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Status Updates posted by pvtash61

  1. Glad you found it! Well last nite must of been our nite off! We didnt dance either, although my son kept asking if we were! It was my husband's fault! He loves tennis on the cable ! Anyway, today is another day, so we can start all over! YOU say LA, were you at the blunt of Katrina?, I hope not, that was so sad, and reconstruction has been slow. My heart as many did went to all who lost their homes and loved ones. I can only hope that we never had such a horrible repeat. Take good care, and keep the faith my dear!


    Patti with a smile for YOU

  2. Hey, missy! you must be getting closer to da day! when are you scheduled for the band?? Yes, the weight is coming off very slowly, I can work with that! Went for a walk with my pedometer on, got to get those steps in!

    Keep in touch, love your posts, and attachments of pics...the best!! Patti

  3. Hi there, hope you are doing good. I think I made a good decision going for the unfill. I still have very good restriction. I am not able to have big portions, so that is good. I still get some discomfort if I eat too fast! See, you are not the only one. I read your entry, and see that you could eat trout, that is more than what I could get down before the unfill. I understand the frustration with the weight, I am 5'3" and started at 228, I have been much higher 250-60. I have two small children, second marriage, I need to be around for them. I think we have made a good choice with the band, now we need to learn to use it correctly! This forum is such a good place to vent, and get support through this new journey. I appreciate your input, your thoughts, thank you for taking the time for ME! If I can help you, I am here! Let's try to do this for US, eat better, do some exercise and be happy, very happy.

    Remember you are not alone, I am here!

    my best, Patti with a smile

  4. Hi, how did your day go today, more comfortable?? I am still having trouble with the soft foods, liquids are a bit better, but still have to sip super slow. I thought it would be better today, I filled on Monday, but maybe I should of call the doc. Weight is about the same, first 1 1/2 day weight of 3 lbs to almost 5 has csme off, but not more from day 3. I am not hungry, but I am getting thirsty, but have to be so careful. I hope you are not the same place I am at, suffering, if you are,.... what are you going to do? wait? Any advice appreciated. good luck


  5. I explained that PBing is like burping with a small amt of vomit.....like what you ate wants to come up, but there is burping that continues and continues until it finally passes. Productive burping.....it is not fun. this last fill has proven to be a good one...a bit tight still, but getting some liquids down much better than the last couple of days. I think I will not call the doctor. As for working out, well, my son and I dance nearly everyday. It is so much fun. I wish I had a walking buddy. The folks in my neighborhood are all much older, so that isnt going to work out. I need that extra push.

    Good that you are trying to get the walk in, how ya doing on the Wii? take care keep me post on you finding a new walking buddy. Where are you located??

  6. MissDiva, how can I get my name added to your list of weight loss challenge. I too need a motivation... I am at 223, started at 228 on Jan. 21st. Would like to loose 3-4 lbs by Valentines day

    Can you help me with this, can I be added to your challenge? Thanks, Patti....Fresno, CA

  7. Protein shakes I got were the highest Slimfast, and Aktins, Protein water, Kelloggs and broth cans. The office will probably give you some samples, mine did, so ask. Drink sips of water often. I brought a sippy cup, make sure you do not glup the water or drinks. No straws.

    Pain med they prescribed was enough, just take it as you are supposed to every 4-6 hours,ahead of any discomfort to set in. If there is anything else I can help with you can call me 360-5348 cell or email pvtashjian@hotmail.com again mybest, I am so happy with my band, going to do this!!!

  8. Thanks, summertime, I was hoping someone close by would respond. I am having my band done by Dr. Scwartz/ Dr. Felix in Jan. the 21st, at the

    clovis hospital early 7:30 am and home same day. Tell me about your experience, same day home?? much pain? did you walking to lessen the gas pain? and what did you prepare to have at home to drink/eat? Any info would be appreciated the date is soon coming, and I am very excited. thanks again

  9. Wow! 65 lbs that is great, dont short change yourself! It is work, hard work reprograming ourselves. I will mention that when I went to my psycologist evauation, she mentioned the need for a mild anti depressent, Wellbutrin, to help my with any depression and grazing, or slugness. It has helped me alot!, I started in Dec. and I feel so much more clear headed, so I have a good shot at suceeding and not delvoping any depression. Maybe this could help you took, stay clear headed and focused. I read your entry and you should be proud of yourself, very proud! I hope that I too can loose 65 lbs, that would be so good for my health. I would feel so much more confident.

