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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About kgsos

  • Rank
  • Birthday April 4

About Me

  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Social Worker
  • City
    New Orleans
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  1. Surgery date twins!! My pre-op diet starts Nov. 22 and then thanksgiving and then my sister in law is getting married the Saturday after thanksgiving 😩 if we can do this, we can do anything!
  2. Hey y’all! I need some advice. I am getting the sleeve on December 6. December 30 I will fly to another state for my first semester of grad school. It’s a hybrid program, so I’ll be on campus for 9 days from 12/30-1/8 and then home again until June. I am SCARED to have surgery and then go to class so soon after. It’ll be sitting mostly and I get my own hotel room, but I don’t know what to expect. Am I crazy to try this? Any tips? For reference, I am 30 and have recovered well from surgery before. I was back at work a week after sinus surgery and able to move normally less than a week after my c-section in January. Thank you!!
  3. Hey! Mine will be December 6 :)

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