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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    MsGina reacted to catwoman7 in Low On Iron   
    the value even more critical is ferritin. That's the amount of stored Iron in your body. When that gets too low, they usually recommend an infusion.
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    MsGina got a reaction from KevinS62 in July 2022 peeps!   
    Hey July peeps. I’m past my 3 months since surgery. I too had a 3 week stall and I’m losing slow but steady now. I feel really good. I lost 20 lbs prior to surgery and another 43 since. I’m feeling good. I’ve gone from size 20W to 14W. My energy level is low; I think cuz I’m on 600-800 calories a day. I’m walking most days and still doing light weights but I’m not building stamina. I have an appointment with a nutritionist tomorrow and I’ll get my labs done on Thursday. I’ve found that I bruise way too easily right now too. I’m talking severe bruised on my forearm just cuz I put on long gloves as part of a costume. They’re going to be checking into that too. Other than that I’m very happy with the slow but steady progress. I hated the stall. I’m the one in the ivory dress with the pink ribbon. Those are the gloves that killed me.

  3. Like
    MsGina reacted to Creekimp13 in 1 year out DS and going crazy   
    Have you tried a bariatric therapist? Getting to the root of my disordered eating habits was critical for me to reach goal and maintain. Are you tracking every crumb you eat? I know that sounds critical, but it isn't meant to be....I genuinely thought I was eating a LOT less than I was until I started measuring and tracking absolutely every calorie that went into my body. Yes, it's a hellish pain in the ass. And sadly, it's necessary.
    You have lost 215 pounds. That is a HUGE accomplishment! I'm crazy proud of you and you should be, too. Sometimes when your body loses a metric feck ton of weight in a short period of time....a starvation defense mechanism kicks in and it plateaus for a while. Be patient and stick to good lifelong habits, a good balanced diet. If you're tracking, measuring and mindfully watching what and why you eat....you'll get there. Hang in there!
  4. Like
    MsGina reacted to MissMerryberry in July 2022 peeps!   
    Hey, those NSVs and your losses are awesome!

    How do you know you don't need your CPAP, do you have a sleep tracker that tracks your breathing, heart rate and blood oxygen level? I had to sleep without my CPAP for a week and I thought I was fine, too. Then, I looked at my Sleep Tracker (my bed is fancy and records breathing/heart rate, but not oxygen level) and my sleep score was way down all week and I snored more, breathed in a sporadic way and my heart rate went up (that's what makes us gasp in our sleep to get in more air, usually doesn't wake you up). I highly recommend another sleep study before you just stop using your CPAP, you could be hurting your heart.
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    MsGina got a reaction from KevinS62 in July 2022 peeps!   
    Good idea Kevin. I'm doing ok. I haven't lost but maybe a pound in the last 2 weeks. It's a bit frustrating but I suppose I'm hitting my 3 week stall a little late. I have lost a total of 28 lbs since surgery. I want more to come off. I need to relax and let the process work. I'm eating right and I exercising. It seems that I stall when I start exercising. I'm talking about walking mostly 2 miles + a day. I did kill my self by doing half squats and some light weigh arm exercises. Boy am I out of shape.
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    MsGina reacted to ShoppGirl in Spouse Obsessed with Food   
    I personally don’t eat out much but many people on here do post surgery (a few months post). They just make choices like grilled chicken and veggies or salad with Protein and a low calorie dressing (or without dressing). Earlier out Soup is the only option of course. You can order just broth most places or ask them to strain one of their Soups for you. Your menu will look different than the rest of the family but it doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the family time. It may take a While before you can enjoy yourself doing this though because you are probably morning the loss of food. I wish I had advice of how to make them understand it’s just easier for you not to go out right now. It’s hard. I remember my mom not understanding that when we went out for my birthday to Chick-fil-A that even a salad didn’t fit within my calorie budget because their dressings were too high in calories. I have since learned that their vinaigrette with the market salad isn’t too bad. I just leave off the other toppings and it worked. It’s takes a while but you will find that most places have at least one thing on the menu that you can eat. And eventually you will be in maintenance and you will have even more options that you can eat in moderation.
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    MsGina got a reaction from daynuhlicious in July 2022 peeps!   
    I have been feeling the same way lately. I suppose we're not supposed to enjoy eating anymore. It takes like 3 bites to fill my tummy. how do you enjoy that? Mindful eating doesn't help either
  8. Sad
    MsGina got a reaction from KevinS62 in July 2022 peeps!   
    I've slowed as well. I'm also in the middle of week 3. This is to be expected.
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    MsGina reacted to KimA-GA in Threw up blood   
    Since you are not in the immediate post op, it would be concerning that a wound was created or never actually healed. Pay attention to your body and if you have any doubt go to get it checked out.
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    MsGina reacted to HealthierMe2022 in How's it going PO peeps?   
    Day 7 po and I'm honestly feeling great! No real pain issues outside of the expected soreness from internal and external incisions. I've not had any issues so far in meeting my Water intake, thankfully. I actually went to the grocery store by myself yesterday for a short trip to buy ingredients for Soup. No issues at all! I made soup, and a big mess, and cleaned it up afterwards, putting away the dishes from.the dishwasher and washing the dirty dishes. Even vacuumed the kitchen (we have a lightweight stick). After all was said and done I quickly fell asleep in the recliner for about 90 minutes or so LOL! I have been taking the BariatricPal Multivitamin, which is SO much easier than the other forms, plus I take additional Thiamin, B12, and C. Haven't been able to take the Calcium yet because they are just too big, but I purchased some Bariatric Advantage chews that will hopefully come on a day or two. I've already lost 13 lbs since surgery; this morning I weighed in at 245.6, and my goal weight is 175. It is in sight and have zero regrets!

