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    JoanneLaRusch reacted to K Be Good! in December 2020   
    I started weaning myself into the liquid diet this week... I got a horrible headache and just had to eat some food. Doesn’t make sense. I’ve quit caffeine over a month ago and I was hydrating well. Trying again tomorrow. I officially start the liquid diet on 11/15....surgery 12/3. Headache or no headache this is happening.
  2. Like
    JoanneLaRusch reacted to summerset in Regained weight support   
    You know, it can be done.
    The people who've regained a lot remind me of med students who've failed one of the "big exams". You're preparing for months for these exams and when you've failed you have to wait six months for the next round - having to study all over again with that fear inside your head that you might fail again. On top of this: you've got three tries, causing even more pressure and fear, sometimes panic attacks. After three tries you're out forever.
    Acknowledging these fears and having other students admitting "Yes, it must be hard as hell!" can be more comforting than anything else in such a situation.
  3. Like
    JoanneLaRusch reacted to summerset in Regained weight support   
    That "negativity" you're talking about might actually be a helpful reality check. What's going on in the back of one's mind who've regained and is going to face "it all again"? Don't tell me that there isn't this nagging fear of "failing again".

    Do you know how many people who've regained might be feeling exactly like this? Sometimes reading it written down makes something click in your mind and even if it doesn't there might still be the feeling of "Yes, that's exactly how sh*tty and scary all of this feels. Finally someone understands!".
    People need to accept reality and work from there. And the reality is: losing regained weight is hard as f*ck from both a motivational and emotional point of view. There is no use in denying this.
    All this "you go girl", "tschakka" and "you're going to nail it" might be some nice cheering on but it's not going to help in the long run either. An "I can imagine how bad you must be feeling!" might be more helpful than all these standard motivation mantras.
    My post has nothing to do with "tough love". It has something to do with accepting things like they are. If it's dragging you down when reading it, maybe as yourself why it does that.
    You might think that my post was "negative" and that's ok of course but don't project your own feelings you have in reaction to my post onto others. That's not helpful at all for the OP or anyone else for that matter as well.

  4. Like
    JoanneLaRusch reacted to summerset in Regained weight support   
    Just some random thoughts:
    - big problem with regain is that the feeling of "having to do it allover again" is a crippling feeling
    - having to endure all of this not-eating and not-eating favorites and whatnot while still/again being obese is a double whammy and - again - a crippling feeling
    - that big momentum and rush of being immediately post-op simply isn't there, plus see the two points above
    - "going back to basics" without having a plan how to proceed further from there is pointless - it didn't lead to lasting success the first time. Why should it lead to success now?
    - don't get me started on that motivation and commitment crap when it comes to "sticking to the plan this time no matter what" - people swore that every time they started a new diet lifestyle change before WLS
    - "try harder" is bull crap, "try smarter" instead
    Going to bed now. Tomorrow is a new day.
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    JoanneLaRusch reacted to nicolemcc1 in Regained weight support   
    I am in a very similar boat as you. I had surgery in September 2014, started at 325lbs, got down to 205lbs, got pregnant and then ballooned from there. I have tried time and time again to do a "reset" and get back on track, but my food addiction (despite the restriction that I still feel) has been my biggest challenge.

    I decided this week, when I got on the scale and was the heaviest I've been in 4 years at 265lbs, that I needed to go back to basics. Focusing on high Protein, healthy fats, and making it a point to check in with myself to make sure I don't just eat out of boredom and determine when I'm truly hungry.

