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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Possum220

  1. 9 hours ago, Anc85 said:

    Hello! I’m new here and 8 days post op from gastric sleeve and a hernia repair. My incisions don’t hurt but I am getting a sharp pain on the upper left side of my abdomen. I am just wondering if anyone else experienced this when they had surgery? I did contact my doctor but waiting to hear back from them so just wanted to see if this is part of the process. I just didn’t know if this is a symptom of a leak or infection or if it could be coming from stitches on the inside or if this is where they could’ve cut the stomach or fixed the hernia. Thanks to anyone who replies!

    Could it be an anchor stitch that surgeons put in to keep everything in place? Hope the surgeon can get back to your before the weekend.

  2. 9 hours ago, Anc85 said:

    Hello! I’m new here and 8 days post op from gastric sleeve and a hernia repair. My incisions don’t hurt but I am getting a sharp pain on the upper left side of my abdomen. I am just wondering if anyone else experienced this when they had surgery? I did contact my doctor but waiting to hear back from them so just wanted to see if this is part of the process. I just didn’t know if this is a symptom of a leak or infection or if it could be coming from stitches on the inside or if this is where they could’ve cut the stomach or fixed the hernia. Thanks to anyone who replies!

    Could it be an anchor stitch that surgeons put in to keep everything in place? Hope the surgeon can get back to your before the weekend.

  3. 4 hours ago, Theia103121 said:


    I'm new here. I went through about six months of the process for WLS about four or five years ago, but I didn't lose weight during the six-month pre-op phase, so things stopped. I had also been running across many horror stories (mostly on social media), which made me think that maybe it was for the best, anyway.

    Well, five years later, I weigh no less than I did back then. I have a huge list of co-morbidities, some of which are related to weight, some I had prior to my weight gain, and a couple that cause weight gain. I'm on over ten meds a day, and I'm only 42 (well, 43 in a few days). I feel like I'm falling apart.

    I think the last straw was that my oldest son got married in June. I saw myself in the wedding photos. I ruminated on that for a few weeks, and then woke up one morning and decided I was sick of obesity and everything that goes along with it. So, I asked my PCP for the referral, and I have my first appointment in September. Because I did six months of their program and because I read their patient handbook, I have a better idea of what is expected of me than I might otherwise.

    But I'm angry. I'm angry that I'm going to have to give up my favorite foods or accept sugar-free versions (and I can't stand artificial sweeteners; I'm actually really worried about it because most Protein drinks/powders seem to rely on them). I'm angry that I won't be able to eat like everyone else. I'm angry that I'll have to go through so much physically. I'm angry that I have to lose weight to have surgery to help me lose weight that I need because I can't lose weight on my own. And I'm angry that it's such a long process. If I have to do it, tell me what to do, let me sulk over it for a few days, and then let's just do it. I know that's not how it works, and I don't know why I'm so angry. I have no one to blame but myself for being in this mess. I made a list of positives that could come from the surgery, and I got a full two pages. So I shouldn't be angry. And I realize my reaction shows that I have inappropriate attitudes toward food. I've discussed it with my therapist, and we're going to work on it, but I guess I was wondering if anyone else dealt with this and what helped them get past it. TIA!

    Have a big dummy spit. It is hard and it is awful. You have been set up by society two ways. Society sets us up by having a system that dangles so many tempting foods in our face while at the same time limits our normal everyday movement by having cars and computers machines that do the heavy lifting for us. No manual labor for us. Many people are chronically overweight but are a victim of our modern society. Our metabolism has changed. Our bodies are hard wired to retain fat in order so that we can survive in times of famine. You are allowed to be angry. You got lots of help from society to be where you are. So while is is important to acknowledge our own behaviours we had so much help from our environment,

    Obesity is a chronic modern day disease.

    BUT..... (You knew this was coming)....

    You can make a choice to put self care strategies into place. Stop treating your body like a trash can. Your body has a way to heal itself with your help. You can give your body a better chance. It will be okay.

    If you google search Dr V Masterclass on youtube you can find some stellar info on this journey. I want to encourage you to care about yourself and your future.

    In your post you mentioned giving up certain foods or having sugar free products. This is a new road for us and no two journeys are the same. I thought I would not be able to have chocolate any more after having my RNY bypass. Turns out that I can still enjoy chocolate but in much smaller amounts. Not a big sacrifice. I can still eat pretty much everything I used to eat, but again in smaller amount. Many people lose hair after this OP but not all do. I didnt.

    Reading about this journey in a pamphlet or on social media is one thing. Things might or might not happen. Only by doing this will you find out what is is really like for you and what issues you may or may not have.

    Having a medical procedure is one thing. It is another ball game to address reasons of why we eat and getting some psychological help. A medical procedure like this Is just an effective tool to lose the weight but being successful requires a combination of physical and psychological work.

