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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by yellowtopaz

  1. Hi,


    How's it going? Saw your pic and just wanted to say Hello.

  2. Hi,


    Your pics are beautiful. Congratulations on your success. Love the hair!

  3. Wow!! You look SUPER! Congrats on your success! I can only imagine that you feel great too!

  4. Hello TMG,


    Thanks for checking on me. I'm doing well. I'm learning to add different things to my menus as I go. It's a learning process for sure. How've you been?

  5. Hey lady,


    How's it going?

  6. Hey LC,


    How's it going?


    Have a great weekend!



  7. Evening Music,


    Just cause we know better choices doesn't mean we always make them. We're still human. I'd die for the Chinese but can pass on the pizza. Don't let the guilt continue to steer you. Sh*t happens. Today is a new day. And you're right, this is an eternal battle.


    My stomach is feeling really good. No problems. I'm having a lot of chicken and fish, green beans. I try to mix it up with a few new things.


    Check with your Doc. They may know of a support group.


    I'm sure you're glad to be home. Have a great weekend!

  8. Well Hello LC,

    Good to hear that you're feeling a bit better. The gas is really a doozy. I had it for the first 2 weeks but I find that it has calmed down tremendously now.


    Congrats on the pounds lady. Doesn't the idea that you're taking control feel great? It does to me.


    I'm doing great. I went to a support group meeting last evening. There's always something new to learn and it's great to listen to how & what others are doing to be successful.


    I get my first fill on February 26th. So far so good.


    Take care.



  9. Thanks for the info tmg.... I'll let you know how I make out.

  10. Good morning LC,


    How are you feeling one week post-op?



  11. Hey Music,

    Missed you. Wondered what happened to you. When you get time I'd love to hear about your band. I'm a music lover.


    I know what you mean about being away from home and having to eat out. It's something that we've got to learn to do though. You for sure don't want to sacrifice those 20 'whole" pounds that you worked so diligently to take off.


    Have you tried some of these:

    Hamburger without the bread?What about Popeyes red beans without the rice. Popeyes also has green beans.


    Not trying to lecture you but March 25th is getting closer. Hang in there, I know you can do it.


    Have a great week!


    I'm doing good. I get my first fill on February 26th. Admittedly it makes me a bit nervous...just not knowing what to expect.



    I'm going to a support group meeting tonight. If I hear of any quick/on the road meals I'll let you know.

  12. I'm good, thanks.

    I get my first fill on 2/26. Don't really know what to expect so I'll be looking for some help. I'm adhering to the rules.


    Have a great weekend!



  13. Hey TMg,

    You are rockin' that 18 girl. Super congrats and keep up the good progress.

  14. You're in my prayers and thoughts this morning! I'm so happy for you!!!


    It may not seem like it, but today is really gonna be a great day!

  15. Evening LC.


    I'm not sure about words of wisdom but I will say this. I have considered the opportunity to have this surgery as a blessing in my life. There aren't many things that we do solely for us. Granted, others in our life will benefit from our better health but......this is sort of a big gift to ourselves. A gift that will change ...the rest of our lives. Just Be Happy.


    If you get a chance let me know what time your surgery is scheduled for on Monday. I'll say a special prayer for you.


    Take care.



  16. He should know! And you've been working on it so you'll be okay.


    I'm good. I make my first follow-up visit with the Doc on Tuesday. I'm ready to exercise but will wait for his blessing on it first.


    What time are you scheduled for on Monday and do you have to stay overnight?

  17. Hi sisterfriend....


    I just got banded 1/26/09. How are you doing?

  18. Goodmorning!


    Just wanted to drop in and see how you're doing.


    Best of luck to you!!

  19. I'm doing great this week. Thank you for checking on me.

  20. Hello TMG,


    You're a beautiful lady...right now! Best of everything to you!!!


    I was banded on 1/26/09. Best decision I could have ever made for myself by myself. Oh yeah!


    Take care.



  21. I am one week post-op.

  22. Hi,

    Checked out your blog. Too cool!!

  23. Hi,

    Saw your pic and just wanted to say Hello. I got banded on January 26th. Almost a whole week has passed. Things are going well. Much success to you.

  24. Evening Skyjoe,

    Tomorrow is my surgery day. I haven't had a lot of trouble with the 4-day liquid diet although I can hear my stomach growling right now.

    I'll let you know how it all works out.

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