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Lady Lap Band

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lady Lap Band

  1. Lady Lap Band

    Hello Band Goodbye Femininty

    Check with your doctor, you might have a hiatal hernia, that causes burping like that!
  2. Lady Lap Band

    4/9/09 117.5 pounds lost

    You look fab and so much younger!
  3. Lady Lap Band

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Juune bugs is cute hahaha but I am with you on the eww part lol what about June Journeys that is what I have been using. I liked it because this really is a journey for all of us!
  4. p.s. You are taking a week off work for Vacation, work doesn't need to know how you spend your vacation!
  5. I can relate 100%!!!!! I have only decided to tell the people who I live with because obviously you can't hide it from them! That includes my Husband and my Mom and Dad. It has been very hard for me to swallow that I need surgical help to loose weight, so you are not alone in feeling that! Second of all, you don't ever need to tell your husband how much you weigh! I have my surgery June 19th and my husband has not come to any appointments with me, in all honesty you don't need him. You can do it, and you can do it all on your own! This website has been so much help to me, use it use it use it is all I have to say! Find some friends and ask them to help you! I have no told anyone because I know that they will all be critical and try to talk me out of it and I don't want that to happen. This is my body and my privacy and I don't want them to know. I don't think that you or I are taking the easy way out at all, this is going to be HARD! I've been reading that you can eat your way around this band, it's only a tool! If you don't eat right and exercise you won't loose any weight, or a very minimal amount. You could eat icecream all day and not loose a pound, even gain! So please please please don't let your mind fool you into believing you are anything less than your sister because this is going to be hard for you just like her diet and exercising was hard for her! You can do it and you can do it without telling anyone! The urge to tell will come but I really think that in the long run if you don't tell you will be happier. Not to say that 5 years down the road you can't tell, but I would say in the early stages, keep it to yourself!
  6. Hey! I don't live in St. Louis but I am visiting there in June for my cousins wedding. I'm trying to figure out what is the best place to go shopping? My mom loves to shop so I am researchign it for her! Who better to ask than the people who live there! Any other places I should see would be greatly appreciated as well! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
  7. Lady Lap Band

    115lbs to Loose!

    Hi Everyone! My name is Breanne I am 5'5 and 250. My surgery is June 19th! For my height the weight range is from 110lbs to 150lbs and I have a large frame. I am going to be aiming for 135lbs which is a 115lb loss. That just seems like such a huge number! I need to loose 115lbs, is that possible? I've never weighed less than 160lbs in my adult life...I can't imagine getting below that. Please tell me about your successes! I need some uplifting stories!
  8. Lady Lap Band

    Better Sex!!??

    when my husband and i first got married there was no issue and then we both gained about 100lbs each and now we hardly do it, in all honesty it is just really hard to move around lol that is so embarassing! I am hoping that with shedding the lbs the drive will come back!
  9. Lady Lap Band

    June 2009 Surgery

    hey cool ! I am June 19th!
  10. Lady Lap Band

    What's the point?

    I am right there with you, I totally understand what you are saying! I am 22 and have also been overweight my entire life! The only thing the band does, is restrict the amount of food you can actually fit into your stomach. You can eat around it if you want too, eat all the icecream you want and you will gain weight even with the band. From what it sounds like, you don't really want to change what you eat, if that is the case, the gastric might be better
  11. I'm 22 and having the surgery soon.....I am probably going to get a tummy tuck but don't plan to have kids for about 5 years.....should I wait till after I have kids? If I get a tummy tuck before will I just completely ruin it when I have kids?
  12. Lady Lap Band

    So Disappointed!!!

    I honestly find this really weird! When I met for the inital consult after the seminar, they asked me if I smoked, I said no. They said ok good because if you did then you would have to quit up to 2 months before the surgery. The whole process usually takes way more than 2 months before you have the surgery anyway. I went to my seminar DEC and my surgery is JUNE! And I did it all fast! You know, you can go to another doctor. You don't have to wait.
  13. Lady Lap Band

    June Bandsters

    My BMI is 41.6 my doctors office tells you inthe begining that it's a requirment to loose 10% of your body weight (my 10-15lbs) prior to booking s surgery date, but I've heard from others that is just to get you in the habit of eating right! Obviously it's not true because I have not lost it and I have a surgery date! I really struggled last night when I came home and my family had gotten take out! It was actually toture trying to stay away! lol But I did it! Oh yes food at work is hard! I work nights so i switched up my lunch and dinner I eat something small for dinner and a little bigger for lunch...
  14. Lady Lap Band

    Bounce Back?

    I am 22 and weigh 250....... I am wondering if I will need a tummy tuck after I have hit my goal. Anyone around my age...did your skin bounce back? Also, I plan to have kids in about 5 years so I am definetly waiting until I loose it to have it done!
  15. Lady Lap Band

    Picture of a Fill

    For those haven't had it done yet there is a pic I found of someone getting it done.... http://images.kodakgallery.com/servlet/Images/photos2400/2/52/90/67/57/4/457679052206_0_BG.jpg?a=913
  16. Lady Lap Band

    Picture of a Fill

    that is soooo weird that it wont work! i dont get it! here is an alternative pic i found...see if this ones works http://www.obesitycontrolcenter.com/images/photo_staff_fill1.jpg and here is a video of it
  17. Lady Lap Band

    oh no

    oh I need help. I am desperatly trying to loose weight b4 my surgery...I've had a really good day....my famiyl just called me a work to ask if I wanted pizza or buffalo wings, the normal me would have said of course but I told them no. I am so afraid that I won't be able to stay away from it when I get home in about 45 minutes. I dont want food to have acontrol over me anymore
  18. Lady Lap Band

    Picture of a Fill

    I am not sure why! I just gave it a try and it worked!
  19. Lady Lap Band

    Bounce Back?

