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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JMO

  1. JMO


    I am so freaken sore this morning. I jumped out of bed and was like WTH? My arms are like jello and my legs are stiff. lol But boy do I feel good about feeling so bad, that means I worked my body good..... Today I am doing 45min. on the cross trainer before I take the kids swiming. And 45 mins tonight. I would swim laps but I am not allowed to get in the pool for another week due to the GB surgery. That sucks because my incisions are healed and its going to hot as heck. But at least I can work on my tan... lol No weights today but stomach crunches are in.... 150 I am counting the days (14days) till I am in bandland and I am not struggling so much with amounts of food. I am not on a pre op diet but am doing very low fat. I would love to be under 300 before my surgery. We will see.... cross trainer 11:00 45 mins..AM Crunches 150 leg lifts 50 pushups 15(got five more in today) cross trainer 7:00 45mins... PM DD- Did 15 mins on cross trainer, 28 crunches, 28 legs lfts, and 28 somewhat pushups.. she had fun breaking a sweat with Mom, then she went swiming for 2 1/2 hours and did not but run and jump in then swim to side, run and jump in then swim to side.. ect...) I got a nice BURN!! p.s. DD did 10 mins on cross trainer yesterday, I am hoping she will do it today too....
  2. JMO

    23lbs from goal!!

    WAY TO GO! i CAN'T WAIT TILL THOSES WORDS (LETTERS) ARE COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH (KEYBOARD) LOL GOOD JOB!!!!! Go DH go (my Dh is going to need someone to show him the ropes soon.....
  3. JMO

    Busted Lip

    I feel so bad, I was doing my cross trainer, had five mins to go to finish my goal of 1 1/2 hours today. My youngest came in and was playing on my bed he then took a dive off the side of the bed and hit his top lip on one of the foot bars on my cross trainer. As soon as he caught his breath he was screaming and blood was shooting out of his mouth. His top lip is busted wide open. Dang, I feel so bad I never though it was close enough to the bed for them to hit it. Its like four feet or more away from the bed. Lesson learned... He is now on the couch eating crushed ice and loving it... By the way on a good note: 6:00pm 55 mins cross trainer (5 mins from goal but will hit it tommorrow) 30 mins this morning 3 sets of 15 curls 35lbs 3 sets of 15 bench press 35lbs 150 situps 10 pushups (need to work on this)
  4. Girl I am so glad you found this board. It is ((FULL)) of tons of people who can offer a lot of support. I know there are several women on here that did NOT have the support of there husband. From what you have said it sounds to me that you need to lose some extra weight.. Ummmm about 200 lbs of it. HIM! I am so sorry you are going through this right now. But like you said is he worth you when you are skinny. As much I think he is rude for treating you this way, it is par for a skinny person. They just don't understand. It is easy to say don't eat that, and just excercise. But, How many drug addicts do you know that would stay functional if they had to do a hit 3 times a day. Its a struggle everyday, and the band will help you through this. It won't do it all though. You will have to start excercising. You need to this FOR YOU! Its time to love you.... What ever you decide keep in touch.. and good luck
  5. JMO

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Yeah!!!!!! Just think you can pay that loan off with all the money you save on food... lol congrats...(it will soon be our turn)
  6. JMO

    July 2006 Band Crew

    BGP I too am a total reality tv nut. Thank god I have TIVO!!!!Ok so treasure hunters is on monday, big brother, super nova, and last comic standing on tuesdays, Weds Rockstar and so you think you can dance, Thursday-Big Brother and so you think you can dance And Friday- THERE IS NOTHING ON...... lol So how many people can do it friday at 7:00... (I know that might be party nite but 7 is early) Let me know!!! I am excited...
  7. JMO

    Busted Lip

    I feel so bad, I was doing my cross trainer, had five mins to go to finish my goal of 1 1/2 hours today. My youngest came in and was playing on my bed he then took a dive off the side of the bed and hit his top lip on one of the foot bars on my cross trainer. As soon as he caught his breath he was screaming and blood was shooting out of his mouth. His top lip is busted wide open. Dang, I feel so bad I never though it was close enough to the bed for them to hit it. Its like four feet or more away from the bed. Lesson learned... He is now on the couch eating crushed ice and loving it... By the way on a good note: 6:00pm 55 mins cross trainer (5 mins from goal but will hit it tommorrow) 30 mins this morning 3 sets of 15 curls 35lbs 3 sets of 15 bench press 35lbs 150 situps 10 pushups (need to work on this)
  8. JMO

