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Mike Long

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by Mike Long

  1. How long does it take before you feel “normal” again post surgery? Meaning when you actually feel hungry and can eat more than a few ounces?

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    2. Suzi_the_Q


      Ok, so not normal normal, but I can eat more than a few bites. I can take a normal but small gulp of water instead of sips, I don't have ravenous hunger per se, but I do feel it a bit whereas before not at all.

    3. Mike Long

      Mike Long

      Ok thanks. I’m struggling with this particular aspect. It’s not that I’m craving to eat a ton of food but I just want to be able to not get full after a few bites. Have you had any food aversions?

    4. Suzi_the_Q


      NOW? Not much. I can't eat my steak quite as rare as I used to (which is to say, not cold in the middle anymore). Eggs are always a 50/50 craps shoot. I absolutely loathe protein shakes now, but I'm sure with some time I'll be able to get through one again. Hint water makes me nauseated for some reason. But generally, things are pretty good. 😃 The first couple of months were their own slices of Hell, but it passed, thank gods. I got nauseated/ dry heaves/ puked all.the.time. I took 3 pregnancy tests just to make sure because it was ridiculous! (I didn't even HAVE morning sickness with my son!) I barely ate anything for, like, 2 months- it SUCKED! But then VOILA! My stomach fully healed inside- I guess? And just like that, unceremoniously it was over and I was on to the new normal.

  2. Congrats on the weight loss thus far. I’m 3 weeks post op and started at around your weight (492). When did you start eating “normally” again? If you have. 

    1. Kikikayaker


      I’m still part time food... most time shake lol at 6 mo post bypass... but it doesn’t bother me. Hope you are doing well. I’m down to 145 from 240.
      best wishes

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