    Life is so much easier now that I have shed some weight. I can walk further. I can take care of my physical needs. I feel so much better and am off my diabetes medication and bp medication and off my reflux meds. I dont have to be scared anymore about breaking chairs. I feel better in myself.

    Be mad and move past it. Get ready to love yourself.

  4. I doubt that that the surgeon means get up every hour for the time that you are sleeping but maybe best to put that question to your team. Walking for 5 minutes every hour doesnt mean you have to go any where. Put a five minute song on and walk on the spot. Just getting your body moving will help your body get the circulation going to deal with any possible clots and help your lymphatic system to deal with any nasties.

    As for any nosy neighbors - Who cares what they think? You have started on this journey for your own physical well being. Be true to yourself. Walk in the sunshine and get some Vitamin D in. 😀

  5. Having weight loss surgery is a big deal and not to be entered into lightly. Most people have to get to a point when this is the last resort. You know a light bulb moment. From what you have mentioned this has been it for you. Sounds like if you dont deal with this then this will deal with you.

    It is not a magic bullet that will solve everything you will still have issues but they will hopefully be easier to manage. I have arthritis in my lower back and ankles. They no longer give me pain. I have diabetes but now I dont need to take insulin or any other medication to deal with blood sugar levels though I still check my blood sugar levels. I am not on any blood pressure tablets any more.

    I dont break out in a sweat after having a shower. I can look after myself more easily and dont having a coronary while cleaning the house. It really is a huge struggle with a BMI of 51. I can go for a walk and enjoy it. Life is hard enough without the extra weight.

    Be kind to yourself and your body. You can do this.

  6. The term nurse infers care. The nurse is not a nurse she is a bully.

    This is beyond disgusting behaviour. I googled the new surgeon and they do check out. But his current support team should also be sacked. Support being the operative word. There is no support and they are gaslighting you for their own sad performance. Even if they are able to find you another date I would hate to think what follow up care you would be provided with. Please Please put this down to experience now and find a better provider/team. You deserve so much better. Saying that you would not comply to do the necessary things post op is a sickening joke.

    Run do not walk to another team that can support you. You need to be looked after not treated with disdain and blame for this very serious and life changing surgery. Maybe your general doctor can suggest another provider? This team need to be reported for their lack of professionalism.

    Dry those tears hunny bun. You are loved. 🤗💖

  7. 12 hours ago, New To This23 said:

    I am interested in learning what exercises, intensity, routine, and time/reps people who have lost over 100lbs/45kg do. What did you do before surgery vs. after? Did you focus on cardio or strength? If you have loose skin have you seen any improvement that excise has contributed to?

    Thank you for your feedback.

    In answer to your question ........ I was a couch potato before my RNY back in last May last year. Walking past three houses was exhausting. So I rarely walked. So I began walking. Each week/month I went a little further and further. i can now walk 5 k easily. Walking is a great way to start to get fit.

    Then I started to do a small amount of strength exercises. It only been the last month that I have done cardio. I walk, use a recumbent bike and use limited weights. For me the whole thing is just about getting fitter. I do feel fitter and happier in my body.

    At my size I am going to have loose skin.

    How much you exercise will be determined by what you want to achieve and how much you are prepared to do. Losing weight is one thing but in order to keep the weight off exercise will need to be part of your life long journey. I hope it all goes well for you.

  8. This is dreadful treatment. I would be hesitating too. Is there any way that you can speak to the practice manager of this organization or the hospital involved and in there anyway that you can check the credentials of the new surgeon. Alternatively can you reach out to your health insurer and let them know of the very poor performance of this provider? Have they been paid for this surgery yet? Sheesh. I know you would be reluctant to start this procedure all over. If it were me I would be writing an extremely bad review.

    Sending you hugs and wishes for better outcome..

  9. You have just had major surgery. Please dont push your body to do more than is comfortable. Chances are the pain is emanating from the anchor stitch that the surgeon put in. Take the Tylenol four times a day to lay a basis in which the stronger medications can work from.

    You will also still be swollen from the surgery. Give it time. Always check in with the surgeon to be reassured.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  10. Before I had surgery my life was miserable. Couldnt walk far at all. Looking after myself was such a big drain. I had come to the end of myself and didnt care if the very worst happened cos I was already living it. You know how hard it is.

    Booking in for the surgery gave me something that I had not had for a very long time ........... Hope. Closer to the operation I was scared but also excited.

    I had the gastric bypass May last year. Since then I lost 53kg or 116 pounds. I know I still have a way to go but I am feeling so much better in my own skin. I am more mobile and fitter than I have been in years. I am off all diabetic medications including insulin. I am also off my blood pressure and gerd medications too.

    I have not had any complications. No regrets.

  11. 20 hours ago, T O P said:

    I recently had the surgery on May 25th of this year. So far I have lost 30-40 pounds. However yesterday I weighed and have gained 5 pounds. I have only been eating baked chicken and fish and maybe some steamed or boiled shrimp. The surgeon/Dr. desk lady thinks it may be Fluid based off she said it seems like I follow most of the diet plan.