    July 2006 Band Crew

    OK, OK , Ok, Listen up (bossy voice, lol ) Lets make a date so we can all talk.... I think the chat room is a great idea.. I am home all day but with three kids nite time is better for me.. What do yall think.. I think it would be cool to have like a weekly thing sort of like WW. Makes us somewhat accountable.. Anyone who's interested post what times , and make sure you include your time zone. I vote for like 7 or later and I am in cental time...
  9. JMO

    Saying goodbye

    14 days and counting..... The feelings I feel are so weird. I know this sounds stupid, but I almost feel like I'm in a prison and soon to be let free. Food rules my life right now, It is on my mind all the time. I am so scared for my DD, she is doing my old tricks. She says shes helping clean the kitchen by getting her brothers plates to the sink, and on the way she is eating the leftovers on their plate. She sneeks food, and is a true bordom eater. The difference between her and her brothers are night and day. The boys don't ack like they care about food at all. She thinks about food all day like I used to. I have noticed when The kids are playing outside all day she eats just a little, but when they are inside she ask for food alot more. We have to get out of this house and move our butts. Today we are going to ride bikes if it doesn't rain, if it does I am going to take them to mall so we can walk. I know they will beg for everything but at least its not food. I have high hopes for this surgery to makeover my entire family, including my dd. Maybe she will see the examples dh and I are setting and be able to follow them. I am going to up my workout this week. Instead of one hour, I am shooting for 1 1/2 hours. 3 thirty min. intervals. This week I am doing a no fat diet to get my body and mind ready for this surgery. Even though I am not on a pre op diet I want my brain to begain the process of letting go of all this crap I put in my mouth. I have had so many last suppers, I think I am finally ready to say good bye to over eating and stuffing myself. I am ready to start loving my self again. :eek: 12:30- 30 mins on cross trainer.
  10. JMO

    Saying goodbye

    14 days and counting..... The feelings I feel are so weird. I know this sounds stupid, but I almost feel like I'm in a prison and soon to be let free. Food rules my life right now, It is on my mind all the time. I am so scared for my DD, she is doing my old tricks. She says shes helping clean the kitchen by getting her brothers plates to the sink, and on the way she is eating the leftovers on their plate. She sneeks food, and is a true bordom eater. The difference between her and her brothers are night and day. The boys don't ack like they care about food at all. She thinks about food all day like I used to. I have noticed when The kids are playing outside all day she eats just a little, but when they are inside she ask for food alot more. We have to get out of this house and move our butts. Today we are going to ride bikes if it doesn't rain, if it does I am going to take them to mall so we can walk. I know they will beg for everything but at least its not food. I have high hopes for this surgery to makeover my entire family, including my dd. Maybe she will see the examples dh and I are setting and be able to follow them. I am going to up my workout this week. Instead of one hour, I am shooting for 1 1/2 hours. 3 thirty min. intervals. This week I am doing a no fat diet to get my body and mind ready for this surgery. Even though I am not on a pre op diet I want my brain to begain the process of letting go of all this crap I put in my mouth. I have had so many last suppers, I think I am finally ready to say good bye to over eating and stuffing myself. I am ready to start loving my self again. 12:30- 30 mins on cross trainer.
  11. JMO

    July 2006 Band Crew

    I am sorry, I am getting it done 15 mins from my house in Memphis Tn.. But we so need to keep in touch and let each other know about our experiences. WE HAVE THE SAME BAND DAY!!!! hehe I am so excited, You know when you are waiting for something big time goes SOOOOOOO SLLLLOOOOWWWWWWW. :faint:
  12. Welcome, And read read read. This site will answer all your questions and tell you things you didn't even want to know. lol You will always have support here just ask...
  13. JMO

    sig. test. please ignore

    He he had too look!!!
  14. JMO

    What Book Are You Reading?

