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Posts posted by mattk53

  1. I had decaffeinated in the hospital the day after surgery. I started having one small (8 ounce) cup of regular coffee in the mornings about two weeks out with a splash of sugar free Creamer and a pack of Splenda. I'm now 7+ months out now and drink two small cups every morning. I also have the Cafe Latte flavor Premier Protein shake for Breakfast most mornings and that also has caffeine in it. I was an crazy coffee drinker before the surgery. Usually 40-60 ounces a day.

    What I was told is Coffee is a diuretic and right after surgery you can get dehydrated easily. I was just very careful to get enough H2O.

  2. 2 minutes ago, billho said:

    That happened to me last week. I am usually very strict about my diet, but last Friday night, I got a bag of tortilla chips and ate way too many over a few hours and felt like crap afterward. I weighed the next morning, expecting to see the number be a few lbs. higher, but lo and behold, I dropped like 3 lbs. Go figure.

    Yes, exactly! Like I said I think I was on a 17 day stall. Crazy!

  3. 23 minutes ago, Jaelzion said:

    That has happened to me. I have no science to back this up but I have a theory. I think the rare indulgence shakes up your metabolism and sometimes will get things moving again when your body has settled into a stall. Obviously it's not something you can do very often or you'll gain weight but it's happened to me to many times to believe it's just coincidence. But I could be totally wrong, LOL. 😁

    Yes, That was exactly my thinking. It just shocked the system into starting back up.

  4. Well here's the story, I've been doing good but my weight loss has stalled for the past couple of weeks. Pretty consistently staying the same. We had to go out of town for a weekend. So friday I was good until dinner then I ate some BBQ ribs, coleshow, mac and cheese and two margaritas at Applebee's. In the hotel the next morning I ate two danishes for Breakfast (basically all sugar and carbs) For lunch we ate at KFC. I had two wings and two biscuits and for dinner that night I eat the 2nd half of my ribs and the other two wings from lunch. Sunday I was afraid to step on the scale, so I didn't and I was good all day Sunday. This morning I got on the scale expecting the worse and WOW! I lost 4.5 pounds! Any Idea what the heck Happened???? Is there a phenomenon I don't know about??? Or Did I just get lucky and dodge a bullet.

  5. On 10/31/2020 at 3:43 PM, EchoVa122 said:

    Good information. I have a chronic health condition that requires 14 pills per day. I need to ask about this ahead of time.


    Yeah I would, I also take a handful everyday and like I mentioned in a earlier post my Dr. was very admit that I crush my pills for the first three months. They even gave me two pill crushers. It was a total drag but I got through it. When I posted on here about it not many people said that was in their instructions. I don't know, I just followed their instructions.

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