium Citrate, I admit that I am horrible with remembering. But, I just take the Citracal with D Petites. I only take 2-4 a day and some people say you need to take 6 a day. Ehhh, I'm not swallowing 6 pills considering you can only take 2 at a time then you have to wait a couple of hours to take more. It's just a pain. I take my multi in the morning, both at the same time. Wait 2 hours, take 2 Citrates, and if I remember I take 2 more citrates at night before bed.


    I take an Omega3 with EPA and DHA which is extra folic acid, and stuff in it because we are trying to get pregnant, so I need extra stuff. Plus, it's good for your skin and hair.

  3. Carol, I'm very sorry that you are having to endure all of this. Dr. Aceves is fabulous, he would have been my only Mexico surgeon if my insurance would not have approved my revision. If you have a blockage, I'm pretty Dr. Aceves wouldn't clear you for surgery either. His going rate is $8750 I believe for the sleeve. Again, I'm so very sorry that you have to go through all this, and I hope you are able to get back on schedule. You don't want to have this surgery with your heart having a blockage. You want to be in the best physical condition to endure this surgery. Please take care of yourself, I'll keep you in my thoughts. Get the stent, and get that taken care of first.



  4. Cathryn,


    Thank you so very much for the kind words. I am pretty much glued to CNN and FoxNews. It is a sad time for everyone. I have a very dear friend who is stationed there. She could not get in touch with her husband for over 7.5 hours, it was driving me insane. I am saddened by this horrific tragedy, and it heightens my concerns every day when my husband walks out the door.


    As for how he is doing, he is back to his normal, stubborn self. We've been doing good recently, and enjoying our time together. He's been really supportive, and it's great to have him home.


    Thanks again.

  5. Do you know what size of sleeve he is wanting to perform on you? Bougie size is a standard 32-40fr in size. Anything over 40 has shown a marked increase in regain stats. I'll add you to my friend's list, and you can find all the links in my blog on this forum at the top.


    There are random entries that are marked "Just bookmarking this information" it's a lot of band information as well, but a lot of vsg research links are included.


    I'll have to do some digging on pubmed.com and springerlink.com to find those articles. I've got a crazy schedule right now, but I will get back to you. Just give me a couple of days to find the articles.

  6. Find something you love, if you like to dance, I always recommend Hip Hop Abs, it's great for tummy toning and it doesn't feel like I'm working out. Also, Zumba is a blast so check out Zumba — Ditch the workout, Join the party!

    to find a location that offers it near you if you think you might like it. I loved it and even though I couldn't keep up, and am not the most coordinated person in the world, I enjoyed the heck out of it.


    If you like to be focused, then I suggest joining the YMCA near you, and have them teach you how to use the machines. That is part of their membership fees. They will teach you how to use the machines, and which exercise work best for certain areas of the body. My Y offers Zumba so I was able to use the gym stuff and do Zumba all for 30 bucks a month.


    I hope this helps. To find Hip Hop Abs, check out amazon.com



  7. Girl, I would have paid you for those yummy lemon bites LOL ! ! ! I hope you're doing fabulous. I saw your new pictures and I am so envious of your hiney. I lost all my butt, seriously it's flat as a pancake. I have a little "butt front" going on and hopefully it'll keep shrinking, if I could just transfer my tummy fat to my butt, I'd have better curves ! ! !


    Thanks for the sweet compliments on my hair. The husband finally likes it LOL.

  8. Glad to see you around again Donna. I figured life for you just busy, and you are out living life to the fullest. Talk to you soon.



  9. Google the "cottage cheese" test. . . The pouch test will NOT show anyone their pouch or sleeve capacity. The 5 day pouch test is just to purge carbs, and get back on track with protein first.

    My max capacity with the cottage cheese test at 18 months out was a whopping 4.7 or 4 and 3/4 ounces.

  10. Here are some vegan/vegetarian high protein recipes made with tempeh and seitan. You won't be able to eat these until you get to the mushy/soft solid stage, but at least you know there will be options for you.



  11. Here is a profile from Obesityhelp that is chalked full of information on long term vsg'ers, and some invaluable resources on VSG surgery. You can scroll through her blog and read which ones that interest you.

    MacMadame's Profile

  12. Here's one link I found from Dr. Jossart out of California. He is considered one of the pioneers of the VSG procedure as a stand alone procedure. Within this link, he noted that complications were less, and weight loss results were better with 300+ sleeves performed.


    LAPSF Blog Archive Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy Update


    I'm still looking so you may get a few more links from me.

  13. Hey Chandra,

    Thank you for the pic comments. I never worried that I would not be successful with this surgery. I never worry about hair loss, it's just a temporary side effect, but better than being permanently fat and miserable. My life is fabulous now. Mentally, I no longer feel like the fattest person in a crowd, I don't look at myself and wonder "how did I ever let myself get this huge", I feel stronger mentally and even emotionally. Physically, I no longer get exhausted walking around the mall for 45 minutes, my knees no longer ache, emotionally I no longer seek food to soothe life stressors, I am actually happy with how I look. My body isn't perfect, my boobs are saggy, I have a fat roll on my tummy still, I have flabby arms, but I'm so much healthier that those things will cure themself over time. I can't even begin to put into words just how life changing this surgery has been for me. I have an entirely different relationship with food. I eat to live instead of living to eat.

  14. Hey Charlotte,

    If you're on the West Coast, check out Dr. Cirangle in California, and let me know what state you are in and I can help find a great revision surgeon in your area. My surgeon is a military doctor and you have to live within 100 miles with Tricare (military insurance) for him to be authorized for him to perform your surgery. He's a great surgeon, and I've recommended him to others, but for your situation we'll have to find a good revision surgeon.


    Talk to you soon,


  15. Hey chickee, I have taken these multi-vitamins for over 2 years, and before I even got my band. I love them. They taste kind of like Tums, just not as chalky. I have never come up deficient with these, and I like that they are chewable. I take 2 a day, and they are reasonably priced. I thought about changing to a Twinlab daily with Iron but I heard the capsules were large, and I just hate swallowing a bunch of pills. So, I'll stick with my chewable wafers.

    GNC Solotron? Chewable - GNC - GNC


    I also take a 25000mcg of b12 under my tongue that I buy at Wal-Mart. I take that every day sometimes every other day. If I'm going to be doing a bunch of errands, working out, or when I know I'm going to be busy, busy, I make sure to take one on those days.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
