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Everything posted by Band_Groupie

  1. Band_Groupie

    What do you think - 6 months with PCP

    Like they said- ask your insurance. For me I have to do 7 visits with my PCP (6 mo. + initial weigh in) and they have to be soley about my diet/exercise program (can not be combined with sick visit). I was told the visits get coded to the insurance co. and a sick visit is coded differently than a weigh-in visit (so your sick visit wouldn't have counted for me, or even the second one if you didn't use a form to collect the data). At ea. of these 7 visits a form is used for you and the PCP to take notes (surgeon's offices will give you theirs to use). Has stuff like weight of course but exercise plan/min. is just as important as well as education about the LB. I also had 2 months of "false starts" because I didn't know exactly what was needed. Go to your insurance and attend seminars first.
  2. Band_Groupie

    Big changes due to a little band.

    Not even a little...you sound proud, which you should be! You look amazing. (and Go Bucks!...OSU grad here).
  3. Band_Groupie

    12/10/08 One Down, 5 To Go...Oh NO!

    Amazing-NOT! That's you...protein drinks (left you a note at your blog). Where did you get vegetarian chili? Can? UTI- no fun at all (only thing worse maybe is a camera up there...me-tomorrow...yay!). Band? Hmmm...I just did a thread about that...I've been wondering how insurance will handle it if I cut a few days/week off my "diet sentence"? My 2 oldest are graduating in Spring-big parties/company...so a week earlier would help a LOT. My initial weigh-in was Nov. 10, 2nd Dec. 10, so I was wondering if I have to end May 10? I think that's out the window already though because PCP could only see me on the 8th in Jan. Watch me get denied for a week early...dag insurance (didn't I just say that?)! I don't know how long it takes after you're done with the diet...I'll have to ask them! Late May might be too much to pray for huh?...one can hope. June probably :-(
  4. Band_Groupie

    The Continuing Saga of Protein Drinks

    Thanks! You're like having a personal shopper...thanks for taste-testing...I've added these to my list. Now if only I could get a personal chef...you know how I love to cook!
  5. Band_Groupie

    down 32 pounds, but now have a hernia!

    Patti- So sorry to hear this...but, so happy to hear about your 3# loss...way to go! Feel better soon! (was the hernia related to your LB?)
  6. Band_Groupie

    12/9/08 How many sizes are in your closet?

    OK, after noting my lack of pants that fit yesterday (see previous blog) it got me thinking about how many sizes I’ve kept over the years. I decided to go check (in hopes of being able to wear a few someday:bored:). We’ve moved seven times since we’ve been married (I was a bean pole then 5'9"/132#...I've lost and inch and gained a ton), and yep, I got rid of clothes every time we moved …and yeah, my college daughter has permanently borrowed some of my better skinny clothes…and yep, we give clothes to charity every year…so WHY do I still have so many sizes?:cursing: OK, I’ve done the yo-yo thing for decades (obvious from my closet) and, let’s see, the lowest I’ve been in this decade was 160#, but even then, I wore a size 16 on a skinny day. So WHY do I still have size 10’s hanging in my closet??!!!:blushing: I actually have at least one pair of every size between 10-2x (that’s 14 different sizes). OK, I try to buy “Longs” when I can find them, and they’re so hard to find I’ve had a hard time giving them up (saved mostly a few dress ones or jeans)…but GET REAL, size 10’s!??:biggrin: Do you know how much DUST:blushing: was on the top of that pants hangar? I’ve always carried my weight in my lower half…I think I was barely in a size 10 when I was 130#! So there’s my new end goal…I’ll even settle for a 10/12 with an elastic waistband…wow, doesn’t seem even possible! :thumbup: Well, at least my pants are all sorted by size now…next year I plan to start working my way down that rack!:wink:
  7. Band_Groupie

    12/8/08 Pantless until June!