    I love to read.. I have been in school for 1 1/2 non stop so I haven't had the time to read what I want, But this summer I am out of school and I have read 7 books and started my eighth. Angrey housewifes eating bon bons-(lorna Landvik) so funny and a great book! 4 John Grisham books (the last four released I had to catch up, grishams ALWAYS a good read. ) Patty janes house of curl-( Lorna Landvik )great book Divinci code- The first two chapters were hard but once I got into it I finished it in two days it was addicting. Then ran out and bought Angels and demons, its good so far too!
  15. I am not banded yet, but want to let you know that you are doing the right thing. I also think the job will be a good idea because it will keep your mind off THE BAND. I also had the worry of feeling not quite right, but talked to my doctor about it and I was told as long as you get your Protein in You should be fine. If you feel light headed eat something and it will pass. I am a nursing student and will be starting back to school 3 weeks after surgery, so I know what you mean about needing to be able to concentrate, but I have been asured that I will do fine. I am glad you found this board, and if you need anything just ask. Good luck!!!
  16. Hi all, I was looking for a july bandster thread and could not find one so I figured I would start one. I am having my band surgery on the 25ths. I am excited, scared, nervous, tired (of waiting), and ready all rolled up in one. I know I'v seen alot of folks who have been, or are soon to be banded in july, so lets get together and help each other through this. If you have been banded within the last 7 days, How are you feeling? Was it better or worse than you expected? Are you starving on liquids? Let us soon to be bandie's in on what its like... If your soon to be banded (like me) Am I the only one who is tired of waiting.. AHHHH its torture. for me anyways... lol
  17. JMO

    Fun Thread - Screen Names

    Well ummm why did I chose this name Uhmmmmm Let me think? My name is jenny, I am a mom to three beautiful children...So there you go!!!! I almost used Jmoe But decided on jenmomto3 My last name is Mohundro So my nick name is Jmoe...See its in my siggy
  18. JMO

    I Got My Date........

    Yeah..... I know how you feel, My date is july 25th and I CAN"T WAIT>>> WE will soon be losers together..... lol
  19. JMO

    July 2006 Band Crew

    I don't know how I missed this thread. I was wondering why there was no july bansters yet? (I started another one opps lol ) I have been a little out of the loop because I had Gall bladder surgery on the 30th..But anyways congrats to all that are banded, keep us posted and let us know what we are in for... I am so excited that my day is soon to be here. I'v got 19 days to go... hehe... Time to love PLEEESSSSWEEEE add my name to the list (I kindof feel left out) lol Hippmom You can do this you are doing what is best for you. This is a very scary road but in the end it will be a very rewarding one. I just had a lap surgery on the 30th and two days later I made a 6 hr rd trip (3 hrs one way) to see family for the fourth. I quit taking pain meds on day two of my surgery. I was not in PAIN it was more like I had done a killer workout and I was sore. You can do this.. Don't back out now we are here with you all facing the same fears... (((((hugs))))) it will be OK
  20. LUV2LUV We have the SAME bandday... I am also getting mine on the 25th.. I was really nervous too until I had my Gall Bladder taken out last week. I have been told that the band surgery is very simular. I was hoping for the best and when I got home I keep waiting for the pain. It really never came. I have three kids under the age of 5 and was up doing stuff for them the day after my surgery. The day of, I was out of it most of the day and I did have quite a bit of insision pain but it was managable. On the second day after surgery I went out of town to a family get together three hours away and had a blast. The best advice I can give is to have someone their with you on the day you have surgery, The next day you can manage as long as you have something to keep them ocupide. My hubby is only taking off the day of my surgery, I am on my own for the rest of the week. Well good luck and keep in touch
  21. JMO

    Think Positive List

    This is a great thread... I can't wait to play soccer with my dd and have fun! (not worry about breathing) I can't wait to have my DH google over my legs again I can't wait to wrap a reg towel around my body I can't wait to lay on the floor with my kids and watch a movie and not have my stomach lay beside me. I can't wait to go out to dinner with my dh and only get one meal to split I can't wait to save money on groceries and cloths (plus size are NEVER on sale) I can't wait to been seen as tall and hot, not just huge. ( I am 6'2 by the way) I just can't WAIT to be skinny!!!!!
  22. Mrs. P So glad you decided to post and let us in on your journey.... I am too on the journey to lap bandland.. My surgery is on the 25th of july. I am so excited, it just seems like these next few weeks will never be over. Keep us posted on your progress and good luck...
  23. Hi all I am going in for surgery in the morning to have my GALL BLADDER removed. I am getting so nervous.. I hate being put under... And IV suck! oh well just glad I don't have to spend the night unless there are problems... I will post when I get home tomorrow...
  24. JMO

    Last min. what to wear?!?!

    Number Three with BOOTs . I think women look sexy as hell in camo... Just my 2 cents... good luck
  25. JMO

    Is diet soda okay?

    I was told by my dr that no matter how much you shake it it will always have some bubbles. Some one else posted about having soda in slurpie form. I know its alot higher in cal, but if you only do it one a week as a treat it should not be too bad. I would think it would be more band friendly...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