    Like you, the wine (transfer addiction much?), slider foods, and high calorie/carb foods have always been my downfall. I'm here to help support you! That's what these forums are for - advice and support. I fully believe that I personally didn't have enough of the emotional support that you need to work on getting those issues under control.
  6. Like
    JoanneLaRusch reacted to BriarRose in Regained weight support   
    Hi !
    I am ten years out ! I had regained about 45 pounds of my 145 pound weight loss .... and decided it was time to lose it again. So just over a year ago, I started with cutting down on treats to one a day.... and then going from chips with lunch or eating out during work days to bringing a salad to work.... then back to either steamed eggs for Breakfast or oatmeal. And concentrating on eating Protein first and foremost. And cutting out potatoes and sandwiches, and Pasta and back to finding the freshest vegetables and fruits I could and making healthier meals and making sure there was leftover chicken for lunch the next day, and eating grilled fish and veggies ..... and in 13 months I lost 45 pounds. No, it doesn't come off like it did right after surgery, but I still have some restriction and I know what I need to do.... I won't ever be a skinny woman.But I am alot healthier and I am back to where I got after surgery.. I started at over 320 pounds and had surgery at 54 years old. I am now 64, and back to where I am comfortable. My new goal is to maintain the weight loss, and maybe lose another 5 pounds this next 12 months or so.... but I am very happy with myself. You can do it. One cookie not eaten at a time !!!
  7. Like
    JoanneLaRusch reacted to summerset in Regained weight support   
    If you restarted "the plan" (I guess the diet you started out with after surgery?) again and again without much success it's time for a different plan. It's ludicrous to try the same thing over and over again without making sensible adjustments.
    What are your major hurdles? If it's portion size you might want to start eating more of the less calorie dense foods. If it's meal frequency, maybe IF is something to your taste?

  8. Like
    JoanneLaRusch reacted to The Greater Fool in Regained weight support   
    Welcome to the forums.
    You already know the solution, as you discussed in your post.
    So far, you haven't done it consistently. You know this is the problem.
    You need to figure out a way to do your plan consistently. Get rid of all those things you already know are you problem.
    Good luck,
  9. Like
    JoanneLaRusch reacted to Ohsv1966 in Regained weight support   
    Good morning all. First time posting. I was sleeved in 2014 - never hit goal. Lost 80 lbs and gained almost all back. I have tried a few times to regain control - but portions, carbs, wine, sweets and sliders have all undermined all I went through. Lack of good consistent followup with a nutritionist and surgeon contributed (I moved away from where I had surgery). So, here I am. I have tried to restart the plan again and again with limited success. Of course Covid has kept me home and cooking for family- I am a good cook and a “foodie” to my detriment. I have some walking issues but expecting delivery of a indoor recumbent bike soon! I have never done well with support groups in person but I’m willing to give this a try. I’m a very positive person and have health resources at my disposal - very grateful for that! hope you are all doing well. I’ll start by leaving this here and consider your responses.
  10. Like
    JoanneLaRusch reacted to loridee11 in Chopping it all off --- well not quite all   
    Like many, I've lost a TON of hair as part of this journey. In August, at 7 months out, I cut it to a long bob which helped, but as it started to grow out it quickly became scraggly and looked very fine. SO I did a major cut this week taking it to a long pixie (almost 10.5 months out) I am super happy at what a difference it made in appearance - parts of it are almost back to normal density with regrowth. Now if it only stops falling out and I can keep what I have.

