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About sarah723

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 07/23/1981

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  1. Happy 32nd Birthday sarah723!

  2. Happy 31st Birthday sarah723!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary sarah723!

  4. happened upon this...this is the most ignorant thing about depression i've ever heard! depression is more than situational, it's a chemical imbalance in the brain. that's like telling someone to get over diabetes. why don't you read up on something before you post something like this. :thumbup:
  5. sarah723

    big fill, anyone?

    food expert: no...no medical card...? sue: i had the salad cause i had no time (because i waited so long at the doc's office) to go to the store and get anything mushy-ish. and i was starving! lol it's all i had at work. but i chewed it really really really well. also it was only romaine lettuce and tomatoes with roasted red pepper with parmesean dressing. (sooooooooooooo yummy) nothing solid at all after i chewed each tiny bite for 20 chews. believe me, i was worried! besides the restriction there was no discomfort. but thanks for the advice! i will definitely be careful! also, congratulations on nearly meeting your goal!!!!
  6. sarah723

    big fill, anyone?

    kdlee: of couse in a way i wish i didn't have so much restriction cause omg i love food! but that's the whole reason i have the band, right? you'll get there, though. and don't forget i might just have a larger band than you so you may not be so far behind me sassymama: i'm a month post-op tomorrow but i went right through the little chart they gave me and had no probs at all with food. actually the night before my fill i tried pot roast and didn't have any discomfort. so he definitely wanted to get me filled! mominlv: that's great you can lose 1-2 pounds a week with your band "loose!" i haven't lost any weight since surgery, haven't gained either. i've been careful but not very pro-active. guess i was just enjoying it while it lasted :banghead:
  7. sarah723

    big fill, anyone?

    all i know is he told me it is a large band. i plan on asking him how many cc's it is because i notice that's how people talk about theirs on here.
  8. sarah723

    big fill, anyone?

    today was my first fill. he had me drinking Water to see when it would back up...i kept drinking the little cups of water (like 5) the nurse was giving me, and she and the doctor kept looking at me like they were waiting for me to explode!!! LOL! FINALLY, when he got to 9cc i could feel water coming up to my throat so he took some out til i felt ok. so in the end, my first fill is 6.5cc. the doctor told me the most he put in before me was 6cc so i'm a record! oh, but i have a large band, so he says. but i felt fine today. i ate a salad and chewed it well of course. got pretty full on a small bowl of salad! yay! NOW IT'S ON!:biggrin: anyway, the point of the post was, anyone have a bigger first fill than me?
  9. O.M.G. was he (she?) serious?!?! geez, good thing you have millions of people that would NOT say anything like that to you at such a time when all you need is support from those close to you! honestly! i'm sorry but, gah! i just feel for you..:biggrin:
  10. sarah723

    Why are YOU Fat?

    wow, there's so many replies to this post! can't read them all. but why am i fat? cause i am. now my story: i weighed 10 lbs when i was born! was ok til about 5th grade, that's the first time that i knew i was bigger than average. i heard these girls talking about how they were like 100 lbs or something and i was like "omg i'm 125!" life was ok for me in spite of that. until high school. my mom has bi-polar but it was undiagnosed then. she took all of her pain out on me, and hid it from my dad. i was miserable. my mom called me a fat bitch. i don't think you can really hate yourself until something like that!! but i always went between 170 and 190 in high school and through 4 years afterward. then i got on to crystal meth for a couple of months. i was just under 160 when i quit screwing around with that and got back with my first bf. then we broke up and life was miserable again! i would work all day and only eat maybe two sandwiches in those 12 hrs. but i looked forward to getting off work and hitting up whatever fast food restaurant i was craving and ordering enough food for 3-4 people. i would watch tv and eat and omg, it was like a drug fix! i actually rock when i'm binge eating, like i'm in a rocking chair. you know how some people talk about "omg i just drove all the way home and don't remember! i hope i didn't run a red light!" well, for me it was like "omg i just ate 2 burgers, some nuggets and fries and i don't even remember! i hope i didn't eat someone's hair!" 2 years and over 100 lbs later, my mom has been diagnosed and treated, and our relationship is 100% better. i'm doing a whole lot better too, my life is on track, i've gotten myself out of debt, and have met the guy i'm probably going to marry. and now, because of my wonderful parents, i have been given the gift of lap-band! i don't know why i felt compelled to tell my story here. maybe it's because i read all of yours, or maybe it was just time to get it off of my chest. i've never told ANYONE just how much i used to eat. i got myself to a point where diet & excercise aren't going to be enough because they weren't when i weighed 190! and now i'm here, and i'm happy, and...yeah! LOL. the end?
  11. thank you so much jaymie, and everyone else for your encouraging replies! i feel much better now, and can't wait til my first fill. but for now i will live it up on the mushy foods that may not be the best for me. i'm actually really really looking forward to chicken and beef and such. and vegetables. i'm ready to eat healthy as long as i can eat solid!! i know..wait a couple of weeks...but it sounds so good anyway, thanks again everyone.
  12. hello, you! i've been reading posts and replies on here for a couple of days and i really like the vibe here! ok, so i was just banded 7/25 and it's going really good. the first day and a half was hell, but it got better. i'm having no problems eating and am already doing ok with mushy stuff, as of yesterday. it actually worries me cause i ate a whole bean burrito (i know, it's not healthy, but the chart said i could have beans! and i've been on mostly liquids for a month now! protein shakes 3 weeks pre-op, and soups and crap for a week post-op.) i definitely got satisfied, almost full, but i was worried that i didn't feel that i had to throw up. of course i chewed the crap out of the already mushy beans, and i waited after every 2 bites to see if i would get sick. but i didn't. almost no restriction. the doc did say he put a large band on me though. i thought i would never be able to eat this much post-op, EVER. but after reading and reading up on slips, it sounds really painful, so i don't think mine's moved. am i just feeling guilty cause i ate the bean burrito? anyway...:wink2:

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