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About Incredibleshrinkiningkiley

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  • Birthday 03/01/1991

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  1. Incredibleshrinkiningkiley

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    Hey guys I am 6 almost 7 months out (April 27) and I started measuring my food, by volume not by weight, (so I use measuring cups) I do 1/2 a cup of everything the portions seem accurate, well it’s to much. I’ve mostly just been intuitive eating meaning I eat until I’m full, I try not to over eat but now when I do that there’s sO much left on my plate. Any advice will help.
  2. Incredibleshrinkiningkiley

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    Lol 😆 yeah I thought about that now it’s out there what are ya gonna do
  3. Incredibleshrinkiningkiley

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    I’m officially down 90lbs!!!!!! 19 pounds from my original goal weight but now I’m thinking 150 is a better goal weight. I am so excited!
  4. Incredibleshrinkiningkiley

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    So here’s some before and afters. The before is 2 weeks before surgery the after is about a week ago. Miinimal loose skin. I’m down 87 lbs since surgery. (Pics are screen grabs from my TT because I haven’t done many before and after pics)
  5. Incredibleshrinkiningkiley

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    Started at 278 and I’m down to 190. Stalling a bit between 194-190 I need to drink more water and do better with protein. Has anyone started drinking? If so what’s your experience been?
  6. Incredibleshrinkiningkiley

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    Stalls are normal my love. Things that help me with stalls are relaxing and knowing it’s temporary. Also measuring helps. Switch up your workout routine a little too. My friend who had the surgery said she carb loads to break a stall, I personally can’t have carbs because they make me sick. I take care of myself everyday and I love to relax in the tub burn some incense and take time for me. I don’t weigh myself everyday anymore like I was. Our bodies like certain weights and have a hard time coming out of them. But just like the 3-4 week stall we had back a few months ago this one will pass too!
  7. Incredibleshrinkiningkiley

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    Hello everyone! My surgery date was April 27, I am down 70lbs from my liquid diet and 60 from the day I went into surgery. Size 20-size 14(I would be a size 12 but I have big hips and a big bottom still) for workouts I’m hiking, walking, starting to run, swimming, yoga(hot yoga is my favorite) and HIIT. In the mornings I eat my protein yogurt then I’ll snack around 11, then I’ll eat my lunch which is a piece of cheese and feta and olive salad, then I do a protein shake for dinner I do chicken or salmon. I can’t do beef and I’m real careful about pork. I’m drinking tons of water! I’m so happy I can have salads and fruits now. Hope everyone is doing well.
  8. Incredibleshrinkiningkiley

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    Anyone have any NSV to share? I’m in a large shirt now(went from 2x) and my waist size is 35 inches which means I officially have a healthy non obese waist size according to the cdc. I’m down exactly 50lbs! So proud of myself and my journey so far. hows the gym going for everyone? I’m hitting it 5x a week. Also I’m loving my yoga routine. im starting to be able to eat more than usual. Meal prepping is going really well for me. But chicken is the only meat I can do as fish just makes me cringe, turkey is to heavy and sits in my tummy like a rock, pork is ok but I don’t like it so much.
  9. Incredibleshrinkiningkiley

    April surgeries

    I feel this! The only meat I can eat is chicken no other meat or egg.
  10. Incredibleshrinkiningkiley

    2 week No Loss 8 weeks out of surgery

    So I lost my first 45 lbs pretty fast. At 6 weeks I started working out. I’m 8 weeks out and I’ve been stuck between 233-239 every time I get on the scale it tells me a different number. I have lost inches though 5.5 inches last week and 5 inches the week before so 10 inches but no weightloss. Here’s what my weekly workout looks like m- swim Pilates t- water fitness w- HIIT class am yoga pm Thursday - swim Friday- yoga Saturday- yoga Sunday- off and here’s what I eat daily breakfast- 30 G protein shake Snack- light cheese stick lunch- 1 oz protein of choice and quest protein chips dinner- 2 oz chicken snack: protein shake 64-80 oz of water 90 g of protein daily as my medical team has advised. ok help what am I doing wrong here. I’m not snacking I’m not cheating I’m working out and feeling discouraged. This is why I always quit at diets because I do everything right and I feel like it’s not enough. many advice will help.
  11. Incredibleshrinkiningkiley

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    This^ I have been between the same 5 pounds for weeks now! Scales not really moving. Mind you I work out daily and I do a lot of strength training. Measurements are going down down down.
  12. Incredibleshrinkiningkiley

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    YouTube is just so great!! Lots of great home workouts you can do. I joined my local YMCA so I’m doing lots of different classes
  13. Incredibleshrinkiningkiley

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    YouTube is just so great!! Lots of great home workouts you can do. I joined my local YMCA so I’m doing lots of different classes
  14. Incredibleshrinkiningkiley

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    YouTube is just so great!! Lots of great home workouts you can do. I joined my local YMCA so I’m doing lots of different classes
  15. Incredibleshrinkiningkiley

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    Im Doing great and a lot better with water to be honest. This week I really started to work out and push myself to work out. I’m trying my hardest to stay off the scale because I seem to go between 5 pounds for the past 2 weeks which I’m assuming has to do with muscles. I’m feeling so good since I’m back to yoga and working out. Still can’t eat eggs and I’m finding it harder and harder to make meals because I still can’t have veggies and I’m so tired of the same old turkey meat or ham or soft chicken.

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