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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Neensyb

  1. One of the recommendations from my dietician was to see a psychologist as part of the process. This tool is only one part of a lifestyle change, and not the easy way out. My foods were fine beforehand, but the volume I was eating was out of control. Also alcohol was a crutch for me too manage my extremely demanding life. So I have stopped drinking, and managing stress in other ways.

    If you aren't ready to make holistic changes, I would seriously reconsider the surgery and delay it. Find a bariatric specialised psychologist who can really delve into your dependency that I think you are eluding to.

    You can do this, believe me. But maybe not right now.... just my thoughts. Xxx
    Oh I just saw you were 5 days post op .....

  2. I guess I’m scare about this whole process us hard not eating food my mind is all over the place I have anxiety I don’t know I can do this whole process I don’t know
    One of the recommendations from my dietician was to see a psychologist as part of the process. This tool is only one part of a lifestyle change, and not the easy way out. My foods were fine beforehand, but the volume I was eating was out of control. Also alcohol was a crutch for me too manage my extremely demanding life. So I have stopped drinking, and managing stress in other ways.

    If you aren't ready to make holistic changes, I would seriously reconsider the surgery and delay it. Find a bariatric specialised psychologist who can really delve into your dependency that I think you are eluding to.

    You can do this, believe me. But maybe not right now.... just my thoughts. Xxx

  3. I am scheduled for sleeve on 2/24. Anything advice from those who have gone through this surgery already?
    I popped something on this site only a week ago regarding this but it might be hard to fibd....if you want to connect with me and have a look at my activitt feed it should be there (I am on my mobile so can't find it easily). I am 7 weeks post surgery and it is just my experience.

  4. Came home yesterday from hospital I having these bad pain inside of my stomach when would this pain stop hurting part of me feel did I make this right decision on having gastric sleeve surgery in February 10

    I can't begin to tell you how many times I have read posts like these here, and I felt EXACTLY the same way. You have had major surgery, it is a bit of a bumpy road to recovery. Stay on top of pain relief, every 4 hours, and sleep sleep sleep.... trust the process and follow the surgeons instructions 100%

    Please check in here tomorrow and let us know how you are doing. Xxx

  5. This is a hard one to answer. In the big scheme of things, 6 weeks post op, I feel I've had it really easy. No vomiting or nausea, only mild surgical ache, a bit of surgical gas pain for a day.... but at the time it felt really shitty.

    Everyone is different, and I know you are probably fed up with reading that. The advice the doctor and dietician give you is super important to follow. That is going to give you the easiest outcome post surgery.

    Good luck x

  6. On 2/8/2021 at 11:48 AM, Betty1971 said:

    I had the sleeve BUT I say take the farting and the pooping because the constipation is HORRIBLE if you get that. Pooping is embarrassing but a natural thing I mean lets be real, we all fart and poop. If you think gas pain is bad holy moly! I have a incredible pain tolerance and I have prayed to God to just take me at more times than I care to admit at a few points in this journey until I got the Constipation under control. Before I got to eating enough calories and getting the whole exercise and Fiber thing right I was bound tight and ended up in the ER thinking I was going to die. Only to find out I was not dying, just FOS, a nice medical term, FULL OF ****! LOL

    After two days of liquids, Miralax and finally an enema (that is embarrassing) I was better, and that hasn't happened since. So take the pooing in the meantime you will appreciate this post at some point I promise :)

    This too shall pass

    oh god YES I agree. After the first 4 weeks the constipation has finally gone, and I do believe it's when I started introducing more substantial solids. ie weetbix. I was crying one day on the toilet thinking I was about to break in two, sorry for the visual but that was just the worst day of my life ever. Let me give birth to a 12 lb baby any day!!!

    I also had pessaries bought from the pharmacy, and two coloxyl tablets with senna which is not only a softener, but also encourages bowel contracting to push out the rocks.

  7. 3 hours ago, Slightly Less Fatty Matty said:

    There’s a good chance it’s not really hunger pangs as you’re used to. The stomach will still churn and contract when empty, and release acid as before. But now you have a fresh wound there making those sensations far more pronounced. I had the same thing after surgery and thought “what the hell are people talking about they don’t feel hunger pangs anymore?!” But after a week or so it did subside and until about two weeks ago (8 months out) I literally did not feel hunger once.
    You’re not dying, and it will get better, but no matter what you can’t give in, or you will be in a world of pain and could cause serious injury.

    I totally agree with this. I still every now and then think I am hungry, and I lean to the side and it corrects itself straight away. I am 6 weeks post op.

  8. " userid="394655"]

    It is currently 2 weeks after my Gastric Bypass in Jan. I know its just the beginning & its going to take time. But I do have a couple of questions.
    1. I am having a bit difficulty drinking Water. I didn't have any problems with Water, I drank 6-8 cups of water, if not more. Now when I take even two sips of water my chest and back hurts, likes its full. I follow my doctor direction not to drink at least 30 minutes after eating. I am hardly getting 1 bottle in a day. I push thru the pain to drink an 16oz bottle. I was able to drink it more easier with crystal light mixed in which was only twice (or maybe it was perfect timing where everything was going smoothly internally). FYI, I drink from a bottle.
    2. I was told by my doctor to start this past Sunday on puree food. I have such a hard time eating boiled eggs. I feel the same with like I do with the water even on an empty stomach. I chew it down to a mush.
    3. I have pain on one incision (the main one). The pain is on and around the incision, not red and no pus discharge. But when I try to get off of bed it feels likes a big lump/ball inside that feels uncomfortable.
    Has anyone had these problems and what can I do to help? Are there any other problems I might face in the future?
    Thank You

    I found the same with water. Try half water half sugar free apple juice, and tiny sips. I mean teeny weeny. It will help your body adjust.

