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    ShianRaineDrop reacted to doobie31 in June 2022 surgery buddies   
    The fact that I was taken into the surgery room at 11a Wednesday and discharged from the hospital at 3p Thursday amazes me. Modern medicine is amazing. I'm very thankful to be back at home and ready for the rest of my life.
  2. Like
    ShianRaineDrop reacted to doobie31 in June 2022 surgery buddies   
    Glad you finally got rid of it. I was fearful of gas pains, and they didn't happen (or if they did, they were so mild I didn't notice). Just lucky I guess. I got sent home at 2:30p Wednesday. sleeping was not a problem. I took 2 Tylenol when I woke up as a precaution, but don't plan to take anymore unless pain gets bad. Thus far, nothing I can't handle. No nausea though I still have the thing behind my ear. We'll see how things go when I take that off tomorrow. Sticking to a very ridged schedule of drinking every 15 minutes and walking every hour. All in all, feeling very, very lucky.
    Biggest surprise was finding out I had to stick a needly in my stomach twice a day for 30 days to help prevent an embolism. Luckily it doesn't hurt at all, but did not expect that!
    Glad your home and doing well. Keep us updated.
  3. Like
    ShianRaineDrop reacted to Holly Paluch in June 2022 surgery buddies   
    I had the sleeve done June 10th and I feel great! No complications... thank God. I'm over the liquid stage but other then that everything's been great!
  4. Like
    ShianRaineDrop reacted to MeMaof2byz in June 2022 surgery buddies   
    How's everyone doing?
    I had my RNY on 6/6/22 and feel very fortunate that the only issue I had was an allergic reaction to the iodine prep they do before they start surgery. I broke out in itchy hives from chest to crotch. 3 days of prednisone and Vistaril and I am as good as new.
    Just started my multi Vitamin, that is hard because it is like eating chalk but I choke it down along with my Omeprazole each morning.
    Not being able to chug my Water is challenging but I find if I put lots of ice in my cup it causes me to drink it slower.
    I found this stuff called Dr. Berg's Nutritional Yeast, it is so good! 2 tbs has 11 grams of Protein, so I tend to add it to almost everything, such as Soup, Riccota bake, and eggs.
    I do not get hungry so I have set a timer for every 2 hrs so I eat and my main focus is on protein, making sure I get 80 grams in a day.
    HW 279
    SW 250
    CW 240
    GW 155
    Hope you are doing well!!

