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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from ChunkCat in Yoga for seniors   
    Since I'm having such a hard time losing weight, my PA suggested I try yoga. I've never done yoga . I always laughed at it saying people like tying themselves in knots ..LOL. Now I might have to look into it seriously. I would have to do gentle chair yoga as my 69 year old joints are pretty stiff. I looked at some U Tube videos, and it seems like easy stretches. Can you tell me what yoga can actually do for me? Does it help with weight loss? She also suggested strength training . In all honesty ,I've never been one to do "formal" exercises ... but I'm willing to try different things at this point .
  2. Thanks
    KathyLev got a reaction from Jessica Marie in Pre op appointments   
    In my experience , the surgery was easy. Nothing to worry about ! My advice is to read as much as you can about the procedure and what to expect at the hospital , and you'll be a pro in no time Enjoy your newfound health !!!!
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    KathyLev reacted to ynotiniowa in Tamales   
    I am sure there will be a lot of "stick to the plan" replies, which I will agree is never a bad decision but I wanted to offer a real life viewpoint lol I was about 5 weeks out from bypass when my guy made homemade pork tamales. I asked him to make some mini ones for me because I knew my tummy could not hold a full size tamale. He made the pork melt in your mouth tender, lighter on the seasoning and I had zero issues have one mini one and I had zero regrets for enjoying it. If you try one, just eat super slow, small bites and make sure you listen to your tummy. That's all I have to offer on the subject 🙂
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    KathyLev reacted to Victoria Hollenbeck in Tiny freak out moment   
    I know this post is old but I wanted to see how you are doing? Wishing you well!
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    KathyLev reacted to GreenTealael in Having trouble with pre-surgery weight loss (TW negative feelings)   
    You’re right, it is a long term diet (or lifestyle) that doesn’t have an end date and for most of us it will be restrictive.
    Some people have no issue with this, some need to work a little harder to come to terms with it and some never comply.
    My only suggestion would be to work on accepting your new diet/lifestyle well ahead of surgery or you might just rebel against the rules your team set up (for your benefit) because you’re being forced to do them rather than choosing on your own.
    I don’t think anyone really likes being forced to do anything so I completely understand where you’re coming from.
    Good Luck! ❤️
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    KathyLev reacted to awoodw1 in Not sure what’s going on—10 days post op and feeling a feeling…   
    Thank you so much for your kind words and for telling me your story. You put it in a perspective I had not and what you are saying is so true about feeling lost between two worlds. I also got my period the 2nd day I returned home from the hospital (talk about timing) and my hormones are vicious and it didn’t even cross my mind that a lot of this may be linked to that, hell it makes a lot more sense now. You nailed it on the head. I appreciate you and wish you all the best! Thank you.
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    KathyLev reacted to awoodw1 in Not sure what’s going on—10 days post op and feeling a feeling…   
    Hi friends. I had my gastric sleeve surgery on November 14th, and everything went smoothly. Pre-up was a breeze for me, I was excited, and generally my mood was good and looking forward to the future. Today, Ten days later and physically I am doing well, I think. I am having a mind over matter problem when it comes to “eating” well drinking my “food”, you know what I mean. Nothing and I mean nothing appeals to me accept really cold Water and ice. I hate to sound so dramatic but I am repulsed by anything else, Protein Shakes, broth, etc etc. it’s not that I can’t keep it down or the taste is that bad (even if it is) it’s my brain. I see myself and I look different, I have definitely lost weight and that’s awesome but I have been really depressed. I don’t even know why, it’s not because of this reason or that reason. I feel lost is the best way to describe it. Like it’s not me here right. I don’t feel like I used to, I don’t even enjoy things that I used to. I feel really alone and like I am in some foreign place where I don’t even know myself. My husband has been supportive but when I try to explain this he goes into the “well this is what you wanted” lecture and I feel worse so I don’t really talk to anyone about it because well yeah this was my doing, my choice. No one wants to hear me complain. I was really curious to know if anyone else who is close to where I am in my “journey” have had these feelings. Maybe I’m just going crazy. Thanks for obliging me, it even feels better to type this out.
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    KathyLev got a reaction from Sergeant in Messed up preop diet   
    It's ok. I messed up mine,too and it was fine!
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    KathyLev reacted to catwoman7 in Weight loss plateau so early?   
