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LAP-BAND Patients
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About rhlane

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 03/29/1960

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  1. Happy 53rd Birthday rhlane!

  2. rhlane

    How are my March Bandsters!!

    Thanks Wheetsin - - I needed that bit of encouragement. It is sooooooooo frustrating to just P-L-A-T-E-A-U. It's good to know there is an UNKINKING in my future!!!! - - rhlane
  3. rhlane

    How are my March Bandsters!!

    Has anyone found an effective quick loss method? I mean...I've read that some people try something like Slim Fast for 3 meals a day for a week - - or something like that - - to give a little boost to the weight loss after a plateau. I'm looking for feedback. When you guys have plateaued, what did you do to jump start your weight loss again???? - - rhlane
  4. rhlane

    What am I doing wrong?

    My doctor does have a dietician available to his clients...especially the first year following surgery.
  5. rhlane

    How are my March Bandsters!!

    92 pounds?????? I want to know how you did it, too. That's A LOT of weight to lose in such a short time. Give us ALL YOUR SECRETS!!!!!! :help: (Please?)...I didn't want to sound rude. - - Rhlane
  6. rhlane

    So what is it with me and POPCORN

    Oh...and Buffie... I wanted to mention this, too. My dr. told me NO popcorn because he recently had to do an emergency surgery on one of his patients that got a piece of popcorn stuck in her stoma. I don't know...that's just what he told me. I tho't you might want to know. BE CAREFUL EATIN' THAT STUFF. - - rhlane
  7. rhlane

    So what is it with me and POPCORN

    Buffie- - I think many of us feel your pain on the eating, eating, eating thing. I, too, think about food a lot still...but I think I'm getting better. I keep thinking that since eating is not such a pleasant experience anymore (having to eat sooooooooo slow and chewing it to death, and taking an hour to eat a small saucer of food, etc.)...maybe the compulsion will just go away. I have decided to try something that may help you, too. Instead of making so much popcorn, just make a small amt. and let that be IT...period. What I am going to do is this: I'm going to start making my plate of food on a saucer, so I won't put so much on it. I still have this thing about eating a full plate of food. I'm going to try to see if I can psych myself with this strategy...a full saucer vs. a full plate. I've been told it works after you get used to it. I think much of this is that ole head hunger we've all read about. It's the big hairy monster that probably got us in this situation to begin with!!!!!!! - - rhlane
  8. rhlane

    How are my March Bandsters!!

    I was banded March 15th and I've lost around 43 lbs. I am scheduled for my 3rd fill Monday and I'm a little nervous about it. I have slimed and/or PB'd a lot these past few weeks...a LOT. I am probably still taking too big of bites and not chewing enough. It's weird. I sometimes eat just a couple of bites and have to stop...but an hour later, I can eat all of it with no problem at all. I just don't understand the whole thing. I feel like even though I'm puking sometimes, I still need more restriction, because I shouldn't be able to eat that much, right???? I have been pleased with my weight loss, but I wish it would drop off faster. Several people have noticed the loss and THAT FEELS SOOOOOOOO GOOD. My size 16 jeans are getting loose and that's a great feeling, too. Does anyone still fight head hunger? I know I do. Another thing - I'm not really watching my calorie intake at all. I just try to do it all with portion control and watching what TYPES of foods I eat (mainly I just eat what I can tolerate...not what's low in calories). That's probably not a good thing. For those of you who have lost 50 or more pounds since March...what's your secret? - - rhlane
  9. Thanks. I agree...it's much easier (compared to before the band). And I think I'm doing ok. I'm just somewhat concerned I guess. Its not that my mind is consumed with food thoughts all the time. I don't want that to be the idea. But I feel like "changing my overall mindset" is a process that is moving along very slowly for me...and its scary... frustrating.
  10. This is a tough admission. I was banded in mid March 2006 and so far I've lost around 38 lbs. and I've had 2 fills. I guess that's not too bad, but I need to ask a few things. Please give feedback. Here goes... 1) I find that I still think about food a lot and I don't know that I'm always HUNGRY when I eat. You know...I think I might just eat because it's getting about that time. Anybody else do that? I want to reprogram myself to not be so focused on what I'm going to eat next. Some have said that will happen IN TIME. What do you think? 2) Another thing I've noticed about myself: I guess I'm used to eating a certain amount (pre-band), so when I eat a little bit and hit that brick wall...I take it home and an hour or so later I'm thinking, "I wonder if I can eat more of it now." Now...I don't actually eat more then - - very often - - but I think that's all psychological stuff that I haven't changed yet. Someone told me once that it was a great thing to have surgery on our stomachs, but what they also need to do is do surgery on our minds. Anybody else feel like they have had to fight these battles? :phanvan I REALLY want to lose a lot more weight. I have a long way to go (about 75 more lbs.), so I have to get a handle on this. I'll be watching for feedback. Thanks guys!!!
  11. rhlane

    anyone never had a fill

    Included in my price was surgery, nutritionist to answer my questions, etc. for a year, all my follow-up appts. for a year, and as many fills as I need in a year. I don't have to worry about the price for awhile. I go for my 1st fill on May 1 and I AM READY. They didn't put any saline in during surgery and now that the swelling has gone down, I am HUNGRY. Any ideas how to fight this until MAY 1????
  12. rhlane

    Louisiana girl

    LilBoPink - have you talked to James Rasberry? He takes a group from Monroe almost every month to Obesity Goodbye in Tijuana. I've had 3 friends go with him and they had good experiences. Just a tho't.
  13. rhlane

    weight watchers with the band

    It couldn't hurt to try. May be a good idea. Let me know how it works.
  14. Ok...here goes... this is what they told me to do... (I know every doc is different, but here's to variety:) For 2 wks. after surgery: liquids - - hot or cold (tea, Water, sugar-free popsicles, crystal light, slim fast, broth, some juices) - - - NO straws!!! - - but remember that consistency needs to be liquid - - even though we don’t want to use straws (because they allow us to bring in too much air), we want the selection to be liquid enough that we would be able to suck through a straw (figuratively). Also included: creamed Soups (strained - - no chunks - - no meat), thin smoothies, Eating with spoon ok, but NO CHEWING FOR THE FIRST 2 WEEKS Week 3: Advance to pureed diet, so anything you had in wks. 1 and 2 are still acceptable but you can add the following: Yogurts, sugar-free pudding and Jello, scrambled eggs (not dry), baby food, smoothies, grits, very creamy mashed potatoes, applesauce, etc. Week 4: Advance again, so anything you had in wks. 1 – 3 are still acceptable, but you can add soft canned vegetables and fruits and soft casseroles NO BREAD AT ALL FOR THE FIRST 4 WEEKS. Week 5: Add back regular diet slowly.
  15. rhlane

    Louisiana girl

    Ooopss... I gave you my diet for AFTER the surgery. Before the surgery: Beginning 2 wks. pre-op I drank 3 - 4 slim-fast optimas per day (only). Then on day 5 of that I could start substituting a small garden salad for 1 of the slim-fasts. The key is that in your salad you can only have things that grow in a garden (ex, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, onions, etc.) and you have to use fat-free dressing. I did that and by surgery I'd lost 15 #. Hope it helps.

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