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Everything posted by LifeStartsNow

  1. LifeStartsNow

    "Lucky Losers" (March 2009 banders)

    Ha!! I sure did! thanks for pointing that out to me, I would have never noticed!! :huh2:
  2. LifeStartsNow

    "Lucky Losers" (March 2009 banders)

    let us know how the appointment goes dburk and good luck to you too! I was banded march 9th and am supposed to still be on solids but I'm eating soups and cottage cheese and similar. I'm tolerating it fine - no problems so far. I'm so concerned about stretching the pouch and ruining future success as a result. I'm eating between 900-1200 calories and have been stuck now with no loss for almost 9 days. I'm increasing water, decreasing sodium, and trying to increase protien. Next step is exercising. hopefully I will see some change - it physically has to come off if I'm only consuming this low of calories - right?? So frustrating!
  3. LifeStartsNow

    shh I got BOTOX!

    I can't wait to see pics also - I've been thinking about it - giving it to myself for my 40th birthday this year! LOL. I always frown when I'm thinking or concentrating - and I've created some frown lines between my eyebrows. I have done laser hair removal - full legs, bikini, underarms, chin. I do like it but am surprised that its not 100%. They tell you that - but I still thought I'd never shave again. I do - but only like every few weeks. Before I had to shave everyday! I like having very smooth legs. :crying:
  4. LifeStartsNow


    I've had it for about 2 years, love it for all the reasons already mentioned. I had a hard time with bc pills also. This has given me no problems. My girlfriend has no children, got the mirena, I think the initial cramping might be more difficult perhaps if you've never had children. I had no issues with cramping but my girlfriend who has never had children had what's already been described above. I do love it - do it if you can!
  5. LifeStartsNow

    What do you all do?

    I'm a director for a technical support department. I'm a mom of 2 and married to a very supportive husband for 15 years. I'm also impressed that there are so many nurses here. I wanted to be an emergency room nurse or helicopter/flight nurse - so I really admire all the nurses here! :crying:
  6. LifeStartsNow

    Banded on the 17th

    the strips aren't going to work unless the gas is in your stomach. You probably have the pain from the air trapped in your body from the surgery. I took liquid tylenol and it helped a little bit. Also moving around helped me, if I was up for a long time, just laying down or laying on one side helped me out a lot. It will go away for you soon and you will feel so much better. some others have also used heating pads to aid in the discomfort. Best of luck to you!!
  7. LifeStartsNow

    No energy/stamina, Is this normal?

    You'll feel so much better when you can eat a little more. I felt exactly the same and was just plain worn out! Once I could eat more, I felt instantly better. I'm 10 days out from surgery and on day 7- I somehow could tolerate more food and when I ate more than 600 calories I felt much, much better! I was like the swelling went down in my stomach and I felt hunger for the first time and could consume a little more. Like already said, cut yourself some slack, take it easy, sleep more and once your stomach can handle it - eating a little more will bring your energy back. I think being sore from the surgery itself was also exhausting. It really does get better!!
  8. LifeStartsNow

    Help - Is This Pain Normal?

