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Posts posted by Neensyb

  1. Doc said nothing about coffee. I tried a small white coffee within the first week and it was all ok. I'm now back to my 2 to 3 cups a day.

    Be careful, caffeine is a diuretic meaning you pee more which takes moisture from your body . I would only drink coffee on days I exceeded my target liquid intake.

  2. 1 hour ago, KellyMarie8288 said:


    I'm 4DPO. I'm feeling pretty good. Today I almost felt normal. I have noticed that it's getting easier to drink. I still have some pain after swallowing, but no where near as much as I did on day 1 & 2. I know it wasn't supposed to hurt forever, but have I stretched my pouch already? On liquids? I'm hitting my minimum protein/water goals with little struggle. Is it always going to be this way? I'm stressed out when I start on solids it's going to ruin it and be all for nothing.

    Sent from my Pixel 3a using BariatricPal mobile app

    I felt exactly the same, until I started on purees....don't worry, liquid is fine. I can't take huge mouthfuls, but liquid doesn't have any negative impact on me at all now and I'm getting lots of it in every day. My skin is VERY thankful for it, so is my toilet time....sorry TMI....you DON'T want the Constipation believe me.

  3. 1 hour ago, amyseattle said:

    Oh how I miss my coffee. I am one week post op. When did you start drinking Decaf again?

    Oh you are in Canberra, I am on the Gold Coast. If you go to Coles, they have an Avalanche Caramel Latte. Very low in calories and might be a little gentler on your tummy. I have one a day, and I also drink black coffee (the Robert Timms bags) and I am day 18 post surgery. No issues at all.

    I would probably get a thermal cup when you first start on coffee though, and take it super slowly to see how your belly reacts.

  4. Hi all,
    When I finally decided to have WLS, I knew it would be self pay. My insurance just doesn't cover anything to do with bariatric or help with weightless. I really am not interested in going to Mexico. I prefer to have a doctor who if I need them, I can drive to in a matter of 3 or 4 hours (just in case).
    I thought I found that doctor. Did more homework and checked out his reviews and paid $400 for a consultation. I was super conformable with him and his staff. I knew that some tests and labs would need to be done - but DANG!
    When I called, before making the consultation appointment, the first thing I asked was the cost. I was told around $25K to $30K and they even sent me a couple of websites that they said some of their self-pay patients had good luck with on getting financing. (The 2 financing sites had a max amount of a loan as $35K) So I figured that was good since I wouldn't need the full max amount that the approval odds were in my favor.
    Now, with my lists of labs and tests in hand along with the other items that are required for this surgeon. I started calling the numbers they gave me for EKG, ECHO, Psych. Evaluation, Chest Xray, GI Swallow, etc... and the prices at this point this evening are totally $46,876 (that is with several of the places stating the the fees for the EKG is just the image, there will be extra fees for a doctor to review them) and I haven't called the hospital yet because they require a pre-op visit (which will of course have a huge fee).
    Just feeling deflated, and at a loss. I know (in theory) my health is priceless - but in the real world there really is a price tag and it is simply out of reach....
    For everyone here at BP- you all have been an inspiration - no matter where you are at on your journey.

    Holy crap! That's about 45k Australian! I paid 16k fully funded including blood tests etc. Perhaps fly down here to get it done. I went to Pindara Private Hospital and had the very best care...

  5. Hi there ... well done you!! And great to hear how fab you feel! That is a heap to lose in a month!! Good to get motivation at this stage as feeling very anxious. 10 days to go for me and on 4th day of Optifast diet... it’s hard! Wishing you great success with it, I can’t wait to have the energy back too!
    Believe me, the pre op diet gets easier by the day. Good luck for your surgery. [emoji16]

  6. I don't know if you're a coffee drinker, But I am. I like to get my Protein in by mixing a vanilla Protein Shake with one cup of black coffee. I poured over some ice and pretend it's iced coffee. I think the black coffee take some of that sweetness away..

    Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using BariatricPal mobile app

    Great suggestion. I struggle with my last meal, so I might try this tonight from 6pm and take a couple of hours to sip through it.

  7. I am so nervous. I am starting to ask myself if I actually know what I am getting in too. I have mixed emotions I guess, happy, nervous, scared, sad.

    Yep! Me too. Had it done on 4th Jan, doubted myself until the moment I went under and two days after. Now, I am 7kgs down, feel more energy than I have for years, and am so very pleased I had it done.

