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Struggling a bit

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About Struggling a bit

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  1. Struggling a bit

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    Nice job! My year is today. Down 110. The pics are from a couple mos ago but I haven’t lost much more since then. Congrats to all you April LOSERS 💕
  2. Struggling a bit

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    So far so good for me! I have to count myself very lucky. 5 mos and 1 week out and I am down 82lbs. I feel good. I’ve only been nauseous twice (once was frosting and once was lunch meat that I ate too fast and got stuck) but I have never thrown up, never had diarrhea. I can eat almost anything in small amounts (sometimes not so small so I try to be careful). Most of the time I am able to forget I ever had surgery just getting used to eating slower and less and drinking more. The other where I was losing a ton of hair is gone and over all everything is awesome. 47lbs to goal.
  3. Struggling a bit

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    I had bypass on 4/15. I was 280 and lost 10 during the 5 days pre-op. After getting home from surgery I couldn’t stomach anything except water so by the 27th I had lost 31. Since the 27th I have only lost 9 more pounds. I was stuck for almost two weeks. I feel your pain!
  4. Struggling a bit

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    They would work perfect. I should put out a fb request for empties. My surgeon recommended not eating baby food in the purée stage because of the sugar in it. So I don’t have any here and my last grand baby has not yet started baby food yet 😊
  5. Struggling a bit

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    I’m thinking about going to look for some 2-3 Oz containers that can go in the freezer and just make a few things and fill each one. That way I will know exactly how much I am eating. I have found a lot of healthier frozen meals that have little carbs/calories and a lot of protein that I can get 3.4.5 meals out of them and just spoon them into these dishes. Then I can take the weeks worth of breakfast and lunch to work with me. Maybe rotate protein shakes out a few times a week for those meals too. I go back Monday. Today is my 1 month post op date!
  6. Struggling a bit

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    I was reading this and it sounds exactly like what I have been saying. I thought at first I wrote it until it said 2.5 months out lol. I drank a Premiere last night because I really needed the protein and had been unable to drink them since before my surgery a month ago. I had to choke it down and then I felt sick after. I’m doing the fairlife also and love them. I’m experimenting with different ones. But that is a really good idea for the ones with 42 protein. It’s so full of calories. I had ordered some and then cancelled the order and ordered the 26g ones instead cuz there’s 90 less calories. I also ordered the 30g nutrition plan ones that have a little less calories and I found some in Walmart that are only 8 Oz bottles with 24g and only 130 calories so I bought a 4 ok of those to try. But fairlife is definitely the best tasting, hands down.
  7. Struggling a bit

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    I also had mine on 4/15. I started at 280. Was 270 the day of surgery! The day I went home they pumped me full of 3 bags of fluid so I was 280 when I got home. Between 4/15 and 4/27 I lost 30. Since the 27th which is also the first day I started on purée, I have only lost 3 lbs. I finally went for an actual walk today and am hoping I can get one in every day and I start to see some changes on the scale. This has been very frustrating!
  8. Struggling a bit

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    I added low-fat Mayo as instructed but it’s so tasteless I had to add just a little miracle whip. Not enough to add more than a few calories as I get about 4-5 servings out of a can the way I’ve been eating it.
  9. Struggling a bit

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    That is good to know. Thanks so much. Maybe I’ll make a trip to Target then if I can’t find them at Walmart. I have to do something different.
  10. Struggling a bit

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    I will have to look for these. Amazon had them but they were super expensive and I have BOXES of Pure Protein and slimfast here that I can’t use right now. I’m going to save them awhile and see if I can stomach them in a month or so.
  11. Struggling a bit

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    For years I have drink Crystal light, and the premiere Protein was my favorite before surgery. After surgery I can’t stand the taste or smell of the PP. the crystal light was gagging me within a few days. I have been doing lemon water for the last few days and that seems to work best. I did do some gatorade zero before the lemon water but that started bothering me too. I no longer crave sweet, I crave salt. I never really had the metal taste in my mouth but did have the worst taste that made me sick to my stomach. A friend of mine that had the surgery said it’s my body burning the fat. That taste has gone away pretty much now. And I started doing slimfast powder with almond milk. I can’t do reg milk cuz it messes with my stomach pretty bad. So I don’t get the protein from the shakes that I should. It sucks and I’m not sure how to get all the protein I need!
  12. Struggling a bit

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    Well I lost 10 in the first 5 days of pre-op liquids. When I got home I could barely get my fluids in and the shakes were disgusting to me so I basically lived off water until 12 days in when I could start purées. Anything sweet was too sweet and I craved salt like crazy. I finally strained progresso soups and drank the broth because regular broth smelled terrible and nauseated me. It was pretty rough. But now I’m stuck not losing anything. I’m sure it will pick up again but this is crazy!
  13. Struggling a bit

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    Same here. Mine was the 15th. I lost 31 and now haven’t lost a pound in the last 6 days. Since I started regular food. I’ve been living on eggs, tuna, cottage cheese and a little cheese. I started stool softeners due to the cheese and even took a laxative last night because it had been 10 days since I went. I may have lost one more lb since going but that’s not nearly enough. I could def use some pointers too!
  14. Struggling a bit

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    Yea I kept forgetting the stool softener and the day that I was like omg I’m going to have such a rough time I got hit hard with diarrhea so I’m glad I didn’t take it
  15. Struggling a bit

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    What hospital are you? I brought a small backpack of stuff. Pajamas. Book. A few other little things. They didn’t seem bothered by it at all!

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