    I’m now at my highest weight ever by a few pounds.:thumbup: But I guess the good news (if you can possibly call this good news:angry:) is I’m well over the minimum BMI needed for insurance..yay me (not).:blushing: I HATE tight pants so I always buy a larger size, but I REFUSE to do that with LB in my future. I had a pair of jeans on with a belt this weekend (last notch) and they were hurting my waist yesterday…they felt like they were pinching me…well, I looked this morning and I actually have a little bruise where the belt buckle flipped up when I sat (probably my muffin top rolling them…lovely:glare:) and the buckle was jabbing me in the waist. As if being overweight isn’t painful enough…now I have to put up with “clothing pain”…geez! I wonder if “clothing pain” and bruising count as a comorbidity (hee-hee)? :biggrin: I counted and I now have the following: 1 pr. Jeans, 1 pr. Dress pants, 3 pr. Elastic Sweat pants…so not even a week’s worth of pants! :wink: Thank God I’m at home and not working! I don’t think they expect me to lose much weight on my 6 mo. diet, but I have to confirm that...So it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to wear other sizes in my closet any time soon. I don’t end my 6 mo. diet until May 10th, so it will probably be early June for my surgery. What the heck happens when it gets hot out this Spring…I don’t think I have any capris/shorts that would fit me now! Maybe I’ll be allowed to lose weight on that pre-op diet? I’ll have to ask how many weeks that is, let’s see…maybe if it’s 4 weeks pre-op diet that would put me into April…let’s pray:pray2: for a cool spring…and that my 5 pairs of pants don’t split/wear out by then! If you see a pantless lady walking around, it’s me:willy_nilly:…I REFUSE to buy a larger size!
  8. Band_Groupie

    12/10/08 One Down, 5 To Go...Oh NO!

    I had my first month’s weigh in with my PCP this morning. I came out 2 pounds lost (from my eat and drink fest last time), but at least I wasn’t water-logged/bladder bursting again so I could actually have a nice discussion and pay attention this time. My PCP visit went well and we discussed my building a support system (talked about online and the Healthwise Company support program I enrolled in). I’ve been having more trouble with my osteoarthritis in my lower back…not sure if it’s because I’ve just about eliminate the almost daily pain relievers since they started me on migraine medicine. I was afraid to start any pain relievers for my arthritis in fear of the migraines coming back (the arthritis is nothing compared to the migraines). She said it’s OK to start some Tylenol as needed, so we’ll see what happens. It’s also likely that I’m having more pain now that I’m exercising…my body saying “Exercise??!!! What’s that?!!” I’ve had some toe numbness on one side, so she’s having me get an x-ray just to be sure the discs are still OK. I was so frustrated at the beginning of this process with learning I’d have to do the 6 mo. diet (Diet?!!! Been there, done that…if that worked I wouldn’t need a LAP-BAND®!), but after spending some time researching the LB I began to think 6 mo. was a good thing. There’s so much to learn and to prepare for. For example, this month my “Education Task” with my PCP was doing research and putting together my questions for my surgeon consult coming up. I’m actually amazed that even after 3 different hospital seminars how many questions I still have. I’ve been thinking about this and it’s because this isn’t like most procedures. Heck, when I had my hysterectomy & bladder sling it was pretty much textbook, no choices, standard procedures, I knew what would happen (except the failing part). With this I still have a million questions not only because every surgeon requires different pre & post-op testing/care (let’s not even get into all the differences in fill schedules/procedures/amounts)…but even with the surgery there’s differences….ie. I have a choice of which type of LB and a choice of where my port goes…and look at all the other differences we hear about on LBT: 1 incision or 5?, catheter or not?, CO2 heated and removed or not?, overnight or out-patient?, on and on. So having 6 mo. to research and prepare isn’t all bad and I know now I’ll be more successful afterwards because of what I’ve learned… My only problem is…I started researching this in summer so I’m ALREADY almost at 6 mo. of preparing/researching…yep, when I look at it, the past 6 mo’s. went fast, but these next 5-6 months are going to be longggggggg! Help me make the time go faster...tell me a story…....anyone have a good joke?
  9. Band_Groupie

    Booo for sleep studies!!!

    Woo-Hoo!! Date set...good for you (I'm sure it will sink in soon)!
  10. Band_Groupie

    Stomach polyps found during endoscopy?

    I don't know much...the only thing I have direct experience with is that there are several genetic things that can cause these (they can show up anywhere in the gastro-intestinal system, same as colon polyps), but I know there are many reasons/causes. I'm telling you this in case you haven't done a family history of polyps yet (asking your family)...I'd be surprised if they don't want this and it's good information to have regardless of your issue now. I've read that they're more rare in the stomach and as you know the far majority are benign. Good luck and let us know how it goes!
  11. Hey Marily...there's no time like now for a change. Great site and friendly people here. Spend some time going through the forum sections and be sure to scan the "sticky" info. at the top of each. Have fun learning!
  12. Band_Groupie

    9 cc's in a 10 cc band

    Pre-band but I just want to clarify...$1100 per fill...can't be!...typo? Also, I've seen others on here with a high fill like yours, but they have good restriction by your point. Does your Dr. take all the saline out before they add your fill (to check for leaks)? Have you ever had restriction? Someone will be along who's been there...
  13. Pre-band here, but I've been researching all this since summer and this is not normal to be burping any color of blood...call you surgeon!
  14. Band_Groupie

    I found out why I was denied, now what??