  5. Like
    ShianRaineDrop reacted to doobie31 in June 2022 surgery buddies   
    So how did all our June 21ers do? Mine went smoothly. Surgery at 11. I woke up in post op about 3 (problem sooner but that's my first memory). Taken up to recovery about 330. I think I took my first walk around 5. Ditched the walker halfway in. Walking is not a problem at all and I look forward to them. Just started feeling gas cramps, OUCH. I've done a little burping but no pass gas. Peed plenty but no poop. Having no trouble getting down my "food" and drink. Lots of sleeping. All in all, SO FAR, this has been easier than expected.
  6. Like
    ShianRaineDrop reacted to Arabesque in Started WK 2 and Starving   
    I was allowed instant rolled oats from purées & being instant they were more highly processed & less coarse than traditional oats. Grits are even smooth so it makes sense they may be on your plan. Give them a go but definitely make them very liquidy - run off a spoon like Soup.
    A lot of people have issues with sugar alcohol artificial sweeteners. Try to avoid them as much as you can or look for alternatives. It won’t be easy, though cause they seem to put them in everything.
    The learning can be fascinating. I’ve really enjoyed researching things associated with the surgery, nutrition, health considerations, etc. as well as learning about me & what my body needs to function effectively. You just got to avoid the fads, the self proclaimed experts, those with agendas to push, … but it makes for interesting reading. This forum has been very helpful to me too. A wealth of information. Lots of similar experiences but lots of different ones as well.
    All the best.
  7. Like
    ShianRaineDrop reacted to doobie31 in June 2022 surgery buddies   
    If you've been around here a while, I'm sure you've seen plenty of people who feel the same way. Then two weeks later "I wish I'd done it sooner". Hopefully you follow the same path.
  8. Like
    ShianRaineDrop reacted to whtnybrks in June 2022 surgery buddies   
    Heading into week two of pre-op Clear Liquids is killing me today. The idea of any broths makes me nauseated and Jello has made me gag since the beginning. I’m trying to hold out for my surgery date Thursday and hoping I somehow miraculously become ok with clear liquids for one week post op diet!
  9. Like
    ShianRaineDrop reacted to jidub02 in June 2022 surgery buddies   
    Me too y’all!!! June 29th!!!!
  10. Haha
    ShianRaineDrop reacted to FutureSylph in Started WK 2 and Starving   
    Mine is Steve, recently promoted from Baby Stevie since he quit being so temperamental those first few weeks.
  11. Like
    ShianRaineDrop reacted to Arabesque in Started WK 2 and Starving   
    Soups were my saviour because those shakes were disgusting & bone broths tasted too salty. As for feeling dizzy, lacking energy, etc. is to be expected you just had pretty major surgery. Think of all those staples & stitches holding your tummy together. Your body needs time to heal & recover. The surgery itself is quite a shock to your body too. Rest. I spent a lot of time on my couch & just light pottering around my house & taking shirt strolls. No way could I have cleaned my house. Besides being physically unable I would not have wanted to compromise my healing.
    Add an electrolyte drink to your Fluid roster to give you a bit of a boost. Yes, some people can go back to work after a week but others need longer because we all recover at our own pace. (I needed all of 4 weeks & returned part time due to low BP making me lightheaded & doughy in the head - always had a pre disposition to low BP.)
    Any cream Soup is fine: chicken, beef, pumpkin, mushroom, broccoli, cauliflower, potato & leak, Tomato, etc. Some people find tomato too acidic but give it a try & see how you go. I diluted the soups (extra milk or water) to make the flavour less intense & thinner & easier to swallow plus it meant I was drinking more fluids. I also strained them to ensure there weren’t any chunky bits or bits of herbs or vegetables. You can also eat the broth part of pho, wonton soup, etc.
  12. Like
    ShianRaineDrop got a reaction from doobie31 in Day 4 of Liquid: Weak and Worried   
    Hahaha! That was preop eggs. Now... I'm on the 2nd week of liquids which kind of sucks butttt, only 4 days from pureed week so it's definitely worth it!
    Sending my best of the best wishes to you! I hope you'll keep us posted! Super excited for you!
  13. Like
    ShianRaineDrop reacted to doobie31 in June 2022 surgery buddies   
    "Wayyyy less than the scary process...."
    My favorite words!!! I'm very optimistic about things. I expect it to not be too horrible. But we'll see. Thank you for the encouragement.
  14. Like
    ShianRaineDrop got a reaction from doobie31 in June 2022 surgery buddies   
    You've got this!!! Just be prepared for the thirst that comes between surgery completion and the leak test that may follow a few hours later. I kept Water by my bed to swish around my mouth regularly. My biggest regret is not working harder to get the gas out. Other than that, it has been a wayyyy less than scary process than I thought going into it! You'll do awesome!! Keep us posted! Sending positive thoughts your way!
  15. Like
    ShianRaineDrop reacted to Mariann812 in June 2022 surgery buddies   
    You will be great! Definitely be more excited than anything else! I was mostly excited but apprehensive as well which I think is normal. My entire hospital experience was so positive and so amazing, I wish the same for you.
    I am not even 2 weeks post op and I can say with confidence that this is one of the best things I have ever done for myself.
    Best wishes!
  16. Like
    ShianRaineDrop reacted to Mariann812 in June 2022 surgery buddies   
    Congratulations! Good luck on your journey!
    I found the pain almost nonexistent as well. I’ve had 4 c-sections and my surgeon told me that this would be a walk in the park after 4 c-sections. He was absolutely correct. I never took anything for pain, and after leaving the hospital, I didn’t need anything for nausea.
  17. Thanks
    ShianRaineDrop got a reaction from Sarahelmgren in July 5th surgery   
    I was overwhelmed with the idea of supplements too but thankfully, my nutritionist gave me links to exactly what I need. I will basically take a 500mg Calcium chew three times a day, a chewable Vitamin D three times a day, a Multivitamin chew once a day, and then 1000 mg B12 once per week. I plan to take the 3 times a day ones with my "meals". Then I'll do the calcium and Vitamin d at bed time, and the B12 on Fridays. She really helped make that part of this process much easier. 😋
  18. Like
    ShianRaineDrop got a reaction from Mariann812 in June 2022 surgery buddies   
    I had my surgery June 10th so I'm on day 10. I was terrified but learned really quickly that the surgical pain wasn't nearly as close to challenging as getting that gas pain out. That was rough and I can now feel WHAT I suspect is some surgery pain but it pretty much just feels like I've done a few too many crunches, which I can assure you, has not happened. 😂 I only had to take my pain medication the first full day home from surgery and I'm sure it was still the gas pain. Otherwise, pain has not really been an issue which is awesome! The clear diet has not been fun at all, and this second week isn't much fun either by being able to add Protein Shakes but only four more days until I get to start experimenting with pureed foods! Since I LOVE chicken, tuna, and egg salads, that's what I'll be prepping up for my puree week and first week back at work. Super excited about the possibilities of this new journey!
    HW: 306 SW: 296 CW: 278
  19. Like
    ShianRaineDrop reacted to kcuster83 in Started WK 2 and Starving   
    We were told tomatoes could be too rich on a new TUM TUM (haha) but we were allowed. They recommended that we try a teaspoon or 2 and wait a few to see how we handle it before eating a serving. I did fine with it.
    Yes, I had actual Tomato bisque Soup (strained) and it was DELICIOUS!
    PS: I think baby tum tum is perfect. hahaha
  20. Like
    ShianRaineDrop reacted to Rettak64 in 9 days post-op   
    Ya I've been on soft veggies, Soup, yogurt, pudding, juice ice chunks, since last week. I haven't had any issues, just have to go slow so as to not get over full

