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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Band_Groupie

  1. Band_Groupie

    A Play A Day

    We tried to get tickets for Wicked in NY-sold out (Christina Chenowith-love her). Disney in January...perfect! No lines! We were there this past Feb. (Mr.SA had a conference and we, just we 2, flew in early for 2 days at the parks, then I flew home) and it was great (first time I'd been there in the winter-nice)! Took the kids this May to DLP for a day and it was beautiful...long story, daughter studying abroad in France...a 10 day trip we couldn't afford (peak of the Euro 1E/$1.57 ouch), but we're glad we did it (trip of a lifetime and all that). Have fun tonight at Chili's...I'll be meeting you for "Grey's". Rest up!
  2. Band_Groupie

    New job...new insurance???

    Disney trip? Whoo Hoo! OK, that has to be written into the employment contract! Seriously, you can't miss out on Mickey! OK, now to read the rest...Oh man, big decisions...sounds perfect...I'm sure they'll be calling soon...good luck (to Mr.W too). L'Chayim! To life?...sorry if I got it wrong...I was taught by the nuns
  3. Band_Groupie

    A okay--day 3

    You sound like you're on the road to recovery. I'll be getting 5 incisions as well, my surgeon's norm. Thanks for the tip-I'm going to take my regular meds. to my surgeon's consult and ask him if they'll go whole or crushed, so I can plan liquid ones as needed. Thanks!
  4. Band_Groupie

    Three Cheers for a Shot of Pro!

    Protein powder? Is that the same stuff my 18yo DS brought home in a giant container in hopes of bulking up his skin and bones 6'1" frame...nope, I checked...it's a protein shake, but it's got 600 cals. a serving (and I'm guessing he gave up on it...dust on the lid). Guess I'll have to start taste testing protein drinks soon for that fun "liquid phase"...let me know what you find SS!
  5. Band_Groupie

    12/4/08 Fa la-la-la-la...

    The tree is up…it smells like Christmas in the house! We have a tradition of buying our tree every Sunday after Thanksgiving. We got a fresh 11’ one from a Zeilenople tree farm lot this year. No, it's not bent over..it sits in our 2 story foyer at the corner of the staircase and we have a glass paned front door (unusual I know-that’s me, but it fits our farmhouse style/porch house). My neighbors always comment they love watching our tree get decorated a little more each day as they drive by (maybe I'll make them come help next year). It’s my favorite holiday. I’m kind of a Christmas nut:blink:…holiday nut actually…rusty antiques nut…Disney nut…OK, I’ll save my many obsessions for another blog. Let me just say I’ve got 5 large shelving units and about 40 something:blush: (don't tell DH-Mr.SA) BIG bins (was boxes, now plastic… remember the floods I mentioned with the washing machine yesterday…let’s just say the laundry room is above the Christmas shelves...yes, I cried...Oh, BTW, Art came yesterday and with a laugh, 5 min. and a $25 check I'm back in the laundry business)…I just can't throw anything away-did you know you can keep popcorn strings for at least 10 years...yep, I'm on my second set now-strung with wooden cranberry beads every now and then. I store them in old coffee cans...they smell a tiny bit funny when you first get them out every year, but no mold...they just yellow a little, but they're a perfect buttered popcorn color:crazy:...I know, only I would think to even try saving popcorn (hey, they're a lot of work and my kids bloody finger tips)!! So many bins of Christmas stuff now waiting to go up (an infliction that was passed down from my Mother). I swear I didn't buy much of it...more than half of it is all the kids things (they have as much Christmas stuff as all their other stuff), so it’s not as bad as it sounds…it will be going with them one day…but for now we display it all! Our families (they’re the spoilers) have been building up their displays since they were born so it’s all their fault…the boys huge double-layer train board…one has a Disney train, rides and monorail, the other Ertl farm sets and models he built and painted w/western train…my DD’s Christmas dollhouse that one of my sisters and my brother (still can’t believe my brother did this) sanded and glued together for 4 solid weekends before one Christmas…I so enjoy watching my kids put their own displays up each year as they remember who gave them what:regular_smile:…they always turn out a little different and they still get new little things each year. I have a whole bins of Christmas plush animals, toys, and books they got from Grandparents and of course every handmade ornament they’ve ever made…and not just the ones from school…being an ex Art teacher, I’ve made a LOT with them over the years…we still exchange ornaments with both sides of the family every year, so the kids already have ornaments aplenty for their future tree. We've got the outside lighted garlands and wreaths on every window up already. Today I’m putting away the fall decorations…tonight we put the lights on the tree…tomorrow I pile the ornaments by person on the dining room table and then each person starts putting their own on the tree…I can hardly wait for the memories… “remember this one…who/when…”:thumbup: Fa la-la-la-la
  6. Band_Groupie