    Have I mentioned that I love you? lol thanks! hey do you have b4 and after pics....I see your posts alot and was just wondering!
  20. Lady Lap Band

    LeAvE Me AlOnE!!!!!

    one time when I was dieting I had gotten down to about 159 which is the thinnest I ever remember being....people told me all the time that I was thin enough and I didn't need to loose more weight. I had the same feeling!
  21. Lady Lap Band

    First Post - Angry About Lap Band.

    To answer your 2nd question....At first I was set on Lap Band, then I started to wonder if gastric would be better. So I asked my surgeon...he said that gastric is not reversible and that I could never do another weight loss treatment because of that. He said if I do Lap Band and in 15 years if they come up with a way to help people control their weight without a device, I could have the lap band removed and do that instead. But like I said I wouldn't be eligible with gastric. So you can get it out if you want!
  22. A couple of years ago I saw the commercial with the roaring lion lol and started to research the lap band. I even went to see if my insurance would cover it. Then I decided not to do it and just tried to forget about it. 2 years later here I am with a surgery date! I am not surprised that your doctor told you people have not lost weight with it. The Lap Band is just one part to the tri-pod, the other 2 being exercise and change in diet. If you don't do all three of those things, you won't be successful! I would suggest going to a lap band support group. There you can ask any questions of regret to the people there! They are usually very honest and very supportive! I hope it all works out for you in the way you want!
  23. Lady Lap Band

    I am a FOOD ADDICT

    I just need to say it... My name is Breanne, and I am a food addict. *sigh* I believe my addiction began at the age of 17. I had always been an over eater prior to age 17 but it was more emotional eating than addictive eating. I got my first car in May of 2004. I remember the freedom finally! It started out being able to go to whatever fast food place whenever I wanted. I remember always loving KFC, but my mother never let me go, so the first week I got my car I couldn't get the place out of my head! I stopped there everyday after work on my way home and got the BIGGEST popcorn chicken they had and ate it before I got home, and then hid the container. I think that when you hide food is when you become truly addicted. I met my husband the following year. We fell in love and got married just six months ago. Let me rewind......from the time I met him to the day we got married, I gained 60lbs! A lot of people ask me why, and until now I didn't know the answer. Much like alcoholics, a food addict is unaware that they have a problem! I tried to blame it on my PCOS haha. In all honesty, I was the one to blame. We ate out constanelyy, but the biggest problem was, I was eating the same amounts as a 6'3 250lb man! What was I thinking, I can totally relate to that Dierks Bently song! :cursing: "I knew there'd be hell to pay, but that crossed my mind a little too late!" I want to be open and honest about my addiction. If anyone has any questions or feels as though they may be a food addict as well, don't hesitate to contact me! I don't have all the answers, as I am just starting the journey to recovery, but I'd love to hear from some people who think they might have a similar problem! Stay Strong!:rolleyes2:
  24. Lady Lap Band

    I am a FOOD ADDICT

    I just need to say it... My name is Breanne, and I am a food addict. *sigh* I believe my addiction began at the age of 17. I had always been an over eater prior to age 17 but it was more emotional eating than addictive eating. I got my first car in May of 2004. I remember the freedom finally! It started out being able to go to whatever fast food place whenever I wanted. I remember always loving KFC, but my mother never let me go, so the first week I got my car I couldn't get the place out of my head! I stopped there everyday after work on my way home and got the BIGGEST popcorn chicken they had and ate it before I got home, and then hid the container. I think that when you hide food is when you become truly addicted. I met my husband the following year. We fell in love and got married just six months ago. Let me rewind......from the time I met him to the day we got married, I gained 60lbs! A lot of people ask me why, and until now I didn't know the answer. Much like alcoholics, a food addict is unaware that they have a problem! I tried to blame it on my PCOS haha. In all honesty, I was the one to blame. We ate out constanelyy, but the biggest problem was, I was eating the same amounts as a 6'3 250lb man! What was I thinking, I can totally relate to that Dierks Bently song! :thumbdown: "I knew there'd be hell to pay, but that crossed my mind a little too late!" I want to be open and honest about my addiction. If anyone has any questions or feels as though they may be a food addict as well, don't hesitate to contact me! I don't have all the answers, as I am just starting the journey to recovery, but I'd love to hear from some people who think they might have a similar problem! Stay Strong!:thumbup:
  25. Lady Lap Band

    June Bandsters

    oh wow I guess all the hospitals are just different! The reason the hospital gave up for having to loose weight is because your liver sits pretty much on top of where they put the band, so they have to lift the liver and the liver is like a sponge for fat! So by loosing weight it shrinks the liver and makes the surgery easier I guess. I do have to confess along with the food I am eating I am still having my mocha/raspberry iced coffee from dunkins everyday.....I feel like I deserve it for eating well lol. Truth is I'm addicted!

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