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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Band_Groupie

  1. Band_Groupie

    Asparagus RollUps

    Asparagus...really?? I thought that was going to be on my no-no list post-band (because it's so stringy). Good to hear...I'm adding to my file of recipes now...we eat asparagus about once a week now. Thanks!
  2. Ditto adding a 0/few pounds. I believe (confirming at my appt.) I can't gain, but I'm not supposed to lose much either; wondering how many others got that advice.
  3. Band_Groupie

    12/8/08 Pantless until June!

    I’m now at my highest weight ever by a few pounds.:thumbup: But I guess the good news (if you can possibly call this good news:angry:) is I’m well over the minimum BMI needed for insurance..yay me (not).:confused: I HATE tight pants so I always buy a larger size, but I REFUSE to do that with LB in my future. I had a pair of jeans on with a belt this weekend (last notch) and they were hurting my waist yesterday…they felt like they were pinching me…well, I looked this morning and I actually have a little bruise where the belt buckle flipped up when I sat (probably my muffin top rolling them…lovely:glare:) and the buckle was jabbing me in the waist. As if being overweight isn’t painful enough…now I have to put up with “clothing pain”…geez! I wonder if “clothing pain” and bruising count as a comorbidity (hee-hee)? :huh2: I counted and I now have the following: 1 pr. Jeans, 1 pr. Dress pants, 3 pr. Elastic Sweat pants…so not even a week’s worth of pants! :glare: Thank God I’m at home and not working! I don’t think they expect me to lose much weight on my 6 mo. diet, but I have to confirm that...So it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to wear other sizes in my closet any time soon. I don’t end my 6 mo. diet until May 10th, so it will probably be early June for my surgery. What the heck happens when it gets hot out this Spring…I don’t think I have any capris/shorts that would fit me now! Maybe I’ll be allowed to lose weight on that pre-op diet? I’ll have to ask how many weeks that is, let’s see…maybe if it’s 4 weeks pre-op diet that would put me into April…let’s pray:pray2: for a cool spring…and that my 5 pairs of pants don’t split/wear out by then! If you see a pantless lady walking around, it’s me:willy_nilly:…I REFUSE to buy a larger size!
  4. Band_Groupie

    Last thoughts before being banded.

    Great blog! You sounded so calm...none of the "scared to death" or "having second thoughts" that I've been reading from many. That's inspiring. Thanks for sharing Pete!
  5. Band_Groupie

    Surgeon appointment

    I posted a thread here on 12/2 "What to ask surgeon?..." with my list of questions. I've been slowly putting it together for my upcoming consult from researching here mainly. Not all the questions are for your first visit (like some of the post-op stuff) but I like having it all in one place. I'm thinking that the surgeon will probably cover most of it with what he tells me when I get there. Good luck.
  6. Band_Groupie


    I love learning about others traditions, thanks for sharing! How have I missed Sukkot all these years?...my best friend through H.S. was Jewish, but I don't remember them building a hut...I had to look this one up...How fun!!! Latkes...my dad calls them Kartoffelpuffer (German potato pancakes) and my DH-Mr.SA loves to make them (we call him "Mr. Potato Head" he loves them so much)...probably another thing I can't have post-op, oh well :-)
  7. Band_Groupie

    Blog Suggestions

    New here, and brand new to blogging, but I've already noticed that lots of short specific questions, that should be in the Forums section get posted in new blogs (mainly by brand new members). Some get answered, but I think they'd get more answers if they were in Forums...so I'm feeling bad they don't get a response, and for some it's their very first post. I've noticed that the more experience bloggers also put questions as part of their journal, but they're more like "needing support" questions or affirmation, which works well there. I know I had no idea what a "Blog" was when I started...it might help to add something at the main Blog page that lets newbies like me know what a Blog is...like "Blog- Journal your weight loss journey" or some other description...if there's room "Specific Questions- Post under the Forum tab" which brings me to my second suggestion...Why don't new Blogs show up under "New Posts"...that's another way to remedy the exposure issue. BTW, I've been meaning to send you a note Alex...GREAT new LBT logo!!! Very nice!!:thumbup:
  8. Band_Groupie

    12/6/08 Traditions...What's in Your Shoes?