    12/4/08 Fa la-la-la-la...

    Yep...more like Festivus (Seinfeld- too funny)! When I get the old camera fixed I'll take a pic Back to the bins...
  7. Band_Groupie

    A Play A Day

    MORE LAUNDRY??! Hee, hee! Oooo "Frost/Nixon" sounds great...I just saw Ron Howard on the Today Show this morning talking about the film. Have fun! I wanted to see Spamalot when we (SIL) took our girls to NY last spring, but I was out-voted...Hairspray! Back to the laundry...
  8. Band_Groupie

    Does Your Band Stop Your Hunger

    Thanks IG55! Good explanation. I'm getting myself prepared for the whole lifestyle change, lots of work, and as much as I can ahead with the head hunger. I've lost mega (50+#) on diets lots of times, so I'm ready for the work this will take. I just wanted to hear I'll be able to eat many of the same healthy foods (yep, I hear the ones I'll have to give up forever) the rest of my family is eating, but in way smaller amounts. I couldn't stay on other diets for a lifetime...because I always felt like I could gnaw my arm off with hunger and because I was always making seperate meals-what a pain, from the rest of the family (which I get may still happen some days). I can make a lifestyle change to exercise and small amounts of healthy food...and lots of work...thanks!
  9. Band_Groupie

    12/4/08 Fa la-la-la-la...

    The tree is up…it smells like Christmas in the house! We have a tradition of buying our tree every Sunday after Thanksgiving. We got a fresh 11’ one from a Zeilenople tree farm lot this year. No, it's not bent over..it sits in our 2 story foyer at the corner of the staircase and we have a glass paned front door (unusual I know-that’s me, but it fits our farmhouse style/porch house). My neighbors always comment they love watching our tree get decorated a little more each day as they drive by (maybe I'll make them come help next year). It’s my favorite holiday. I’m kind of a Christmas nut:blink:…holiday nut actually…rusty antiques nut…Disney nut…OK, I’ll save my many obsessions for another blog. Let me just say I’ve got 5 large shelving units and about 40 something:blush: (don't tell DH-Mr.SA) BIG bins (was boxes, now plastic… remember the floods I mentioned with the washing machine yesterday…let’s just say the laundry room is above the Christmas shelves...yes, I cried...Oh, BTW, Art came yesterday and with a laugh, 5 min. and a $25 check I'm back in the laundry business)…I just can't throw anything away-did you know you can keep popcorn strings for at least 10 years...yep, I'm on my second set now-strung with wooden cranberry beads every now and then. I store them in old coffee cans...they smell a tiny bit funny when you first get them out every year, but no mold...they just yellow a little, but they're a perfect buttered popcorn color:crazy:...I know, only I would think to even try saving popcorn (hey, they're a lot of work and my kids bloody finger tips)!! So many bins of Christmas stuff now waiting to go up (an infliction that was passed down from my Mother). I swear I didn't buy much of it...more than half of it is all the kids things (they have as much Christmas stuff as all their other stuff), so it’s not as bad as it sounds…it will be going with them one day…but for now we display it all! Our families (they’re the spoilers) have been building up their displays since they were born so it’s all their fault…the boys huge double-layer train board…one has a Disney train, rides and monorail, the other Ertl farm sets and models he built and painted w/western train…my DD’s Christmas dollhouse that one of my sisters and my brother (still can’t believe my brother did this) sanded and glued together for 4 solid weekends before one Christmas…I so enjoy watching my kids put their own displays up each year as they remember who gave them what:regular_smile:…they always turn out a little different and they still get new little things each year. I have a whole bins of Christmas plush animals, toys, and books they got from Grandparents and of course every handmade ornament they’ve ever made…and not just the ones from school…being an ex Art teacher, I’ve made a LOT with them over the years…we still exchange ornaments with both sides of the family every year, so the kids already have ornaments aplenty for their future tree. We've got the outside lighted garlands and wreaths on every window up already. Today I’m putting away the fall decorations…tonight we put the lights on the tree…tomorrow I pile the ornaments by person on the dining room table and then each person starts putting their own on the tree…I can hardly wait for the memories… “remember this one…who/when…”:thumbup: Fa la-la-la-la
  10. Band_Groupie

