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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Scrapping1

  1. Since my surgery a couple of things have changed for the better - last night was the first night I had to use my CPAP while sleeping since surgery, my blood pressure is actually perfect or right below normal, and I can walk up and down the stairs at work (my office is on 2nd floor and we do not have an elevator) without my knees hurting and without being out of breath when at top or bottom of stairs!

  2. I have only told my husband, mom, sister-in-law and brother...and of course my 2 children (17 and 23). They are all very supportive. My mom was concerned at first but after my husband and I talked to her and showed her some materials/pics she felt better and cheered me on! Everyone said to me that I wasn't big enough either, but they know that I have high blood pressure, sleep apnea, beginning stages of diabetes, degenerative joint disease in knees and just not feeling like myself.

  3. I felt so much better that I took my daughter to the mall for shopping. We even walked in thru the food court and I had no desire for any of it! It was nice. Oh, I did splurge on an unsweet tea with splenda from Chick-fil-A. They make the best tea...

  4. I had a very good day at work today. It seems like with everyday you feel better. I think that yesterday I ate too much and also was very bloated and gassy. I contribute it to sitting at my desk, wearing pantyhose and an underwire bra. Today I went pantyhoseless, regular bra with no wire and did not eat more than I was supposed to..

  5. Shelley, Good luck tomorrow! I will say a prayer for you. Everything will be just fine. Are you sure I am not boring you with meaningless details/information? Sometimes I think it sounds like it to me, but they are the little details that the doctors and nurses don't mention! cont'd

  6. Hi Shannon,

    I was banded on 2/13/09 in Jacksonville. Recovery is going good.


  7. Hi, Go Gators!!!

    How are you today? Have you been banded yet?

    I was just banded on 2/13/09 and recovery is going well. Who is your surgeon?


  8. Hi Julie, How are you doing with your new lap-band? I had my surgery 2/13 and feeling a lot better these past 2 days. It seems like the 5th day was the "oh, I will survive now!" I wanted to mention that I have been using Gas-X meling strips and they seemed to help. I have been trying to be careful about what I have been eating so not to eat things that are gassy. I really miss drinking from a straw and salads! Can't wait to have a salad and dressing.

    How did your post-op visit go? Keep me posted on your progress...Laura

  9. I return to work tomorrow after being out since surgery. I did not tell my boss or anyone at the office about my surgery. I just told them that I was having a procedure done. Not sure how I am going to handle it tomorrow. I guess I'll have to think about it tonight so I can be prepared.

    Shelley, if I don't talk to you before Wednesday morning - Good luck and I will be praying for you! Just think about the new journey that you are starting for the rest of your life! You have been so encouraging for me! Thank you and talk with you later! Laura

  10. Back to your questions - my port is on my right side between breast bone and belly button. I am still sore and have to remember not to bend certain ways. I usually sleep on left side too. Now its hard because the lap band is on the left side with stomach...its uncomfortable when rolling over and putting pressure on it. continued...

  11. I have been eating 3/4-1 cup of food at meals and about .5 cup for sncks. I am having a hard time getting down 64 ounces of fluid! I miss not using a straw and Coca-Cola. continued...

  12. I have been loosing about .75-1 pound per day. Its amazing. My husband said that he can tell a lot in my face, chin, and stomach. My pants are getting baggy and my sweaters and blouses are fitting loosely. Also, I don't feel like I am retaining fluids like I was before. Before I could just feel my body puff up and my blood pressure go up and down. Now losing the weight I feel much better and sleeping better. continued...

  13. Hi,

    Only 4 more days! Just think of the liquid diet as a temporary thing for now. After surgery I was able to have broth, juices, sugar free pudding and jello and of course protein shakes. When I went to doctor on Thursday he told me to start on regular foods as tolerated. I was surprised. I have been eating a lot of mashed potatoes and cottage cheese. Just started very moist and tender chicken cut up on tiny, tiny pieces. Also, just tried applesauce tonight too. To be continued...

  14. Great job! It is noticeably paying off for you! Keep up the good work!

  15. I have apptmt w/surgeon tomorrow @ 1 pm & looking forward to it greatly! I have lost 9 pounds since weighing in at surgery. It seems like I am losing 1 pound a day. I have noticed that my stomach is not as bloated & my rings are falling off fingers. Also, my husband said I am breathing much better at night while sleeping. I haven't used my cpap machine since coming home from hospital. I can't tell if I am hungry or gassy yet. Maybe after tomorrow I'll better know after talking to surgeon. Good Luck and I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! Laura