    I love traditions. They tie us to our families our faiths our origins and our holidays. Our parents passed some on to us and we’ve started some of our own…some are just little things, others are lengthy productions, some are from our heritage, some I’m sure most households do, and some I know are just our families. As I’m bringing up all the Christmas bins I’m reminded of all the little things we do each and every year to make this season special. Always getting our live tree the Sunday after Thanksgiving; Advent calendars; St. Nicholas Day-kids setting their shoes outside their door Dec. 5 for little gifts from St. Nick the next morning (TODAY!..A northern Europe tradition); finding different ways to give to others in need-working at a soup kitchen, Toys-For-Tots, adopting a family; making our favorite Christmas cookies and a gingerbread house while wearing our elf hats with ears; Ornament exchanges with each family and with each other on Christmas Eve; singing “Silent Night” holding candles on Christmas Eve as one child gets the honor of placing Baby Jesus in the manger that sits on the mantle; leaving cookies and milk for Santa and a vegetable-usuallly a carrot for the reindeer; tying a ribbon at the top of the stairs and one of the children gets to cut the ribbon when it’s time to come down-a fire going and music playing; the kids rushing to the tree to see who can find the pickle ornament (from Germany) first that Santa has hidden on the tree because that child gets to open the first present; always opening the stockings first; Santa’s gifts always appear in plain green and red paper with large elvish writing of names on the fronts and there’s always one gift for each child that sits out unwrapped; cooking everyone’s favorites for Christmas dinner and singing Happy Birthday to Jesus before our dessert; and finally come the Christmas crackers that contain tissue party hats and little trinkets and dumb jokes that always get us laughing; taking each child’s photo on the couch with their new toys; the day after Christmas is always “jammie day” where we stay in our jammies and play games all day, Oh and we all have fun giving hilarious “Thanks for the Memories” gifts, but I’ll save that for tomorrow’s blog…my favorite/funniest kid story this year!…stay tuned...hee-hee What are your holiday traditions??:thumbup:
  9. Band_Groupie