    12/3/08 Stiff Underwear

    It’s not what you think…although I’m not sure what you’re thinking:glare:…the dryer:washing: broke yesterday. Doesn’t it know I have mounds of laundry to do? Doesn’t it know we, five "we’s" actually, just returned from not one, but two Thanksgiving week trips; :car:Ohio and Philly:car:…I have suitcases full of laundry! Doesn’t it remember putting all my laundry on hold so my DD, home from college could do all her mounds of laundry before we left? My poor dryer…it’s old:closedeyes:…it’s moved houses with us…it no longer remembers anything…it has, as my children say to me when I forget something, it has “old-timers”. I put in a white load this morning…all was well with Ms. Washer…after all, she was repaired (yet again, after another flood) recently. But when I went to close Mr., Dryer, the tiny piece of metal that sticks out (maybe that’s why it’s a Mr.) to tell it the door is shut broke off (ouch, sorry Mr.). Of course the dryer won’t run without knowing the door is shut…I tried to tell it, yes the door is shut…I even tried to push a paper clip in the hole where the metal came from…no luck…but maybe I WAS lucky…I didn’t think to unplug Mr. Dryer before I shoved a paper clip into that hole…HEY, it’s 220V, I could have been electrocuted!!:scared2: I called DH-Mr.SA, and he called his new best friend Art-the-repair-man. Let me go back…A few years back when the appliances started to fail, we called the company for a repair person…we got a $295 bill for a $12 fuse and <10 min. repair.:biggrin: So the next time one failed Mr.SA decided he was going to try his hand at appliance repair. Do you know there are online sites where you “diagnose” the problem and then buy their parts and follow the online instructions. Sounds like those medical sites doesn’t it…Oh, how my Dr. loves when I go there…diagnose yourself…very scary business….you end up thinking your have all kinds of horrible things…but I’ve digressed…anyhoooo…Mr.SA confidently tried his hand at the diagnosis and the repair…twice, actually…he admitted defeat only when he had no clean underwear left. In marches the local repair man, Art (no expensive company men for us anymore). Nice old guy…and he loves my old washer and dryer “don’t makem’ like that anymore! Those new ones have a computer board…$500 for the smallest problem…can’t fix just a part on those!” Don’t tell Mr.SA, but I ratted him out to Art, just in case he’d done more damage…after Art was done laughing he replaced my $12 fuse, charged me $50 for the house-call and gave me his card with strict instructions not to let my DH touch the machines. He’s been back every 3-6 months since then and Mr.SA usually hurries home to meet him…yep, I’m at home, but Mr.SA, who fancies himself the ultimate handyman (actually he’s very handy…most of the time) loves to chat it up with anyone who touches anything on our house. So today he called his best bud Art. I get a frantic call back from Mr.SA saying I have to meet Art at a local gas station in just a few minutes…he’s booked solid today…so he’s giving us the part…no time to explain. :driving:I rush to the gas station where Art meets me with a smile… “No charge for the little part!”…tell me there aren’t honest repairmen in the world anymore! I smile and wish him a happy holidays and tell him I’m sure we’ll be seeing him soon (unfortunately)…he rushes off shouting out the truck window “It’s an easy repair, but tell your DH to call me tomorrow if he has any problems!” Problems? What problems…of course…why else would we be getting the part…why wasn’t I thinking…he’s put Mr.SA in charge of the repair!!!! I’m thinking as I drive home…doesn’t Art remember how he met us…doesn’t he remember my story of the two failed repairs…has Mr.SA schmoosed him into thinking he can handle this? :unsure:Now I’m getting nervous…after all, I have MOUNDS of laundry…the natives are getting restless…last pairs of clean underwear! Mr.SA gets home tonight beaming in anticipation… “Where’s the part?”… “On top of the dryer.”:thumbup:…I’m trying to be supportive… “Whoops!” I hear from the laundry room…my heart beats faster…whoops?.:car:..he busted something else already??… “I guess I didn’t explain the problem/part very well…he gave me the actual latch for the door…the wrong part!” :party: I guess we’ll be seeing old Art soon (maybe he’ll learn his lesson this time). My wet whites load is now out of the dryer hanging all over the house…at least we have clean underwear this time…even if it’s stiff!:biggrin3:
  11. Band_Groupie

