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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. I like the premiere protein caffe latte but it has caffeine (not sure if your plan allows that or not). I have never tried the meal replacement ones but if they say they keep you full longer I would definitely stick with those. When you are allowed caffeine though if you like coffee drinks such as iced coffee, try the caffe latte. It’s yummy. Even my never been obese aunt that can have anything is hooked on them. I got her to try them instead of her iced coffee and she loves them.
  2. ShoppGirl

    Anyone make Protein Shake Pops?

    So, how were they. I’ve never thought of that idea.
  3. I knew what you meant. I was just referring to my post op liquid diet because that’s the only liquid only diet I had. Pre op I was allowed SOME food. But my hunger hormones are back now and that protein shake still keeps me full for a good 4-5 hours till lunch every day. My husband takes them to work now to have on days where he doesn’t have time to eat lunch or if he is working outside and it’s too hot to eat.
  4. You may be surprised that you aren’t as hungry as you think. The protein in the shake should fill you up for quite a while. I am a year and a half out and I still have a protein shake every morning and it fills me up until lunch. I do this by choice and obviously wouldn’t if I was hungry. Now protein does nothing for head hunger though. Are you allowed sugar free popsicles or jello? Those helped me to feel like I was actually chewing something which I missed during my post op liquid diet
  5. ShoppGirl

    Burning Mouth Syndrome

    I had to google it too and I urge you to see a dr to confirm your diagnosis. Burning sensation in the mouth may be a symptom of several other things which may actually be treatable.
  6. ShoppGirl

    Eating carbs (pasta, rice, or bread )

    I tried the “crepini” brand ones that are egg and cauliflower and I didn’t love them. Let me know if those are any good though cause of course I want to like them. I actually posted asking about that brand too cause my Sam’s club started carrying them and some people did have positive things to say about them. I am just waiting for my Sam’s or even better, target to carry the flavored ones because I don’t think I will like the plain and I’d rather not buy them in bulk.
  7. One last thing. Are you on any BC?? If not, you may want to consider it. I went on it to regulate my periods and ever since they have been less Heavy and less cramping, as a result I assume. May be worth asking your Gyno about.
  8. You reminded me. I totally forgot that the urgent care doctor did first say he was going to give me an injection but then he mentioned an rx and I asked was it an NSAID and told him because I can’t have those and he said I can’t have the injection either then. Well the more I think about it (and yes I will ask the surgeon to verify this) but the injection doesn’t go through the stomach so no ulcer concerns I wouldn’t think. I believe I would have been fine with the injection. Now I’m not sure how long they last or if I could get it again or what but that’s definitely something I will be asking about in advance since I’m in my 40’s now and this sciatic thing seems like it’s going to be a recurring issue. Although the first Couple times it was tolerable, just the once it was really bad so hopefully that was a one off and I won’t have anymore bad episodes, Fingers crossed. Anyways, pretty sure it wouldn’t work for period cramps, sorry op, but for others with more severe back pain those NSAID injections could be the answer??
  9. i have an annual exam in October with my family doc. I will definitely bring it up then. I am glad to know that there are non narcotic options now. I wasn’t ever told about those after my accident and I’m surprised because I was afraid to take narcotics. I had no choice because I was in a great deal of pain but I was reluctant and made that known to the doctors.
  10. Hummm. I am writing those down. Idk if the walk in clinic never heard of those or what. I brought in a whole bottle of hydrocodone that was expired and said that was what they gave me post surgery that I know I am allowed to take but I figured it was a little stronger than what I needed for this. He said they don’t prescribe pain rx for back pain?? Maybe another doctor would but that being my first experience sorta worried me about future pain issues.
  11. I wish I had an answer to this too. I get sinus headaches and I used to take Alieve for them which worked great. Tylenol does nothing. I started taking allergy pills when I have them and that works for me but I worry about other Aches and pains such as when I threw my back out. The walk in clinic wouldn’t give me anything except for a muscle relaxer which helped some but not as well as Alieve would have and it really just made me sleepy so it won’t work all the time anyways. Makes me worry a great deal about what I have gotten myself into since arthritis runs in my family So I will most likely be dealing with that in the future. Have you looked at the ingredients of midol or one of the period specific products?? Do they contain NSAID’s?? Never mind midol and pamperin are basically just ibprofin. I wonder if we need to go back to our clinics to seek pain management meds??
  12. ShoppGirl

    Stalled at only 2 weeks post-op

    Almost everyone hits their first stall AROUND the three week mark. Some before and some after. You will go through a few of these along the way so if the scale is getting to you try to weigh yourself less often.
  13. ShoppGirl

    No cooking!!!