    Hey Sox - I know EXACTLY what you're describing. I had exactly the same problem and it got worse as the day went on. It felt to me like what some people call a stitch from running. Its caused by a lack of oxygen when you're running/exercising and goes away when you take deeper breaths. But why I got felt like I had a stitch was confusing to me. I had it on my left side, right below my lowest/last rib. Trying to take a deep breath was impossible b/c it hurt so much on that side. I took liquid tylenol and it helped me. it started around day four for me, and completely went away on day 7. It was also gone each time I woke up in he morning but always came back during the day. Now I only feel it when I eat too much - weird isn't it? I'm 10 days out but was so darn relieved when it was gone!
  9. Best of luck to you Anya!!! You will do awesome ! keep us posted on how you're doing!
  10. Hey Kim87 - *hey I graduated in 1987! LOL * Anyway - I'm 13 days post op and I felt exactly the same as you. I had some regret there thinking - will it stay this way? - but on day 7 felt so so so much better! I'm better everyday - can bend over just fine and sleep so much better in this last week. I'm really struggling staying on a full liquid diet - my Dr said 3 weeks liquid diet after which mean I'd be on full liquids until 3/31. I'm still trying but have eaten some mashed potatos, refried beans - that sort of thing bc I really felt like I needed it and wanted to listen to my body. I also am eating yogurt to help me feel full. I need to do more water and protien drinks - I feel like if I did that - maybe I'd feel fuller longer. I'm consuming approx 900 calories now - but I've not lost any weight in the last week. I'm hoping its b/c of all he sodium I'm consuming eating so much soup. I want to get to 1000-1200 calories and more protien as I've read so many times that people began losing once they upped the protien. What are you eating currently? you're in the mushy food stage right? What is working for you and are you doing any exercise yet? I'm starting treadmill today and going back to personal trainer next week with weights.
  11. I know you're looking to find out from others who have this same issue. I just wanted to let you know that I don't have that feeling. I was banded 3/9 and I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone in feeling like I could eat more. I get a feeling in my lowest left rib - sort of like what a stitch feels like when you're running when I'm full. But no back pain at all. I hope that helps if only to know that it seems (perhaps according to how our nerves are wired) that the new feelings seem to be very different for some vs. others.
  12. Yes I ate chili from Wendy's and had absolutely not problems. I am forcing myself back to only liquids - b/c I know I'm supposed to be on full liquids for 3 weeks after surgery and I want to do things the right way. I was so weak and faint and hungry I just needed the substance. I AM hungry - its amazing how different we all are. I felt that my body needed it and I listened. I wish I wasn't hungry. I'm battling not eating and sticking to soups and liquids, its not easy, but I'm going to make it happen. Today I've eaten: 1 graham cracker with cream cheese, starbucks coffee (I added 2T Genisoy protien powder), Amy's organic tomato bisque soup, 1 cup milk (for more protein) and my liquid Centrum vitamins. Its 3:15pm, and I feel good. Going to try to get some more water in.
  13. LifeStartsNow

    "Lucky Losers" (March 2009 banders)

    Congrats Thinnerme! You'll be there in no time. :smile: I wish you all the luck and a fast recovery! Keep us informed on how its going!!
  14. LifeStartsNow

    "Lucky Losers" (March 2009 banders)

    Wow Shanya - for you to have lost that much on your own is remarkable. What determination you have! I think the band will help us keep it off. I'm glad to hear you are doing well overall - sorry to hear you are under the weather. I am feeling so much better after about day 8-9. The pain in my side/stomach is subsiding so much and it feels great to be able to bend and stretch back to normal. How are you doing with eating? Are you on full liquids still? How are you coping with that? I'm struggling and a little frustrating I've not lost much at all since surgery. I know what I'm eating so I know it has to happen - my body just wants to hang on to it a little longer than most I guess. :smile:
  15. LifeStartsNow

    Its the beginning!

    After my employer changing to new insurance, I learned that I missed the opportunity for my ins to pay for the lap band. So I spent 7500.00 of my own money and paid for the procedure with Dr. Ortiz in Mexico. I was banded on March 9th, and am now 10 days out from surgery. I was apprehensive and fearful right up to the last minute, but I just convinced myself that deep down I really wanted to do this. I've thought about it for 2 years and my fears were rooted in proceeding down a path of unknowns. I enjoy food, I enjoy cooking, I find so much joy in cook great, comforting, wonderful meals for my family. So, knowing all of that may change for me - its scary. I had just returned the week prior with my husband and friends from a trip to Mexico for fun and a LOT of wonderful food! I returned weighing the most I've ever weighed in my life - 236 - that's even more than when I was pregnant with my 2nd child. I saw the pictures from that trip and knew this is what I need to do. I almost backed out at the last minute-but right now - 10 days out - I'm really glad I stuck it out and conquered my fears and did it! I didn't feel so hot for the first 7 days after surgery. According to the dr's scale, i weighed 224 the day of surgery - that was only 9 days after I weighed in at 236. I know a lot of that was obviously water weight - but I stuck to 3 protein shakes per day to lose as much as possible and shrink my liver before surgery. On the 7th day after surgery - I woke up and felice t 1000% better. I had the gas pain, deferred shoulder pain - although that didn't know up until about day 4. I felt very weak and concerned I wasn't eating and drinking enough. I did clear liquids first 3 days, and on day 4 full liquids. I eat a lot of tomoto soup, chicken broth, protein shakes, and the occasional graham cracker with cream cheese. I must admit, a few days ago I ate ice cream. I haven't had any since and I've been averaging 900 calories per day. The first 5 days it was very difficult, since I started eating more calories, I feel so much better. One of the things I could never understand is how it would feel. When I eat too much - its very uncomfortable. And I do feel hunger - and I want to eat so much more than I can. I'm adjusting now to dealing with the want to eat and the need to eat. I want to feel soothed and warmed and cozy by eating more. Not being able to is difficult - but I'm learning to drink tea, coffee, milk to make myself feel soothed. Its not the same but its something. I'm concerned that I'm able to eat anything - I ate the corner of a pop tart with no problems, I ate a few pretzels with no problems. I'm also eating mashed potatoes and refried beans. I'm not supposed to be for 21 days - so after doing that for a few days - I feel like I can go back to only protein shakes and soups. I needed the texture, the saeity of the potatos and the refried beans. I'm using calorie-count.com and I'm learning I'm consuming too much sodium and not enough protein. Today I put Genisoy protein powder in my Starbucks coffee - it was bearable. I'm also taking Centrum liquid vitamins. I'm also learning that my headaches are due to dehydration. After surgery, my weight changed to 226 and I'm at 224 today. I think once I drink more water and more protein my body will respond. I'm trying not to get too depressed by seeing all the weight other's have lost. I've read and re-read mamaMichelle's blog - she's an inspiration to me. My next goal is to begin exercising. 2 years ago, I worked out a lot, lost 30lbs but since gained it all back after having my daughter. I'm ready to eat like a 'normal' person and not think about food all the time. I'm ready to be healthy and start my life over as I'm turning 40 this year. I'm planning to run a half marathon this September (I walked it last September) and I hope to be as physically fit and healthy than ever. Best of luck to everyone here, what a great board, great group of supportive people just like me. Life starts now!
  16. LifeStartsNow

