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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Merida

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday April 1

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  • Occupation
    occupational therapist
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  1. I'm here! I'm 18 weeks post op down 66 lbs & feeling great! My labs in April were amazing & I'm off my BP meds, cholesterol meds and I'm no longer considered fully diabetic.
  2. Merida


    My surgery was done robotically and everything has been smooth sailing!
  3. Merida

    Sleeve Surgery Date is 22 March

    hope it all went well!
  4. Merida

    2 years Post OP

    Please don’t do a pouch reset. I’ve seen at least half a dozen bariatric dietitians explain why it’s so bad for you. You are only on fluids when you come home from surgery to help your pouch heal, not to lose weight. You’ll just be starving yourself and when you go back to solids you’ll gain. Just start tracking and make sure you’re hitting your macros and water goals.
  5. Hope everyone's doing well! I'm almost 7 weeks PO and feeling great. Everything I've eaten has sat well with me and I've been able to eat some of my favorite things again.
  6. Merida

    How long were you off work?

    I took 2 weeks off after VSG. I have a somewhat physical job (OT) but it was the perfect amount of time. I had crazy energy come back after a week and a half
  7. Merida

    2 years Post OP

    Get back to the basics! Track your food and water!
  8. I drove 4 days after. You have to be off all narcotics (if you're on them at all)
  9. Today is 1 month post op for me - down 30.2 lbs and 18"!
  10. Merida

    Taking medication

    They'll let you know what you need to discontinue before/after surgery. I was able to take pills the same day as surgery.
  11. I have just upped my portion size to between 2-3oz and at 3oz I feel full. At 2oz I don't feel full but I don't feel hungry. So right now I just keep it in between those two sizes. +
  12. Merida

    Costco finds

    I get the Fairlife Strawberry Banana there. $13 less than ordering it on Amazon
  13. I go back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks off. I had my post-op today. I'm down 18 lbs from the day of surgery. I'm feeling great and getting my 60+ g of protein in and tons of water. I do 2oz of soft foods every 2 hours. Today my BP was 114/70 and I haven't been on BP meds since 2 days before surgery. I sort of feel like that's a huge NSV already!
  14. Merida

    Hello All, introducing myself

    Gotcha. I had a super experience with Dr Weaver at Denver Bariatrics. The best part was only one day liquid diet! My surgery went smoothly and I had very little pain. I'm still a tiny bit tender but it's never been actual pain. I only had very minor gas pains that went away by discharge from the hospital. So far everything has been smooth sailing and no issues at all, but of course I'm only 8DPO so that's not a very good sample time.
  15. Merida

    Hello All, introducing myself

    Welcome! Where are you going in CO for your surgery?

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