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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Arendiva

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member

About Me

  • Biography
    I have been obese for my entire adult life. My husband and I have been trying to conceive unsuccessfully for 5 years.I am hopeful that the VSG will improve my fertility.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Reading, writing, fanfiction, learning French, travel, and cooking
  • Occupation
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  1. At my largest I was size 24. I'm currently size 18 and I still have things in my wardrobe that are size 16. Once I shrink beyond that I will either have to buy new clothes, go to a tailor and have my current clothes altered or rock out baggy clothes until my weight stabilizes. I'm trying to have a no buy year for 2024 so my plan for this calendar year is to make due with belts, tailoring , baggy clothes and dresses until next January, with the exception of underwear and bras which I refuse to wear incorrect sizes for.
  2. Arendiva

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I hope that the procedure resolves your stenosis, that sounds awful to have to put up with.
  3. Arendiva

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    So October people as we hit our 3 month post surgery dates let's check in with each other as say where we're at and how we are doing. My 3 month date is in 3 days so I'll check back then. I'd love to hear how everyone else is doing.
  4. Arendiva

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    New year new us. How is everyone doing now that the holidays are over? I didn't quite hit my 50pounds down by the end of the year goal that I was hoping for. But I'm down 45 pounds and I'm still very happy with that. I'm feeling very optimistic about this year and very excited to get back into activities that my weight has been preventing me from enjoying for years (like hiking and cycling). What non-scale goals do people have for this year? I'm hoping to have a revenge attempt hiking the Flume Gorge ( I tried like 6 years ago and failed, though that was before my knee surgery).
  5. Arendiva

    Messed up preop diet

    You're fine. My surgeon didn't even have me do a pre-op diet. He was fine with me even eating normal food the night before,I just had to fast by midnight before the surgery. I legit had lobster risotto 13 hours pre-op. My surgery went fine and things have been going great post-surgery.
  6. Arendiva

    Post Op Exercising

    Maybe buy some free hand weights to use at home. Strength training is supposed to help with weight loss since muscle burns more calories. You could do some basic arm, back , and chest exercises while relaxing in front of the tv at the end of the day. Much less tiring than cardio.
  7. Arendiva

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I haven't posted in a few weeks. November was incredibly frustrating since I stalled for most of the month of November. But the scale is moving again and even when it wasn't I was still losing inches so I'm staying positive. I'm 38 pounds down from my first appointment in July and I'm 18 pounds down from the weight I was on surgery day October 20th. I'm still hoping to be 50 pounds down by the end of the year but I know that with 12 pounds to go and only 23 days left that is a bit of a reach goal.
  8. Arendiva

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    My weight loss has stalled since November 5th. I know this is normal since loads of other people have mentioned experiencing a week 3 stall, but it is still disheartening to lose nothing for 11 days when I know I'm following the diet, focusing on protein, drinking fluids and keeping my portion sizes appropriately small. I hope this plateau breaks soon because it is demoralizing.
  9. Arendiva

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Reheat it on the stove or in the oven?
  10. Arendiva

    Goal Weights

    I'd like to get to 150 because I need to be under 155 to have a "healthy" BMI.
  11. Arendiva

    TMI Poop Talk

    Day 3 post op and then the next time was day 5.
  12. Arendiva

    Protein help!

    I've really been enjoying drinking bone broth (not to be confused with stock or regular broth). The bone broth I buy is 10 grams of protein per cup. It goes down easy.
  13. Arendiva

    October buddy’s

    I was approved to go home on the afternoon of the 22nd. I’m doing much better now that I’m home since I have a much better selection of stage 1 and stage 2 foods at home. Hitting my fluid goal is still a challenge but I’m determined to push through. On the bright side I have very little pain.
  14. Arendiva

    October buddy’s

    I had my surgery 10/20 I’m still in the hospital because I wasn’t able to progress to stage two. I have been having trouble keeping fluids down. Things have improved these past few hours though so I’m hoping to get back home tomorrow.
  15. Arendiva

    No Pre Op Diet?

    I don't have an assigned pre-op diet but I've been choosing to do 2 liquid meals a day and then a healthy supper. I've also been keeping to 1200 calories.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