    12/7/08 Thanks...for the Memories

    NOTE ***Read the last paragraph at least for my favorite kid story this year…it still makes me laugh! “Thanks for the Memories” gifts. My Dad started this tradition way back. He would wrap up little crazy things:crazy: that were funny or embarrassing. They are always preceded by a funny story that makes everyone wonder what’s in the box and you never know who’s going to get one. My favorite one was the year I’ve received a box of run-over mangled gas caps. Back when I was a teen, long before they had locking ones or gas doors with handy cap holders on them I lost 3 of Dad’s at the gas station by leaving them on top of the car where you’d put them while you pumped the gas (where else would you put them?). So one year Dad went to our local gas station where they had a whole box of them that other people had left (see, I wasn’t the only one) and yep, I gotem’ all!:wink: We’ve all started this now… This year I’ve got some good ones ready for my kids. My oldest, my daughter, will be getting a lovely mug we found with Betrix Potter’s “Mrs. Tiggy Winkle” on it. When she was just one we lived for a few months with my in-laws when we were looking for a home after our move. We all loved reading her stories. One day out from the boxed book series came “Mrs. Tiggy Winkle” and she freaked out! :scared2: I have to admit, she’s one scary looking beady-eyed hedgehog (Google her if you want a scare).:scared: For many years, we’d say “Mrs. Tiggy Winkle” and she would imitate Mrs. TW and wrinkle up her nose and make a scary face. She wouldn’t go near the bookshelf at the Grandparents house until we showed her the book and put it up high. Her Grandparents love reminding her of that story. So now she’ll be getting a little reminder (we’re cruel parents, I know)! :blushing: My oldest son will be getting what’s left of our old OSU front car plate as he had to buy a new one, along with a new front-end on our car (actually just the deductable). Yep, he got in his first fender bender:car::car: this year (no one hurt, low speed, bumped the SUV in front of him and the SUV won big time-hardly a scratch on theirs…:rant:RANT-I ask you why oh why can’t all bumpers line up at the same level?:mad2: What’s the point if they don’t?:cursing:). Yep, we’re really cruel parents!:sneaky: It’s a good lesson when your first accident is a little one though…I hope it’s made him much more cautious; I think so. My youngest boy-13 will be getting music, specifically Guns and Roses “Sweet Child ‘O Mine”. He got his first guitar (electric) for his birthday in July (Santa is bringing him a bigger practice amp…are we crazy or what? The one it came with was really bad though.). We were so busy:willy_nilly: this summer that we couldn’t start lessons until September. Well, he was so anxious to start that he got on YouTube one day and by watching, tried to teach himself the long intro to the song above. After a month of listening to him trying to pluck it out…before we knew it he had it down and at the right tempo even.:thumbup: Google the music video on YouTube…it’s fast…and he’s never played a guitar…brass in the school band for a few years (band concert at school last Fri. night-very nice), but no strings. September comes and I take him for his first lesson at the music store (he’s nervous, but excited) and we meet the teacher…nice young guy who graduated from Berkeley and they go into one of the lesson rooms while I wait. Half-hour is up and they come out…huge smiles:biggrin::biggrin:…I asked his teacher how it went and he starts laughing:laugh:…OK, I’m thinking what happened?...my son is shy, but super funny…uh oh, what did he do?....the teacher tells me “We began with how to hold the guitar, then we started the beginner book…and it was great that he’s played an instrument at school because I could skip some of the real basics like timing, notes, etc.”...then he starts laughing again:lol2:….he says “We had a few minutes left of our lesson time so I played a little for your son to inspire him and showed him that soon he’ll be strumming and then I played him part of a great picking song.”…:smilielol5:hysterical laughter now… “Well, I finished and your son looks up at me and just gives me a grin” :ihih:(he’s got an INFAMOUS sneaky grin) “Then he looks down at his guitar and without a word plays the same thing I just played perfectly!” :wink2:….what song did the teacher pick…you got it…fate steps in….what are the odds…the ONLY song my son knows…intro to “Sweet Child ‘O Mine”!! The teacher says… “Boy was I amazed!:eek6:...now, if he could have done that with 2 songs…ha-ha!” (I’ll bet he thought he had a prodigy) :lol:We were in tears laughing (guess you had to be there). Ten lessons later and he’s perfectly playing “Stairway to Heaven” (except the big wild solo part). Looks like I’ll soon be a “Band_Groupie” in more than one way…hold those lighters up!!!:thumbup:
  10. Band_Groupie