    Ditto- get a copy (online usually-call your co.) and follow their guidelines. Every BCBS is different (even within the state of PA there are different BCBS policies). When they say "comorbidity" they usually just give a few examples and this is the vague part. I found out that usually that means you need at least one (some BCBS require more) of the "biggies" which are heart, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and sleep apnea (all the other ones don't really count except to boost your case...ie. arthritis, asthma, GERD, etc.). Also these "biggies" need to have a Doctors diagnosis and treatment (ie. for high blood pressure you need to be on medication). Good luck!
  15. Band_Groupie

    12/9/08 How many sizes are in your closet?

    OK, after noting my lack of pants that fit yesterday (see previous blog) it got me thinking about how many sizes I’ve kept over the years. I decided to go check (in hopes of being able to wear a few someday:bored:). We’ve moved seven times since we’ve been married (I was a bean pole then 5'9"/132#...I've lost and inch and gained a ton), and yep, I got rid of clothes every time we moved …and yeah, my college daughter has permanently borrowed some of my better skinny clothes…and yep, we give clothes to charity every year…so WHY do I still have so many sizes?:party: OK, I’ve done the yo-yo thing for decades (obvious from my closet) and, let’s see, the lowest I’ve been in this decade was 160#, but even then, I wore a size 16 on a skinny day. So WHY do I still have size 10’s hanging in my closet??!!!:confused: I actually have at least one pair of every size between 10-2x (that’s 14 different sizes). OK, I try to buy “Longs” when I can find them, and they’re so hard to find I’ve had a hard time giving them up (saved mostly a few dress ones or jeans)…but GET REAL, size 10’s!??:huh2: Do you know how much DUST:blushing: was on the top of that pants hangar? I’ve always carried my weight in my lower half…I think I was barely in a size 10 when I was 130#! So there’s my new end goal…I’ll even settle for a 10/12 with an elastic waistband…wow, doesn’t seem even possible! :thumbup: Well, at least my pants are all sorted by size now…next year I plan to start working my way down that rack!:glare:
  16. Band_Groupie

    What was your "Moment"?

    I'm SO sorry for your loss...what a moment, and what a way to honor him...you have amazing strength and love!
  17. I'm starting my 2nd month of my 6 mo. diet. I just noticed my ticker counted the days differently than me (faster). I've been scheduling my PCP weigh ins on on 10th of each month, but do I have to be that exact? Can your visits be less than 30-31 days apart? If I started Nov. 10 can I end May 1st or does it have to be May 10 (have BCBS Highmark PPO Blue-Western PA). The reason I'm asking is it just dawned on me:der: that both my daughter (college) and my oldest son (H.S.) will both be graduating right about the time my surgery will probably be scheduled...that means huge graduation parties at my house, house-guests, and prep for weeks.:angry_smile: A week earlier would help a lot. Thanks!
  18. Band_Groupie

    Bogus test results

    I did the sleep study recently and once they "hook you up" (wires with sticky electrodes everywhere; wear pants/top jammies not a nightgown so it's easier) it's no big deal. It takes me minimum 30 min. to fall asleep every night and I'm a super light sleeper as well (I sleep with a sound machine which I was told I could bring...turned it on and they came in to ask me to turn it down...the couldn't hear any of the patients snoring and they needed to monitor that as well-LOL)- So I was convinced I wouldn't sleep, but they told me they would come in and give me a sleep aid after a certain period of sleeplessness, that put me at ease and I slept. I was allowed to sleep as I usually do (side) and I actually tried to sleep on my back at a few points when I woke up...not sure if I stayed there long, just in case there was a problem (my Dad has sleep apnea so I wanted to know). I didn't worry about the monitoring, but then again I sleep with a second pillow over my head (DH snores) so they couldn't see me if they wanted to...they must have thought I was a nut job!...I just laid there and kept saying...go to your "happy place". Oh tip- They put this thick "goo" on the electrodes that go on your head...I think so they don't have to use adhesive. I washed my hair about 4x when I got home...later that night I was watching TV and my DH noticed a huge blob with the paper still stuck in it on the back of my head! LOL-I wonder what people were thinking when I was out that day! Wash, Wash, Wash! I'm wondering if they do anything differently with your surgery if you do have sleep apnea (I didn't)...pressurized oxygen mask maybe? I had a neighbor growing up that died from this in his sleep, so it's a good thing to know. Hang in there tonight!
  19. Band_Groupie

    My you tube video blog

    Nice start! Thanks for sharing!
  20. Band_Groupie

    Inexpensive Pedometer- Omron with software? Others?