    Some people can't do eggs for a while, they arent easy to digest. If you must have an egg, for Protein purposes, add it raw to your hot puree, it will cook in the heat and be all mushed up.

  9. I feel like I have gotten into a rut with my eating. I have not integrated much fruit into my diet and very little veggies, still Protein heavy. just looking for ideas so I don't get bored. salty, crunchy craving and sweet craving problem solvers appreciated as well. Thanks!!

    I am feeling the same, I was sleeved on 4 January. Today I am back on track thanks to planning. Breakfast is a very thick smoothie with a fruit of choice, frozen is fine, tasteless Protein, zymil milk low fat (lactose free) some oats and juice from tinned pears.

    Lunch will be steamed to death veges and a scrambled egg.

    Dinner is half a chicken thigh and mashed pumpkin.< br>
    I try to have natural protein sources at every meal where possible, or add tasteless prot powder.

  10. 1 minute ago, Keeponkeepinon said:

    Hopefully it subsides for you. I never had any gastric issues prior to this. I don't wish this on anyone. Wishing you well!

    And you. I was fine before surgery.....have you been to a naturopath? Just a thought.....what is a standard days food plan for you? I was warned not to drink with a straw and to eat with a very small fork or teaspoon.

  11. 17 minutes ago, Keeponkeepinon said:

    I had gastric sleeve surgery about a year and a half ago. For the past year I have had constant seeping flatulence which has just about ruined my life. I've had every test there is and the docs can't help me. I eat low fodmap and have taken so many pills that haven't helped. Anyone having this same experience? It's suspicious that this all started after my surgery. Just trying to see if this is happening to others and if you've found any help.

    Oh god, I am worried now. I am four weeks post surgery and have the longest loudest flatulence (that has no odour) and wondered when it might end. I'm interested to see the responses to your post.

  12. Before surgery:
    - after day 2 or 3 it will become MUCH easier
    - watch the Constipation
    - start taking your Multi Vitamins
    - you might suffer mood swings with sudden changes to sugar and caffeine levels

    After surgery:
    - TRUST the process
    - get some anti constipation meds, coloxyl, movicol etc as a precaution if needed
    - that damnes gas pain hurts like hell. Walk walk walk....and fart.< br>- oh, don't trust that farts will be dry....
    - Water may not sit well on its own in your belly, try half water and half apple juice
    - Don't cheat , you will pay dearly for it... trust me
    - sleep may be disturbed for the first week, catch cat naps when you can
    - Don't rush anything, you will hurt in your belly or become exhausted quickly
    - get some scar minimising cream it works wonders
    - you may wake up one morning and believe you are back to 100%. Stay on course as per your surgeons advice.

  13. I announced on Facebook today that I am planning on having gastric bypass. I am an honest person, and transparent as far as my thoughts and feelings, so I wanted everyone to know what was happening before I started losing massive amounts of weight. Everyone has been very supportive in their responses thus far but it has left me feeling exposed and vulnerable. Bring on the anxiety.
    On a positive note, I've lost 2 more pounds and have gone down 2 pant sizes since starting this journey. [emoji1373]

    Well good for you!!! And good luck for your surgery. X

  14. I had the opposite thing happen - I hardly fart at all. May be once or twice a day. I have odd days when I’m more farty but I haven’t worked out why. interestingly though, when I had a liver scan I was told my abdomen was full of wind which was blurring the images yet I didn’t feel windy & didn’t have an urge to fart at all.
    The only time I had a few days in a row of being very windy was the Christmas before when I ate dessert a couple of times & when I made a white bean Soup. But you’ve adjusted your diet so this is likely not your issue.
    I think your cause is be being constipated. If I hadn’t had a bowel for a second or third day I’d take a stool softener (coloxyl is gentle & you don’t get bowel spasms). See if that helps.
    I raised the Constipation with my dietician today and she said definitely coloxyl with henna every second day.

    I am moving on to more "normal" foods next week too, so more bulk should help

  15. Well, I farted lots too, but mine definitely had a smell to them (you're lucky yours are odourless!!). I burped lots too.
    Eventually, the increased farting stopped, but the burping is still around (not as much as in the first months, but def much more than anyone else I know personally).

    It's strange, I can't burp. I feel like I want to sometimes, but I can't and have to sit upright while it bubbles up and releases.

    The farts are massive, long, loud and odorless thank god. It's kind of funny, but will get embarrassing soon I can just see it.


  16. Sorry, warning of embarrassment ahead.

    I am day 25 post surgery and all has gone pretty well. The only issue I have is a huge increase of wind, with no smell at all, but in large amounts at a time. I can rival hubby and win hands down!!

    Is this normal for anyone else? I don't have belly pain, and I eat very slowly and chew everything to a paste. The food consumed is on a teaspoon and I don't use a straw to drink. I've stayes away from wind causing foods, onions, cabbage, Beans etc and eat a very rounded and healthy diet. The weight is coming off as expected, and everything else is good (with the exception of number twos, once a week only).

    Does anyone else suffer this embarrassing problem? Mind you, I think I am my step kids hero....even they can't outdo me!!

  17. I am always interested in the comments on expected calorie intake. I am of the opinion this is a marathon and not a sprint. I am just over 3 weeks post op and I am changing my weighing to once a month, with even a small loss being a win. My dietician and surgeon both said eating is now for nutrition and not hunger. They have given me guidelines that I stick with. If in doubt, have another check in with your dietician to get advice and let them know your concerns.

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