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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by HealthyLifeStyle

  1. HealthyLifeStyle

    Poop talk

    I would double check with your doctor before doing this every day. I only do it every day because he told me to. The Miralax helps you go and the stool softeners make it softer/easier to come out.
  2. HealthyLifeStyle

    Poop talk

    I use the creams and wipes by Preparation H. They help a little bit, but the sitz baths help a lot. I prefer the water to be as hot as I can tolerate it. My doc says that the warm/hot water helps to increase the blood flow to the colon because it naturally doesn't have any.
  3. HealthyLifeStyle

    Major Changes Are Frightening...

    I am almost 9 months out. I thought I would miss a lot of things I ate almost daily such as ice cream, chocolate, etc. To be honest I don't eat or miss any of that stuff. I tried to eat a bite of a chocolate egg at Easter, and I actually spit it out because it was so sweet and made me feel sick!
  4. HealthyLifeStyle

    Poop talk

    I had no idea about the calcium backing me up also?
  5. HealthyLifeStyle

    Glad to be back

    TY he is very sick. I am doing ok as best as I can in this situation. I will not go back to emotional eating as I have in the past.
  6. HealthyLifeStyle

    Can't Maintain

    TY for that info. I will look for a few things to add to my intake of calories.
  7. HealthyLifeStyle

    Can't Maintain

    TY I was getting very worried. I would be happy if my loss stopped around the 150lbs mark. I thought I looked great at that weight.
  8. HealthyLifeStyle

    Type 2 Diabetes

    I was a severe Type 2 diabetic before the WLS. My numbers were always in the high 200's and low 300's on a daily basis. That is the main reason why the docs approved the surgery. Now I am no longer a diabetic. I am almost 9 months post op. After only 2 months post op, I was no longer a diabetic.
  9. HealthyLifeStyle

    How often do you weigh in?

    I usually weigh in every morning. Sometimes I skip a day or so.
  10. HealthyLifeStyle

    What I hate so far...

    My doctors told me that the shakes were not part of the fluid intake also. But after 6 months it does count. I am almost 9 months out now. I still drink 1/2 gal of water a day.
  11. HealthyLifeStyle

    Poop talk

    For the 1st 4-5 months I was having very loose stool and going to the bathroom like 6 times a day. Now I am almost 9 months out and am extremely constipated. My doc told me to take miralax every single day, and also 3 stool softeners at night before bed. I have been doing this for a week and although my poop is coming out, I still have to strain really hard. This has given me hemorrhoids, and I have to take at least 2 sitz baths a day. It is very painful. I tried to take Metamucil but it gave me massive cramps. I drink 1/2 gallon of water a day, eat a lot of veggies, fruit, etc. but it doesn't do anything. Doc says its because of all the protein and vitamins with iron. Hopefully it gets better. There are days where I can't even sit down because it hurts so bad.
  12. HealthyLifeStyle

    Chrons Disease

    My chrons is back with a vengeance. I thought it was gone with this surgery. I am close to being 9 months out. I was doing so good since the beginning of the WLS. Now I am back on steroids, which is making me bloated, and gaining weight. Uggghhh This is very frustrating!!
  13. It has been 7 months, and 2 days since my WLS. I finally hit my GOAL when weighing in this morning. I have never been this small in my adult life. It is such a great feeling, knowing that everything I worked for up to this point has been worth it. My ONLY regret is that I didn't do this 10 years ago. I have lost 81 lbs., went from a size 20 jeans, now in a size 6, (I posted a few days ago that I was a size 8, but my new jeans were actually too big, and I had to get a size 6). I am sooooooo happy!!! 😄😄😄😄😄
  14. HealthyLifeStyle

    Protein Shakes

    I am so happy that my doctors office FINALLY told me that I can count my protein shakes as liquid. I am just past 6 months, and all along they kept telling me to count it as a snack, or a replacement meal. I have been having such a hard time getting in all the liquid, plus the shakes, plus the food. This alleviates some of the pressure.
  15. HealthyLifeStyle

    What Are You Looking Forward To In Spring?

    Exactly 7 months ago today.
  16. HealthyLifeStyle


    It is finally nice where I live, here in NH. It has been in the 60's for the past 3 days. Every day I go outside, and rake/burn leaves. It will take a while, as I have an acre of land to clean up, but I look fwd. to it. This is the most exercise I have done in years! Before the WLS, I had to use a cane, and a wheelchair, just to get around. Now I do not need these things. It feels so good to be free! I never thought I would like doing yard work, but I am enjoying every single minute of it. The first day, I only did it for about 45 minutes. The second day, about an hour, and today, almost 2 hours. I am sore, but not overly, like I was afraid of. Doing stuff like this has been a long time coming. Now I am curious to know how many calories I am burning? I guess it really doesn't matter at this point. I am just enjoying getting some exercise!!
  17. HealthyLifeStyle


    Thank you very much! You are always giving people great advice, encouragement, etc. I love reading your posts, comments, etc.
  18. HealthyLifeStyle

    Covid Vaccine

    My first vaccine is scheduled very soon. I am wondering if anyone has got it yet. I am curious if there are any side effects. I am a little bit nervous because as I have been losing weight, I noticed different side effects in meds, such as my body reacting more sensitively. I even feel weird if I take 3 Tylenol, instead of 2. It's like my body can't digest them properly or something.
  19. HealthyLifeStyle

    Rip Off!!!!

    My order was delivered. I open up the box, to see only one pizza crust. Where are the others? I look at the invoice, and this is how it reads: Thin Slim Foods Zero Carb Protein Pizza Crust-Single Pack (4 Servings). When I ordered it, I thought I was getting 4 crusts. It costs $8.95, for 1 crust? So I contacted customer service to let them know that I thought the ad was misleading. She were NOT helpful at all. She kept posting the nutrition label, like 3 times. I was like, OK so I did not read the nutrition label when purchasing. I didn't know that I had to do that? Then she really made me mad, bringing up the fact that they credited me for something I returned that I did not like. I told her that has NOTHING to do with THIS issue. She tells me that they did it out of courtesy. Ok so move on. That was that, and this is this! I ask if I can return it, because paying almost $9 for one crust seems excessive. I ask her to send me a return label. She tells me that I can return it if I would like, but that they do not issue return labels. So now to return it, its going to cost me more money!! I am so pissed off right now!!
  20. HealthyLifeStyle

    Rip Off!!!!

    Thank you for letting me know this. I am planning a Wal-Mart trip today.
  21. HealthyLifeStyle

    Night time munching

    Oh thanks for the idea. I will try the Greek yogurt with ranch as a dip. I am getting sick of hummus, and cottage cheese.
  22. HealthyLifeStyle

    Down 6 sizes!

    Thank you so much! I still can't believe its me, when looking in the mirror. I hope my brain can catch up soon.
  23. HealthyLifeStyle

    What Are You Looking Forward To In Spring?

    I am looking fwd to being able to walk around my neighborhood, walking the dogs. I haven't been able to do that in 7 years. I had to use a cane, or a wheelchair to get around. Now that I am able to walk without it, I want to just walk anywhere I can!
  24. HealthyLifeStyle

    Plant Based Meats- Are you eating any?

    TY I will check it out.
  25. I can relate to this. I hated when they gave me the robe to wear. It was always too small. I always had to wear two of them. One going fwd, and the other backwards. It must have felt so good!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