    I led one of the classes at my bariatric clinic (for pre-op patients) for three or four years (until the COVID lockdowns when they quit having the classes). I always, always, always told them about the three-week stall, because I've learned from these kinds of sites that most surgeons don't mention it, and people freak out when it happens. Since it happens to the vast majority of us, I'm really surprised it doesn't have a prominent place in people's surgery packets - and/or isn't mentioned in pre-op classes. I think we see this question here on BP twice a week. Surgeons (or anyone who teaches/leads pre-op classes) REALLY need to mention this...
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    KathyLev reacted to Ssedmak in Weight loss plateau so early?   
    Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement. I feel so much better after reading everyone’s comments. I’ve put my scale away for now. I’ll weigh again at my next appointment. And @NickelChip thank you for the explanation. It makes a lot of sense.
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    KathyLev reacted to Amerime in Weight loss plateau so early?   
    Christmas is so fun. I am so glad you are focusing on the positive. You will get where you want to be with that attitude and it is contagious. Thanks for sharing.
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    KathyLev got a reaction from ChunkCat in Weight loss plateau so early?   
    Funny thing ---- I was all bummed out about my 3 month long stall - I even Gained 4 pounds when I saw my doc a couple days ago. I finally did something I was so scared to do ..... I took out the tape measure. I was seriously shaking when I measured myself for the first time. I lost a total of 15" since this whole program started ! I knew my clothes were loose - but 15 inches ? ! ? ! Wow ! In fact ...... I feel SO GOOD ,this is the going to be the first time in YEARS that I'm putting up a Christmas tree The hell with that scale LOL !!! My mental and physical health is better than it's been for years and I stopped focusing on that darn number !
  13. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from ChunkCat in Weight loss plateau so early?   
    Funny thing ---- I was all bummed out about my 3 month long stall - I even Gained 4 pounds when I saw my doc a couple days ago. I finally did something I was so scared to do ..... I took out the tape measure. I was seriously shaking when I measured myself for the first time. I lost a total of 15" since this whole program started ! I knew my clothes were loose - but 15 inches ? ! ? ! Wow ! In fact ...... I feel SO GOOD ,this is the going to be the first time in YEARS that I'm putting up a Christmas tree The hell with that scale LOL !!! My mental and physical health is better than it's been for years and I stopped focusing on that darn number !
  14. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from ChunkCat in Weight loss plateau so early?   
    Funny thing ---- I was all bummed out about my 3 month long stall - I even Gained 4 pounds when I saw my doc a couple days ago. I finally did something I was so scared to do ..... I took out the tape measure. I was seriously shaking when I measured myself for the first time. I lost a total of 15" since this whole program started ! I knew my clothes were loose - but 15 inches ? ! ? ! Wow ! In fact ...... I feel SO GOOD ,this is the going to be the first time in YEARS that I'm putting up a Christmas tree The hell with that scale LOL !!! My mental and physical health is better than it's been for years and I stopped focusing on that darn number !
  15. Like
    KathyLev reacted to ChunkCat in Weight loss plateau so early?   
    This makes me so happy for you!!! I know you've been struggling. 15 inches is a lot!! I bet that really feels good. Decorate that tree! Your mental health and physical health is definitely more important than any number! ❤️
  16. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from ChunkCat in Weight loss plateau so early?   
    Funny thing ---- I was all bummed out about my 3 month long stall - I even Gained 4 pounds when I saw my doc a couple days ago. I finally did something I was so scared to do ..... I took out the tape measure. I was seriously shaking when I measured myself for the first time. I lost a total of 15" since this whole program started ! I knew my clothes were loose - but 15 inches ? ! ? ! Wow ! In fact ...... I feel SO GOOD ,this is the going to be the first time in YEARS that I'm putting up a Christmas tree The hell with that scale LOL !!! My mental and physical health is better than it's been for years and I stopped focusing on that darn number !
  17. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from NickelChip in Weight loss plateau so early?   
    You should be a doctor ,NickelChip ! LOL You explained that so clearly and easy to understand . That's something everyone should keep in mind when those darn stalls strike . Thanks for looking that up for us
  18. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from NickelChip in Weight loss plateau so early?   
    You should be a doctor ,NickelChip ! LOL You explained that so clearly and easy to understand . That's something everyone should keep in mind when those darn stalls strike . Thanks for looking that up for us
  19. Like
    KathyLev reacted to Arabesque in Does your weight fluctuate for no reason ?   
    Perfectly normal. You’ve always fluctuated & always will. You probably never noticed it before because you may not have weighed yourself as regularly as you do now. You may also discover over time you may have a pretty constant fluctuation rate. (My stabilised weight fluctuation is about a kilogram.)
