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Posts posted by Neensyb

  1. 16 hours ago, Neensyb said:

    Today is the start of my two well pre op liquid diet. I have done shake diets before very successfully.... until I find good again!! I know what I'm up for and the headache started around 11am this morning. I've had loads of Water and my two shakes and one Optifast pudding. I've got a chalky mouth and my head is pounding. I once this would be the day one feelings and side effects... it will last about one week then I'll feel fine.

    I'm excited I've started; the first day is always the hardest.

    Need time now, just after 8pm after two hours relaxing in the pool. I love summer in Australia!!

    Sent from my SM-G950F using BariatricPal mobile app

    Oh good god, the autocorrect mistakes....sheesh.

    Two week pre op.

    Find food again.

    Day two, feeling not as headachy and haven't had any neurofen yet so that's a good sign. I've been on the ride on mower for a couple of hours in readiness for Christmas day, in the pool for a swim, fed the kids, they are in the pool now while I catch up on some me time. Yes, they are old enough to be unsupervised and are also surf lifesavers so quite safe in the water! 🙂

  2. Today is the start of my two well pre op liquid diet. I have done shake diets before very successfully.... until I find good again!! I know what I'm up for and the headache started around 11am this morning. I've had loads of Water and my two shakes and one Optifast pudding. I've got a chalky mouth and my head is pounding. I once this would be the day one feelings and side effects... it will last about one week then I'll feel fine.

    I'm excited I've started; the first day is always the hardest.

    Need time now, just after 8pm after two hours relaxing in the pool. I love summer in Australia!!

    Sent from my SM-G950F using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. I absolutely agree surgery is only one part of it. A big part in helping me create good habits. My doctor looked at my food diary and was pretty clear that what I consumed was great.... just in too big a volumes.

    Tomorrow I start the pre op diet. I am very much ready for this journey.

  4. I know it's completely unreasonable to feel this way. I'm booked for surgery 4 January, my pre op diet starts in two days. I've done my homework, planned the first 6 weeks based on my dieticians advice.

    Does anyone else have these fears? Or had these fears and now are post surgery?

    I think I need to keep myself busy, or at least my mind busy. It's stinking hot here in Queensland Australia, and I've got lots of things I can do to keep me occupied.....

  5. On 12/17/2020 at 8:12 PM, snowcones said:

    I definitely don't feel that way but thank you for your kind words. 😘

    Yes many have gone back to work soon from what I've seen, but I saw a lot say they got tired and fatigued quite quickly at work. I guess we will only know once we're back.

    You're right about not going too crazy over Christmas. I'm going to enjoy my main meal but go easier on the carbs and no sweets or dessert. Are you doing all liquids pre op and then just the meal at Christmas? Hope it all goes well for you from Monday. The time will fly by and the weight loss ball will get rolling!

    Merry Christmas and a great new year and adventure for us all.

    And to you xxx

  6. 8 hours ago, snowcones said:

    Surgery is still going ahead here but I'm not in the US. That must be very upsetting to have surgery cancelled. Hopefully they can reschedule you soon. Everything is uncertain these days.

    I had appointment with dietician today which was encouraging, and start pre op diet two days after Christmas. I'm thankful I can fully enjoy Christmas Dinner! Only 17 days left until surgery....a bit worried about work - I can only have 9 days off before returning and am a nurse so will be going back into 12.5 hour shifts straight away. Not very ideal.

    Hats of too you Snowcones, being a nurse must be very challenging at the moment. You're a true hero in my eyes.

    I felt the same about the dietician, I felt so much better after talking to her. I have to start my pre op on Monday, but she's given me one extra meal on Christmas day. I'll be super limited though, it's taken a long time for me to get here, I don't want to screw it up now.

    From what I see on various forums and you tube, being back at work after only a few days is quite normal, though I'd imagine you are more active than most of us that sit behind a desk. I am sure your body will tell you when enough is enough, just take it as easy as you can.

    Merry Christmas x

  7. On 12/13/2020 at 3:11 AM, LucySilva said:

    I’m so disappointed. They canceled my surgery due to COVID spike in my state. Does anyone else got canceled?

    We are so lucky here in Australia that we have had the super strict lockdowns early and "seem" to have it all under control. I am so sorry for what you guys are going through, stay strong it will end soon. xxx

  8. 12 hours ago, Hop_Scotch said:

    It may be off yours depending on your plan provided by your dietician or surgeon. Some like people to wean themselves off caffeine before surgery so that the shock isn't so bad (along with everything else to contend with) after surgery.

    Ahaaaa right I get it. I was terribly addicted to diet coke and weaned myself off that over the past month. Now I just have to do the same in the next week with coffee...I've been slowly reducing.


  9. 7 hours ago, Anita.Perez said:

    January 7th here.

    I plan on starting my pre-op diet next week just to give myself a chance for mistakes. (I know I am a terrible dieter).

    Here is my pre-op diet:

    • two to three Protein Shakes, 6 oz. of a lean Protein for females
    • big green salads
    • non-starchy vegetables
    • sugar free Jell-O’s
    • sugar free popsicles
    • broths
    • zero calories waters teas, coffee. You can mix and match and have these things any time of the day!

    Seems so simple LOL I know it won't be!

