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LAP-BAND Patients
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About bella1

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/30/1970

About Me

  • Biography
    happily married,mom of 2
  • Interests
    shopping, rescue dogs, music(rock,punk,reggae),anything to do with Halloween or Horror movies
  • Occupation
  • City
    Inland Empire
  • State
  1. Happy 43rd Birthday bella1!

  2. Happy 42nd Birthday bella1!

  3. bella1

    Allergic reaction???

    I was going to ask this same question, I have begun to itch all over my chest, neck, stomach but especially my breasts! very strange, I too wonder if is some sort of allergic reaction to the band (banded 3.5 months ago)
  4. bella1

    havent lost anything

    YES!! I am 10 weeks out from surgery, and only down 8 lbs and I didnt lose any of that until my 1st fill (at 3 weeks) I am now going to get my 3rd fill on tuesday, I already have 5.5cc's in. I have been kepping track of my food in a journal and exercising almost every day. I'm even doing real cardio workouts now ( I could'nt do them before) so I do feel more fit and I have gotten alot firmer but it is very discouraging when the scale does'nt move. Just work out like a fiend,because the band does'nt work as well for some as it does for others unfortunately. Good Luck!
  5. 927, I know how you feel,I had my surgery on 1/19/09 and have only lost 6 lbs !!!I keep track of my calories, I walk,do yoga and wii fit everyday and nothing!! I am ready to shoot myself,I spent all my money on this surgery,almost died because of it and not losing weight. I hate to always be the "negative nancy" on here but can't believe some people can lose 40 lbs the 1st month, and some lose nothing.(scream!!!)
  6. Hi Dan! Thanks for thinking about me,the folks on this website give a lot more support than the actual support group at the hospital. I am glad that you had a good experience w/ Dr. Owens. I have a feeling that you had surgery while he was still in his prime. I'm not sure if you've seen him lately but he seems very old and fragile since he had spinal surgery a few months ago(he has to use crutches or ski poles to walk) that might have something to do with what happend to me during my surgery, not sure but I have definately had a much different experience w/ him.It actually took me a lot longer to get over it than I thought! Oh well, it's over now and I just have to concentrate on making this work now.Thanks again for the support!

  7. bella1

    Wii are ready to work out!

    Hi Lyndi, this does'nt have to do do with the Wii,(although I think I will go out and buy one now!), I had surgery the same day as you and was wondering how much of the 30 lbs you lost after the surgery?and if you feel any restriction yet or your just using willpower?
  8. bella1

    has this happend to anyone??????

    Thanks for all the responses and support! I am 6 weeks out from surgery now and feeling much better, my strength and energy is finally back, if only I could lose some weight now (only down 5 lbs since surgery) yesterday I had my 2nd fill (at 5.5ccs now) maybe that will do the trick,fingers crossed!!!
  9. bella1


    Hi jr, I too had complications with my surgery,(thought mine was the worst possible scenario till I read yours) my doc cut a blood vessel during surgery and I bled internally overnite(passed out repeatedly) and was re-admitted for blood tranfusions, but only stayed in hospital 1 day.33 days is insane! I hope you feel better!! It took me 2 weeks to even feel like standing up after that,and I definately regret having surgery at all now.
  10. bella1

    Two years out and 3 pounds from goal!

    O.M.G. you look fantastic! Well your blog gives me hope because I was banded on 1/19/09(tons of complications! but thats another story) and did'nt lose any weight at all until 1st fill on 2/10/09, lost 5 lbs that week and nothing since.I am very discouraged am still always hungry and thinking I made a big mistake but the more blogs I read, I guess for some it just takes a very long time.How long before you lost your first 40 lbs?
  11. bella1

    3cc in band for first fill?

    Hi ML, I too had my surgery on 1/19/09 and did'nt lose anything until my first fill on 2/10/09 (3cc's) felt some restriction, and lost 5 lbs that week but nothing since! I was just wondering what you are eating on a typical day/ exercise?
  12. bella1


    Yes Mariela!!! Change doctors now!!! I too had Dr. Owens because I read that he had so much experience,but I wish I had chosen a different Dr.! I had my surgery done by him at Rancho Specialty hospital and every aspect of it was terrible! not only was the staff completely incompetent, but Dr.Owens cut a blood vessel during my surgery and I bled internally(I could have died!)I highly reccomend you find a new doc.!!!!!!!!!!
  13. hey Kiz! what pineapple pill? and where do you get them?
  14. bella1


    O.M.G. how are you people doing it??? 75 lbs in 3 months? Is that even possible? As I just wrote to another girl who lost 40 lbs in 1 month, I am jealous!! Please tell me your secret(what do you eat each day?/exercise?) I need help!
  15. Gaby,how the heck did you lose 41 lbs in 1 month??? I'm so jealous. I had the band on 1/19/09 and have only lost 8 lbs since. Can you give me some tips (what & how much do you eat?/exercise?) way to go!!!

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