    Thanks Bear & Holli- My DH-Mr.SA (Skinny Ass) ordered it from Amazon ($30.67 with free shipping)...can't wait to load the software and give it a try but Santa is bringing it so I have to wait I'll let you know next year (Happy New You!) how it's going! -BG
  21. Just starting to exercise again and I have a good treadmill. I'd like to start tracking my steps as walking will be my main exercise so I want to track both the treadmill and all other steps just walking around. I don't need many bells or whistles as I am not one to spend the time plugging in data, calories, etc. I only want to spend about $50 or less (not ready for that bodybugg yet). I've never used a pedometer before..Any suggestions? I saw someone here mentioned the Omron pedometer and specifically the Omron HJ-720ITC. I see it has a PC interface, which might be cool to track progress over time, but it depends how easy this is to use. Anyone have details/use this one?...read a few bad reviews on Amazon "Inacurate- I also found in the manual that the pedometer won't count steps accurately if you wear sandals, if you shuffle your feet, if you don't walk at a constant pace or if you use stairs." I just want an accurate count and some simple software. Thanks all!:cursing:
  22. Band_Groupie

    December 8

    I'm pre-band, but isn't bread, especially a dense kind like a bagel supposed to be a no-no because it expands so much (stretch your pouch)? I feel your pain...I could live on bread & chocolate. Have you done what I keep reading over and over (and over) here: track every calorie for a week & limit liquid calories (including ice cream), track your exercise/calories burned for a week, solid protein first always-then veg./fruits, no liquids with meals, discuss all this/fills with your Dr. (maybe you need a fill)? I don't think it's just eating less, but eating the right things in the right order. I know, easier said then done...good luck!
  23. Band_Groupie


    Sorry, I'm clueless about setting up a quick link, but there's a tutorial right here on LBT...maybe this will work... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f5/ticker-tutorial-pictures-41782/
  24. I created my own combining the info./templates of the 3 hospital seminars I attended, and had it approved by the insurance expert at my surgeon's office (below- I condensed the lines/format). I was told insurance wants to see monthly goals for both weight (I was told not to gain, but not to lose much either, I'm on a step down calorie program) and exercise every month (as important as the weight), the Dr. visits must not be about anything other than this (that's how they code the visit for insurance-so don't combine it with a sick visit-someone on LBT was denied for it being a sick visit just one month.), and they also want to see some form of education is going on. I told my PCP I could initiate the topics (ie. last month I took in a family history list of all the obesity related issues in my family history-actually an eye-opener for me when I put it all down), we spent some time discussing it and my PCP educated me about them and she made notes in the Education section (this month I've prepared questions for my surgeon consult which is coming up). I attached my list to that month's visit. I fill out my self-assesment of how I did on last month's goals, the Dr. fills out the rest. Hopefully this will do it! Good luck! DIET & EXERCISE PLAN FOR PATIENT: ________________________________DOB______________ Visit #: __________ Date: ______________ Current Weight lbs.: __________ - GOALS ACHIEVED FROM _____/_____/_____ : - Patient Self Assessment: Nutrition: __________________________________ Exercise: ___________________________________ Sleep: _____________________________________ Accountability: ______________________________ - GOALS FOR NEXT MONTH: Nutrition: Pt. to Follow ____________ Calorie Diet Fluid: No Caffeine, No Carbonation, No Calories, Between meals only Quality: Emphasize Protein, Low Sugar, Low Fat Regularity: 3 meals per day, Eat every 4-5 Hours, No grazing, Slow meal down to 20-30 min. [*]Exercise: Pt. to Exercise at least ______________ Min. per Week [*]sleep [*] Pt. to Achieve 7-9 Hours per Night [*]Accountability: Keep Food/Activity/Sleep Log Support Education Stress Reduction - COMMENTS ON PATIENT’S PROGRESS: _____________________________________________ - OBESITY HEALTH EDUCATION/GOALS-Post surgery, behavior changes, history, comorbidities, etc.:___________________________________________ MD Signature _______________________________________________
  25. Band_Groupie

    12/5/08 Urodynamics

    Hey Margie...hadn't heard that-82%...wow! I asked my Urologist if this could be part of the cause of my "fail" and he said "no way...they sometimes see that with extremely obese people, but that wouldn't effect me". I "only" have max 100# to lose...Good to hear the LB may help this also!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