    "Lucky Losers" (March 2009 banders)

    Moni, I'm in the exact same boat, only I'm not exercising. I've not had the energy at all and felt so weak the first 7 days. Logic tells me we're eating too few calories and our bodies are reacting to that. I also know I'm consuming a lot of sodium in the soups I'm eating. My scale also has not moved in 5 days and I'm 10 days post-op. I'm interested in hearing about your dr appointment and what he says. One thing that has helped me is tracking my calorie intake on calorie-count.com. I say that b/c it made me aware of just how much sodium I was taking in which is what I'm trying to tell myself is the problem! Good luck - I'm sorry I can't help you - but I can tell you I'm having the same experience and am also doubting myself!
  17. Congrats Bernadette!! I'm so happy you feel great. I had no hunger either, actually I was afraid to eat at first. I couldn't drink water like it sounds that you can until about day 7. I'm 10 days out now and feel so much better than I did that first week. I think I pushed myself a little too hard (I flew cross country home, went to work on day 3, and flew back cross country the following saturday on day 5). I feel much more normal - feel like I could eat anything - and am not really feeling uncomfortable when I am full. I am stopping myself but it is more and more difficult. For example today, I felt hungry around 2pm after having Wendy's chili for lunch. Again, best of luck to you!! What is everyone eating in a day right now? breakfast: coffee with cream/splenda 11am: protein 30g shake 11oz 12:30: Large Wendy's chili 5pm: creamy potato soup - about 2 cups And I drank 1 16oz bottled water today so far. Not hungry now, but could eat....but won't!
  18. LifeStartsNow

    "Lucky Losers" (March 2009 banders)

