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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. You can bake your faves and package up the rest in little treat bags and drop them off at an assisted living facility. They love to get treats and some of those people don’t have a lot of family that’s close by so they don’t get many visitors. Someone even popping in to say hi and dropping something off real quick makes their day.
  2. Your hunger will come back eventually but if you are truly having a hard time getting in calories maybe try adding healthy fats to increase calories without increasing portions. Things like oils and dressings or avacado and nuts (if you can have them) or nut butters will increase your calories pretty quick.
  3. ShoppGirl

    Post-op day 3 and struggling

    If you do get to the point that you need fluids, contact your team first. They should be able to arrange for you to get them without going to the ER. I had to get them and I did go to the hospital building but it was a different part. I thought for sure I was going to be sent to the ER.
  4. Perhaps they would let you keep a bottle of better dressing there so that you can eat salads at least if you can’t bring your own meals entirely. (And maybe a ziplock with sOme lean protein to add to a salad). Or if your friends with who is cooking maybe they will cook it with the spray instead of using oils?? I know when I worked at a retirement community in the restaurant they bent the rules a little making certain to end up with an extra chicken breast since that’s all I really liked On the menu. That was years ago though and I was tiny tiny so of course everyone wanted to make sure I ate something back then. lol. Bringing food would probably be the easiest solution if they will let you. Regardless of where you go whether it’s work or play you will likely have to bring food with you the majority of the time in order to stay on track so it’s not a bad habit to get into. Depending on your usage, You may consider investing in a really good cooler if they won’t let you keep it in The fridge. I bought a yeti cooler post surgery and they are not cheap but it’s amazing. Keeps stuff cold with ice for days and for hours with just ice packs- in the car in the summer even!! The only issue I have are the size choices. I got the smallest actual cooler. The hopper I think and it’s still kinda big for a short outing but for drinks and food for the day it would probably be perfect. Regardless it easily fits bottled water standing up which is not a given with coolers. I keep a ziplock filled with crystal light packets in my purse and carry my water any time I leave the house which has probably paid for the cooler by now (I’m over a year and a half out though).
  5. I hope your co silt went well and you are on your journey towards bypass now. You may have a 3-6 month requorement if you are going through insurance where you have to go in each month and get your weight checked while you try to lose weight under a doctors supervision. That seems to be a requirement by many companies. From then it just depends on how quick you get approval back from insurance and can get scheduled.
  6. I didn’t have any either. I think maybe it depends on what happens during your surgery to warrant them.
  7. Also, have you had your height measured recently? We shrink as we age so you may have a little higher BMI than you think of your doctors are like mine and just use the old measurements for years.
  8. I only recently had elevated cortisol levels and am literally researching Cushings today as I await further testing. There is something called cycling cushings that often leads to delay in diagnosis because the initial test can not pick it up? Just a thought.
  9. ShoppGirl

    Body Scale

    My husband bought me a fancy scale for Christmas that measures the body fat percentage and all that. I never use those functions. It is pretty consistent in terms of weight though. Better than the cheaper ones I have used in the past.
  10. Oh wow. So sorry to hear this. I hope you get a date soon.
  11. ShoppGirl

    Pre-op House Prep

    If is great that you are getting as much ready ahead as you can but also if you have someone who can pop by and tidy a few things while you recover it may be a good idea to call in that favor (if you have someone at home who can do it. Even better). It drove me crazy just to sit and look at all the things that needed to be done and not just get up and do them for days.
  12. ShoppGirl

    Abdominal Binder

    I woke up with one on after surgery. I have to admit it was a nice stand in for not having a bra on. Kinda lifted the girls or at least felt like it cause there was fabric beneath them. Lol. I was advised that I could use it or lose it as I desired. I took it off to shower and never put it back on because I didn’t notice a real difference. I have heard people who carried a lot of weight around their bellies say it helps though. I think it’s just a preference thing.
  13. I just got my invite to my cousins annual cookie day. I didn’t go last year because of COVID but this year I’m a little anxious about it. Everyone brings the recipe and ingredients for whatever they want to make. As long as I bring an healthy snack I will be able to resist them while I am there but of course at the end of the day there are SOOOOO many cookies and everyone pressures you to take some. I was thinking maybe I would just go and help and not make anything for myself so if I took one or two of the others it wasn’t too bad But, if I could find a descent recipe that’s not too difficult It may be fun to try it. Does anyone have any good cookie recipes that are lower calorie and carb. I am in maintenance.
  14. ShoppGirl

