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Status Updates posted by *susan*

  1. Seriously, all the major issues going on in the world and there are people basing their vote on whether or not PBS will continue to receive tax payer funding? Who even really watches PBS, not me! I would rather see that money feed the hungry, heal the sick and keep our nation safe.

  2. Happy Birthday!

  3. Wow, love the new profile picture, you look fabulous!!

  4. Happy birthday!

  5. Happy birthday!

  6. Happy birthday!

  7. Oh, today is election day? Thank goodness I signed onto Facebook and saw all the status updates telling me to vote or I wouldn't have known! Silly me with my head in the sand.

  8. Happy birthday!

  9. Happy birthday!

  10. Getting ready to watch the fight with some of our Gracie students. Go Ryron!

  11. Happy birthday!

  12. It has been done!

  13. Hi Jill, I am contacting Alex so he can work on the chat issues.

  14. Happy birthday!

  15. Happy birthday!

  16. Hi, I have included a link on how to add a custom avatar. If you need anymore help, let me know. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f5/avatars-custom-title-issues-3434/

  17. Happy birthday!

  18. Happy birthday!

  19. Good luck today!

  20. I've been bad. Sent to bed early with no dinner and watching election results.

  21. Happy birthday!

  22. Happy birthday!

  23. Wow, just saw your picture and you are looking awesome!!

  24. Happy birthday!

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