    Now, I have my band...."NOW WHAT"!

    Thanks for posting this. It's so helpful to see success stories when your the one who's nervous and just starting out. You look great!
  12. Band_Groupie

    (Intro.) We Are......!!!

    Hi everyone! Just found this PA forum on LBT. I'm pre-band-on-the-diet (band May or June '09), live just North of Pittsburgh (Cranberry) and am going to Allegheny General Hospital, Drs. Uchal & Colella. We have family in the Philly area (Chadds Ford) and we lived in West Chester for 8 years (I worked in Wilmington, DE). I've enjoyed researching here...everyone is so helpful! My son just got accepted to Penn State main (see my blog today on LBT "We Are...!!!). I've been to my seminar and have my surgeon consult on Dec. 23. Anyone at AGH...what did you ask/go through at this meeting?
  13. Band_Groupie

    (Intro.) We Are......!!!

    Hey Margie...and hello Chicago! I have a sister in Glen Ellyn. I'll be banded in May or June if everything goes smoothly...I was hoping for April originally (my 50th birthday) but had to "restart" as I needed to weigh a pound more. I hate waiting. Good luck on your wait/diet! I don't think it takes more than a few weeks after approval for the surgery from what I've read. -BG
  14. Band_Groupie

    Problem with insurance person

    Ditto...I'd also suggest you call and ask your insurance for a copy of the actual policy requirements. They can fax them to you or most have them online and they can tell you how to access them. Every insurance company has their requirements spelled out...mine was a little vague on the "comorbidities" as a lot of them are (not an issue for you as you have several of the 'biggies'), but your policy will clearly state how many years or not of history and the same with the diet. I don't have tricare, but mine (BCBS Highmark Western PA) lists the 6 mo. diet but no years of history is listed. Give your Drs. insurance person a copy of your actual policy, then everyone is clear. I've found that even in the same state my BCBS has very different requirements from area to area, and probably even co. to co. depending on what they purchased.
  15. Thanks for sharing this! Just what I needed today...nervous about preparing for my surgeon consult. I love success stories, and you look great!:cursing:
  16. Is there a list of questions for your first surgeon consult anywhere on here (I'm anal, I know-have another list for the insurance lady)? I realize that some of these may get answered at the initial seminars (been to mine already), but I still have lots of details to ask. I'm hoping the Dr. will cover most of this when I get there. Here's what I have so far, PLEASE help me add to this (going in a few weeks, thanks!): PRE-OP - Pre-Op Diet- how long, what/when? Night before-what/when? - Bowel Prep- or not, what/when? - My Meds.