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  1. Haha
    Chelsea0604 reacted to AJ Tylo in Hospital bag   
    Head set My phone and Sweat pants and a T shirt = This is not a vacation so the only goal i had was to get out of the Gown - Those things scare me I always wonder who wore it before me and did they make it. Post Op i got back to my room put on My clothes and walked the halls with my Beats and phone Jamming Pandora. Next day got the hell out early and went home. FYI don't forget deodorant like i did and had to use the hospital sticks! Some cheap ass roll white powder stuff, Had better product in Prison.
    Key is comfy sweat pants and big shirt, They make you wear there special socks but i brought crocks to walk the hallway. - -

  2. Like
    Chelsea0604 reacted to Recidivist in Hospital bag   
    I took almost nothing except the clothes on my back, a minimal amount of toiletries and several books. The hospital provided everything else I needed. As it turned out, I was too exhausted to even open the books. I slept almost the entire time I was in the hospital.
  3. Hugs
    Chelsea0604 got a reaction from Sammi_Katt in Hospital bag   
    What did you guys pack or take with you? Anything you wish you would have?!
  4. Like
    Chelsea0604 reacted to Sammi_Katt in Hospital bag   
    I was outpatient, but I was staying in a hotel for a few days afterwards.
    I took my clothes (comfortable and loose, and the softest shirts I had to wear), Water bottles (easier to measure water that way), my handheld video game (I didn't actually use it; was either walking or sleeping), toiletries (toothpaste and toothbrush especially, because your mouth will taste gross and dry afterwards from being intubated), a slightly firm stuffed animal (I needed something to press against my abdomen for if I coughed or sneezed; it's not a fun experience if you do that right after surgery without some support... a pillow could work, too), headphones to listen to music with (just because it's nice to have something besides silence), and comfortable slippers to walk around in.

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    Chelsea0604 reacted to amboyle728 in I’m so nervous!   
    Just had my surgery 10 days ago! I was very excited, but very nervous too--even thought about backing out a couple of times as the day drew near!
    Honestly, the first day after surgery was the worst, not because of pain, but because they kept trying to get me to drink fluids, and I just didn't want to. I had some nausea, but no unbearable pain--it was more like an achy discomfort, like when you have a tummy ache. The doctors were great with intravenous pain medication so if I got too achy they gave me this very cool stuff that made me feel oh, so nice, and put me right to sleep...lol I was sent home the day after my surgery with pain pills, but never needed to take them--a couple of Tylenol did the trick for any residual soreness.
    Really, by day 4 I felt completely normal, as if nothing had been done at all! Just get ready to enjoy a few days of pampering, and a reason to get some extra sleep. Aside from feeling a little groggy from the anesthesia, you will be fine in a day or two and ready to begin your journey to freedom!
  6. Like
    Chelsea0604 got a reaction from 80sbabe in April 1, 2020   
    I do! 04/07!!
  7. Like
    Chelsea0604 reacted to Tiredmimi in I’m so nervous!   
    I had surgery last Thursday. I ended up having repair on what they said was a very large hernia. I was in surgery for 4 hours. I had mine done robotically. I can tell you that one of the 1st things I heard the recovery nurse say was they put a lot of air in you. I guess because the hernia was unexpected and I had some scar tissue. I have almost no abdominal pain, but a lot of pain from the gas which is getting a little better each day. I have and still am taking my pain meds because I just figured I might as well instead if being in pain. However I am reducing my dosage and will probably stop taking as of tomorrow! You will be fine!
  8. Like
    Chelsea0604 reacted to AJ Tylo in I’m so nervous!   
    STOP! Your head is messing with you, all i read was negative concerns, Turn that around and think of all the great things that will come from this. You will be healthy and happy and live longer. DO not let the mind games mess with you, as for veggies i just drink the dang things easier, i do not like them much except for potatoes!
    you got this stay focused and on track and it will be a awesome journey
  9. Like
    Chelsea0604 reacted to 80sbabe in I’m so nervous!   
    Congratulations on your surgery date I’m also having surgery in April my date is April 1st.
  10. Like
    Chelsea0604 got a reaction from Sammi_Katt in I’m so nervous!   
    Thank you so much!!
  11. Like
    Chelsea0604 reacted to catwoman7 in I’m so nervous!   
    people are all across the board with pain, but just based on reading a gazillion postings over the last five years or so, I would say most of us have little to no pain with these surgeries. I never even opened my pain pills once I got home from the hospital. The only thing I had was abs that were pretty sore - it felt like I'd done about 100 crunches. But I only felt it when I was transitioning (like from lying down to sitting). If I was just lying there - or sitting there - or standing there - I had no pain.
  12. Like
    Chelsea0604 reacted to Sammi_Katt in I’m so nervous!   
    Congratulations on your date! Honestly, there was more discomfort than pain. The most pain I had was stomach cramping from gas, but the easiest way to get rid of that is to WALK WALK WALK. You will be uncomfortable, but you gotta. I didn't end up taking any pain meds at all besides what they gave me during surgery, but everyone is different.
    As for veggies, I wasn't either, but your taste buds DO change a little. Things you loved before you won't be able to stand, and you'll start craving more healthy foods. I'm eating more veggies now than I ever did before, and I actually enjoy the tastes of them now.
    However, you're gonna focus on Protein for a while. My surgeon and dietitian has me on a 2:1 ratio. Twice the protein to the veggies, and I have to eat the protein first and then finish filling up on veggies.
    ❤️ Good luck with your surgery! ❤️
  13. Like
    Chelsea0604 got a reaction from Sammi_Katt in I’m so nervous!   
    I have a surgery date for the beginning of April! I’m so excited and completely overwhelmed. I’m expecting some pain or discomfort? Did it hurt? What was your pain level? I’m not a huge veggie person, so I’m nervous about that too. Anything to help ease my mind would be wonderful!
  14. Like
    Chelsea0604 reacted to Bari Babe in Surgery this month, wife threatening divorce   
    I hope you are well. I have been a registered nurse for over 12 years and my Bariatric surgery will be in March. When I was in shape (all of my life except for 5 years ago), I used to think the same thing as your wife. 5 years ago I fell into a depression and gained over 100 pounds. I’ve been trying to get it off ever since. Now, I have high blood pressure, sleep apnea, acid reflux and pre-diabetes. People in my family say I should not do the surgery. They say I can do it on my own. But as I said, I have been trying to lose the weight for 5 years and my health is actively declining. Should I wait until I am fully diabetic so I can meet the approval of my family? No. Obesity is one of the most unhealthy modifiable conditions you can have. Despite how widely accepted it is, it’s worse than smoking, drinking, and quite a few illegal drugs (arguably combined). It damages every organ. Fat puts pressure on your organs, making them secrete hormones that alter your ability think and function properly. I know your wife is concerned about the risks of surgery. But what about living long enough to go to your child’s wedding? What about being able to play with your child in the park? What about setting a healthful example for your child so the cycle does not continue (I come from an obese family so I know how hard it is to break free from bad Family eating habits)? I hope my comment helps.
  15. Like
    Chelsea0604 reacted to AmyNay strong in I’m so nervous!   
    I’m in the same boat with you! Someone told me today that it’s likely your taste with change after surgery. Let’s hope it does

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