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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kmays234

  1. Where can you get this from? My dr's office doesn't do it that I know of. I'm scheduled to be banded on June 25th. Thanks in advance.
  2. kmays234

    Surgery Date

    You are the day after me and we have pre-op the same day. I'm nervous too. Start liquid diet next Thursday. Nervous about that. Good luck. :confused:
  3. My dr's office requires my preop for 2 weeks prior all liquids. I am allowed 2 protein shakes a day and they want them to have 30 grams of protein and no more than 7 grams of carbs per serving. Can anyone help with this? Thanks.
  4. kmays234

    June 2009 Surgery

    I have the magic bullet. I have to find something that I like protein wise too. I'm picky bout what I drink. Its a big texture thing with me.
  5. kmays234

    June 2009 Surgery

    I got my date today. June 25th. Preop on June 19th and I start liquid diet on June 10th. I've been waiting for this for 3 years between research and Kaiser not covering it and getting approved by BCBS. I am scared and nervous and excited all in the same breath.
  6. So my paperwork was submitted to insurance yesterday. Got final paperwork today for Medical clearance. Approx how long does it take for insurance to approve it. I have a tentative date of 6/25. I'm excited and nervous at the same time.
  7. kmays234

    BCBS of GA PPO

    So my Dr's office called me Tuesday said I had been approved except for my Clearance letter from Cardiologist. I faxed it over and she told me I would have an answer by Wednesday at the latest. Now here it is Friday and I still don't have an answer. Called her yesterday was told let me check and I'll call you right back. Yeah no answer. Gonna try and call her after lunch today. But don't want to be to big of a pest.
  8. kmays234

    BCBS of GA PPO

    So, I called insurance company today they told me that as of now its not been entered into the computer so they don't even know if they have gotten it yet. I know that I meet all the prerequisites for the surgery. This waiting part really sucks though.
  9. kmays234

    BCBS of GA PPO

    Thanks, I live in Loganville, I am going to Obesity Solutions in Gainesville. Its an hour drive but everyone there is so nice and it came highly recomended to me. Thanks for the info, I'll try and call tomorrow.
  10. kmays234

    June 2009 Surgery

    I'm hoping that I'm a June Bandster. I have been to sleep study (should get cpap next week and have to be on it 3 wks prior), nutritionist, support group, psych, 6 month dr supervised diet... My sheet still says I need medical clearances but no one ever told me what those are and I've yet to hear back from the dr's office. Guess I'll bug them again tomorrow.
  11. I have my CPAP study scheduled for next Tuesday evening. I don't have to have the "initial" Sleep Study because I had one 2 yrs ago and insurance accepted it. The Sleep Lab just called me and told me my score is not high enough. Mine was at a 3 out of 24. Insurance only covers it if its a 10 or more. So the sleep lab changed all my numbers. She seemed surprised that I don't fall asleep doing little things, however I would not sleep at night if it weren't for Ambien. I just don't understand why they are making me lie about this. I don't feel comfortable doing it at all. I was borderline on sleep study until my roomate told them that he can hear me snore from down the hall and my neck is big. Hello.. I'm big. I'm hoping to have my surgery in June. Just feel like a trained circuis animal jumping thru the hoops to get this done.
  12. kmays234

    Sleep Study

    Well. I had the CPAP study Tuesday night. I did pretty good except waking up bout 3 am in a strange place with a mask on my face. Can we say Panic Attack.. Yeah wasn't pretty but the tech was awesome. She calmed me down... Let me take it off for like 30 min just to relax. Then told me I had to put it back on cause they need it on me for 6 hrs in order for ins to accept it. Hopefully everything will work out. I have psychological set up for next Tuesday. Then the following Tuesday I'm going to support meeting. Other than medical clearances and being on CPAP machine for 3 weeks prior to surgery and of course the 2 week liquid preop I'm ready for it to be sumitted to insurance. Hoping to do surgery in June. Now to bust my butt and get time saved up from work.
  13. My Dr also had me sign an agreement form that I will not have alcohol for 1 year then after that will be in moderation.
  14. kmays234