    Today marks 10 days since surgery. I had no shoulder pain (gas pains) until about 4 days after surgery. I had it mostly at the end of the day and it was pretty darn uncomfortable. It felt like a stitch in my side from running and was really painful if I tried to take a deep breath. Only 2 of my incisions really hurt - the port incision and the one above it - mostly because it lies right beneath where my underwire bra sits on it almost all day. I'd like to think I'm a pretty tough cookie when it comes to pain, but I did need tylenol up until about day 7. On day 7, I felt much, much better. No more gas/trapped air from surgery, no more shoulder pain, and I found I could immediately eat much more. I was barely eating 600 calories. I felt hunger for the first time and I'm noticing I can eat quite a bit more and have to stop myself. I feel much better because I'm eating more. I'm very disappointed with my weight loss thus far - only 5lbs in 10 days. I'm telling myself not to get discouraged - I know we all will lose at different paces. My loss may be stalled from my lack of calories and my body reacting to that or all the sodium in the soups I'm eating. Regardless, the pain surprised me, the sudden feeling much better on day 7 surprised me, and the lingering pain from port site is more than I thought it would be.
  19. I love calorie-count.com. its awesome!!
  20. I went back to work today - my surgery was Mon - so day 4 for me. It was just fine - kind of nice b/c it took my mind off everything. The hardest part is the incision pain. It made it difficult getting up and down from my desk. I'm not taking anything for the incision pain right now - I'm looking forward to that going away. I've been taking gasx stips - my stomach definitely rumbles when I eat something. I've got to come up with something more than soup - b/c of all the sodium!
  21. I was banded on 3/9/09 as well. No real issues to speak of except weakness, tired, and sick of broth. I drank a protien shake today - on day 3 - b/c I just felt that I needed it. I feel fine and will start full liquids (soup, shakes, etc.) tomorrow anyway. I'm exhausted also b/c of the cross country flight I had to take - I decided to fly home last night - overnight so I could be home with my kids and husband all day today. Port area and one incision is very sore - just like everyone else. I tried to make more of a real broth, and burned it on the stove - LOL! I didn't anticipate this part to be so hard - the 1 week of liquids before was hard - and so is this!! I need to drink more water - dr said my headaches are coffee withdrawls - and that its ok to drink coffee - and dehydration. So I need to drink some of both now. Haha! I just can't wait to eat soup!!
  22. LifeStartsNow

    How long on post-op diet?

    Hey Vala! So glad you're feeling stronger and eating real food. Gives me some hope. I did one week prior to surgery on the liquid diet - and now all I want is something real to eat. I was banded ony Monday! 3/9/09. I'm glad to hear you're feeling stronger and able to do all the the things you have done already physically - w0w! Today is technicallly day 3 for me and they wanted me to be on clear liquids for a week but said i could go to full liquids on day 4 if I wanted to. I definitely want to. On the day of surgery, their scale said I was 224, I just weighed myself and my scale says 229.5. Who knows - I just have to convice myself that I need to be patient - its very hard as you know! LOL. I drank a protien shake - hopefully even though that isn't clear - it will give me some energy. Keep up the great work girl! My next hurdle is going to be getting my butt in gear to work out or at least walk!! :mad2: Can't wait to hear more updates and how you're doing!
  23. LifeStartsNow

    "Lucky Losers" (March 2009 banders)

    Got banded yesterday! I'm sitting in the airport now, waiting for a10:15pm flight so I can be home at 8am tomorrow am. My experience: I truly was so very very nervous, felt a little selfish, a little ashamed, and a little empowered. I was up early to catch a 5:50 flight - that I almost missed. I was actually ready to just not go through with it, truly going to just give up on the way there. My husband and I had just watched on CNN the drug violence specifically in Tijuana so I was afraid of that too. At the airport, I got held back by security, even later, so I was calm knowing my fate was sealed and this wasn't going to happen, but wouldn't u know they were waiting on me. So I just got on the plane and decided I could just hop a flight right back home from the 1st stop in Pittsburg. My seat assigned was next to this poor, very large lady who I had to really squeze next to, I tried to might light of it to put her at ease. The stuardess, then came by and moved me to another seat. I felt so bad for her. And it made me thing that this is exatly why I'm doing this. So I just decided to stay on and get on the next flight to SanDiego. If at anytime I felt unsafe, I had no qualms just jumping on a plane and going right back home! I was a little frighted but somehow also felt safe crossing the border b/c of all the men with automatic rifles and black scarves and camoflage. But we just drove on past. I got to the to the hotel, very nice Mariott, got to the OCC the next day, all were as nice as everyone on these boards say they are. I ended up being last - the waiting all day was hard - but it the surgery itself was so quick! Met some lovely women just like me and the funniest 2 sistes from Ohmaha there to get a fill. They really put me at ease. The nurse who saw how nervous I was even massaged my neck and back muscles. :blush:Wow - it was a gesture of empathy and kindess. I learned I weighed 224 down from 236 1wk and 2 days ago, doing the 3 protien shakes per day and all greens. I know its mostly Water. So this morning, I went back to my hotel - had ordered some chicken broth and I needed it! I hadn't eaten and barely drank all day the day before. I feel good - considering I've eaten absolutely nothing in 2 days except water and a popsicle. I'm drank coffee b/c I think that's why I had a splitting headache after the surgery. Sorry for the long post, but can you believe, Dr. Ortiz' mom actually stopped by and hugged all the patients? She was so sweet. And I really liked talking with Dr Ortiz. He is as charasmtatic as everyone says - but he's grounded - oh and wears black calvin klien underwear under his scrubs - for all those out there who want to know! LOL My incisions really do hurt - it surprises me how sore they are. But only if I move/twist. I need some sort of band around my waist to kind of protect them, I feel like. As I'm typing this, Im holding a pillow against my stomach. Well thank you again for the support - I'm amazed at just how much I depend on it from everyone on this board who has reached out to me via a reply or wish of good luck. Good karma feels great. thank you!:thumbup: I just had the broth from some airport chicken Soup and it was AWESOME. I'm also drinking a diet snapple. All ok so far. I don't feel as faint as I thought I would. I feel a little hungry, but then also a little weird in the stomach - sort of like you do just before you get the flu. Just don't want to eat even though you're hungry. My incisions look great - there are 5. Hopefully, they'll heal nicely. One one the sisters I met said to leave the glue on as long as it wants and that will help. So I plan to do that. I really can't believe I've really done this! I plan to go to full liquids (soups) on day 4 - I don't want to do just ckn broth and Clear Liquids longer than that. Then I plan to stay on full liquids for 21 days. I've stocked plenty of great Soups - Pacific Coast sells some great ones! And drinkable yogurt. I've got to be careful of all the sodium. Well, I'll let you know know how it all goes! And good luck to all of you!
  24. LifeStartsNow

