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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Rhonda1966

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 09/03/1966

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a wife ,mother and grandmother ,I have started my jouney to the lap-band on Sept28 -2008 and have competed all most all of my testing........I'm here to get as much information about the lap-band and read all about everyones success............
  • Interests
    reading-strolls in the park ,
  • Occupation
    stay at home grandmother
  • City
    Port Jervis
  • State
    New York
  • Zip Code
  1. Happy 46th Birthday Rhonda1966!

  2. 3 years has passed since you registered at SleevePlicationTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary Rhonda1966!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary Rhonda1966!

  4. Rhonda1966

    Preparing documents for insurance

    Breanne I would collect everything and anything you have in regards to your attempts at dieting . The more proof the better off you will be in the long run. I went to my heart specialist this afternoon ,and he gave me clearance along with a letter of how he feels this would be an excellent tool in me getting healthy . I also went to my OBGYN ,and she also wrote a wonderful letter . I figure I'll cover all bases . I want to suggested that you collect 5 years of weights .Aetna told me two years ,but again better safe than sorry. I also keep copies of all test and blood work ,as soon as they come in to my doctors I head to him and have the office personal make me copies. That way if something is missing I can be right on it . I have waited too long for this surgery and I 'm you have too .I can't wait till the day I can buy that something so special that I thought I would never get into . My husband is so supportive and excited for me ,he is with me every step of the way cheering me on . Sounds like you have great support in your husband also . Please let me know if you have any other questions about going through this now I don''t feel so alone ,in my mission to get healthy . . God Bless and talk with you soon
  5. Rhonda1966

    Preparing documents for insurance

    I have Aetna pos ,and I live in upstate New York .. I have one last appointment to go to today. The heart specialist ,I will be asking him to write a letter on my behalf ,since he feels this would be a great new beginning for me . I just found out I have sleep apeana and have to go back for a c-pap mask fitting another over night stay at the hositpal ,also knee pain that I have been on meds for (pain killers) for the last 3 years , high blood pressure, depression,BMI of 41.2 I'm 5'2" and weigh 235.2 last weigh in .I also have a hetial hernia that I didn't know,they said they can repair that during lap-band surgery . Last but not least ACID REFLUX that is the worst to me .I also did the 3 months requirment set by Atena ,and after the sleep test on Dec. 29th .Everything will be sent in .My doctor who is writing a letter also feels this will help me in the long run . I gave my surgeon all my Weight Watchers cards from 5 yrs ,and gym membership (Curves)that way the insurance company can't say I didn't try . I 'm hoping for a Janurary 2009 date , anything you can get from doctors will help.Every night I write down a little something to enclose in my personal letter when everything does get sent in . I am very excited and have a good feeling about the insurance company saying yes to me .Please let me know how you are doing ,I really would like to know,and maybe I can help you along the way since I'm just a few steps ahead of you .Who knows we might get the same month or you before me . We can help each other through this .
  6. Rhonda1966

    Booo for sleep studies!!!

    I just did exactly what you said to do . I gathered all my medical records and weights ,and all test results from my primary doctors office and drove 35 miles to my lap band doctor.I also scheduled my sleep study myself for Dec.29,because the front desk office worker can't seem to find the time . I need to do one more thing get all my test results from the heart specialist and that appointment is this coming Monday. I'm so excited and have been through hell and back with going to all these appointments . I did speak with my primary doctor and he said I should get approved without a doubt do to all the medical issues and my BMI being over 40.I have the lap band in my policy and I just hope all goes well .I should hear from Aetna in about a month after all my paper work is handed in . I'm really hoping that this coming year will be the new and improved me coming out . I wish the best to everyone who is going through or who has gone through it already. Thanks for giving me the push to do this ,I didnt want to seem to bossy with the office asst.I just feel I've waited 23 years now as it is ,and I deserve to be happy nothing will get in my way have a Great Day
  7. Rhonda1966

    Booo for sleep studies!!!

    Hello , I was looking at your Blog and I was wondering if you or anyone might have the answer I seek . I had my sleep test done Nov..14th and failed .I was told I would have to have another test done with a c-pap mask on . Will this hold me up with the surgery since it's taking so long in getting scheduled? My lap band office called me because he is not receiving paperwork from my primary doctor (front desk). I have been there numberous times requesting them to send it and they keep telling they will or have ect. I figured I will collect everything myself and personal take everything to them. I need to know do I have to have the test re done before I can have the surgery or not .This is driving me crazy,any help would be welcoming
  8. Rhonda1966

    Sleep Apnea

    Hi everyone , I just had my sleep test done ,and the tech didn't give much information on weather I passed or not .He did say that I do have to come back to do the C-Cap test but I don't know if the this is a two part test or not .Did anyone else have to do this or is it because you did have sleep apnea? I have been having a sleeping problem for years and always seem to be exhausted before my day even begins. I need to take cat naps through out the day like a child and this interferes with my life .
  9. Rhonda1966

