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About Devana

  • Rank
    Bariatric Hero
  • Birthday 11/15/1952

About Me

  • City
    Harris Creek
  • State
  • Zip Code
    V0S 1N1
  1. Devana

    "Head Hunger"

    Just finished a week long food addiction reset. Very eye opening.
  2. Happy Birthday SweetSpot!

  3. Happy 60th Birthday Devana!

  4. I know this might sound silly, but have you thought about your local farmers or weekend market? Most food regulations don't require a commercial kitchen to sell baked products. I'll bet you could sell some of your best baked goods and have the money you want by the end of the summer. I do something else at our local market, but I've known people who've done baking and have done really well. Of course it depends on your location and local rules, but in general baking is generally a good seller. Good luck with your quest! I
  5. Devana

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Hello mr green. It was a surprise to me to see her name on a post after so long. I still miss her wit and intelligence. Thank you for your insight into this as well.
  6. Devana

    Slutty clothes for 5 year olds...

    I think that in general people are in a hurry for children to grow up, hence the age inappropriate clothes. Little girls dressed like hookerettes and little boys like dudes. We bombard our children with images and toys and experiences that are way beyond what is appropriate for their (and sometimes even our) age. Kudos to your daughter, Kat. A voice in the wilderness. If she doesn't advocate for her daughter, who will?
  7. Well, sometimes I just run off at the mouth without stopping to think how it will be taken. Anyway, I'm back.........after an insanely busy summer. Last weekend was the first time I've had to myself in months and I did nothing. What luxury. I sometimes feel out of my depth with American politics. I know what I see but there is an awful lot I don't understand. What I'm afraid of is the US squandering it's "greatest nation on earth" status. Perhaps it's the natural order of things, like the rise and fall of the Roman Empire or "the sun never sets on the British Empire." Maybe it's China's turn. And why does that frighten me?
  8. Crap, I'm sorry you guys. It just seemed that he was referring to you both with that comment and it almost made me guffaw my coffee out my nose. You two post the most consistently sensible and well thought out posts and I'm sure anyone who disagrees with you could call you any number of things, but this just seemed so far of the mark that I found it hilarious. It really, really was tongue in cheek and I'm sorry it was taken in a way I didn't intend.
  9. Devana

    Americans Need Universal Auto Insurance

    This is interesting. In my province of British Columbia we do have universal auto insurance. It operates as a corporation owned by the provincial government. Insurance rates depend on demographic (eg. young men statistically have way more accidents than other groups), driving record and age/type of vehicle. Previous to this, people would buy insurance from companies thinking they were getting a certain type of coverage but when the accident happened they found out they weren't covered they way they expected or were led to believe. There have been times when the profits have been good and the corporation has issued cheques to all policy holders. They also partner with the Department of Highways to improve trouble spots - particularly bad corners or intersections. The previous insurance companies still exist of course, but as far as auto insurance goes, they act as agents for the program and also sell extra policies that cover roadside assistance etc. Evil socialism at work again!
  10. Devana

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Patty, you say preventing abortion is everyone's business and yet I've read your previous posts that say that the education and health care of a child is not. I find this somewhat incongruous.
  11. I have so little faith in accurate media reporting that it's hard to know what the hell went on there. Maybe the school has a pre-existing anti-logo policy like my son's school has. Kids who break the rules are often asked to turn their shirts inside out. Maybe the kids parents were tea-baggers or just right wing hystericals who incited their kids into this to make hay out of the repercussions. Maybe the kids were being little turds and trying to be deliberately provocative. I remember being hot headed and self righteous at that age. Maybe the head of the school had a volatile situation on hand and chose to tone down expressions of deliberate disrespect and accept the consequences of that rather than let the ethnic tensions of the situation explode. cmohart, how are Americans letting ethnic groups control your feelings?
  12. Devana

    New to the Forum

    Congratulations on your loss, that's great! I would check out the recipes threads and see what comes up. Here's a tip: If you use undenatured, cold processed whey Protein and pop a selenium tablet when you drink it you get everything your body needs to make lots of glutathione, which is the big kahuna of anti-oxidants. There are MLM products out there that do the same thing but they cost 10 times more. Good luck.
  13. Devana

    Finally saying hi

    Just a couple of days now! Good luck with it.
  14. Hi Angie, and welcome to LBT. My suggestion it to explore all the threads, ones for your area as well as the ones for financing. Ask questions there. Someone is bound to have some ideas. Good luck!

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