    Ooh I almost forgot on of my favorite “no cook” recipes is quiche. They have one made with egg whites at Walmart deli that is 300 calories. If that fits your stage and calorie budget you can slice it and heat up one piece or more at a time. I like it crispy so I like to do it one piece at a time. Just bake it for 28 minutes. I always have one in my fridge for last minute lunch or dinner plans. Also Panera has half salads on Their kids menu which also gives you the option to get yogurt instead of bread or chips. When you can tolerate lettuce. I like to take it to go or bring my own dressing with me though cause most of their dressing's are pretty high calories.
  14. Ask your doctor for a different nausea medication. They should have others for you to try. Hopefully one that will work for you.
  15. ShoppGirl

    2 Months Post Op Food

    What stage are you in? It’s been a while but it seems to me like I was in soft food stage which was almost everything (to try gradually). Of course it excluded crunchy things. Also off the table were pasta and bread for me. I started with fish, lobster and crab with over steamed veggies and slowly added chicken and then moist lean hamburger (usually taco meat) and eventually a very tender cut of steak (some plans say to steer clear of hamburger and steak longer but My plan didn't specify and I hadn’t had any issues tolerating anything. I was fine with those as well). The main thing is just add things gradually and keep them moist with sauces if necessary and chew very well.
  16. I haven’t really noticed the correlation but I do have times that I am more hungry than others. It’s possible it’s around that time and I just hadn’t noticed. I do know that I only crave chocolate during that time but that’s nothing new for me.
  17. I didn’t have to have one but I noticed the same thing after my husband had a procedure they sedated him from. He was still loopy talking nonsense as they were walking him out of the room. Seems like they could just wheel you to another room to sleep it off and then get dressed and leave as you feel up to it.
  18. Congratulations on your weight loss. Hopefully the fact that you dump, once you learn how to avoid doing it, will be a good thing (to help keep you on track).
  19. ShoppGirl

    Missed period

    Now that I think about it, I haven’t heard of anyone being late yet either. You are especially fertile post surgery though. If there is ANY chance you could be pregnant I’d do a test. i just did a search and one other post came up for late period. And a few about periods do mention people with irregular periods being late. Personally, I’d still do a test to be safe, though.
  20. ShoppGirl

    No cooking!!!

    I am not sure how easy it will be in the early stages. Takeout from a restaurant certainly, but dining out would be more difficult just because of how long it takes to eat and needing to measure things plus your actual restrictions of what you can eat. Plus if you do find something that doesn’t agree with you it’s better to be at home. Once you get used to what your portions should and are able to tolorate most things though you should be able to eat out without too much issue. I’m not sure you would want to eat out most meals though just because there are so few truly healthy options. Many people who don’t love to cook will cook a few meals one day a week or so and freeze portions though. Perhaps that’s something to consider. That would definitely be a healthier alternative to how most restaurants typically prepare their food. Or like arabesque suggested a home delivery service cuts out most of the prep work. Maybe that’s something you want to consider some days.
  21. You can always ask the surgeon if they will sell you an extra one. That way when you figure out how to adjust it just right the other one will be the same fit. You can always just call their office and see if that will be an issue but I can’t imagine it would be.
  22. ShoppGirl

    Nervous on vacation!!!! Help!!!

    Yea I remembered that from another post of yours. You should be able to find Gatorade there if you have an issue sneaking in the peanuts but I say if your gonna have calories it may as well be protein if it can.
  23. ShoppGirl

    Nervous on vacation!!!! Help!!!

    Hey. Maybe you should also bring some of those small packs of nuts to get some salt in since you may be sweating it all out.
  24. ShoppGirl

    Surgery the end of this month!

    I don’t think any of us can say we didn’t have any fear pre op. In fact I would probably wonder why if you didn’t. I have been through three surgeries before this one and I still had some nerves a few days pre surgery. There is no shame in rescheduling if you are not ready. I have seen a few people on here who backed out and had the surgery a while down the road when they were truly ready. If it’s just the typical pre surgery jitters though, talk them out here. Write down WHY you are having this surgery and what your goals are. Also check out the “weirdest non scale victories” thread.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