  16. Hi-How did your pre-op go? Yes, liquid diet does take a few days to get used to. I woke up this morning not feeling so sore (especially at the port site) & just knew I was going to have a great day, but...decided to go out for lunch to get fresh air, etc. We ate at a local restaurant & I ordered my usual fav - tomatoe bisque soup. I drank ice tea before eating soup & also took my daily meds (4 pills) w/tea. I only ate half of my cup of soup & all was well, until I got in the car. Well...I had the worst burping/gas attack ever in my life. I was nauseated & burping like crazy. I had to come home & lay down to rest abdomen. I guess the soup was too rich for me & a combination of car sickness (I usually get car sick anyway). So, I am awake right now & unable to go to sleep. I drank some apple juice & all seems well for now. I had been doing so good this week w/post-op diet. The only problem I am having is w/drinking 64 oz of liquids in addition to post-op diet. Laura

  17. Hi Shelley,

    I am at home now recovering from surgery. My surgery was 2/13/09 @10 am. I am doing fine today. I had to spend the night due to my sleep apnea. I didn't sleep very well at hospital last night. I hope to sleep better tonight in my own bed.

    So far I am not having any problems with my new lap band. I have been drinking chicken broth, unsw ice tea & apple juice. I had SF jello too. I am going to have protein shake for a snack later then broth & jello for dinner w/another shake for snack later in the evening. I don't think I've been drinking/eating more than 1/2 cup. You just feel full & I'm sure the anesthesia hasn't helped either. But not to bad so far. I'm sure in the next couple of days things will change. If you have any questions you want to ask me about the surgery just let me know. This is my first visit to the forum. I have had time to journal my pre-op and recovery yet, but i will.

    Got t go now...talk with you later, Laura

  18. Hi Shelley,

    I know you are so excited about your surgery date! Mine is finally scheduled for Friday, 2/13/09. My cardiologist cleared me with an excellent pass of stress test and ecko. I am getting nervous tonight. I started my protein shake diet this past Sunday. I did have a salad and piece of roasted chicken for dinner last night and tonight. Probably have the same tomorrow night too.

    I am hoping that I will be up and around when I come home from hospital. Everyone says that they slept for the first 24 hours after surgery. We'll see how that goes for me. Anyway, I'll keep you posted and you do the same with your pre-op stuff. Take care, Laura

  19. Hi, your success is wonderful! Great pics! You should be so proud of yourself and accomplishment. Good job1

    I will be banded on friday, 2/13/09. Can't wait!

    Good luck and keep up the good work! Laura

  20. Julie,

    Just a quick note....I've only been a member of this form since December, so I have not learned how to use it to its best potential. Bear with me! Thanks, L

  21. Julie,

    So glad to hear you are getting better! I am going to re-ask my surgeon tomorrow about being able to call him on the weekends! That is one thing I forgot to ask about. My surgeon is Dr. Chappano at NF Surgeons, St. Vincent's. He is so nice and his staff is wonderful. This will be my first time at St. Vincent's. It seems to be very nice and the staff have been excellent! I am so glad to hear that Memorial was good to you. My husband has had a couple of procedures there in the past 5 years and they were good to him too! So, you were in good hands!

    We'll have to keep each other posted about our lap-band surgery and journey in general! I am excited about my surgery! I'll update you on my surgery date, etc., after my appointment tomorrow. Take care and get some rest! Laura

  22. Hi Julie,

    Have you had your surgery yet?

    How are you feeling? Hope all is well for you!

    I am a Jax bander to be.

    I have an appointment tomorrow to schedule my surgery date. I was originally scheduled for 1/26, but my EKG at pre-op was abnormal, so I had to go to the cardiologist to get clearance...

    Who is your surgeon?

    Take care and hope to hear from you soon!


  23. Denise,

    Its me again...I forgot to tell you that I am from the Orange Park/Middleburg area.


  24. Hi Denise,

    I am in the process of rescheduling my lap band surgery.

    I was originally scheduled for 1/26, but had an abnormal EKG. Yesterday, 2/3/09, did ecko and stress test and waiting for results. I think they're okay!

    Who is your surgeon? Keep me posted with your surgery date! This is a great website. I have learned a lot from everyone here.

    Hae a great evening! Laura

  25. Shelley,

    Its nice to hear from you.

    I am so happy for you and your 2/25/09 surgery date! Congratulations! I know that you are very excited!

    I had my appointment with cardiologist for stress test and eckcardiogram (Spelling?) today. I have never had anything like that before. Anyway, the nurses at the office said that things looks okay and that the doctor would get in touch with me Wednesday, so...I will wait. Once he calls the surgeon to release me then I should have a new appointment/surgery date. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers and I will do the same for you too!

    When do you start your liquid pre-op diet?

    Keep in touch! Who knows maybe we'll have the same surgery date...


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