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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. ShoppGirl

    Modified Duodenal Switch

    Hello everyone. I think I finally found the forum I am looking for. Is the SADI S fhe same thing as the SADI?? I had gastric sleeve three years ago and was looking to convert to bypass but My dr told me today to start researching the SADI procedure.
  2. I don’t know the answer to this either but I would like to. I know that there is a help forum somewhere for techy stuff. I just can’t seem to find it now.
  3. I am looking to revise my gastric sleeve for similar reasons. I had my mind on bypass but my dr just suggested today that I do some research on the SADI. I could be wrong but I believe if you already have the sleeve part that they do the SADI. From what I understand the sleeve and the Sadi make up the DS. But there is also something about a modified DS so I’m pretty confused at this point. Anyways, I have to choose between the SADI and the bypass and I am curious to hear what people have to say about both options.
  4. Hello all. I am a little over 3 years post gastric sleeve and considering revision after gaining all my weight back. I met with my surgeon today and he suggested that I do some research on the SADI and I thought I would start here. I don’t see a whole lot of posts about this procedure, though. I am just looking for information from people who actually had it rather than all the scary statistics. I am interested in the pros and cons and how has it changed your day to day life?
  5. I have a friend who is a teacher and she has been told that her insurance does not cover WLS. Has anyone else appealed this or anything to get insurance to cover the surgery?? Any suggestions welcome. Thanks.
  6. I recently discovered Sweet Baby Rays sugar free Hickory BBQ sauce which isn’t bad at all. Not quite as sweet as regular BBQ but it satisfied the craving. Then I learned here this morning that G Hughes makes a whole line of sugar free sauces, marinades and dressings. Just wondering if anyone else has tried those or has any other brands that they thought were good. I am trying to find a lower calorie versions to replace each of my pre surgery favorites (it’s amazing how many calories are in condiments). So far I have found a pretty good replacement for My ranch by Bolthouse farms. It’s not sugar free, but It’s made with yogurt so it is 50 calories a serving and that SBR BBQ sauce is 15 calories a serving but the G Hughes one is only 5 so hopefully that is just as good or better. Anyways, what lower calorie dressings and sauces do you buy? Or do you just budget for the good stuff??
  7. I needed to hear that. Thank you!!
  8. I think I would be sleeve to bypass conversion or revision whichever you want to call it. I had my sleeve two years ago and lost down to 168 stayed there for about two months and then the appetite came back and I’ve gained it all back. I am wondering if the bypass would be any different for me. Is it ever successful the second time around. Has anyone lost weight with revision and kept it off.
  9. Thanks so much for all your replies. I did try the phentermine but that didn’t work because I mainly snack at night and it wears off before then. And unfortunately with my other meds that’s the only one I was able to try so now she has me trying sleeping pills thinking if I can sleep through the night I won’t get up and snack but I think I need a stronger MG cause they don’t work. Another dr told me I can try taking like one and a half but I haven’t tried it yet cause I also read that it’s not good to take this medicine every night so I want to talk to her about that. I talked to a surgeon and he was very surprised that I am able to eat a whole 6 inch sandwich now at only two years out. That was his way of knowing how much my stomach can hold I guess was to ask how many inches of that I could eat if we went to a sandwich shop. I told him that I have been able to eat more than expected at every given stage from day one but when the hunger was gone I was able to eat what I was expected to. But after hunger returned it’s like I had no help without the restriction. I definitely couldn’t get my moneys worth at an all you can eat buffet anymore after surgery BUT, I could eat a normal serving pretty early out if I chose to. He said that I definitely need a smaller pouch which they can do with the bypass so that sounded promising that maybe it could be different?? I just wonder if like others have mentioned if all or part of the work needs to be done in my head. I am by no means opposed to trying therapy. I keep trying to find a therapist and even put a call in to see if the surgeon has any pull with one because in my area they are just not accepting new patients other than for the evaluations for surgery. He’s hasn’t called back yet but I am getting another opinion about whether going with bypass will be okay with my psyc meds since they advised against it the first time around so I will also ask him if he knows anyone that he can get me into. i have read on here that the revision weight loss is slower. I forgot about that. I hope it will still be as much though if I’m patient. I guess I am wondering if my hunger will go away the second time?? I just don’t want to yo yo down then right back up again like I did this time. I already know I sorta let everyone else down along with myself that was rooting me on and it has been very embarrassing to publicly fail at this. I almost think it would be easier to stay heavy than to fail at this again.
  10. Well I thought it was called a revision when you went from sleeve to bypass but today they called it a conversion. Regardless, yes, I believe I am gonna do it. I have an appointment with another doctor just to make sure they think it’s a good option for me too but assuming so it’s fingers crossed it works better the second time around.
  11. ShoppGirl

    Panara Turkey chili is back.