    Yep, hormones, Fluid retention, pooping/not pooping, etc. can affect the number on the scales. Add to that we don’t eat the exact same things in the exact same amounts every day. Same with drinking & the activity we do. Even our general health can affect our weight even having a cold.
    Your doctor has seen it all. Be honest with them at your appointment. That way they can offer you their best advice. Do you still see your dietician? A visit with them may also help to ensure you are on the right path. It can be easy to miss something. Do you track your food? If not it may be worth doing it for a couple of weeks.
    All the best.
  20. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in taste buds and family reactions   
    Some things taste salty to me - like cheese . I mentioned that to my dietican and she said it happens to alot of people. I guess it's just another thing our bodies do to surprise us.
  21. Like
    KathyLev reacted to ChunkCat in taste buds and family reactions   
    I had my taste buds change about 4 days ago (I'm 2 weeks post op). It's awful!! I can't taste sweet spices at the moment, like cinnamon and nutmeg. Perfect time of year to not be able to taste those things! LOL Also a number of savory things don't taste right anymore... I hear this taste change happens a lot in the 1st year.
    As for your family, you are going to have to set some firm boundaries there. I know it is hard to do with family, but if you don't set them now it'll only get worse. Just tell her you've had enough and you'll return to it later, then put your plate away... Tell her you get labwork to ensure you are getting enough nutrients, she doesn't need to worry. Your body is different now and your food needs are different. And that what you need most from her is SUPPORT in this new way of life, not encouragement to overeat. Parents have a hard time seeing their children as responsible adults who can care for their own bodies and lives. Sometimes we need to (kindly) remind them we've got this.
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    KathyLev reacted to NickelChip in taste buds and family reactions   
    OMG, family is such a touchy subject. I will be 50 years old in a few months, and I still want to be the "good daughter." I worry about what my family thinks to a degree I never imagined when I was younger. But you have to advocate for yourself because no one else is going to (easier said than done, I know). There are a few things that might help. First, if your family are the type who will "listen to the experts," I suggest you direct them to the extensive video series by both Dr. Matthew Weiner and Dr. John Pilcher. They are totally free on YouTube. I have watched every single video, some of them multiple times. Both of these doctors have this sort of calming aura about them. I swear, I feel less anxious every time they speak. They explain everything in really simple terms, and I think your family members will get it a lot better if they at least watch a few about eating after surgery.
    Another thing you could try if they're more visual is buying one of those bariatric portion plates where it shows the different amounts of each thing. Or maybe if you get a bariatric cookbook and have your mom work through it with you and make some recipes, she will see for herself how much you should have and how it should look on the plate. I know the cookbook Dr. Weiner published tells you portion size for 1-2 months, 6 months, 1 year, and beyond. So she can see it's not going to be a couple tablespoons for the rest of your life. Ultimately, if she can't get on board, you may have to stop eating around her. But hopefully it won't come to that!
  23. Like
    KathyLev reacted to NickelChip in Does your weight fluctuate for no reason ?   
    Weight fluctuations are definitely normal. Salt intake, Water retention, hormones, even how much food is still in your digestive system, all influence your weight at any given moment. I'm pre-op, but I traveled last week and just the change to salty foods and restaurant meals was enough to make me gain nearly 10lbs. I thought it was from the unhealthy food and was so distraught, but it was almost all Fluid retention because less than a week at home eating my normal healthy diet and it was all gone. Just keep track of what you're eating, but don't starve yourself! That will just cause more problems.
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    KathyLev reacted to BabySpoons in Does your weight fluctuate for no reason ?   
    You can have daily fluctuations of weight simply from Water weight. Eating salt, menstrual cycles etc. That's why I only weigh once a week but even then, weight could be up on that weigh day for any of those reasons.
    Obviously overeating will do it. But I think you would know if you were doing that. Hopefully you are not one of the sleevers who lose 30 pounds then weight loss stops. It's usually at that time when doctors go the Ozempic, diet pill route.
    Or.. looks like you only have 29 pounds to go to hit goal weight. Those last few pounds will come off slowly. I have around 55 more to lose and expect it will become a much slower process now. But I sure hate those stalls too. If you are not seeing any loss in weeks or months, tell your doc/nutritionist and come up with a new plan. GL

  25. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from BabySpoons in It's OFFICIAL   
    Congratulations !!!!! At first, time will seem to just drag with all the appointments - then suddenly , all the loose ends will be tied up and things will happen FAST !!!! I'm excited for you !!!! Keep up that enthusiasm

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