    12/7/08 Thanks...for the Memories

    NOTE ***Read the last paragraph at least for my favorite kid story this year…it still makes me laugh! “Thanks for the Memories” gifts. My Dad started this tradition way back. He would wrap up little crazy things:crazy: that were funny or embarrassing. They are always preceded by a funny story that makes everyone wonder what’s in the box and you never know who’s going to get one. My favorite one was the year I’ve received a box of run-over mangled gas caps. Back when I was a teen, long before they had locking ones or gas doors with handy cap holders on them I lost 3 of Dad’s at the gas station by leaving them on top of the car where you’d put them while you pumped the gas (where else would you put them?). So one year Dad went to our local gas station where they had a whole box of them that other people had left (see, I wasn’t the only one) and yep, I gotem’ all!:glare: We’ve all started this now… This year I’ve got some good ones ready for my kids. My oldest, my daughter, will be getting a lovely mug we found with Betrix Potter’s “Mrs. Tiggy Winkle” on it. When she was just one we lived for a few months with my in-laws when we were looking for a home after our move. We all loved reading her stories. One day out from the boxed book series came “Mrs. Tiggy Winkle” and she freaked out! :car: I have to admit, she’s one scary looking beady-eyed hedgehog (Google her if you want a scare).:eek: For many years, we’d say “Mrs. Tiggy Winkle” and she would imitate Mrs. TW and wrinkle up her nose and make a scary face. She wouldn’t go near the bookshelf at the Grandparents house until we showed her the book and put it up high. Her Grandparents love reminding her of that story. So now she’ll be getting a little reminder (we’re cruel parents, I know)! :confused: My oldest son will be getting what’s left of our old OSU front car plate as he had to buy a new one, along with a new front-end on our car (actually just the deductable). Yep, he got in his first fender bender:car::car: this year (no one hurt, low speed, bumped the SUV in front of him and the SUV won big time-hardly a scratch on theirs…:rant:RANT-I ask you why oh why can’t all bumpers line up at the same level?:mad2: What’s the point if they don’t?:party:). Yep, we’re really cruel parents!:eek: It’s a good lesson when your first accident is a little one though…I hope it’s made him much more cautious; I think so.:wub: My youngest boy-13 will be getting music, specifically Guns and Roses “Sweet Child ‘O Mine”. He got his first guitar (electric) for his birthday in July (Santa is bringing him a bigger practice amp…are we crazy or what? The one it came with was really bad though.). We were so busy:willy_nilly: this summer that we couldn’t start lessons until September. Well, he was so anxious to start that he got on YouTube one day and by watching, tried to teach himself the long intro to the song above. After a month of listening to him trying to pluck it out…before we knew it he had it down and at the right tempo even.:thumbup: Google the music video on YouTube…it’s fast…and he’s never played a guitar…brass in the school band for a few years (band concert at school last Fri. night-very nice), but no strings. September comes and I take him for his first lesson at the music store (he’s nervous, but excited) and we meet the teacher…nice young guy who graduated from Berkeley and they go into one of the lesson rooms while I wait. Half-hour is up and they come out…huge smiles:biggrin::huh2:…I asked his teacher how it went and he starts laughing:laugh:…OK, I’m thinking what happened?...my son is shy, but super funny…uh oh, what did he do?....the teacher tells me “We began with how to hold the guitar, then we started the beginner book…and it was great that he’s played an instrument at school because I could skip some of the real basics like timing, notes, etc.”...then he starts laughing again:lol2:….he says “We had a few minutes left of our lesson time so I played a little for your son to inspire him and showed him that soon he’ll be strumming and then I played him part of a great picking song.”…:smilielol5:hysterical laughter now… “Well, I finished and your son looks up at me and just gives me a grin” :ihih:(he’s got an INFAMOUS sneaky grin) “Then he looks down at his guitar and without a word plays the same thing I just played perfectly!” :eek:….what song did the teacher pick…you got it…fate steps in….what are the odds…the ONLY song my son knows…intro to “Sweet Child ‘O Mine”!! The teacher says… “Boy was I amazed!:eek6:...now, if he could have done that with 2 songs…ha-ha!” (I’ll bet he thought he had a prodigy) :lol:We were in tears laughing (guess you had to be there). Ten lessons later and he’s perfectly playing “Stairway to Heaven” (except the big wild solo part). Looks like I’ll soon be a “Band_Groupie” in more than one way…hold those lighters up!!!:wub:
  11. My understanding is that the Realize Band has a standard low profile port and that the AP Lap Band has a low profile one available (the standard is larger). I'm sure one of them is smaller than the other by at least a little, but I haven't found that info. anywhere yet. I've been trying to research as much as I can about each as I also have a choice. I've got my surgeon consult Dec. 23 so I'll report what I've found out then. Like J.A. said, I can only hope that any port will show, but it's good to plan ahead!
  12. Band_Groupie

    The Very Beginning

    "destined to yo yo by small amounts until I find that I'm old and still fat and missed out on a whole lot of things I would have loved to do but been inhibited by my weight. I want to surf, to horse ride, to have kids and be able to run in the mum's race on sports days, to wear funky clothes that actually sit right." GO GIRL...do it now, not when you're almost 50 like me...although I still have done most of those things...except mum's race (don't know that one) and surf (does snorkeling or water skiing count?) I've definately done less of them as time and the pounds have come on. I didn't get really fat until my mid 30's, but wish I could have done this then...no regrets, but "when you know better, you do better." Go for it!
  13. Band_Groupie

    Hello All

    Hey Lilly. Friendly group here. I'm pre-band. Keep on blogging...it's a great way to document your progress and to just get your feelings out and gather support. I know I'm not one to attend support meetings that aren't close to home so this is a good way to do the same thing. Jan. 2...what a way to start the new you!! -BG
  14. Band_Groupie