  8. I cannot even IMAGINE 1200 calories a day right now [emoji3] Yesterday, I ate about 800, and that is the most I have eaten since surgery... glad your stall broke, though! Eating 800 yesterday broke a short stall for me as well... I dunno if it was the higher calories or the higher carbs that did it.
    Blimey, I am struggling to make 500cals a day (I am day 10 post surgery).....i know i know, patience [emoji16]

  9. The situation in Australia may be different, but the surgeon or the hospital staff couldn't careless how I got home (or how I got back to the hotel in my instance), that's not to say I consider it bad, but once I was released I was able to walk out of the ward on my steam and wait downstairs for my uber. I went back to my hotel, and the very next day was on a flight home, I was delivered to the airport in the same uber.
    I'm in Qld and my doc wouldn't release me to anyone but my nominated person (husband). He spoke to him about what to look out for. I guess different surgeons do it different ways.

  10. LOL !! I love that "don't trust a fart" -More great suggestions with the soft but plump pillow under the belly to add support, a great thermos, and some comfy PJs! All on my to-do list! Any particular brand of waterproof wound covers you would suggest?
    Thanks again for replying this really helps knowing I have people to talk to who have been there and done that already! Super sweet of you!
    I am in Australia so brands may differ. Pop into your pharmacy/drug store and tell them what you need and why. Your wounds (if having a VSG) will be uo to 1.5 inches long and you will have up to 6 wounds maximum. I had 5, three tiny, 2 just over an inch long.

    Candles or scented oil....ooh yes. That was another one. My amazing husband got me a new Lush vaporiser for Christmas from my stepsons, and some lavendar oils. It really helped me stay calm and settled.

  11. Good luck as you start on your journey!
    As for the hospital: you will likely be too tired to do anything but sleep. I brought several books and didn't read a page. Just bring the bare essentials (i.e., toiletries).
    As for home: Definitely take time for yourself, to rest and to let yourself heal--and make sure all of the people around you know that you will need at least two weeks to do that. You will also need time to plan your Water and Protein needs. You will find that you will be obsessed with protein and water for the first several weeks.
    Your ideas (candles, films, massager) sound lovely (and yes, the massager is safe). I watched a ton of TV and movies during my three weeks at home before I returned to work. It's important to do whatever will make you feel relaxed and comfortable, and that will be different for everyone. Just be aware that you will have very little energy and will take a LOT of naps! Enjoy it while it lasts!
    This.....is 100% bang on. Take only a change of clothes, lip balm, hand moisuriser and standard toiletries. You will sleep or be up walking in the hospital.

    When I got home, I lowered the temp in our bedroom and got extra pillows. I sleep on my side and knew it may be uncomfortable. I slept with a soft but plump pillow under my belly to add support. Pajamas were no elastic waist, just a long tshirt and the softest undies I could find.

    If you have refreezable ice packs, great. I wrapped them in light towels and put them on my forehead when I got caffeine withdrawl headaches.

    Get the very best thermal cup. One that will keep your liquids cool for at least 12 hours. Sip sip sip, and sip sitting upright, and stay upright until you are comfortable it's gone down.

    Get some waterproof wound covers. I had to replace three of mine between days 1-5 after showering.

    Be prepared to get up and walk if you get gas pains. Gas from the surgery, or gas in your belly. IT HELPS!! While you may feel exhausted, walking moves the gas, and be prepared for flatulence. Be careful though, from about day 3 don't trust a fart!! [emoji23][emoji23]

    Be good to yourself.

  12. I love this. Thank you so much for sharing. I was wondering about pain meds too. I've been thinking maybe children's liquid tylenol? The tips you have shared are really good and I certainly am grateful to those of you that do share with us. I am scheduled for the 19th. Started my liquid diet today. I love your tip about the coffee, that's going to be really handy for me.
    You know what, I actually coped really well with swallowing tablets with a small mouthful of Water. I was really surprised. But the first 2-3 days I didn't take the chance.

    I haven't had any pain meds since day 5-6 and today (day 9) feel 100% normal again. I'm sticking to the volumes in my plan, and doing all eating or drinking super slowly. I can't believe how good I feel, how satisfied such small amounts make me feel, how much energy I have, how good my skin looks, etc....I can only stress, have soluble Multi Vitamins as recommended, and believe in the science of it all.

    I would love to stay in touch so feel free to message directly if you would like.

    By the way, I am having a normal coffee each morning now (I have always had straight black coffee) and am thoroughly enjoying it!

  13. Ooooh yum! I wish we had the same options here in Australia, I love the thought of applesauce with cinnamon roll Protein powder!

    I am on day 2 of week 2 so a little more than just clear liquid, but a little less than puree. Does that make sense. I am starting to experiment with a little thicker liquids and it's sitting very gently.

    I'm going to see if I can go online and get some of the deliciousness you have described. It just creates variety, and I'm trying to up my protein intake too.

    I love jelly/jello, though I've never really liked it before.

    Thank you for your suggestions, I appreciate it.


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