    Hampton Roads/Peninsula thread

    Luv - thank you so much for your post. You've been supportive of me from the beginning. I think your positive vibes must have made a big difference since it did go so very well and as so very close to not happenig at all. I appreciate you kindess and support so much. I just can't tell you how much I appreicate you!:biggrin: You are an angel!
  25. LifeStartsNow

    Hampton Roads/Peninsula thread

    Thanks so much Diane for your reply, I needed it. :smile:I truly was so very very nervous, felt a little selfish, a little ashamed, and a little empowered. I saw your reply last, befor I got up to catch a 5:50 flight - that I almost missed. I was actually ready , truly going to just give up the way there. My husband and I had just watched on CNN the drug violence specifically in Tijuana so I was afraid of that too. At the airport, I got held back by security, even later, so I was calm knowing my fate was sealed and this wasn't going to happen, but wouldn't u know they were waiting on me. So I just got on the plane and decided I could just hop a flight right back home from the 1st stop in Pittsburg. My seat assigned was next to this poor, very large lady who I had to really squeze next to, I tried to might light of it to put her at ease. The stuardess, then came by and moved me to another seat. I felt so bad for her. And it made me thing that this is exatly why I'm doing this. So I just decided to stay on and get on the next flight to SanDiego. If at anytime I felt unsafe, I had no qualms just jumping on a plane and going right back home! I was a little frighted but somehow also felt safe crossing the border b/c of all the men with automatic rifles and black scarves and camoflage. But we just drove on past. I got to the to the hotel, very nice Mariott, got to the OCC the next day, all were as nice as everyone on these boards say they are. I ended up being last - the waiting was hard - but it was so quick. Met some lovely women just like me and the funniest 2 sistes from Ohmaha there to get a fill. They really put me at ease. The nurse who saw how nervous I was even masaaged my neck and back muscles. :blush:Wow - it was a gesture of empathy and kindess. I learned I weighed 224 down from 236 1wk and 2 days ago, doing the 3 protien shakes per day and all greens. I know its mostly Water. So this morning, I'm back at my hotel. I feel good - considering I've eaten absolutely nothing in 2 days except water and a popsicle. I'm drinking coffee now b/c I think that's why I had a splitting headache after the surgery. Sorry for the long post, but can you believe, Dr. Ortiz' mom actually stopped by and hugged all the patients? She was so sweet. And I really liked talking with Dr Ortiz. He is as charasmtatic as everyone says - but he's grounded - oh and wears black calvin klien underwear under his scrubs - for all those out there who want to know! LOL My incisions really do hurt - but only if I move. I need some sort of band around my waist to kind of protect them, I feel like. As I'm typing this, Im holding a pillow against my stomach. Well thank you again for the support - I'm amazed at just how much I depend on it from everyone on this board who has reached out to me via a reply or wish of good luck. Good karma feels great. thank you!:biggrin:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