    Sent from my SM-S908U1 using BariatricPal mobile app

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    MsGina got a reaction from KevinS62 in How's it going PO peeps?   
    I wanted to give an update since I'm almost a week past surgery. I've had my days of feeling like I'd made a huge mistake. I've had to have IV infusion of Fluid already and I've had other issues that have made me highly emotional. I can't say I won't have a few more emotional days or that I won't have any more issues but I'm feeling like I might be ok. I think I probably had a dumping episode and that scares me because I think I drank too much Protein Drink at one half hour sitting (6 oz). I suddenly had diarrhea and didn't make it to the toilet before it started. I pray that this is not going to be a normal thing cuz I won't accept that but I feel like If I really only take in 2-4 ounces within 1/2 hour I should be ok. Other than this, I feel very hopeful. My pain meds are 2 Tylenol occasionally. I've suddenly developed high blood pressure but I'm sure that will resolve when pain and concern are resolved. I do have a new prescription for HBP though I want to get off all meds. I'm starting to have cravings for hummus. Someone had a topic about hummus and now I want some. Bottom line, like I have read before...If anyone feels they made a mistake, hang in there, trust the process. Change up what you bought too much of or order a different source of Protein (I can't do shakes all the time so I ordered Soups and warm drinks like pumpkin Spiced Latte from Bariatric Pal Store). This will get better and you won't feel shaky and weak. You will have energy and want to do more than sleep until its over. I'm looking forward to next week when I can actually have some hummus.
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    MsGina reacted to oldandtired in How's it going PO peeps?   
    I understand about the hummus thing, because I used to be ALL about sweets, and now all I want is sour/tangy. Tomato Soup is my new best friend.. 🤤
  13. Like
    MsGina got a reaction from KevinS62 in How's it going PO peeps?   
    I wanted to give an update since I'm almost a week past surgery. I've had my days of feeling like I'd made a huge mistake. I've had to have IV infusion of Fluid already and I've had other issues that have made me highly emotional. I can't say I won't have a few more emotional days or that I won't have any more issues but I'm feeling like I might be ok. I think I probably had a dumping episode and that scares me because I think I drank too much Protein Drink at one half hour sitting (6 oz). I suddenly had diarrhea and didn't make it to the toilet before it started. I pray that this is not going to be a normal thing cuz I won't accept that but I feel like If I really only take in 2-4 ounces within 1/2 hour I should be ok. Other than this, I feel very hopeful. My pain meds are 2 Tylenol occasionally. I've suddenly developed high blood pressure but I'm sure that will resolve when pain and concern are resolved. I do have a new prescription for HBP though I want to get off all meds. I'm starting to have cravings for hummus. Someone had a topic about hummus and now I want some. Bottom line, like I have read before...If anyone feels they made a mistake, hang in there, trust the process. Change up what you bought too much of or order a different source of Protein (I can't do shakes all the time so I ordered Soups and warm drinks like pumpkin Spiced Latte from Bariatric Pal Store). This will get better and you won't feel shaky and weak. You will have energy and want to do more than sleep until its over. I'm looking forward to next week when I can actually have some hummus.
  14. Like
    MsGina got a reaction from KevinS62 in How's it going PO peeps?   
    I wanted to give an update since I'm almost a week past surgery. I've had my days of feeling like I'd made a huge mistake. I've had to have IV infusion of Fluid already and I've had other issues that have made me highly emotional. I can't say I won't have a few more emotional days or that I won't have any more issues but I'm feeling like I might be ok. I think I probably had a dumping episode and that scares me because I think I drank too much Protein Drink at one half hour sitting (6 oz). I suddenly had diarrhea and didn't make it to the toilet before it started. I pray that this is not going to be a normal thing cuz I won't accept that but I feel like If I really only take in 2-4 ounces within 1/2 hour I should be ok. Other than this, I feel very hopeful. My pain meds are 2 Tylenol occasionally. I've suddenly developed high blood pressure but I'm sure that will resolve when pain and concern are resolved. I do have a new prescription for HBP though I want to get off all meds. I'm starting to have cravings for hummus. Someone had a topic about hummus and now I want some. Bottom line, like I have read before...If anyone feels they made a mistake, hang in there, trust the process. Change up what you bought too much of or order a different source of Protein (I can't do shakes all the time so I ordered Soups and warm drinks like pumpkin Spiced Latte from Bariatric Pal Store). This will get better and you won't feel shaky and weak. You will have energy and want to do more than sleep until its over. I'm looking forward to next week when I can actually have some hummus.
  15. Like
    MsGina got a reaction from Timberlynn Sleeved to DS in Hummus   
    a spoon? your finger? I know, I know. I'm thinking maybe mashed potatoes, ground chicken? anything in my opinion. I Love the cooked vegetable Idea.
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    MsGina reacted to Jordan1 in Hummus   
    I cut up an avocado and put the hummus on the slices. Makes a great lunch.
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    MsGina reacted to ShoppGirl in Hummus   
    Steamed or roasted veggies like peppers and carrots could work until you can do raw. Or just eat it with a spoon. That’s what I did. Lol
  18. Like
    MsGina got a reaction from KevinS62 in July 2022 peeps!   
    Hi Kevin, I’m so happy things are going well for you. I think I’m starting to turn a corner. My surgery was 7/12. I also had a hiatal hernia repair. I agree the hiatal hernia repair is where most of the pain is coming from, my doc said that he kinda tightened up the opening of the esophagus to match the size of the new tummy so that is also why it’s probably a little harder to drink/eat too much.