    I make sure I consume no more than 400 calories a day and that whatever juice I drink is only 10-20 grams of carbs. But I don't think my surgery is successful.

  12. No, this is not all you are going to lose. When you had surgery you automatically signed up for a marathon event. It will time for you body to do it's own thing. It is a week by week proposition. Focus on the horizon every day. When a year has gone by then reassess. Set other goals to attain. Exercise. Trips. Hobbies. Other rewards. Enjoying each day.

  13. @ShelleyBelley Hang in there hun.

    Yes, I would have thought that a smooshed up banana would have been fine too. When the surgeon gets to see what is happening it all may make sense then. Yoghurt is something that I struggle with after my RNY. Other kinds of food should be more problematic but no. Maybe three baby sips of Fluid and stop after that will allow things to go down.

    You eat what you can even if it is pistachios :) Sucking on an icy pole (freezie) or ice lolly what we in australia call an icy pole (lemonade) is my favourite. Hope I didnt just mangle the language but I hope you know what I mean. You can also get Hydralyte Ice Blocks from a chemist and suck on those.

    Vegies in a slow cooker for 6 hours onion, celery, carrots, sweet potato, tin of kidney Beans and tin of tomatoes and a litre of vegie stock is tasty. You would need to blend it up. Then again if a banana doesnt go down........ Mind you I portion it up and put it in the freezer so that it is ready to go when I need it.

    I hope that the coronation and all that went on in the UK was a distraction of sorts for you. Are your children of the age where they can look after you a little bit?

    It is Wedesday here now. Hours away from your procedure ??? Looking forward to further recovery for you. You got this... xx

  14. @ShelleyBelley So glad that you have turned the corner and feeling a little better. Feeling crappy is never a good thing. Your surgeon is doing the right thing by checking out your plumbing. Sounds like he listened to you and gave you some helpful advice. Hope that all goes well for you.

    It is strange how some medication affect us differently. In regard to the anti nausea drugs can you see if there is another one that might suit you better? I had maxalon years ago for nausea and in made me anxious in the days afterwards yet ondansetron was a much better fit for me.

    You are the only person that can know where your body will be happy to be. Hopefully that as your body continues to heal you will feel more settled and comfortable with the changes all the changes. Day by day is the best that any of us can do. Roll on your camera debut and getting even more sorted. :780_sparkling_heart:

  15. @ShelleyBelleyYou are absolutely on point to see the surgeon and getting yourself to A & E. You have had major surgery and things can and do go wrong. I am glad that you were able to see the surgeon. You are not being silly in any way shape or form. It is the surgeons job to keep an eye on you.

    Dehydration will affect your body so much. Sucking on lemonade icy poles will help. Also have some broth and add in some Protein Powder. Tea and coffee help. Electrolyte drinks can be found at the chemist. I also found that the anti-emetic Ondansetron helped with the vomiting and nausea.

    Hope everything from now is on the improve for you. You deserve to be well for you. There is a saying that the "squeaky wheel gets the oil'. Squeak as loud as you can until the you are satisfied that you have been heard. 🙂

  16. 41 minutes ago, allisonm1987 said:

    I had gastric bypass 4/19 and hit my first stall. I know this happens and was prepared by my medical team to expect it but I’m still worried. My personal experience has been SO easy, I’m almost worried this is the other shoe to drop, so to speak, and 20lbs is all I’ll lose after surgery. Thoughts?

    When you had the bypass you signed yourself up for a spot in a marathon in a number or sports. Running (what you eat) Track and field (how you eat and why). Stamina (Patience). Synchcronized swimming (Creativity). Discus (More patience). High jump (Exercise). It will take a long time of practicing all of these elements to get to the end of your race.

    It can feel very hard at the start to even see the finish line and that is why you just keep on showing up for yourself day after day. I struggled at the start with the length of the journey ahead. It has taken me a year to feel better about being in my own skin. Keep on doing what your team has advised. If you keep to new habits it will happen even though there may be hiccups along the way.

    Picture where you will be at in a year and looking back at the victories you will have along the way.

    1 - Stay off the scales they will do your head in. Weigh once a week or month.

    2 - Measure yourself once a month a see the changes.

    3 - Set mini goals along the way and reward yourself when you achieve them.

    4 - Be proud that you are doing the very best you can. 💖

  17. A stall can be classified as a stall when you stay the same weight for 6 weeks. Often after surgery particularly when being on an IV, people can gain weight from the fluids.

    This whole thing is a long term plan. If you focus on the scales you will drive yourself nuts. Weight yourself once a week or once a month. Measure your body with a measuring tape and record the numbers. Do it again in once a month.

    Focus on other goals in your life or fitness levels or doing practical things as you work your way to achieving other outcomes in your life. Day by day. Baby steps.

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