- continue reg. meds, Vitamins, up until when? WHICH BAND (I have a choice) - Realize- Want to see this one filled/crease concern, and the bend back lock - Lap-Band APS or APL- How much fill is in it immediately, and is this all in the port/tube (zero band fill)? See it filled. - Low profile port- Which has? option for me now or later? SURGERY/IN HOSPITAL - When does surgery get scheduled/criteria? Tentative date or wait for insurance approval? - Allergies- Mine-soaps/sheets, adhesive tape (fine with the hypo-allergenic kind), all environmental (asthma) - Anesthesia-preventatives for nausea possible (I get easily nauseated, was given 2 things for nausea by anesthesiologist last surgery)? - Catheter- used? out when? - Oxygen/IV- confirm yes- also? - Clot Preventatives- leg sleeves? meds, other? - Band- Attachment-How-lower stomach folds up and sutured (2-5) on one side? How long until it is secure/fused How can slippage occur? Is it tested during surgery, blue dye or how? - Port (I can chose where) Determine best position, attached how? How long until it is secure/fused? How can flips occur? - CO2- What do you do to minimize gas pains? Remove excess? Is it heated/humidified? Meds after? - Incisions- Confirm 5/locations? Use staples, stitches, glue? Protected with what/coverings? - Complications- should I expect any with my history? - Timing- (Mainly for DH)What is approx. timing/process of surgery (arival, prep, surgery, recovery, etc.) - Pain Meds- after, what, how often, side effects/nausea? - My Meds- Can I take my reg. meds in hospital, when? - Nausea- Meds available immediately after if needed? - Coughing- (some wake up and cough, I have asthma and easily cough) are meds available for this immediately? Can I also take inhaler immediately? - Length of stay- 1 night? What is the criteria for release? - Tests- Barium swallow? X-ray? Urine test? Other? - Expectations- Up and walking when? Shower? etc. HOME/POST-OP - Incisions- What to expect, treat them, buy anything, timing? - Expectations/Instructions- sleeping (propped up?), lifting, work, pain-when to call, etc. - Pain Meds- What, how often? Can I pre-fill Rx? - Other Meds- Nausea/Vomiting (get Rx for Phenergan), Diarrhea/Constipation, Coughing, Gas pains? Get Rx or OK list for OTC, and when it's OK. Call at what point? - My Meds.- If not started in hospital, when is it OK to start regular meds., vitamins? - Card- LB card to carry in wallet available, info. on limitations, loc. of port, surgeon info? - Diet- Phases what/when? Vitamin supplements? What to buy? - Exercise- What, when? LONG TERM - Dr. Visits- What is normal schedule for post-op visits, for what, testing, or only see at fills? - Fills- What is normal schedule/Normal amounts? Criteria? Who does? How are they done- xray, fluroscope, barium swallow, local anesthetic? Unfills the same? - Complications- Fill/restriction issues, Port/Band Pain, When to call? - Support Group- Schedule
  17. All compiled from everyone's posts/research here...I'm sure I'm missing something though...
  18. Band_Groupie