    Please keep up the good work, and dont be so hard on yourself, we tend to do that to ourselves.

    Thanks for your good wishes, God bless us through this journey.....love, Patti with a smile for YOU

  10. email me at pvtashjian@hotmail.com I have tried to type on the laptop and keep loosing you! hope to hear from, would love to exchg emails with you. God bless

  11. good morning, I came across one of your posts on gas relief and thought I would try to maybe have yu give me some input on the procedure. I get banded on the 21st, Wed. I am excited, alittle nervous....my tummy is feeling better now! I think I have most of what I need at home to start the post-op. Can you help with what you did to get ready and tell me how you did the first few days. thanks so much, anything would be great! I just turned 48 yrs, that was another reason I would like to keep friends with you, we are close in age. Not sure what your other stats are, but you can read mine. again, thanks, hope we can be friends through this journey

  12. hey, from fresno too Dr. Swartz will be doing my procedure on the 21st of Jan. very soon, excited. How did yours go?? any info would be appreciated

  13. hey, how are you doing? any progress with the doctors? I left a message on my blog, the entry where you made a comment. Wishing the best...Patti

  14. hi there, Jan. 21st here! it's getting a bit harder now, hunger is a comin:crying:

  15. Hi there, I too am getting banded the 21st early at 7:30 am. Fresno, CA I am starting the liquids only on Tues. have meeting with the doc and then over to the hospital to do paper work. I am excited, somewhat nervous.....my tummy is finally feeling better! I hope you do well throughout the surgery and at home post. keep me posted. I am at 227 currently, 5'3" tall.. I looked at your info, you are close to me in weight and BMI, you are weighing less, but better days are ahead. take care, God bless you

  16. hi there, just had my band on the 21st, with Dr. Swartz too! really like him, go to my post tomorrow. Good luck, keep in touch

  17. hi there! I had a tough time figuring out how to use/post...shortcuts on this. I am now alittle better. I am in CA Fresno, central valley. I am a stay a home mom, and love it! I have added you to my friends list, hopefully it will be easier to send a note. How are you doing??

  18. I left my reply at my blog, I just cant get the hang of this, sorry. I explained PBing

  19. I there, new at this, going to get banded on the 21st of this month, excited. YOu and I share the age, I am at 227 presently.....where did you start at? and how is it going? what to expect..whatever you can help with would be appreciated... thanks

  20. I think you have good advise for us, new banders. I hope you would help me if I have questions. I read one of your posts, great info.

  21. Jamie, sorry to read about your loss. May God keep you ever so close to his heart. May you always know that your sweet little baby is his most special little angel. Will keep you in my prayers. Take good care of yourself. Patti with a hug for YOU

  22. lady, you look great! how much weight loss??? Havent been posting in a bit, what a wonderful surprise to see your pic. How are ya, and the family??

  23. Monica, I am sorry if I didnt get back to you. I had a great procedure and the recovery was a dream come true! thanks for your thoughts! Did you give the date of your surgery? YOU will do great, these posts really helped me get ready. write back and good luck to you too...Patti with a smile

  24. omg! you are are doing so good!! 148! way to go! any tips you want to share. You would be upset with me, not with the program, I should of done much better. Congrats to YOU!!

  25. sorry I dont know about getting online, I use mine I guess privately. I didnt know you could play the wii fit program online??? maybe try the support line for wii online?? if there is one. How are you doing? I have had my first fill, think it was a good one, so far easier to manage the hunger. Take care let me know if you go online, that might be neat to do. Patti

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