    Lap Band in Upstate NY...Dr. Kwon

    I live in Port Jervis New York ,and have heard wonderful things about Dr.Kwon. I have been to his office and his staff is also great . I did how ever choose a different Doctor to preform my lap-band Surgery .Dr, Pucci in Goshen ,New York . No other reason except he (Dr. Kwon) is over booked and it will be a while for me to have the surgery . Like everyone else I just want to get my life back in a hurry and I don't have time to wait for appointments . I decided to go with Dr. Pucci after reading about him and his credentials. I have talked with other patents that come and go out of his office ,so I feel secure in knowing he will do a fine job. I really liked Dr. Kwon ,and have seen him at the hospital, he is very caring and yes strict which is a good thing .I wish everyone who is doing something to help themselves the best . I should be having my surgery some time February if that . I just finished my sleep test ,but was told I would have to go back for a c cap (whatever that is ). I also was told after I had my endoscopy that I have a hiatal hernia and do suffer from acid reflux. I just hope that doesn't stand in my way . One thing is I don't really understand how all this insurance works . I do have lap-band in my policy (Aetna) ,but am I still going to get the surgery or does it still have to go through a staff meeting where someone determines if I can have the surgery? I have a BMI of 41.1 and have been big my whole life I'm 5'1".Dr. Pucci said I would make a good candidate for the lap-band and have done all the other test he requested from me .My doctor said he would write a nice letter for the need of the lap-band . I have really bad knees and have been on pain kills for a while now ,and have tried on numerous occasions to lose the wait Weight Watchers , redux (before they pulled it from the pharmacies-soup diets over the counters pills ,stavation,you name it I've tried it . Well that's my story and I again wish everyone the best luck there is .
  10. Rhonda1966

    Wow...identity crisis, or something.

    You look BEAUTIFUL !! Don't be scared embrace the new ,healthier you . I cant wait to get my approval and see the new me . I get so happy seeing how this tool has helped so many people become confident , happy ,and loving who they are . Keep up the great job , you should be so proud of yourself . I don't even know you and I am. Best wishes to you ,I can only image what you will look like next year this time .
  11. Rhonda1966

    New here :0)

    Hi Mizzv84, Congrats to you . I found this site by mistake also and found it to be a enormous help with question and replies. I wish you good blessings ,and hope you true success. I cant wait till I get my approval , I will be jumping for joy so if you feel the earth move you know it's me LOL. again Congrats!!!!
  12. Rhonda1966

    How long did you wait for your approval?

    I would call in about a week , I have yet to have my paper work sent in . I have one more test Nov21st (sleep ), then back to my doctors on the 25th .I am having a problem collecting all my weights from the doctors or I should say doctor. I have been to her office twice in 2,and half weeks . I keep getting the run around from her . I need 2006 and I don't know what her malfunction is . I do know I left her when she misdiagnosed my husband with Lyme disease when in fact he had liver cancer . I told her she was a "quack" and changed from her to a wonderful caring doctor. I was wandering is there anything I can do to get my medical records from her ?Well enough about me ,Congrats to you and I hope everything goes well for you and yeah do call and ask if they have everything so you don't have to get turned down and start the appeal process. It's better to be safe and knowing you have done everything you are required to . I can feel your excitement ,in your words . I'm so happy for you ,and wish you only the best with YOUR Beginning
  13. Hi ,I just had my upper GI done today ,and at first I was nervous and a little scared .I arrived at the hospital a6:30 am. went straight to the lab for blood work (to make sure I wasn't pregnant). Then headed to one day surgery . Everything was explained to me and off I went to the OR . Talked with my doctor and out I went ,I awoke in recovery feeling great and refreshed . The nurse came in explained the findings hiatal hernia ,and inflammation or the lower esophagus.I was then told I would receive a phone call in 3 days and to go home and relax, not bad at all . I kinda knew there was something wrong ,but never would I have had this done if not for the lap-band ,now I'll get that fixed and I 'll be feeling like I haven't in years (WONDERFUL). Only one more test to do the sleep apnea on the 21st of November ,then I should be good to go with the date ,of course after insurance approval that is .I hope this information can helpful to you .
  14. Rhonda1966

    How long did you wait for your approval?

    Originally Posted by EnchantedRuby Well nothing much has changed... I've called the insurance company every day this week and all they have said is that it shows the claim is still under review. oh well.. I'll just keep calling everyday till a get the approval. I'm not waiting for the doctor's office to call me with it. I did receive a letter in the mail from the Dr's office. It was a copy of the letter sent to the insurance company along with the letter from my PCP stating the reasons why I'm a good candidate for this procedure. Honestly it was pretty good.. I work with medical billing I come across letters like this a lot. I'm hoping the insurance company thinks it's good too!.. Oh well I sit and wait a little longer.. still continuing to call everyday... I am in the process of having the endoscopy done Nov.10th only two days away . I 'm really wondering if this means I'm close to getting my lap-band done . I have Aenta Insurance ,and it is (lap-band ) included in my plan . Does this mean I will be approved ? I have been overweight for 23 years, my BMI is 40.1 and higher at times . I am paying a lot of out of pocket expense towards this surgery with my testing and co-pays .I just found out that the endoscopy will cost me $750.00 for a 20 minute procedure. I just want to make sure I'm not one of the people who get shot down ,this is very nerve wracking for me . I was never told by my doctor about a 3 month diet or 6 month. Can someone help me to calm my nerves with some advice.
  15. Rhonda1966

    Just Wiating for Approval!

    I too am just waiting for my approval after today I meet with the psychologist at 1pm . I am very excited and hope for a fast approval,from my insurance company .I send you good wishes and hope you have lots of success. This is a new beginning for you ,and if you need someone to talk to Im here. I could use all the advice anyone has .Sincerely,Rhonda

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