    Sent from my SM-G981V using BariatricPal mobile app

  21. Like
    ShianRaineDrop got a reaction from kcuster83 in Started WK 2 and Starving   
    I was told I could have creamed Soups but I haven't tried them yet. I'm afraid they will gross me out. Hahahaha! I only have cream of mushroom but I reckon I could try it. When you say Tomato bisque, do you mean you were able to eat tomato bisque Soup or did you use tomato bisque flavoring of some sort? I thought I read somewhere that tomato based products were a no no this early but I totally have some Tomato Soup that I'd try a couple tablespoons of if it's not going to hurt my baby tum tum. I need to give baby tum tum a name I think....😂
  22. Like
    ShianRaineDrop reacted to kcuster83 in Started WK 2 and Starving   
    Are you allowed creamed Soups? They are a little heartier and might help you feel full longer.
    I was allowed so I had creamed chicken Soup strained and put old bay in it and Tomato bisque.
    Hope it helps, but I wouldn't cheat. haha Your "tum tum" needs time to heal!
    I did start "soft foods" a day earlier but I asked permission and my surgeon approved me to do so. So, you could reach out and see what they say. They also might just have pointers.
    Good luck!

  23. Like
    ShianRaineDrop got a reaction from kcuster83 in Started WK 2 and Starving   
    Hello everyone. So glad I found this forum and I hope it's active because I don't really have anyone other than my surgeon, his nurse, and my nutritionist to ask questions of and they don't have time to be my BFF. Hahaha!
    My surgery was Friday, June 10th so I'm am on day 10. I feel much better than I did this time last week but dangggg I'm starrrrrving and I am so very over Jello, Popsicles, broth, Protein Shakes, etc. Surely there has got to be something else with a bit more body that I could start to try to get my mini tummy ready for week three, which I'll only have two days to adapt to before returning to work, that will also keep me from feeling like I'm starving.
    I've been super duper strict and had hoped to do so the entire time but I'm actually concerned about other things because of lack of nutrition. I have been dealing with dizziness, lack of balance, minimal energy (which is highly irritating because I had cleaning plans to work on the two weeks I would be out of work) and just overall weak as all get out.
    I am getting lots of Water, some jello, broth, and Popsicles, and I try to do two Protein shakes a day so plenty of fluids, but how in the world can I find something to give me some energy that won't ruin what my nutritionist gave me in an eating plan?
    I know I am SICK to death of sweet stuff. Blegh! Haha! I have backyard chickens. Would it be bad to try a backyard Fresh scrambled egg and see how my mini tum tum handles it? If not, what other ideas do those of you who are more experienced have?

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