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About Tomkat

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  1. I lost my father a week ago. I have been emotionally eating ever since. Fries food, sweets, I make myself sick. I’m 2 months in. Advice on how to stop??
  2. I had the sleeve on 12/9. Lost 23.2 lbs since surgery. 21 on the liquid diet prior to that. So down 44lbs since 11/18/19. I can feel a difference, but can’t see one. And I feel like it’s coming off at a snails pace. But as long as the scale is down, not up, I’ll take it as a win!
  3. Had VSG on 12/9. 30 day out today and down 23 lbs. doesn’t sound so bad when I type it, but it feels like it’s coming off so slow! But feeling better and down a size.
  4. Tomkat

    Post your stats

    5’5 HW: 405 SW:381 Surgery weight: 360 12/9/19 CW: 339 GW:180 Female 35
  5. Tomkat

    7 days post op

    Same. I’m 3 weeks out and get that a lot. Dr said it’s from my sipping too fast. I have to burp ALOT.
  6. Tomkat

    No purée stage?

    @mike2019 week one was clear liquids. Week 2 full liquids. I’m in week 3 now.
  7. So I moved on to part 2 of the diet, but it’s just adding peanut butter, cheese, and eggs. I have no purée stage? Next I go on to add chicken fish and tuna. No fruits or veggies til after 8 weeks I guess. I’m 2.5 weeks in. Starting protein now. This normal?
  8. Tomkat

    Starting my new life

    2 weeks today and I still have that same pain. They said it’ll take weeks to get the gas out.
  9. Tomkat

    I messed up...

    I believe purées
  10. Tomorrow. Is 2 week post op appt and today I had small chicken chunks in my soup. Maybe a total of 3. Did I mess something up? 🤦🏻‍♀️
  11. Tomkat

    9 days post op

    I have. And those soft peppermints. No issues.
  12. Tomkat


    I had coffee as soon as I came home from the hospital. As long as it was sugar free additives, my dr said it was ok.
  13. Tomkat

    Shoulder pain

    @Cheeseburper I spoke with my dr and they think it’s gas pains. We will see over the next few days. I go for a 2 week check up Monday. I also have pain on my right side, abdomen. They said that’s where the surgeon does most of his work and it would be more sore.
  14. Anyone experience shoulder pain after surgery? Left shoulder if that matters. No other issues. 8 days post op. Feels like I slept on it wrong.  Hurts horribly. But this has been since day 3.
  15. Tomkat

    Stomach leaks

    @cathynthesky82 your left shoulder hurt? Mines been killing me like a horrible crick in it from ear to shoulder since day 3 post op. I’m day 8 now. Was that the only symptom?

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