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    JoanneLaRusch reacted to Officially Not Fatty Matty in I’m not obese!   
    So for the first time since probably middle school (30 years ago! (Omg that hurt)) I’m not technically obese per BMI charts! Broke below 240 this morning which puts me at 29. I have a friend who’s a pro body builder and he’s technically obese too without a lick of fat on him so I don’t really give much credit to those charts but I’ll take the little wins wherever I can!
  12. Like
    JoanneLaRusch reacted to 4Health in Almost at 1 month... only lost 20 lbs!   
    I am sooooo HAPPY to read this thread!!!
    I am 1 month tomorrow (op was on 10/10/20) and looking like I will hit 20lbs exactly. I actually hit a large stall on my second week ... and I was only having liquids ! Lol! I am striving for health and to reverse my prediabetic numbers... The jean and little black dress days are on the horizon somewhere lol! I still have over 100lbs to lose ... we can do it!! xx
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    JoanneLaRusch reacted to dragon in Almost at 1 month... only lost 20 lbs!   
    Since your starting BMI was a 43, I think you are probably with me in the "little big girl" category. Folks who have more to lose will lose faster; they just will. But, since you are starting smaller, you will still get to your goal fairly quickly.
    I have set my expectations at losing 10 lbs per month; If I hit something close to that, I will be thrilled. And hey, at that rate, in December, I should be a size 6. I haven't been a size 6 since I was 17 years old, so I guess I can wait another eight months.
    Remember, you didn't put this on overnight, it won't go away overnight either. The sleeve is a tool, not a magic wand.
  14. Like
    JoanneLaRusch reacted to crosswind in Almost at 1 month... only lost 20 lbs!   
    You know...if you kept that up you'd be down a hundred pounds in five months...
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    JoanneLaRusch reacted to movetolose in Almost at 1 month... only lost 20 lbs!   
    I was 4 weeks out last wednesday and I only lost 12.2lbs( I will weigh again on this wed, once a week). I am disappointed about it but I guess I will be a slow loser. I am trying to look at it like Tiffany explains. It's weight that's gone that won't be back.....So anything is something!!!!
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    JoanneLaRusch reacted to Tiffykins in Almost at 1 month... only lost 20 lbs!   
    Seriously, 20lbs per month is phenomenal. When in the past have you dropped 20lbs in a month, and know you're gonna be able to keep it off? That's how I always looked at losing when I was worried about "losing too slow, or too fast". Just keep following the program, push fluids, and you'll continue to succeed.
  17. Like
    JoanneLaRusch reacted to GivinItMyALL in Puree stage, how much to eat   
    My guidelines say 1-2Tbs of a Protein and 1-2Tbs of something else, like blended fruit, hot Cereal, mushy cooked vegetables, etc. It says to eat the protein first, and only eat until you are comfortably satiated... the numbers are the MAX, not the min. This morning, I could only eat 3/4 of a scrambled egg... I called it good. All surgeons/nuts have different plans, though.

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    JoanneLaRusch reacted to Uomograsso in Corona delaying weight loss surgery dates? Anyone?   
    What is driving fear is ignorance and people reacting on emotion rather than facts.
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    JoanneLaRusch reacted to Uomograsso in Corona delaying weight loss surgery dates? Anyone?   
    It originated in Wuhan China. Historically flu strains are named after their place of origin. Hence Wuhan virus. More accurately it is Wuhan coronavirus. The disease it causes is named COVID 19. The official name of the virus is SARS-CoV-2. A coronavirus encompasses a wide variety of viruses, not just the Wuhan coronavirus. It is now being report that the death rate for those under 50 is 0.1%. Yes it is serious due to the transmission rate being higher than that of influenza, but the irrational fear being pumped out daily does nothing to help the situation.
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    JoanneLaRusch reacted to Krimsonbutterflies in Corona delaying weight loss surgery dates? Anyone?   
    Prayers for those of you who are waiting for your surgeries. My hopea are for everything to take place in it's time.
  21. Like
    JoanneLaRusch reacted to Lily66 in Thank you....it's not said enough!!   
    Awww! What a beautiful Spirit you are! And you’re so right on this. Congratulations that YOUR TIME is just around the corner!!
    All best wishes to you...something tells me you’re going to do phenomenal, for so often, success is fueled, propelled and led by GRATITUDE!😃💝
  22. Like
    JoanneLaRusch reacted to shawnt in Thank you....it's not said enough!!   
    Good luck. I just had my sleeve on the 9th and it went fantastically. virtually pain free by day 3 & 4.
  23. Like
    JoanneLaRusch reacted to Smitty74 in Thank you....it's not said enough!!   
    I want to take a second to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you. From the Debbie Downers all the way up to the Positive Peters... you all give advice and knowledge on a topic that you can't just talk to anyone about. We are all in the trenches TOGETHER. In a way we become a unit/family that relies on each other. We don't always say what people want to hear...we go one step further and say what people NEED TO HEAR!!! I think that is the most important thing.
    We all know that because we are rowing in the same direction....we will have a support system to lean on when things get tough.
    I go in on Wednesday. I am very optimistic about what the future holds for me. A lot of that is because of the people in these forums. So....
    THANK YOU!!!
  24. Like
    JoanneLaRusch reacted to BayougirlMrsS in OOTD   
    love when my husband surprises me with gift.... Sweater dress (Amazon)

  25. Like
    JoanneLaRusch reacted to sarahSingh91 in OOTD   
    Inner beast at the gym

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