    12/3/08 Stiff Underwear

    It’s not what you think…although I’m not sure what you’re thinking:glare:…the dryer:washing: broke yesterday. Doesn’t it know I have mounds of laundry to do? Doesn’t it know we, five "we’s" actually, just returned from not one, but two Thanksgiving week trips; :car:Ohio and Philly:car:…I have suitcases full of laundry! Doesn’t it remember putting all my laundry on hold so my DD, home from college could do all her mounds of laundry before we left? My poor dryer…it’s old:closedeyes:…it’s moved houses with us…it no longer remembers anything…it has, as my children say to me when I forget something, it has “old-timers”. I put in a white load this morning…all was well with Ms. Washer…after all, she was repaired (yet again, after another flood) recently. But when I went to close Mr., Dryer, the tiny piece of metal that sticks out (maybe that’s why it’s a Mr.) to tell it the door is shut broke off (ouch, sorry Mr.). Of course the dryer won’t run without knowing the door is shut…I tried to tell it, yes the door is shut…I even tried to push a paper clip in the hole where the metal came from…no luck…but maybe I WAS lucky…I didn’t think to unplug Mr. Dryer before I shoved a paper clip into that hole…HEY, it’s 220V, I could have been electrocuted!!:huh2: I called DH-Mr.SA, and he called his new best friend Art-the-repair-man. Let me go back…A few years back when the appliances started to fail, we called the company for a repair person…we got a $295 bill for a $12 fuse and <10 min. repair.:glare: So the next time one failed Mr.SA decided he was going to try his hand at appliance repair. Do you know there are online sites where you “diagnose” the problem and then buy their parts and follow the online instructions. Sounds like those medical sites doesn’t it…Oh, how my Dr. loves when I go there…diagnose yourself…very scary business….you end up thinking your have all kinds of horrible things…but I’ve digressed…anyhoooo…Mr.SA confidently tried his hand at the diagnosis and the repair…twice, actually…he admitted defeat only when he had no clean underwear left. In marches the local repair man, Art (no expensive company men for us anymore). Nice old guy…and he loves my old washer and dryer “don’t makem’ like that anymore! Those new ones have a computer board…$500 for the smallest problem…can’t fix just a part on those!” Don’t tell Mr.SA, but I ratted him out to Art, just in case he’d done more damage…after Art was done laughing he replaced my $12 fuse, charged me $50 for the house-call and gave me his card with strict instructions not to let my DH touch the machines. He’s been back every 3-6 months since then and Mr.SA usually hurries home to meet him…yep, I’m at home, but Mr.SA, who fancies himself the ultimate handyman (actually he’s very handy…most of the time) loves to chat it up with anyone who touches anything on our house. So today he called his best bud Art. I get a frantic call back from Mr.SA saying I have to meet Art at a local gas station in just a few minutes…he’s booked solid today…so he’s giving us the part…no time to explain. :driving:I rush to the gas station where Art meets me with a smile… “No charge for the little part!”…tell me there aren’t honest repairmen in the world anymore! I smile and wish him a happy holidays and tell him I’m sure we’ll be seeing him soon (unfortunately)…he rushes off shouting out the truck window “It’s an easy repair, but tell your DH to call me tomorrow if he has any problems!” Problems? What problems…of course…why else would we be getting the part…why wasn’t I thinking…he’s put Mr.SA in charge of the repair!!!! I’m thinking as I drive home…doesn’t Art remember how he met us…doesn’t he remember my story of the two failed repairs…has Mr.SA schmoosed him into thinking he can handle this? :unsure:Now I’m getting nervous…after all, I have MOUNDS of laundry…the natives are getting restless…last pairs of clean underwear! Mr.SA gets home tonight beaming in anticipation… “Where’s the part?”… “On top of the dryer.”:thumbup:…I’m trying to be supportive… “Whoops!” I hear from the laundry room…my heart beats faster…whoops?.:car:..he busted something else already??… “I guess I didn’t explain the problem/part very well…he gave me the actual latch for the door…the wrong part!” :party: I guess we’ll be seeing old Art soon (maybe he’ll learn his lesson this time). My wet whites load is now out of the dryer hanging all over the house…at least we have clean underwear this time…even if it’s stiff!:confused:
  19. Band_Groupie

    12/2/08 Consult Scheduled!

    Thanks gals! You're right JA...I think it's similar to that "head hunger" everyone talks about...I'm finding there's so much "head" stuff I need to change my thoughts about...putting myself first, learning how hard this will be, coming to grips with it being forever...(I could never stay on all my other diets forever, even after I lost big amounts), but starting to believe I can do this...you're right...whole nother ballgame!
  20. Band_Groupie

    12/2/08 Consult Scheduled!

