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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Band_Groupie

  1. Awesome WL GF! 2-3 pounds a week is AMAZING!!! Keep it up! -BG

  2. Band_Groupie

    Reflux Poll

    This is defnitely reflux and you need a small unfill (get it done NOW before you need a complete unfill). Problems with reflux at NIGHT is a RED FLAG that you are too tight (coughing, gagging, vomiting, burning, any of these when you lay down, especially if it's been a few hours since you've eaten dinner). If you have mild reflux during the day only, then they can treat it with a PPI (I take daily Nexium), but problems at night means it's too severe and you're just too tight. Get in for a little unfill before you cause more serious problems. Best wishes! -BG
  3. I ate and drank a LOT before my first weigh in (I know, sounds counterintuitive, but I was also a long term yo-yo dieter and needed a permanent solution too...also had comorbidities like hypertension, now gone). I was told to lose about 5-10 pounds, so I just made sure I had more than that at the beginning to keep myself in the safe zone. You're expected to be a 'failure' at the diet as the 6 months is really more about your committment time and having the time to research and find out if this is for you. Don't gain (I saw one person dienied for gaining a single pound...over the entire 6 months, not by month), but don't lose much either. I won't sugar coat it, for us yo-yoers, this is a long frustrating 6 months as we know how to diet...looking back though, all the research time is what helped me be successful after the band as the plan is something new to us...NO MORE DIETING! Let me know if I can help, and you can check out my pre-banding days here (under blogs), or at my new blogging site on Blogger (link below).
  4. As long as you have a 35 BMI or above and the comorbidity(s) needed by your insurance you should be covered. You need to stay above the 35 BMI until you have your formal approval from insurance (so don't lose too much pre-op). Best wishes! -BG
  5. Band_Groupie

    Friday Weigh Ins

    150...Happy Memorial Day all!
  6. Hi there! Just wanted to see how you're doing after your Dr. visit? I agree with the others that you were/are too tight, but I'm sure your Doc figured it out and you're back on track. They call what you described 'soft food syndrome' and it's typical not to lose weight when you're eating sliders as the Band is meant to work with solid protein/etc.


    Hope the Doc got you back on track and thanks for the lovely comment/info. -BG

  7. Band_Groupie

    Bunny Bandsters - April '09, MASTER THREAD #1

    Cathy, This is the 2009 April group, but here's the link to the 2010 group (they ended up picking the same 'Bunnies' name so it gets confusing): April 10 Bandsters - LAP-BAND At the top of any thread you click thread tools and then subscribe (updates will show up on your user CP page). For groups, you look under 'forum' at the top and then 'group' and you can join a group there. Have a great LB journey and I hope we run into each other again! -BG
  8. Band_Groupie

    Pittsburgh Banders

    Kelsey- Awesome news that you have some restriction already!!! When I felt restriction it was always an immediate change with liquids too. My Doc doesn't give any 'primer' fill at surgery did yours? If you'd like to, I can meet you at the AGH support group sometime? Enjoy that restriction! -BG
  9. Band_Groupie

    When to fill?

    Well, statistically speaking, most Banders need fills to get restriction. Is flying there really cheaper than finding a place to fill here though?
  10. Band_Groupie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Yep, Bandster Hell sucks...took me until fill 3 to really get good restriction and fill 4 made it perfect. During Bandster Hell it's better to eat more small meals than 3 larger ones (as it's the time you're most likely to cause a slip or other complication). I'm a pro-dieter (yo-yo queen), so I just watched my intake until some until restriction came...and get this...I FINALLY STOPPED DIETING! I started post-band with the same plan I have now...I eat what my family is having, stressing more of the protein, and I just eat a lot less of it (1-1.5C per meal). You'll get there, just keep getting those fills!!! Had my gallbladder out about a month ago (had about 20 stones)...he was able to do a single incision surgery through the belly button (and I've had no problems since). Could you have both surgeries together (my LB Surgeon also did my GB one), and if you have two different surgeons they can do them back to back in the same OR (I had two different surgeries with two docs for incontinence; hysterectomy and bladder sling)...just a thought.
  11. Band_Groupie

    Pittsburgh Banders

    Funny you should ask, as I just looked up the support group info. last night...I haven't been to one yet. Do you go to the one's at your hospital? I started a blog here when I started my 6 mo. diet (I kept the old posts here in the Blog section, just click on the 'Blog Entries' number under my avatar to the left). I had so much support from it that it was like my own support group. I moved it over to Blogger in Jan. and after a year and a half of getting emails and comments encouraging me to write a book (which I always laughed off), I'm now giving it a try (found out there aren't any LB books from strictly a Banders perspective)...never thought I'd be writing a LB book LOL! We'l see what happens!
  12. Band_Groupie

    Pittsburgh Banders

    Hey there, just wanted to see how your fill went? Oh, and I got a letter this week stating that Dr. Uchal (my doc at AGH) and Dr. Urbandt are now in a bariatric team (they will only be doing pre/post op care at AGH, no WLS)...interesting.
  13. Band_Groupie

    Friday Weigh Ins

    Where did everyone go? 151 this week.
  14. Band_Groupie

    5/20/10 Drivel Scribbles: PB's

    *Post Deleted for Lap Band Book
  15. Band_Groupie

    Friday Weigh Ins

    152.5 Happy Weekend (the kids talked me into having a garage sale...akkk...guess who's the only one awake).
  16. Band_Groupie