    For some reason I thought coffee was off the menu pre op. You have just made my day 🙂

  10. 3 hours ago, Scars2020 said:

    Good luck with your dietician appointment, I found this a little overwhelming to start with it made it very real for me and the extent of the changes to be made but that’s all settled in my mind now so I am happy with the decision. I love that you are feeling calm about it most of the time, I will get there, each day I feel a little less worried. I usually suffer with anxiety, and although I feel emotional the anxiety seems to have eased - which is amazing!

    My pre op is 1000 calories a day until Xmas day and then to counter Xmas day (which can be a sensible Xmas day with no alcohol) I am then 800 calories a day until the op on the 30th. I can have the calories however I want just not alcohol which isn’t a problem I’m not a big drinker anyway.

    post op is weeks 1-4 liquids building up Protein intake, but the dietician gave great ideas, such as using milk powder mixed with milk to double up your Protein intake. Weeks 5-7 soft food then gradually onto normal foods, just tiny portions.

    There is still such a stigma in the UK as well maybe we should be the ones to records our journey so that others can gain inspiration.

    Good luck with your journey 😊

    What a lovely post, thank you! I worked out that the pre op is 600 calories a day in the shakes and puddings, and whatever it is for steamed veges (next to nothing I suspect). It's pretty darned tough, but this is a lifestyle change that I have to make.

    This forum is awesome, I'm so glad I found it!

    Good luck my friend, we can do this together. I am looking forward to my appointment tomorrow....yes it is now more real, and only 3 weeks 3 days until surgery! Phooooooaaaaaar I can't believe I just said that out loud!

  11. 16 hours ago, Scars2020 said:

    30 December, happy new year, new me 😊

    How are you feeling about it all? I am on an emotional rollercoaster at the moment so nervous, tearful almost, questioning whether I am doing the right thing (after 22 years of going up and down a little to back up more) and then excited that finally I have made a decision.

    I am on the pre op diet, I’m in the UK and it seems different to the diet in America.

    good luck for your surgery.

    I am in Australia. My pre op is three Optifast shakes/puddings and two cups of low carb steamed vegetables. That along with two litres of Water every day which isn't so hard where I live....it's freaking HOT!

    My first dietician appointment is tomorrow at 11am and I'm really looking forward to it. Rollercoaster is a good way of explaining it, but I'm strangely calm most of the time. I have been watching a lot of you tube videos and follow a couple of channels with people going through the journey but it's all (beautiful) American people doing it. I wish Aussies would be more confident in posting stuff like that because our post surgery food options are very different to that of the USA.

  12. 8 hours ago, snowcones said:

    I'm scared too. I don't know anybody in real life who has had weight loss surgery but looking at some incredible health and body transformations online, I'm really looking forward to have this done despite the fears. Nice to see other people having surgeries around the same time. Not too long to go now!

    I know right! I am lucky to know a few people that have had it done but only one I'll take advice from. Exciting though

  13. On 3/14/2014 at 10:46 AM, MarciHunter said:

    Little update on me :) everyone's looking great xx

    I'm nearly 10 months post op, 93 lb (42 kg) lost so far, still have 28 lb (15 kg) to lose but I'm getting there with sweat and hard work :)

    My stats : Height - 5'9" (1.76 m), SW - 287 lb (130 kg) , CW - 194 lb (88kg)

    TW - 165 lb (75 kg)

    Can't believe I'm posting a picture of me in that state. The before picture was 3 days after my surgery, when I got home




    Oooooh I am the same height as you, so love seeing your pics. I started at 96kgs and my goal is 69kgs. It gives me some to play with up and down. Surgery booked for 4 January. I am really excited but also scared!

  14. 1 hour ago, ChiNaDoll2285 said:

    I love.... I mean LOVE ice cream.... I found an Atkins fudge yogurt bar. I cheat 😢 but once I get my fix, I'm ok to go back to my Fiber, Blah, blah, blah.... It's the chewing slowly that's killing me. I fight w myself. I give myself a good cussing out to stick to this new habit. 😲 I'm dedicated & it's really a mental adjustment. So for everyone who's gone through this and just starting .... good luck!! I'm right behind y'all (fingers crossed)

    Any suggestions on chewable vitamins? Pre & Post.

    So, here is a confession. Ice Cream and I....we have a very close relationship. I think that is what I'm going to struggle going with out. I just bought the Optifast Desserts, my hubbys colleague was telling me that it was her go to after surgery and was very ice creamy!

  15. On 12/3/2020 at 2:38 AM, honeyjasmine said:

    I'm having surgery on 5th January so we are very close! :)

    I have no suggestions on beating cravings unfortunately, something I struggle with myself. Very hard to overcome.

    I would love to stay connected to if that's ok? I don't use this forum much so will have to log in more so I can figure out how to use it. I saw another lady responded with surgery the same as you.... this **** is getting real!!

  16. This thread has been really helpful. Last week I was given the green light to have surgery on 4th January. It was my first visit to the surgeon! I have one week of the liquid and steamed veg right over the Christmas and New Year period which doesn't really bother me. Last December I gave up alcohol, if I can do that I can do anything!

    Last night at my husbands Christmas party I met a lady who had the gastrectomy in May this year. She gave me some good advice on the liquid pre op period. The Optifast puddings keep you satisfied longer and it was recommended by her bariatric dietician. That and Powerade Zero (we are in Australia so not sure what the US equivalent is).

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