    OK, since my seminar I’ve been putting off calling to schedule my consult with the surgeon. I found it interesting that AGH (Hospital) leaves it in your hands to call them to schedule if you are interested and you can see the surgeon as soon as you want to. :biggrin: The other two hospitals I went to say they’ll call you to let you know if you are “accepted” into the program or not, and you can’t consult with the surgeon until a certain point in their programs. So I could see the surgeon right away…nice, right? So why was I putting it off?:scared2: I think I felt like I wouldn’t get many of these visits unless there was a reason for more (maybe just one, not sure), so I wanted to have all my questions in line (I’m anal about researching things). I kept saying “I’ll call tomorrow”.:biggrin3: As we are literally walking out the door to leave for Philly for the Thanksgiving holiday the phone rings. My DH-Mr.SA says (trying to mumble) “It’s Allegheny General for you.” Mind you, I’ve decided not to tell anyone but DH-Mr.SA and here were my 3 children standing in the kitchen, ready to get in the car. I think my oldest, DD home from college, may now suspect something since I left LBT up on my computer and she used it to check her emails :car:(and I over reacted when I saw her on it). I don’t really mind that she knows, I just don’t want her to be disappointed in me if I don’t succeed. So I turn bright red:blushing: in front of the kids and grab the phone. “You attended our seminar about a month ago and we were wondering if you were interested in setting up a consult appointment with the surgeon?” Now I’m grabbing my calendar and running to the other room.:thumbup: He had an opening Dec. 23, which at first pass sounded awful because I know I’ll be busy with Christmas prep, but after a second I realized it’s also a day DH-DH is off so he can go with me.:wub::wub: If he’s my only support then I guess it’s good he knows what to expect after. Plus he was traveling and didn’t make the AGH seminar, so it will be a chance for him to meet the Dr. So…Consult scheduled…now back to my list of questions for the surgeon (why am I so nervous about this?)!:party:
  21. Band_Groupie

    Surgery Successful!

    Thanks for all the detail, it so helps to see what happens. Hope you're feeling better today!
  22. Band_Groupie

    12/2/08 Consult Scheduled!

    OK, since my seminar I’ve been putting off calling to schedule my consult with the surgeon. I found it interesting that AGH (Hospital) leaves it in your hands to call them to schedule if you are interested and you can see the surgeon as soon as you want to. :glare: The other two hospitals I went to say they’ll call you to let you know if you are “accepted” into the program or not, and you can’t consult with the surgeon until a certain point in their programs. So I could see the surgeon right away…nice, right? So why was I putting it off?:huh2: I think I felt like I wouldn’t get many of these visits unless there was a reason for more (maybe just one, not sure), so I wanted to have all my questions in line (I’m anal about researching things). I kept saying “I’ll call tomorrow”.:confused: As we are literally walking out the door to leave for Philly for the Thanksgiving holiday the phone rings. My DH-Mr.SA says (trying to mumble) “It’s Allegheny General for you.” Mind you, I’ve decided not to tell anyone but DH-Mr.SA and here were my 3 children standing in the kitchen, ready to get in the car. I think my oldest, DD home from college, may now suspect something since I left LBT up on my computer and she used it to check her emails :car:(and I over reacted when I saw her on it). I don’t really mind that she knows, I just don’t want her to be disappointed in me if I don’t succeed. So I turn bright red:blushing: in front of the kids and grab the phone. “You attended our seminar about a month ago and we were wondering if you were interested in setting up a consult appointment with the surgeon?” Now I’m grabbing my calendar and running to the other room.:thumbup: He had an opening Dec. 23, which at first pass sounded awful because I know I’ll be busy with Christmas prep, but after a second I realized it’s also a day DH-DH is off so he can go with me.:wub::wub: If he’s my only support then I guess it’s good he knows what to expect after. Plus he was traveling and didn’t make the AGH seminar, so it will be a chance for him to meet the Dr. So…Consult scheduled…now back to my list of questions for the surgeon (why am I so nervous about this?)!:party:
  23. Band_Groupie

    Does Your Band Stop Your Hunger

    Wow, when I first saw the results of this, I panicked! But it seems like a lot of you are answering about the "head hunger", which I get. I'm so confused now. I'm praying that the band will take away that empty gnawing hunger pangs shaking feeling that I always get on diets. That's what the LB sites promise, right? I also don't get why people are having to follow "diets" like Atkins? I lost 50 lbs. (twice then gained it back slowly) on Atkins, but is that really healthy long term? I'm prepared to eat a LOT less and deal with all the head hunger...but will I feel like I'm starving like I have on so many other diets?
  24. Band_Groupie

    Time Lapse

    You look maaaaarvelous! How much have you lost in 8 months, wow???
  25. Band_Groupie

    whats everybody reading?

    Halfway through "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett- excellent. 12th century England; kings, queens, monks, tretchery, and the building of a cathedral. Love the recommendations here!

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