    BMI has fluctuated over the years

    daco- Sounds like you haven't submitted yet...don't do that until you know exactly what your insurance requirements are (my understanding is that you only get a certain no. of appeals and can only re-apply after so many months). You need to start this process by getting a printout of your insurance requirements...this is STEP 1...just call your customer service no. (usually on your card) and ask them to fax you one...or even easier most have them online-just ask them how to access. That way you'll know what your chances are going in. You can also do a thread on here listing your insurance name and state/specifics (ie. BCBS is totally different coverage in different states/areas...I don't need any weight history other than the 6 mo. diet, others with BCBS need 5 years). Someone may respond that has the same one. Also lots of people found out they had comorbidities they didn't know about just by having their PCP do a full workup/bloodwork. I was borderline hypertension-just over the limit for a few months (one of the 5 "biggies" which I needed at least one of) and after freaking out over this process I was really high at my visit and was put on medication. I wasted a few months not knowing enough about my requirements...get yours in writing.
  15. My feelings exactly...I went to 3 hospital seminars in my area. First was totally Gastric Bypass biased...I felt like I was going to have to give him my first-born to convince him to give me LB (he even said "if you've got diabetes you're going to have a hard time convincing me to give you a LB." I don't have diabetes, but I was outta there.). Second gave me both choices and the third one was very pro-LB...he said the only people that need G.Bypass are the sickest ones....ones that need to loose very quickly because they might not live another 5 years (5 yrs.-the point at which the LB patients and the GBypass weights end up about the same). If you have a reason to need to lose quickly and are OK with the additional risk, then go for it. If not, and you've got options, shop around! I think it's a very personal important choice...don't let someone else make it for you.
  16. Band_Groupie

    12/6/08 Traditions...What's in Your Shoes?

    I love traditions. They tie us to our families our faiths our origins and our holidays. Our parents passed some on to us and we’ve started some of our own…some are just little things, others are lengthy productions, some are from our heritage, some I’m sure most households do, and some I know are just our families. As I’m bringing up all the Christmas bins I’m reminded of all the little things we do each and every year to make this season special. Always getting our live tree the Sunday after Thanksgiving; Advent calendars; St. Nicholas Day-kids setting their shoes outside their door Dec. 5 for little gifts from St. Nick the next morning (TODAY!..A northern Europe tradition); finding different ways to give to others in need-working at a soup kitchen, Toys-For-Tots, adopting a family; making our favorite Christmas cookies and a gingerbread house while wearing our elf hats with ears; Ornament exchanges with each family and with each other on Christmas Eve; singing “Silent Night” holding candles on Christmas Eve as one child gets the honor of placing Baby Jesus in the manger that sits on the mantle; leaving cookies and milk for Santa and a vegetable-usuallly a carrot for the reindeer; tying a ribbon at the top of the stairs and one of the children gets to cut the ribbon when it’s time to come down-a fire going and music playing; the kids rushing to the tree to see who can find the pickle ornament (from Germany) first that Santa has hidden on the tree because that child gets to open the first present; always opening the stockings first; Santa’s gifts always appear in plain green and red paper with large elvish writing of names on the fronts and there’s always one gift for each child that sits out unwrapped; cooking everyone’s favorites for Christmas dinner and singing Happy Birthday to Jesus before our dessert; and finally come the Christmas crackers that contain tissue party hats and little trinkets and dumb jokes that always get us laughing; taking each child’s photo on the couch with their new toys; the day after Christmas is always “jammie day” where we stay in our jammies and play games all day, Oh and we all have fun giving hilarious “Thanks for the Memories” gifts, but I’ll save that for tomorrow’s blog…my favorite/funniest kid story this year!…stay tuned...hee-hee What are your holiday traditions??:thumbup:
  17. Band_Groupie

    Liquid diet ideas

    Hey Roberta...pre-bandino here, so I can't offer help, except to suggest you might also post this under "Forums" (tag at top here) then either "Post-Op" or "Diet" sections. You can also go to each of those and do a search for just that forum for "liquid diet" and you'll get lots of threads to look at. You'll get more responses on the forum since the Blogs are for personal journals and don't get nearly as much exposure...they don't come up under "New Posts" which I know is what I use to look for new questions/ideas. Happy researching and Happy New Band!! -BG
  18. Band_Groupie

    My First Fill....Strange!