    Annual Cookie Day

    I thought the Hershey ones were good too. I have made keto brownies and they weren’t bad at all. Never cookies but I will for me. Especially after seeing all those cookies and not being able to eat them. Lol
  15. ShoppGirl

    Annual Cookie Day

    Yea I suggested making some and they politely steered me in another direction. Lol. That’s okay I will make whatever and just not eat them I guess.
  16. As mentioned above straining real soup opens up to more flavors. Try getting soup from restaurants and straining them. Just be sure to use a very fine strainer and get all the chunks out. They will have sooooo much more flavor than basic broth. They have panara soups at Walmart by the deli and they have a Walmart brand that isn’t bad as well.
  17. ShoppGirl

    Liquid diet

    Have you tried the clear protein drinks. I found them to be a little less sweet. They haze them in so many brands. I did the premiere protein ones from Amazon. But since you are pressed for time I would try convenience stores and pick up a few to try.
  18. ShoppGirl

    Liquid diet

    Every doctor is different and sometimes it varies from patient to patient as well. I would count yourself lucky like others have said. The pre op liquid diet is not fun. If your doctor doesn’t think you need it though you should be fine.
  19. I know exactly how you feel. I had surgery March 9 of 2021 and I am sure I have something going on with my hormones too as I stopped losing and started gaining. I have an appointment with the endocrinologist December 6th and can’t wait to figure out what is going on and hope there is something they can do. I have seen people with PCOS really struggle and it seems so unfair. Try to celebrate what you have lost though and that you have kept it off. Every little bit makes you that much healthier. Keep talking to your doctors. There are medications and stuff you can try that may give you the extra edge you need. I know how discouraging it can be to compare yourself to others who are doing better but try to just look at where you were pre surgery and don’t give up.
  20. ShoppGirl

    Annual Cookie Day

    Okay so one year I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies at cookie day and when I suggested making the healthier cookies this year (sugar free choc chip made with almond flour) they reminded me how much everyone liked the others and it was a very hard sell. Apparently I am making those at cookie day. I am just going to bring myself a nice grilled chicken salad for lunch and some healthy sweet snacks for anyone interested (I’m sure just me cause they are all naturally tiny even if they eat terrible so I’m sure I wouldn’t eat fruit over cookies either, lol) and I will take a few cookies home to give or throw away. I even bought a cute little cookie box so the few I take look nice and I don’t have to waste a lot.
  21. ShoppGirl