    Friday Weigh Ins

    Water intake (and protein) have really had a correlation with my WL. My Doc says any liquid counts, so drink that milk. Have you tried a hot or room temp liquid (hot ones go down easily when I'm tight)...if you don't want the caffeine, there are lots of decaf teas, coffee, and SF hot chocolates even.
  17. Band_Groupie

    Bunny Bandsters - April '09, MASTER THREAD #1

    Congrats JT! I am in awe of you doing this! I need to set a better exercise goal.
  18. Band_Groupie

    5/8/10 Blog Updates and I need input for the Book

    Here are some blog updates. Remember, anyone can read these and you can comment under the 'anonymous' choice if you don't have a Google account (just keep pushing the button after you post and it will give you a word verification. As you know, I'm now working on trying to write a LB book (after a year of messages from all of you suggesting it LOL). I would really appreciate it if you could send me some information (you can do this here, or with a PM, comment on the blog, or via my email) as I go along...I routinely ask questions so I can gather input for the book as I want this to represent all our journies as much as possible. The two blogs marked with * below, are where I need some input currently. THANK YOU! -BG Blog here: THE SWEET SPOT 5/7/10 Lock Me Up...I'm a Smuggler! (Patio projects) *5/5/10 Pre-Op Process (Dr. Clearance & Testing) *5/4/10 Pre-Op Process (Self-Pay or Covered) 5/3/10 Of Mice and Men (and Brother, Sisters...and Parents) (Helping Parents get ready to sell their home 4/27/10 Happy Birthday! 4/24/10 Don't Have any Wild Parties...(going home)
  19. Here are some blog updates. Remember, anyone can read these and you can comment under the 'anonymous' choice if you don't have a Google account (just keep pushing the button after you post and it will give you a word verification. As you know, I'm now working on trying to write a LB book (after a year of messages from all of you suggesting it LOL). I would really appreciate it if you could send me some information (you can do this here, or with a PM, comment on the blog, or via my email) as I go along...I routinely ask questions so I can gather input for the book as I want this to represent all our journies as much as possible. The two blogs marked with * below, are where I need some input currently. THANK YOU! -BG Blog here: THE SWEET SPOT 5/7/10 Lock Me Up...I'm a Smuggler! (Patio projects) *5/5/10 Pre-Op Process (Dr. Clearance & Testing) *5/4/10 Pre-Op Process (Self-Pay or Covered) 5/3/10 Of Mice and Men (and Brother, Sisters...and Parents) (Helping Parents get ready to sell their home 4/27/10 Happy Birthday! 4/24/10 Don't Have any Wild Parties...(going home)
  20. Band_Groupie

    5/8/10 Blog Updates and I need input for the Book

    Here are some blog updates. Remember, anyone can read these and you can comment under the 'anonymous' choice if you don't have a Google account (just keep pushing the button after you post and it will give you a word verification. As you know, I'm now working on trying to write a LB book (after a year of messages from all of you suggesting it LOL). I would really appreciate it if you could send me some information (you can do this here, or with a PM, comment on the blog, or via my email) as I go along...I routinely ask questions so I can gather input for the book as I want this to represent all our journies as much as possible. The two blogs marked with * below, are where I need some input currently. THANK YOU! -BG Blog here: THE SWEET SPOT 5/7/10 Lock Me Up...I'm a Smuggler! (Patio projects) *5/5/10 Pre-Op Process (Dr. Clearance & Testing) *5/4/10 Pre-Op Process (Self-Pay or Covered) 5/3/10 Of Mice and Men (and Brother, Sisters...and Parents) (Helping Parents get ready to sell their home 4/27/10 Happy Birthday! 4/24/10 Don't Have any Wild Parties...(going home)
  21. Here are some blog updates. Remember, anyone can read these and you can comment under the 'anonymous' choice if you don't have a Google account (just keep pushing the button after you post and it will give you a word verification. As you know, I'm now working on trying to write a LB book (after a year of messages from all of you suggesting it LOL). I would really appreciate it if you could send me some information (you can do this here, or with a PM, comment on the blog, or via my email) as I go along...I routinely ask questions so I can gather input for the book as I want this to represent all our journies as much as possible. The two blogs marked with * below, are where I need some input currently. THANK YOU! -BG Blog here: THE SWEET SPOT 5/7/10 Lock Me Up...I'm a Smuggler! (Patio projects) *5/5/10 Pre-Op Process *5/4/10 Pre-Op Process 5/3/10 Of Mice and Men (and Brother, Sisters...and Parents) (Helping Parents get ready to sell their home 4/27/10 Happy Birthday! 4/24/10 Don't Have any Wild Parties...(going home)
  22. My BMI was 37.7 and I lost 90 lbs. in almost exactly 10 months...I'm now at 152 and I haven't seen that for over 20 years. I eat about 1200 cals. a day, but I don't track it daily.
  23. Band_Groupie

    Friday Weigh Ins

    Lost the gain I had..152.5 today...good to be home and back in good habits. Happy weekend all!
  24. Just checking in to see how you're doing! -BG

  25. I'm praying for you and your family and was so glad to see that you are being so proactive about getting help for everyone...we obese people have a hard time asking for help. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. -BG

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