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Charlie21467 last won the day on November 10 2023

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About Charlie21467

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  • Birthday 02/14/1967

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  1. Charlie21467

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Thank you for this information. This is very helpful. I was on omeprazole for the first weeks after surgery but not now. I do take the generic Zofran to help with nausea, but not every day. Lately the host stomach and vomiting has been in spells. One day in fine then the next I'm getting sick so easily. I've been living on Tums which has caused some intestinal issues I believe. I only have a bowel movement about once every 4-5 days and when I do it's mostly mucus and no stool. It's been a real passion in the butt. Pun intended. Lol Anyone else dealing with similar intestinal issues?
  2. Charlie21467

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Hi Tanith, I too am in a similar situation. I have lost about 60 pounds since my Oct 3rd surgery. I can eat some solid food, but I have to be very careful. Most of the time after eating, I feel like I've swallowed a rock that is just sitting in my stomach (or what's left of it rather). I do get nauseous very easily and have gotten sick many times after eating. I also get heartburn very easy. I've been living on Tums lately. I told my Dr about this and he said just to eat smaller portions and very slow to eat. I wish it worked that easy. I'll be following to see what others say. Wishing you all the best.
  3. Charlie21467

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I've had to back down to a soft diet for a bit too get back on track. Thank you for the reply.
  4. Charlie21467

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Hello my fellow October surgery buddies, I hope everyone is doing well. I had my sleeve surgery on October 3rd and two weeks ago I was cleared for regular diet. I'm wondering if anyone is having a similar problem as me... here lately it seems no matter what I eat I am getting nauseous and throwing up. I spoke to my doctor about this a couple of days ago and he said that I just have to eat slower and smaller portions. Last night I had one Ladle of homemade vegetable beef soup and got sick shortly after. I'm wondering if any of you have experienced anything like this and how you have managed to overcome it?
  5. Charlie21467

    Donating Plasma Post Gastric Sleeve

    I know this is an older post, but I would like to update what happened to me today. I had my gastric sleeve on October 3rd and have been cleared by my doctor for normal diet and normal activities, but the plasma center I went to today has told me I cannot donate for 12 months post-op. That really sticks a thorn in any holiday shopping I was hoping to do. I am going to be looking for another plasma center to see if I get the same story.
  6. Charlie21467

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Thanks for this post. It's really strange how some things set my stomach off and others don't. I used to say I had an iron gut because I never got sick, but that's not the case any longer. Lol
  7. Charlie21467

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Hello surgery buddies. 10/03 here for my sleeve. I managed to make it through Thanksgiving without getting sick from eating, but did manage to catch covid the day after. I've been isolating and barely eating at all. I had a televisit with my nutritionist and I'm cleared for regular diet, but I can barely keep most foods down. I splurged last night and got a kfc bowl which is mostly mashed potatoes but after 5 bites I was done and it came right back up. I am so tired of soup and I'm dying for real food. Have any of you been dealing with anything similar?
  8. Charlie21467

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I have not used crystal light, but I have used other water additives. I have also had snapple diet peach tea which is very low calories and the Lipton diet peach tea as well. I have had only 4 of the mini cans since my surgery of soda. 2 mountain dew and 2 diet coke, and 1 of the diet cokes I threw half of it away. They did not bother my stomach but I felt a little guilty drinking them. Lol
  9. Charlie21467

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I too have been behind on staying hydrated. I have some kidney issues since my surgery (a stone and my blood levels are off). I am hoping to get this straightened out as quickly as possible.
  10. Charlie21467

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Hello all my surgery buddies. I have a question for you. Prior to my surgery I was not a coffee drinker, and I still am not, but I got my caffeine from drinking diet coke. I'm very fortunate in that my surgeon told me if you need to take a drink of Diet Coke go ahead and take a drink of Diet Coke just don't drink a lot of it. Since October the 2nd I have managed only to have four of the mini cans of soda. I do have a weakness for mountain dew. I have had two Mountain Dews and two Diet Cokes. I know I cannot be the only one here that does not drink coffee. Have any of you tried soda?
  11. Charlie21467

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    That should have said alleviate
  12. Charlie21467

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Hey surgery buddies, how are you all doing? I was in a pinch tonight ... I went to subway for some of their chicken noodle soup but they were out. I ended up getting a 6" subway club with spinach, tomato onion light mayo, vinegar and oil. I took about 4 bites and now I have a rock in my stomach. How's the best way to alienate this feeling?
  13. Charlie21467


    Thank you
  14. Charlie21467


    Hi everyone, my name is Charlie and I had gastric sleeve on 10/03/23. Prior to surgery I was weighing in at 227. I am 5'6" and have high BP as well as high cholesterol and sleep apnea. I am 6 weeks post op now and weigh 197 and my BP is back to 120/80 today with no meds.
  15. Charlie21467

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Hi everyone, I had my sleeve surgery on 10/03/23. I am glad I had the surgery but I'm tired of eating soft foods. Lol. I've had more soup in the last month than I have had my whole life. Do any of you get heartburn and feel like you swallowed a rock?

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