    I ended up having to go in and get IV Fluids yesterday because I was unable to take in more that 10 Oz a day. I discovered today (like you) that if I took my pain meds regularly, I had less problems. I already took in 8 Oz of water in my first half hour of being awake. The IV gave me energy so I think I’ll bet back to walking outside. I’m so hopeful that things are on the mend. Now to figure out how to get at least 60 grams of Protein in.
  19. Like
    MsGina reacted to KevinS62 in July 2022 peeps!   
    Good luck MsGina!
  20. Like
    MsGina got a reaction from KevinS62 in July 2022 peeps!   
    Thank you. I needed to hear this. I'm just heading out the door for mine. I'll post later (when I'm up to it)
  21. Like
    MsGina got a reaction from KevinS62 in July 2022 peeps!   
    Thank you. I needed to hear this. I'm just heading out the door for mine. I'll post later (when I'm up to it)
  22. Like
    MsGina got a reaction from KevinS62 in July 2022 peeps!   
    My Doc told me to loose as much as I could pre-surgery by what ever means has worked for me. He told me I didn't need to go liquid until the day before. surgery. But that's my doc, not yours. I'm sorry you had to do that but it's preparing you for what's to come and it'll be exciting to get to do pureed food finally in bit.
  23. Like
    MsGina got a reaction from KevinS62 in July 2022 peeps!   
    I'm glad you found it too. You're gonna do great. I lost 70 lbs on Keto at 46 and didn't have any saggy skin but now, since I had gained most of it back, My tummy is already drooping low and I've only lost 25 lbs pre-surgery.
  24. Like
    MsGina reacted to ShoppGirl in Wish you knew before surgery…   
    There really should be like a National clothing and shake swap for bariatric patients. Lol

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