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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Manda1031

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  • Birthday 10/31/1990

About Me

  • Biography
    Disney lover, Dog lover, wife, mom
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  • Interests
    Disney, Murder Mysteries, READING
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  1. Manda1031

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Hi! I'm doing ok. Every day has gotten a little bit better.
  2. Manda1031

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I just saw this notification. How are you doing?
  3. Manda1031

    October buddy’s

    Hi! I’m scheduled for October 3rd!
  4. Manda1031

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Hi! I'm scheduled for my VSG on October 3rd.
  5. Manda1031

    Just starting my journey!

    There's been a few headaches, I never even got my appointment, as the hospital system in my town stopped negotiations with the health insurance provider I had. I was fortunate enough to be able to change to a different provider, and have appointments rescheduled, but the whole situation set me back about 6-8 months.
  6. Manda1031

    Just starting my journey!

    Update: insurance finally approved the in-office visit and I have an appointment scheduled for January.
  7. Manda1031

    Just starting my journey!

    Hi! Thanks for the recommendations Shoppgirl ! My insurance paperwork says it will cover the Gastric Bypass only, so that’s what I’m looking at, as there’s no way I could afford it otherwise. Everything is through the surgeons office, they covered that in the phone call.
  8. Manda1031

    Just starting my journey!

    I should add: I’ve done the orientation videos, and had a “phone consult” already. Just waiting on approval for in-office.
  9. Hi I’m Mandy! I’m just starting this whole journey. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, but am finally ready to take the steps. I’m currently waiting for a consultation appointment, since my insurance requires referrals and such. Any advice on good questions to ask during a consultation?

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