    Annual Cookie Day

    Yea I think I may end up doing that. I did it on thanksgiving. I wanted a slice of apple pie but couldn’t find just one slice so I had to buy a whole pie. I ate one slice and tossed the rest. I felt a little bad being wasteful but no one else likes it and I knew if I had it here even until Monday (when my husband could bring it to work) there was a chance I would break down and eat more and I didn’t want to. I don’t like to waste like that and I don’t make a habit of it but sometimes you have to and I try not to feel bad.
  22. So I’ve been having back pain since last week- sciatica I think. I went to urgent care and they gave me injections which did nothing but it’s been a week so it is starting to heal on its own. Yesterday was my annual physical so I figured I would go ahead and ask about it. I asked what I am supposed to do next time this happens in terms of pain management since tylenol doesn’t do anything for me and the first day or two it’s pretty painful. He started acting all weird immediately. Avoiding the Pain medicine part completely. He did an exam, wrote a script for lidocaine patches, a referral for physical therapy and an order for an X-ray. I said nothing gonna show up on an X-ray is it? He said no you probably need an MRI but we have to do this first cause of insurance. But The whole time he just kept saying okay okay okay with one foot already out the door and never would talk about pain rx. I said I understand there are risks of addiction and transfer addiction and all that but there has to be a responsible way to treat my pain, right? I wasn’t looking for anything then, just the reassurance that if I do need it that my doctor will help me. Again, he just avoided the issue entirely. Frustrated, I took my stack of referrals to the front desk and she said he wanted to see me back. I asked if I could see a different doctor next time because I don’t feel like this doctor really listens to me. She said she would have to call me to set that up. When I got to the parking lot I called my surgeons office. I asked the nurse do I need to just see a pain management doctor or something? She said that the pain management doctor would probably ask for an MRI too and it wouldn’t hurt to find out if it’s something chronic since if it is pain medication long term can’t be the answer anyways. That made sense so I went and got the X ray. When I called to ask about my appointment she said that the other doctor refuses to see me. I said I was confused and asked why she wouldn’t answer and gave me the number for the office manager. This morning I finally got through to him and he says he has to call the dr and see what’s going on. in the meantime my X-ray results had come back and the nurse called me. Basically said one thing was from normal aging and another thing was cause my back was in spasm when they took the film. I said maybe cause I was in pain lying on that table she said most likely. Then I said well what is the next step. She was going back and forth with him and he said physical therapy. I said well yesterday you said I needed MRI and maybe surgery or ablation. He says no you don’t need that yet you need to do physical therapy. I said well the radiologist report says they recommend it too. He basically says well I’m the doctor. I just keep thinking that if I have a MRI in another week or two, this episode will be healed and nothing will show and I will just be wasting tons of money. Frustrated again I said okay thanks and got off the phone. I’m guessing he is ticked off cause I want to see a different doctor and I have no clue what he told the other doctor to make them not want to see me but The only thing I can think of is that he got the impression I was just trying to abuse drugs?? Or am I crazy. That’s the only thing that makes sense right? I mean we also talked about my cholesterol and I asked about my hormones so he ordered a lab and referred me to an endocrinologist but that can’t be it. I thought they can check under your social and make sure you’re not doing anything wrong. If they did they would see pain meds one time in like the past five years. Post surgery and I didn’t even need them. I am so confused and frustrated. I feel like now I am stuck in limbo. I tried calling a new dr and they are sending paperwork but can’t see me till December. My back is gonna be fine soon I’m sure. This time. But I need to have a doctor if this happens again or if something else happens. And I sorta want another opinion as to whether I really do need an MRI. I mean of course I don’t want to throw away money if I don’t need it but he said yesterday I needed it and then the radiologist said same thing. I don’t even know what anyone can say about this mess. I just needed to vent I guess. I am mostly just really really afraid that I am going to be in severe pain and end up in the ER cause no one else will help me. That’s gonna get really expensive really quick. Especially if this is a chronic issue. I actually called my old doctor just now and they are gonna get me in Tuesday. Now I am just worried about how to explain why I am switching doctors without them assuming the same thing about me. This is a nightmare.
  23. ShoppGirl

    Egglife wraps

    Has anyone tried these? They look promising calorie wise but I’m curious if they are any good and how long they keep since I have only found them in bulk size near me.
  24. ShoppGirl

    Dealing with Sabotage

    Omg and I think I have it hard just dealing with temptation when I go out with friends and family. I can’t imagine dealing with this in my own house everyday. Do NOT let her win. Every pound you lose In spite or her trying to sabotage you is a little victory over her. And every argument you and your husband do not have is another one. She clearly thrives on causing drama and if you refuse to give it to her she probably still won’t change but it will steel all her thunder at least. I have a family member who is mentally ill and refuses to get help and she likes to create drama too. I had to practically cut her out of my life and keep her at a distance because I struggle with my own mental health issues that I do try to get help with but, if you are strong enough you can have her around and let her THiNK she doesn’t phase you. She surely will get to you at least from time to time but try to hide it if you and your husband do argue agree to do it outside of the house where she can’t see it and she will try even harder for a short while to create issues but ideally it will lose its novelty if she see that you are losing weight as you want to and your husband and you are a united front. No matter what do not let her sabotage this for you. You deserve this.
  25. ShoppGirl


    Okay I have been gaining weight post sleeve so I asked my family dr about my hormones. He ordered some thyroid labs but says he also wants me to come get my blood sugar checked two hours after a big meal. He also said that my psyc meds can cause diabetes and I should be doing this test every 4-6 months as long as I’m on them. i thought he was suggesting this as a possibility for why I’m gaining weight but when I got home and googled it I see that weight loss is actually a symptom so I am confused. I drink about a gallon a day so I guess I may check the excessive thirst box and of course I pee a lot with all that water. Also, did tell him that I always feel hungry but I’m gaining not losing. Am I misunderstanding. I know nothing about diabetes.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
