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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    Morachia got a reaction from ms.sss in How Often Do You Weigh Yourself?   
    I weigh myself every morning. I know there are little changes every day, and I don't let that bother me. But I take it as a time to reflect for a second, set an intention and try to be more aware throughout the day. The days I don't weigh or track, I kinda go off the rails. So its gentle accountability for me.
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    Morachia got a reaction from ms.sss in How Often Do You Weigh Yourself?   
    I weigh myself every morning. I know there are little changes every day, and I don't let that bother me. But I take it as a time to reflect for a second, set an intention and try to be more aware throughout the day. The days I don't weigh or track, I kinda go off the rails. So its gentle accountability for me.
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    Morachia got a reaction from SoulGardener in How do you Cope?   
    I realized yesterday, I had not spent that much time outside in a LONG time. So sad!
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    Morachia got a reaction from SoulGardener in How do you Cope?   
    I would love to hear your suggestions for how you cope when you are having a hard time with stress, focusing on your weight loss, food cravings etc? Specifically coping mechanisms that aren't related to food in any way. Please share what helps you in troubled times! Thank you in advance ❤️
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    Morachia reacted to BriarRose in How do you Cope?   
    Make a list of things you love to do but don't get to do often enough..... list all the craft ideas you would love to do - and order yourself some ! Make that list ahead of time and make sure that you have the ability to do most of them --
    Some of mine are:
    clean out one drawer (feels great afterwards !)
    deep condition my hair
    garden ! (rake leaves, plant something, weed, sweep)
    Play with the dog - dog walk - dog on car ride -
    Take a nature walk
    walk at outside mall and window shop
    Yoga and if that is too much, Yoga breathing with my feet up against a wall for 20 minutes
    Call a friend
    Write old fashioned letters/cards to old friends/family
    Sit outside (if you do not have a yard, try a park) and watch the birds
    read a great book.

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    Morachia reacted to Suzi_the_Q in How do you Cope?   
    Lately, I remind myself that my food and my health are the only things I have control over. I hope to be able to get back to intense cardio so I can pretend I'm running away from my problems (while listening to music) once I lose a bit more weight. I watch fantasy shows that have little to do with reality or I read books. I need to get back into crafting and art too.
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    Morachia reacted to 1000islandgirl in How do you Cope?   
    I'm pre-op as well and I feel like I have been working on coping mechanisms for quite a few years now as I became more and more aware of how I am a sugar addict/compulsive overeater.
    I don't go to OA now but I have gone many times in past years. Friends from OA taught me how to use things other than food to help me cope like:
    Calling a friend, going for a walk, journal, praying/meditation, quilting. I would say journaling has been my biggest help. When I didn't know what to write I either just put my pen to paper and kept writing anything for 15 minutes. Even if I wrote the same word &uck 1000 times I always felt better afterword. You could write a gratitude list or.......write about an issue that's been bothering you. You can burn it afterwords. No one has to see it.
    Another thing is to write a letter to yourself but do it from the perspective of a good friend. In other words a good friend would be kind, forgiving, loving and caring. She/he would want to take care of you.
    Best wishes on your journey.
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    Morachia reacted to STLoser in How do you Cope?   
    Taking a hot bath helps me. I also like a nice walk, and doing crafts or anything involving art. I really love painting my nails and doing nail art. It relaxes me.
    Also, organizing things is relaxing to me. I clean a lot when I'm stressed.

    Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Like
    Morachia reacted to GreenTealael in How do you Cope?   
    I stress clean/organize, immerse in fiction and research topics (doesn't matter what)
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    Morachia reacted to Jaelzion in How do you Cope?   
    Exercise (walking and strength training) is a big help. Also music helps me a lot. I put music on, blast it loud if I want, sing and dance along, whatever I feel like. It helps.
    I know you said non-food related, but one thing that helps with cravings is this advice that I received: "Before you eat something bad, eat something good." What that meant was, before giving in to a craving to eat something totally off plan, have an on-plan snack and often the craving will lessen or go away. I've tried it and it's worked for me many times.
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    Morachia reacted to Jstevens in How do you Cope?   
    I have begun to craft again. Cross stitching, diamond painting, etc. I want to try new crafts to stretch myself like painting (paint my number kits...I am comfortable following directions rather than open ended), I want to try knitting or crochet, puzzles are fun, I glue them up and mount them and have a whole wall of them.
    lots of YouTube on anything you can thing of to get started on any hobby.
    It’s getting colder so keep in mind to find indoor activities as well as outdoor.
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    Morachia reacted to NovaLuna in How do you Cope?   
    Reading is how I cope. I enjoy it and it takes my mind off of any stress I'm feeling.
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    Morachia reacted to Ostflicka in How do you Cope?   
    Walk in nature for stress, especially by a beach or Water (lake/river), you can try mediation, not sure when you had surgery but yoga 🧘‍♀️
    Do fun things not involving food - paint rocks, watch a movie, put a puzzle together, listen to music and dance, ride bike.
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    Morachia reacted to AZhiker in How do you Cope?   
    Exercise. Taking a walk is so therapeutic on so many levels.
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    Morachia reacted to BypaSSSed in Thankful for this community   
    How exciting! You can totally do this, and believe me the 6 months will fly by. Really use this time to learn and master new habits. Set yourself up for success. Good luck!
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    Morachia reacted to WishMeSmaller in Thankful for this community   
    Right back at you! 💕
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    Morachia got a reaction from GreenTealael in Thankful for this community   
    I just scheduled my dietitian appts for the next 6 months. I need to loose 18 lbs before surgery but I know I can do it. This community, youtube videos etc have helped so much. I just gotta take the steps and get things down one thing at a time. I'm emotional because I never thought I'd be able to do this, to get the surgery and start this process. I guess all I want to say is I'm grateful for all of you. For coming here, sharing your stories and being so open and compassionate. I feel stronger because of it. There's going to be good and bad days, but it all will pass and get easier with time. Big love to all of you. 💛
  18. Like
    Morachia got a reaction from Emma1994 in What was/is your greatest fear?   
    You aren't alone. I'm so used to how I look now, I'm worried I won't like what I see. Especially with loose skin and possible Hair loss. But, at the end of the day, my desire to add years to my life outweighs my concern in that way. It's not shallow imo. How we look changes the way a lot of the world reacts to us, which feeds our own insecurities or appreciations.
    I'm actually nervous about how people may treat me differently. I've heard sometimes there can be jealousy, or previous friendships fall apart because you are no longer their "fat friend". Which, I guess in hindsight, is better to know then to not know. I'm sure I'll still be the same dorky me, but lighter. Hopefully most of my friends and family will be supportive.
    I'm excited for you and your journey. I'm right there with you.
  19. Like
    Morachia got a reaction from GreenTealael in Thankful for this community   
    I just scheduled my dietitian appts for the next 6 months. I need to loose 18 lbs before surgery but I know I can do it. This community, youtube videos etc have helped so much. I just gotta take the steps and get things down one thing at a time. I'm emotional because I never thought I'd be able to do this, to get the surgery and start this process. I guess all I want to say is I'm grateful for all of you. For coming here, sharing your stories and being so open and compassionate. I feel stronger because of it. There's going to be good and bad days, but it all will pass and get easier with time. Big love to all of you. 💛
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    Morachia reacted to ChubRub in Thankful for this community   
    Best of luck to you!! You can do this!!!
  21. Like
    Morachia reacted to GreenTealael in Thankful for this community   
  22. Like
    Morachia got a reaction from GreenTealael in Thankful for this community   
    I just scheduled my dietitian appts for the next 6 months. I need to loose 18 lbs before surgery but I know I can do it. This community, youtube videos etc have helped so much. I just gotta take the steps and get things down one thing at a time. I'm emotional because I never thought I'd be able to do this, to get the surgery and start this process. I guess all I want to say is I'm grateful for all of you. For coming here, sharing your stories and being so open and compassionate. I feel stronger because of it. There's going to be good and bad days, but it all will pass and get easier with time. Big love to all of you. 💛
  23. Like
    Morachia got a reaction from GreenTealael in Thankful for this community   
    I just scheduled my dietitian appts for the next 6 months. I need to loose 18 lbs before surgery but I know I can do it. This community, youtube videos etc have helped so much. I just gotta take the steps and get things down one thing at a time. I'm emotional because I never thought I'd be able to do this, to get the surgery and start this process. I guess all I want to say is I'm grateful for all of you. For coming here, sharing your stories and being so open and compassionate. I feel stronger because of it. There's going to be good and bad days, but it all will pass and get easier with time. Big love to all of you. 💛
  24. Like
    Morachia reacted to Luna805 in Bypass countdown   
    30 days until bypass! Official approval letter in hand and now just wait until my day. So excited to start this new lifestyle.
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    Morachia reacted to kalí̱ ygeía in I'm Doing It!   
    Hello! Newbie here!
    I received my insurance approval a week ago. My pre-op appointment is on the 21st and I'm scheduled for surgery on Nov 6th. I have read hours upon hours of people's experience. I have devoured this site and others as well. I want to believe that I'm mentally ready for what's to come, but the reality is that I won't know if I am until I'm fully into the process.
    Thanks to all of your contributions to this site, I have a clear picture of the many possibilities. The gas pain, the incision sites, the stalls, the liquid stage, the emotional roller coasters... the list goes on and on. I'm praying for the best, but preparing myself for anything. All I hope is that I won't regret it. I've read enough to know that there is a regret phase that most go through. I just hope I don't stay there! LOL
    I am 5'5 with a BMI of 34. I tend to fluctuate between 200-210 for the last 7 years and at most have never weighed past 213. I am a Type 2 diabetic. My A1C climbed to 7.4. My body responded well to a low dose of metformin so after 3 months I'm at 6.6. I DO NOT want to travel down the road of medication and I also want to do away with fatty liver. My stomach looks as if I'm 8 months pregnant, because my weight is mainly distributed towards my stomach. I've slowly stopped living life to the fullest. I am holding on to the thought that the gastric sleeve surgery will help me move towards a healthier self.
    I look forward to the support from those who are walking this journey.
    Please share the greatest and most important thing to keep in mind while going through the journey.

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