    They have quite a few healthier options. I alternate between here and Chick-fil-A when I’m in need of something quick. Another tip for young parents ls that chick fila you can get a kids meal too, but with grilled nuggets and fresh fruit. Also for a really special treat you can substitute frozen yogurt in place of the toy but only if your headed straight home to put in freezer cause you probably won’t be able to eat it after the other food. many people love their diet lemonade as well.
  12. I had actually never had it but tried it today and it’s quite tasty and only 200 calories for the cup with 16 grams of protein. I got the kids meal so I could get yogurt with it instead of the usual options.
  13. This is super good alternative to pasta and it was easy to make. Cutting the squash took some effort and time but I’m sure next time it will be a little easier. One half of a squash from Walmart is a full size plate full of “spaghetti”. https://www.perdue.com/recipes/chicken-pesto-squash-bowls/
  14. ShoppGirl

    Pre-op advice?

    Ypu can also mix the crushed pill in a bite of applesauce or pudding. For me the taste wasn’t as bad as when it’s in liquid but I’m sure this is just a matter of preference.
  15. So I don’t think phentermine is working perfectly for me. It doesn’t give me energy at all. I actually took a nap yesterday on it and I am doubting its power to control cravings. I have to admit I am celebrating a belated bday because my husband was in hospital during mine and I have had two bday lunches where I was able to skip the bread and substitute salad with my protein so that’s better but I am still hungry at night which is my biggest problem I think. I am supposed to try this for a month and check back in but I see my family dr today who has also been trying to help with my weight so I am hoping maybe she can adjust the dose at least today while I am there. Fingers crossed that one of these meds helps me.
  16. Okay I had a sleeve 3/9/2021 and lose a pretty good chunk of weight but since I have gained it all back. My doctors have tested me for many things hoping to find answers to why I am so hungry and I am still waiting on a couple more results but it is looking more and more like I just failed. I am meeting with the bariatric doctor again tomorrow to see if they think revision is an option for me (assuming the rest of those tests come back fine as well). My question is, for those of you who revised because of weigh gain, did it work the second time around and if so what changed? What did you do different?!
  17. I have to admit I have seen many people mention it on here but had never tried it till today. I failed with the sleeve and I’m trying other things before I go the revision route. The NP said to try tea, especially when I know it hasn’t been long since I have eaten and surprisingly I think it worked.
  18. ShoppGirl

    Tea actually does satisfy some cravings

    I was able to get two sample pack of caffeine free ones that are pretty good. I am allowed caffeine so I wasn’t even paying attention to that but it turned out they were.
  19. I must be on a really low dose cause I don’t even feel more energy. It’s 15mg. Haven’t been hungry though. Had to make myself eat something for lunch so maybe it’s gonna work. Not sure about night time. That’s when I tend to snack and I feel like it will wear off by then so we shall see.
  20. ShoppGirl

    Post-op Forgetfulness?

    I agree with asking your doctor for some documentation that you have been under his care and maybe ask for some accommodations. Your doctor should know what to do.
  21. ShoppGirl

    Tea actually does satisfy some cravings

    Well Publix had bogo on the celestial teas today so I got two sample packs. So far I’ve tried the wild berry zinger and the raspberry zinger and they are both good. I think the second box are the more relaxing type teas they include one called sleepytime and camomile which I am pretty sure is calming.
  22. I would ask the tailor how many sizes too big it could be and still be altered to fit properly and go from there. Possibly getting a couple sizes like you mentioned.
  23. Like I mentioned before since hanging around here post sleeve I have seen a lot of people with bipolar who had bypass and they were just fine but now that I am possibly facing a revision to bypass I am looking to hear even more peoples experience. Especially if anyone has experience with vraylar post bypass.
  24. ShoppGirl


    I had sleeve 3/9/2021 and have regained almost all the weight. I met with the NP at the surgeons office yesterday to inquire about revision and she suggested phentermine. I have to admit I’m not even in a hurry to pick it up from pharmacy cause I don’t have too much faith it’s gonna work for me. I am glad to see some success stories here and hope that I am one of them.
  25. I guess only time will tell. I’m rooting for you too. Keep me posted on your progress.

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