    Thanks so much for posting this...great descriptions! Now I'll know what to expect! Good job on the jeans!!!
  19. Yep- big difference in BCBS policies from area to area. I've got Highmark PPO Blue-Western PA. For low BMI 35-30 you need at least one of the "biggie" comorbidities (heart disease, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, sleep apnea) and no matter how many of the other ones you have, they don't count (I have asthma, osteoarthritis, stress incontinence, and borderline cholesterol & pre-diabetic, but all these aren't good enough on their own). I just got diagnosed with hypertension-meds. and so I'll be covered totally, even fills. I'm 37.7 BMI and 2nd mo. of 6 mo. diet now.
  20. Band_Groupie

    12/5/08 Urodynamics

    Hey Sunshine2...just wanted to say my (vaginally done) hysterectomy (& sling) wasn't that bad or painful after (after childbirth nothing is painful)...took my pills like clockwork and was tired but fine. So I hope yours goes as well. Sounds like the LB is going to be harder with all the incisions!
  21. Band_Groupie


    ...and I WILL be watching you (hee-hee)...accountability to yourself...good job! If we knew the why of binge's it would be so much easier...I think the important part is that you're aware now. Keep up the good work...you're an inspiration!
  22. Band_Groupie

    Protein Shakes

    I'm makin' a list...checking it twice... Protein shakes...good? Really? OK, I'll trust you...it's on my shopping list.
  23. Band_Groupie

    12/5/08 Urodynamics

    Sounds like a new exercise program…or maybe a high-tech company name?…Oh NO….look closer…Uro…nope, not the currency in Europe…uro as in Urologist!:party: Taking my cue from a fellow blogger (‘cause I can’t just write this out, it will sound too horrific)…Sing it with me, to the tune of “Jingle Bells”… Went to the Urologist Wires out the gazoo:ohmy: Catheter up the front And up the rear-end too!:eek: They fill up your big bladder You feel like you’re gonna blow:crying: They ask you to cough, and then they say “Tell me when you’ve got to go.” :wub: Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right NOW! Im’ gonna pee on your floor and then you’ll need a towel! Oww! :glare: Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right NOW! Im’ gonna pee on your floor and then you’ll need a towel!:car: Yeah… “Oh what fun” (not) I had this morning…Three years ago, after putting up with stress incontinence for years (three kids did me in) I had surgery (only one I’ve ever had) with both a bladder sling and a hysterectomy in hopes of correcting this issue. Although initial results were good, it slowly failed and over the next year I was back to where I started.:confused: Well, it’s taken me awhile to go back to my Dr., but in this year of “getting me healthier” I decided to see what they could do. I met with my Urologist last month…if you remember my “I peed my pants” blog…he said “You’re the first patient I’ve had where this failed…you’ll have to leave by the back door so you don’t scare my other patient!” Ha-ha:laugh:…I would have laughed, but then I might PEE MYSELF!:huh2: Now don’t I feel special! So today I started the testing process again…not much embarrasses me (I know, obviously) but “Urodynamics” testing is a treat…I think you’ve got the picture from my song, but picture standing on a towel and holding a million tubes and wires (coming from all points nether-regions) throughout the testing…cough…bear down:blush:…’nuff said. Next week I get to go through the “scoping” process again…yay me…photos! I’ve had some other issues over the past few years with other failed treatments and I know that’s got me more nervous about the LB process…I’m feeling a little jinxed…like if something can go wrong or fail, it’s going to happen to me!:wub: But I’m an eternal optimist (as Mr.SA says) and my cup is always half-full (or in the case of this morning 1.7 liters…yes, they measure...eeeww)…so here’s to the LB! Bring it on the testing!:thumbup:
  24. Band_Groupie

    FREE Nutrition advice

    I'm interested in this as well...do you recommend an Atkins like high protein diet (less fruit/veg and of course carbs), or a more reg. balanced diet?
  25. I did a thread in the General Forum "Where would you move your port?" for similar reasons. I've come to the conclusion from reading that ontop of your ribs or breastbone is bad (apparently some docs like to anchor to cartilage instead of muscle...I'm sure it would flip less there as they say, but as one gal said she had a "third boob") but an inch or two below is OK. Also it's bad to be right in line where most of your pant waistlines hit or even just right above. I'm planning to ask for mine to be centered (or a little off) and an inch or two below my ribs/breastbone. I'm also going to ask about the 'low profile port' if not immediately, then later on maybe.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