    2009 Bandsters?

    I am also hoping to have my surgery in March or April. I have been to the seminar, however Kaiser that my work has does not cover ANYTHING for weightloss. Not meds or the WLS. I am on my 6 month diet that I know BCBS requires for me and it will be up in February. I can't wait.
  15. kmays234

    drinking and eating

    I used to be really bad about drinking while I was eating. But since I've been reading and doing all my homework on Lapband, I have started focusing on not drinking while I eat. I used to drink 2-4 glasses of soda or water a meal, now I'm lucky if I finish 1/2 glass of water.
  16. I have been going to my PCP for weigh ins since Aug. I weigh in every time and we talk about weight loss and its documented in my chart however I do not always go just for the weigh in. Is this counted against me? Do I need to schedule appts JUST FOR being weighed in? I hope to have surgery in March or April since I can't start the process until Jan 1st when my new insurance kicks in. Thanks.
  17. kmays234

    Medically Supervised Diet

    I started looking into this October of 07. Was going to do it then I got Kaiser Insurance. I asked them what they required and was informed that they do not cover any kind of Weight Loss Surgery here in GA. I was :cursing: to say the least. However the wait did me good I think. I went ahead and started the 6 month medically supervised diet that BCBS will require next year in August. That will be up in Feb. I went to the Dr's orientation at the end of Sept and when open enrollment comes next month i'm going to make sure I pick ins that covers this. I have been told by my Bariatric surgeons office that I can start everything else in January (6 month up in Feb) and realistically can have surgery by March or April. I'm excited. So far I have lost 12 lbs by cutting out soda's (down to 1 can of pepsi a day from 2 large cups) and just cutting down the amount of food I eat.
  18. kmays234

    Soda soda soda

    I am not banded yet.. but when I went for orientation they told me that I have to be off of pepsi for 30 days prior to surgery. I used to drink a 6 pack of coke a day now for the most part I have 1 can of pepsi a day. I want more but I make myself drink water. Unfortunately for me I'm allergic to nutra sweet. I can't drink crystal light or diet sodas as it gives me a severe migraine. I'm also not big on flavored water.. Its a mind over matter thing for me. Congrats to those of you who have lost so much. Hopefully I'll be on that side come next March or April when I have my surgery (have to wait til jan 1st when I can switch to insurance that covers it)
  19. Hi I'm Kathy. I am 34 and have been looking into weight loss surgery for some time now. I had been looking towards Gastric however didn't like the way people I knew that had it ended up looking sickly. A co worker got lapband and has done well with it. I love that its not as invasive. I currently have Kaiser insurance and they cover no kind of WLS. So, to get myself started until I can get back on BCBS I have started the 6 month diet w/ my PCP. Started out 3 weeks ago at 321 but when I went back last week was down to 314. Gotta love the bronchitis diet. :thumbup: I figure my 6 month weight loss will be over in February and I can start the rest of the process In January. I'd love to have surgery by March.Still have not decided on a doctor but I am leaning towards Dr. Proctor in Gainesville. My big thing is support. My brother and his wife and my closest friends support me 110% but my parents don't agree with what I'm doing. Anyhow, I've babbled on long enough. Any insight will be welcomed. Thanks, Kathy
  20. I am going to Dr Proctor in Gainsville. Their website is Gastric Bypass Atlanta Georgia Obesity Solutions Welcome. I went to orientation tonight and really was pleased with what I saw. Good Luck.
  21. kmays234

    New and hello from GA

    Thought I would update. Even though I can't have the surgery til after the first of the year I am going to orientation tonight for Obesity solutions. I'm nervous but everything I have heard about Dr. Proctor is positive. Still working on the 6 month diet but after 1 month down 7 lbs still due to severe case of bronchitis when i could not eat for 3 days. Anyone else using Dr. Proctor in Gainsville, GA? Ok home from orientation. They were awesome.. I was actually the only person there tonight so I got 1 on 1 attention. Got my packet going to fill that out and send it in even though Insurance won't cover as of yet. They are thinking that with my willingness for March/April time frame for surgery that if I start on Jan2nd that I can get everything done with approval and get banded by then. I'm excited bout this.

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