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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Mrs.RH

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  1. Weight loss I’m nearing the 3month period & have only loss 30 pounds. I’ve started working out daily 30 minutes a day in the mornings. Do any one have any thoughts on this issue?
  2. Congratulations on your starting success. I’m still in recovery I had my surgery on 12/15 this month.
  3. Mrs.RH

    Post-Op Hunger Pangs?

    Hello I had my surgery on the 15th and yes I’m trying to adjust to not eating & dinking plenty of fluids.
  4. So you stayed overnight it wasn’t a day surgery?
  5. I just found out my insurance will pay a percentage for gastric bypass surgery I’ve been debating for awhile on getting the surgery now at my heaviest weight it’s time any insight on how & want to expect having the procedure?

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